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Pranic Complementary Therapy

Efficacy to Improve Severe

Insomnia and Enhance Sleep
by Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami

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Pranic Complementary Therapy Efficacy to Improve Severe
Insomnia and Enhance Sleep Quality

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International Journal of Research and Review
Vol. 10; Issue: 4; April 2023
Website: www.ijrrjournal.com
Original Research Article E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Pranic Complementary Therapy Efficacy to

Improve Severe Insomnia and Enhance Sleep
Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami1, Ketut Ayu2, A.A.A.A. Pramaswari1,
Nyoman Kertia3
Neurology Department Medical Faculty Universitas Udayana / Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah General Hospital,
Denpasar, Indonesia
Pranic Healing Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah General Hospital, Denpasar, Indonesia
Internal Medicine Department Medical Faculty, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gajah Mada,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20230401

ABSTRACT HARS score showed a significant improvement

in the intervention group (p<0,001) while in
Background: Pranic therapy is one of the most control group were significantly increased
commonly recognized types of biofield and HDRS and HARS scores (p< 0.05).
complementary therapy. Healing occurs due to Conclusion: The pranic complementary therapy
the transfer of energy from a higher energy can improve severe insomnia, enhance sleep
healer to a lower energy patient. This study aims quality, and recover depression and anxiety.
to confirm the efficacy of pranic therapy for
severe insomnia improvement and sleep quality Keywords: Complementary therapy, pranic,
enhancement. chronic insomnia, severe insomnia, sleep quality
Results: This research was a clinical trial study
with a pre-/post-test randomized controlled INTRODUCTION
design. All subjects with chronic insomnia Sleep is an important part of each
performed standard therapy, hence sleep individual's daily routine. Sleep is a
hygiene and control stimulus. Subjects were
naturally recurring state of mind and body,
divided into two groups; the intervention group
who received pranic therapy and the control
characterized by decreased reactivity to
group only received standard therapy. Sleep external stimuli, inhibition of nearly all
quality variable, depression and anxiety were voluntary muscles, typical body posture and
evaluated by the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), specific electrical brain activity.[1] A person
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), in a sleeping state can be awakened by the
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and provision of sensory stimuli as well as other
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). Eighty stimuli. Sleep provides a feeling of calming
subjects were included in this study. The mean and restoring the body after a long day of
age of the intervention group was 45,15 years work and is mostly driven by the internal
old, while the control group was 40,5 years old. clock that takes cues from the external
Most of the subjects in both of groups were
environment such as temperature, sunlight,
female. The results showed any significant
difference in ISI and PSQI mean scores between
and others.[2,3]
pre and post pranic therapy with a significant Insomnia is one of the most common sleep
value of 0,000 (p<0,001). The PSQI mean disorders, where the incidence rate of
scores were decreased in the control group with persistent insomnia ranges from 10-15% of
no significant value (p=0,460). HDRS and the general population and transient

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Volume 10; Issue: 4; April 2023
Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami et.al Pranic complementary therapy efficacy to improve severe insomnia and
enhance sleep quality

insomnia occurs in 25-35% of the distributes it to the physique body. The

population.[4] Most people with insomnia body’s energy not only affects the physique
feel difficult to fall or stay asleep, and/or body, but it will impact psychological and
wake up earlier. Insomnia usually causes emotional conditions, then pranic therapy
daytime sleepiness, lethargy, irritability, and can help self-cleaning in body, mind, and
unhealthy feelings both mentally and soul.[6,7]
physically. Based on International The process of therapy with pranic energy
Classification of Sleep Disorders/ ICSD-3, treatment is done without physical touch,
insomnia is characterized by a persistent but by transferring energy from the healer to
difficulty with sleep initiation, duration, or the patient, with one hand absorbing pranic
quality that occurs despite adequate energy or healing light and surroundings
opportunity and circumstances for sleep, through the receiving hand with the palm
and results in some form of daytime facing up. The other hand transfers pranic
impairment.[5] Sleep disorders can impair energy to the patient through the projecting
school and work performance, and hand. The healer's armpit should be slightly
contribute to obesity, anxiety, depression, open while energizing to facilitate the flow
irritability, concentration problems, memory of pranic energy from the healing hand
problems, poor immune system function, chakra to the other hand chakra. Healers
and reduced reaction time. Insomnia is also should wave their hands regularly during
associated with an increased risk of sweeping and energizing to reduce the
developing chronic diseases. Insomnia can possibility of contamination with diseased
be overcome in different ways. energy.8 Pranic therapy can be done using
Interventions of using sedatives are widely hands alone or using healing crystal aids.
practiced. However, long-term use has The tools that need to be prepared in pranic
inferiority including sedative side effects healing are a waste disposal unit, consisting
and drug dependence. Over the past two of one liter of water in a bucket plus table
decades, non-pharmacological salt. Water dissolves diseased energy, while
complementary therapies have been salt destroys it. The use of this disposal unit
growing to help patients' recovery. These is very important to prevent contamination
complementary therapies (yoga, exercise, or transmission to other people and to the
mindfulness meditation, acupuncture, and healer, caused by the diseased energy of the
chanting mantras) are some of the patient. After sweeping and energizing the
interventions to overcome insomnia.[3,6] patient, it is necessary to wash hands with
Another therapy, namely Prana energy, is a alcohol or salt water to remove diseased
complementary therapy that continues to energy.[8,9]
develop. Pranic therapy is synthesized from Interventional studies, that used pranic
an ancient esoteric healing method that has therapy in chronic musculoskeletal pain,
been rediscovered, researched, and tested showed that there is a significant reduction
for decades with proven accomplishment by of pain and sympathetic activity in the
the founder of modern pranic therapy, pranic therapy group.[10,11] In addition to
Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. The pranic therapy for a patient with a physical
confidence in pranic therapy is based on the symptom, it also was conducted as an
practice of manipulating a person's energy adjunctive treatment for a patient with non-
field and treating the body's energy that physical symptoms, such as depression.[12]
affects the physical body. People’s lifestyles Moreover, several studies suggested pranic
often directly affect the body’s energy, therapy as the choice of treatment for non-
stress and anxiety will overload the nervous life-threatening insomnia. The pranic
system, and destructive lifestyle habits therapy that converts and activates base
create intoxication of the body and mind. chakra and solar plexus chakra in two
The bioplasmic body collects energy and patients with insomnia showed nocturnal

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Volume 10; Issue: 4; April 2023
Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami et.al Pranic complementary therapy efficacy to improve severe insomnia and
enhance sleep quality

improvement in sleep and sleep quality. behavioral therapy in intervention group,

[6,7,13] Pranic therapy provides a calming while the rest were as control (cognitive
effect and sense of peace that help the behavioral therapy only). All patients in
patient to sleep well. Sleep plays roles in each group will be interviewed to assess
immune system. Sleep affects various sleep quality using the Insomnia Severity
immune cells thus promote host defense. Index (ISI) sheet and the Pittsburgh Sleep
Besides that, sleep also plays role in tissue Quality Index (PSQI) (pre-intervention),
restoration, gene expression, then will be given education about cognitive
thermoregulation, and also in memory behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I)
consolidation. Disturbances of sleep can modifications that can be applied, including
lead to various disease especially diseases sleep hygiene and stimulus control, carried
associated with inflammation such as out independently for 2 weeks. In the
neurodegeneration, diabetes, and so on.[14] intervention group, pranic therapy was
The purpose of this study is to identify the given by a pranic practitioner doctor for 30
efficacy of pranic therapy in reducing severe minutes, 6 times for 2 weeks, with interval
insomnia and improving the sleep quality of 2-3 days between each session. A doctor
patients with insomnia. who has qualifications as a pranic healer is a
doctor who has attended pranic training and
METHODS has reached a minimum level of
This research is a clinical trial study with a psychotherapist and has practiced pranic
pre-test/post-test randomized controlled therapy every day which at least treated 2
design and total sampling. This study has patients a day. In this study, the doctor as a
conducted in a private doctor’s practice pranic healer has a certificate as a pranic
room that performs pranic therapy in healer and has been practicing for more than
[Blinded For Peer Review] from May to 3 years as a pranic healer. If any patient
October 2021. This research has obtained refuses to continue sleep hygiene and
ethical clearance No:1423/UN14.2.2.VII. stimulus control and pranic therapy during
14/LT/2021 from [Blinded For Peer the study, does not exercise regularly, or
Review] Research Ethics Committee and cannot be contacted, then the patient will be
also has obtained written consent from drop out from the study. ISI and PSQI
patients to participate this study. examinations will be reassessed after 2
The inclusion criteria include fully weeks of intervention administration (post-
conscious patients with Glasgow Coma intervention).
Scale 15, above 18 years of age, has PSQI is an effective assessment instrument
diagnosed with chronic insomnia based on for assessing sleep quality and sleep patterns
International Classification of Sleep in adult individuals. The PSQI consisted of
Disorders, third edition (ICSD-3) with 19 questions to assess the presence of 'good'
insomnia severity index (ISI) above 7 and or 'bad' sleep quality, by assessing 7
agreed to participate in the study by signing components including subjective sleep
the informed consent. The exclusion criteria quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, the
include patients with sleep disorders besides efficiency of sleep habits, sleep
insomnia; the presence of medical, disturbances, sleeping drugs use, and
neurological, severe psychiatric disorders, daytime dysfunction in the last 30 days. The
or drug use that affects sleep, and chronic ISI questionnaire is a short subjective
pain. Patients who meet the inclusion and instrument for measuring the severity of
exclusion criteria were divided into two insomnia symptoms, which consists of
groups. This study used simple seven question items that assess sleep onset,
randomization, which from 80 samples maintaining sleep, waking up early,
collected, 40 subjects were taken randomly impaired daily functioning, suspected
to be given pranic therapy and cognitive damage associated with sleep problems,

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Volume 10; Issue: 4; April 2023
Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami et.al Pranic complementary therapy efficacy to improve severe insomnia and
enhance sleep quality

concerns about sleep problems, and RESULT

satisfaction with sleep patterns. There is The number of subjects who met the
already an Indonesian version of ISI that has eligibility criteria during the study period
been tested for validity and reliability in were 105 people, but 25 people were
Yogyakarta in 2015. [10,11] The data was excluded. No subjects dropped out during
collected, tabulated, and processed using the study. Figure 1. The basic characteristics
SPSS version 21.0 for Windows. The basic of the study subjects are presented in Table
characteristics of this study subjects are 1. The mean age of the pranic therapy group
divided into two groups (case and control). was 45.15 years, while the mean age of the
All data were presented in mean±SD for group without pranic therapy was 40.5
numerical data and frequency (percentage) years. Females dominated the pranic therapy
for categorical data. Normality test was group, namely 27 subjects (67.5%) and 13
conducted by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and subjects (32.5%) men. The ratio of the
Wilcoxon test. If data was normally number of female and male subjects in the
distributed, bivariate analysis was group without pranic therapy was
conducted by t-test. P value <0.05 was comparable to 20 subjects (50%).
indicated statistically significant.
Figure 1. Flowchart of Study Subjects



Total Subjects


Intervention Group No Dropped Out Control Group

40 40

Most of the patients in both groups had Table 1. The basic characteristic of study subjects
With pranic Without pranic
senior high school level of formal therapy n (%) therapy n (%)
education, namely 27 patients (67.5%) in Mean age (years old) 45.15 40.5
the pranic therapy group and 23 patients Male 13 (32.5) 20 (50)
(57.5%) in the control group. There are 5 Female 27 (67.5) 20 (50)
Level of education
groups of jobs, in which traders were Elementary school 0 (0) 3 (7.5)
predominated in the pranic therapy group Junior high school 4 (10) 3 (7.5)
(32.5%) and entrepreneurs were dominated Senior high school 27 (67.5) 23 (57.5)
University 9 (22.5) 11 (27.5)
in the group without pranic therapy (62.5%). Jobs
Unemployment 12 (30) 4 (10)
Farmer 2 (5) 2 (5)
Entrepreneur 10 (25) 25 (62.5)
Government employee 3 (7.5) 2 (5)
Trader 13 (32.5) 7 (17.5)

International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com) 4

Volume 10; Issue: 4; April 2023
Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami et.al Pranic complementary therapy efficacy to improve severe insomnia and
enhance sleep quality

The normality test is conducted to determine intervention group, which was shown with a
whether the data is distributed normally or significance value below 0.05, thus data
abnormally before performing the statistical were processed using the Wilcoxon test,
test. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of while the variables in the control group
normality in this study showed abnormal were normally distributed so that the
data on each variable in the pranic hypothesis test was carried out with a t-test.
Table 2. Wilcoxon Test of pre/post PSQI and ISI score in Intervention Group (pranic therapy)
Pre Post p Pre Post p
Mean±SD 17.37±1.996 4.8±3.220 0.000* 25.63±3.271 2.08±2.615 0.000*
(max-min) (13-21) (2-16) (16-28) (0-6)
Notes : *statistically significant
PSQI : Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
ISI : Insomnia Severity Index

Table 2 have shown that the mean total intervention group before and after therapy
PSQI score in the pranic intervention group also decreased significantly, which indicates
has decreased significantly. This result that there was a significant clinical
suggests that there was a significant improvement in the severe degree of
improvement in sleep quality in the group insomnia in the pranic complementary
that obtained complementary therapy prana. therapy group.
The total score for ISI in the pranic

Table 3. T-test of pre/post PSQI and ISI score in the control group (without pranic therapy)
Pre Post p Pre Post p
Mean±SD 16.27±2.002 16.13±3.220 0.460* 24.4±2.639 25.05±2.708 0.001*
(max-min) 10-20) (2-16) (17-28) (17-28)
Notes : *statistically significant
PSQI : Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
ISI : Insomnia Severity Index

T-test results in Table 3 showed that the was processed using the Wilcoxon test.
mean score of PSQI score before and after There was a decrease in ISI scores to zero in
therapy without pranic therapy is decreased all components in subjects of the pranic
but not significant, which means that there therapy group. In the group without pranic
is an insignificant improvement in sleep therapy, some components did not reach a
quality. In contrast to the mean ISI score score of zero, namely components of
which increased significantly before and waking up early and being satisfied with
after therapy without pranic therapy. current sleep patterns. None of the subjects
Assessment of each component of the ISI in the pranic therapy group complained of
questionnaire can be seen in Table 4. The waking up earlier at the time of the post-
Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test intervention assessment, while there were
showed that data on each variable was still 10 subjects (25%) who complained of
abnormal, which was shown with a waking up earlier in the mild degree in the
significance value below 0.05, so the data group without pranic therapy.

Table 4. Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) score in both groups

With Pranic Therapy Without Pranic Therapy

Pre n (%) Post n (%) p Pre n (%) Post n (%) p
Difficulty falling asleep 2.08 ± 0.69 0 ± 0 0.000* 2.28 ± 0.78 0 ± 0 0.000*
Mean ± SD
None 0 (0) 40 (100) 0 (0) 40 (100)
Mild 8 (20) 0 (0) 6 (15) 0 (0)
Moderate 21 (52.5) 0 (0) 19 (47.5) 0 (0)

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Volume 10; Issue: 4; April 2023
Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami et.al Pranic complementary therapy efficacy to improve severe insomnia and
enhance sleep quality

Severe 11 (27.5) 0 (0) 13 (32.5) 0 (0)

Very severe 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (5) 0 (0)
Difficulty staying asleep 2.9 ± 0.93 0±0 0.000* 2.98 ± 7,68 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD
None 0 (0) 40 (100) 0 (0) 40 (100)
Mild 4 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Moderate 7 (17.5) 0 (0) 12 (30) 0 (0)
Severe 18 (45) 0 (0) 17 (42.5) 0 (0)
Very severe 11 (27.5) 0 (0) 11 (27.5) 0 (0)
Waking up too early 1.55 ± 0.85 0±0 0.000* 1.35 ± 0.66 0.25 ± 0.44 0.000*
Mean ± SD
None 0 (0) 40 (100) 0 (0) 30 (75)
Mild 27 (67.5) 0 (0) 30 (75) 10 (25)
Moderate 4 (10) 0 (0) 6 (15) 0 (0)
Severe 9 (22.5) 0 (0) 4 (10) 0 (0)
Satisfaction with sleep pattern 3.03 ± 0.8 0±0 0.000* 3 ± 0.75 0.32 ± 0.47 0.000*
Mean ± SD
Very satisfied 0 (0) 40 (100) 0 (0) 27 (67,5)
Satisfied 2 (5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 13 (32.5)
Neutral 6 (15) 0 (0) 11 (27.5) 0 (0)
Dissatisfied 21 (52.5) 0 (0) 18 (45) 0 (0)
Very dissatisfied 11 (27.5) 0 (0) 11 (27.5) 0 (0)
Sleep problem impairs activities 2.67 ± 0.92 0±0 0.000* 2.9 ± 0.78 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD
Not impaired 0 (0) 40 (100) 0 (0) 40 (100)
Somewhat impaired 25 (62.5) 0 (0) 14 (35) 0 (0)
Impaired 3 (7.5) 0 (0) 16 (40) 0 (0)
Very impaired 12 (30) 0 (0) 10 (25) 0 (0)
Sleep problem affects quality of life to others 2.73 ± 0.88 0±0 0.000* 3.25 ± 0.67 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD
Not affected 0 (0) 40 (100) 0 (0) 40 (100)
Somewhat affected 22 (55) 0 (0) 5 (12.5) 0 (0)
Affected 7 (17.5) 0 (0) 20 (50) 0 (0)
Very affected 11 (27.5) 0 (0) 15 (37.5) 0 (0)
Worried about current slepp problem 2.78 ± 0.42 0±0 0.000* 2.45 ± 0.50 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD
Not at all worried 0 (0) 40 (100) 0 (0) 40 (100)
Somewhat worried 9 (22.5) 0 (0) 22 (55) 0 (0)
Worried 31 (77.5) 0 (0) 18 (45) 0 (0)
Notes: *statistically significant

On the assessment using the PSQI 1.65 ± 0.48). There were still 13 subjects
questionnaire per component can be seen in (32.5%) in the group without prana who had
Table 5, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov/ Shapiro- not achieved maximum satisfaction in
Wilk normality test showed that data on overall sleep quality, while maximum
each variable was abnormal with a satisfaction was achieved in the group with
significance value below 0.05, thus data was pranic therapy. There is a significant
processed using the Wilcoxon test. The difference between pre and post in each
results of the statistical test per component variable, which is indicated by a
showed a decrease in PSQI scores to zero in significance value of <0.001 in each
almost all components in the subject group component. Except for the variables "feeling
with the administration of pranic therapy. pain" and "how often to take the drug to fall
There were still 23 subjects (57.5%) in the asleep", there was no significant difference
pranic therapy group and 26 subjects (65%) shown with a significance value of 1.00
had not achieved maximum satisfaction in (more than 0.05). There was no significant
being passionate about doing something. decrease in scores and differences in the
The mean decrease in intervention pre-post components of "feeling pain" and "how
scores on this variable was higher in the often to take medications to fall asleep"
group with pranic therapy (2 ± 0 to 1.57 ± because of subjects since pre-intervention
0.5) than the pre-post intervention score in had been given a score of zero.
the group without pranic therapy (2 ± 0 to

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Volume 10; Issue: 4; April 2023
Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami et.al Pranic complementary therapy efficacy to improve severe insomnia and
enhance sleep quality

Table 5. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) score in both groups

With Pranic Therapy Without Pranic Therapy
Pre n (%) Post n (%) p Pre n (%) Post n p
Can not get to sleep within 30 minutes 1.5 ± 1.41 0±0 0.000* 1.88 ± 1.3 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD
Never 18 (45) 40 (100) 12 (30) 40 (100)
Twice a week 6 (15) 0 (0) 9 (22.5) 0 (0)
Three or more times a week 16 (40) 0 (0) 19 (47.5) 0 (0)
Wake up in the middle of the night or early morning 1.38 ± 0±0 0.000* 1.97 ± 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD 1.48 1.16
Never 21 (52.5) 40 (100) 9 (22.5) 40 (100)
Twice a week 2 (5) 0 (0) 14 (35) 0 (0)
Three or more times a week 17 (42.5) 0 (0) 17 (42.5) 0 (0)
Wake up to use the bathroom 2.52 ± 0±0 0.000* 2.5 ± 0.5 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD 0.51
Never 0 (0) 40 (100) 0 (0) 40 (100)
Twice a week 19 (47.5) 0 (0) 20 (50) 0 (0)
Three or more times a week 21 (52.5) 0 (0) 20 (50) 0 (0)
Can not breathe comfortably 0.5 ± 0.51 0±0 0.000* 0.5 ± 0.5 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD
Never 20 (50) 40 (100) 20 (50) 40 (100)
Once a week 20 (50) 0 (0) 20 (50) 0 (0)
Cough or snore loudly 0.58 ± 0.5 0±0 0.000* 0.9 ± 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD 0.672
Never 17 (42.5) 40 (100) 11 (27.5) 40 (100)
Once a week 23 (57.5) 0 (0) 22 (55) 0 (0)
Twice a week 0 (0) 0 (0) 7 (17.5)
Feel too cold 0.95 ± 0±0 0.000* 0.92 ± 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD 0.96 0.86
Never 19 (47.5) 40 (100) 16 (40) 40 (100)
Once a week 4 (10) 0 (0) 11 (27.5) 0 (0)
Twice a week 17 (42.5) 0 (0) 13 (32.5) 0 (0)
Feel to hot 1 ± 0.93 0±0 0.000* 1.03 ± 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD 0.83
Never 17 (42.5) 40 (100) 13 (32.5) 40 (100)
Once a week 6 (15) 0 (0) 13 (32.5) 0 (0)
Twice a week 17 (42.5) 0 (0) 14 (35) 0 (0)
Have bad dreams 0.55 ± 0.5 0±0 0.000* 0.85 ± 0.7 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD
Never 18 (45) 40 (100) 13 (32.5) 40 (100)
Once a week 22 (55) 0 (0) 20 (50) 0 (0)
Twice a week 0 (0) 0 (0) 7 (17.5) 0 (0)
Have pain 0±0 0±0 1.000 0.4 ± 0.54 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD
Never 40 (100) 40 (100) 25 (62.5) 40 (100)
Once a week 0 (0) 0 (0) 14 (35) 0 (0)
Twice a week 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (2.5) 0 (0)
How often have taken medicine to help sleep 0±0 0±0 1.000 0±0 0±0 1,000
Mean ± SD
Never 40 (100) 40 (100) 40 (100) 40 (100)
How often feel sleepy while engaging in social activity 0.5 ± 0.51 0±0 0.000* 0.6 ± 0.49 0±0 0.000*
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD 20 (50) 40 (100) 16 (40) 40 (100)
Mean ± SD 20 (50) 0 (0) 24 (60) 0 (0)
How hard it is to keep up enthusiasm to get things done 2±0 1.57 ± 0.5 0.000* 2 ± 0 1.65 ± 0.000*
Mean ± SD 0.48
No problem 0 (0) 17 (42.5) 0 (0) 14 (35)
Few problem 40 (100) 23 (57.5) 40 (100) 26 (65)
Overall sleep quality 2.5 ± 0.51 0±0 0.000* 2.4 ± 0.49 1.33 ± 0.000*
Mean ± SD 0.47
Very good 0 (0) 40 (100) 0 (0) 27 (67.5)
Good enough 20 (50) 0 (0) 24 (60) 13 (32.5)
Bad enough 20 (50) 0 (0) 16 (40) 0 (0)
Notes: *statistically significant

The psychological condition of the study subjects of both groups before and after the
intervention can be seen in Table 6.

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Volume 10; Issue: 4; April 2023
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enhance sleep quality

Table 6. Statistical test of the psychological condition of the Pranic Intervention group
Pre Post p Pre Post p
37.32±9.794 1.68±1.309 0.000* 42.17±8.406 1.45±1.839 0.000*
(13-50) (0-4) (17-54) (0-4)
Notes : *statistically significant
HDRS : Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
HARS : Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale

Table 7. Statistic test of the psychological condition of the control group

Pre Post p Pre Post p
30.58±7.527 30.8±7.244 0.000* 40.8±5.841 41.32±6.019 0.020*
(17-51) (16-52) (26-48) (26-48)
Notes : *statistically significant
HDRS : Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
HARS : Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale

According to Table 6, it can be seen that the management. Pharmacological interventions

depression score (HDRS) has decreased or using drugs are widely carried out,
significantly with a p< value of 0.001, as however, the long-term use has its
well as for the anxiety score (HARS) in the drawbacks because it can cause sedative
pranic intervention group, which has side effects and drug dependence.[6,16]
decreased significantly with a p-value of Nonpharmacological management includes
0.001. In contrast to the intervention group, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT),
in the control group, depression scores acupuncture complementary therapy, light
(HDRS) and HARS were obtained which therapy, and others. CBT is an initial
experienced a slight increase with a therapy in cases of chronic insomnia. CBT-I
significant p-value. can improve ISI scores, sleep onset latency,
wakefulness time after sleep onset, and
DISCUSSION sleep quality. Some components of CBT
Insomnia is one of the most common sleep include sleep hygiene, sleep restrictions,
disorders that affect millions of people stimulus control, cognitive therapy, and
around the world. People with insomnia relaxation therapy.[3] Over the past two
generally feel difficult to fall or stay asleep. decades, interest has increased in
Insomnia will have an impact on causing developing non-pharmacological
daytime sleepiness, lethargy, irritability, and complementary therapies, including yoga,
unhealthy feelings both mentally and exercise, mindfulness meditation,
physically. Sleep disorders can interfere acupuncture, and Mantram therapy are some
with work productivity and achievement at of the interventions to treat insomnia.[17-20]
school, as well as contribute to the incidence Prana is life energy that maintains the life
of obesity, anxiety, depression, emotional, and health of the body. Prana that survives
impaired concentration, impaired memory, in a plasma state can be seen with the naked
and poor functioning of the immune system. eye and felt by anyone with guidance and
Insomnia is also often associated with a practice. Pranic therapy itself is an ancient
higher risk of developing chronic diseases. healing method and has been used as a
[6,15] complementary therapy today, where
Some of the steps for managing insomnia healing or treatment is carried out without
cases include finding and optimizing the physical touch. By giving prana to the
possibility of medical, psychiatric, and energy body, it can help treat diseases in the
environmental diseases as a cause of physical body because the physical and
insomnia; considering the possibility of energy body are interconnected. Prana on
using drugs that can raise insomnia; the body works on a more subtle level,
nonpharmacological, and pharmacological affecting and being influenced by the mind

International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com) 8

Volume 10; Issue: 4; April 2023
Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami et.al Pranic complementary therapy efficacy to improve severe insomnia and
enhance sleep quality

and consciousness.[8,9] A serial case report by Lama in 2020 in

This study was conducted on patients with Nepal also showed the effectiveness of
insomnia in [Blinded For Peer Review], pranic therapy in patients with insomnia.
where pranic therapy was given as an Two patients who had insomnia for more
additional therapy in addition to CBT than one month and experienced stress,
therapy which was modified as insomnia fatigue, irritation, and inefficiency, had been
management. Significant differences were having improvements in sleep and nocturnal
obtained statistically in pre and post- sleep after administration of pranic therapy
intervention through assessment of ISI and by over-activation of the base chakra and
PSQI, which indicated that pranic therapy is solar chakra.[7] Another study conducted by
effective in improving sleep quality and Amritha and Shalini in 2020, using a pre-
severe insomnia. Pranic therapy will post test randomized experimental control in
improve the circulation of prana in the body 32 female subjects, showed a significant
by facilitating the flow of energy and PSQI scores improvement in patients who
transferring energy from the healer to the received pranic therapy interventions.[13] A
patient. Front and back solar plexus, the significant improvement in sleep quality
basic chakra is thoroughly cleaned, as well among inmates was also seen after the
as normalizing the energy of the front and administration of pranic therapy. By
back heart chakras will cause sleepiness. normalizing energy in the basic chakra and
This may have led to an improvement of solar plexus chakra, it was observed that the
overall sleep quality in the study subjects as prisoner can sleep better.[21] This study’s
well as an improvement of severe insomnia results further corroborate the results of
in the pranic group than in the control. In previous studies, where pranic therapy can
the group without pranic therapy, there was be one of the effective complementary
a very mild improvement in the mean PSQI therapies in the management of insomnia.
score but this was not significant, while the
ISI score increased. Increased mean ISI CONCLUSION
score in the non-pranic group can be caused Pranic therapy is a complementary therapy
by various factors, both physical, medical, that is more effective in reducing the
and psychological. This can also be severity of insomnia and improving the
attributed to the results of the analysis of sleep quality of patients with insomnia than
depression and anxiety scores in the group without pranic therapy. Pranic therapy is
without prana (control) which experienced a also significantly effective in improving
significant increase which means a psychological conditions, such as
worsening psychological state. It can also be depression and anxiety in patients with
related to longer insomnia. Moreover, insomnia. Improving sleep quality is
lifestyle directly impacts the energy body. beneficial in improving immune system and
Stress and anxiety overload the nervous the overall quality of life, increasing
system, and destructive lifestyle habits can productivity, and the ability to maintain and
create intoxication in the body and mind. restoring one's health.
The bioplasmic body collects energy and
distributes it to the physical body. If there is Declaration by Authors
congestion or stress in the energy body, the Ethical Approval: This research has
delivery process is inhibited and diseases obtained ethical clearance from Udayana
appear. The energy body not only affects the University Faculty of Medicine/Prof. Dr.
physical body but also affects the I.G.N.G. Ngoerah General Hospital
psychological and emotional state. Doing Research Ethics Committee and also has
prana healing can help to cleanse oneself, obtained written consent from patients to
body, mind, and spirit.[6,7] participate this study.
Acknowledgement: None

International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com) 9

Volume 10; Issue: 4; April 2023
Desak Ketut Indrasari Utami et.al Pranic complementary therapy efficacy to improve severe insomnia and
enhance sleep quality

Source of Funding: None controlled trial. Australas Psychiatry. 2018

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no Feb 24;26(1):82–7
conflict of interest. 13. Amritha KS, Shalini A. Effectiveness of
Pranic Healing on enhancing the Quality of
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