DFS: Go down a single path first before moving on to the next path. Usually left, bottom, right, top.
BFS: Check all adjacent paths before moving to the next.
Linked List is fast to insert but slow for knowing length and accessing.
Interface VS Abstract Class
Study Sheet: -
Namespace: You use namespaces to be able to use the same class name and also to organize code.
Using: ensures the correct use of Idisposable objects and is also used to import namespaces.
Delegates: Action is a delegate. Delegates are used to define the signature of a method.
Finalize / Destructor: Used to release unmanged code.
.Net vs C#: .Net is a framework and gives you collections and the ability to run the program. C# is the
just the syntax and coding language.
IL VS JIT: IL is intermidiate lanugage and when you compile C# it is converted to IL. JiT is Just in Time
compilation is when you run your program it convertes IL code to machine code. IL is useful because yo
don’t know what machine the code will run on and JIT will optimize for the machine.
CLR: Invokes JIT to convert IL code to machine code and also handles garbage collection.
Commmon Type System: Ensures all lanugages I .net get compiled to the same datatypes. (int_32)
Events: Are wrappers around a delegate.
Negative Number Binary: Take a number convert it to binary then takes the 1s complement. Add one
to get 2s complement. We use 2s complement because it can be add and subtracted without doing
anything special.
Record Class: Allows you to create a class in one line that has equality, hash, tostring all impelented.
Why do yo want to work for …?
- I’m almost always able to come back to my old code and understand it without issue. This is due
to how I write. I try to make methods as small as possible and classes as small as possible. This
makes it so that methods and class names are extremely descriptive about what they are
- The downside is that if I have to look at code that I didn’t write it takes me longer to fix a bug.
Especially if it’s a project id never seen before.
- They would recommend me highly. I was very friendly with my manager; I went to Colombia
with one of them.
- I’ve been playing video games since I was a little kid. There is very few genres of games that I
haven’t played once.
- I will still be a Tools Programmer. I really love what I do. I love helping artist make amazing
things. The company I'll be at depends mostly on how the work life balance is at that job. Im not
really someone that jumps ship just to jump ship.
- Yes
Why do yo want to work for …?
Convert to Hexidecimal.
SQL vs No-Sql
Sql uses a b-tree which is O(logn) for insert, delete, search.
No-Sql means you can do a search in O(1)
No-Sql allows for horizontal scaling to different machines. You sacrifice consistency for
no-sql. Documents/JSON are just objects and those can be on different servers without
an issue. You are basically not abiding by ACID rules.
No-Sql should not be used for important information. It should be used for social media,
games, etc.
WHY DOESN’T NO-SQL COMPLY WITH ACID. Its eventual consistency but what does
that mean?
Convert to Hexidecimal.
Cool features
Improved tuple
Switch return function