617884575 Ews Certificate
617884575 Ews Certificate
617884575 Ews Certificate
Government of Maharashtra
(This certificate has been issued on the basis of following proof/evidences/documents)
1. UID
2. School Leaving Certificate
3. vaccination certificate
4. swaghoshna
5. income certificate
6. Residence Proof by Bill Collector
7. father tc
8. grandfather servies book 1st pages copy
This is to certify that, Kumar Rushikesh Deepak Karale is Son of Mr. Deepak
Piraji Karale is resident of Gangapur, Village Gangapur Taluka Gangapur District
Aurangabad And He belongs to MARATHA caste/sub caste / class which is not included in
the cadres mentioned in the Maharashtra State Public services, (Schedule Caste, Schedule
Tribes, Denotified Tribes ( Vimukta Jati), Nomadic Tribes, Special Backward category and Other
Backward Classes) Act, 2001 ( Maharashtra Act No 8 of 2004 )
As per norms prescribed Vide Government of Maharashtra, General Administration
Department, and Government Resolution No. राआधो ४०१९/प.क.३१/१६अ , dated 12 February, 2019.
His/ Her gross family annual income from all source is Rs. 700000.00/ which is less than
Rs.8,00,000/. Therefore it is certified that he/ she is within category of Economically Weaker
Digitally Signed by
Avinash Sudhakar Ankush
Date:2022-05-30 4:58:16 PM
Printed By OMTID :MH061300846 VLE Name :Nivrutti Vitthal Satpute, Date:30/05/2022 3:37PM