a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Concerning the throttling loss under part load conditions, it is feasible to further improve the engine ther-
Received 17 November 2015 mal efficiency through operating the engine under the unthrottled condition and controlling its load by
Accepted 31 January 2016 changing the excess air ratio. However, the narrow flammability of ethanol may lead the ethanol engine
Available online 16 February 2016
to encounter high cyclic variations under unthrottled and lean conditions. The addition of hydrogen is
potentially helpful for solving this problem. In this test, the engine was run under an speed of
Keywords: 1400 rpm and unthrottled conditions. The hydrogen volume fractions in the intake were respectively
kept at 0% and 3%. For a given hydrogen blending level, the ethanol flow rate was reduced to enable
the engine to run under lean conditions. The results showed that the engine efficiency was improved with
Emissions the blending of hydrogen. The highest thermal efficiency was improved by 6.07% after blending 3% hydro-
Unthrottled gen to the intake air. The addition of hydrogen could increase the engine torque output at lean conditions.
Both cooling and exhaust losses were decreased after the hydrogen enrichment while adopting the lean
combustion strategy. The hydrogen addition contributed to the extended lean burn limit and decreased
cyclic variation under lean conditions. HC and CO emissions were decreased whereas NOx emissions
were increased after the blending of hydrogen.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0196-8904/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Zhang et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 114 (2016) 68–74 69
Bmep brake mean effective pressure (bar) Tevo average cylinder temperature at the exhaust valve
CA crank angle opening (K)
CA0–10 crank angle duration from spark discharge to 10% heat HC hydrocarbon
release of the total fuel (°CA) CO carbon monoxide
CA10–90 crank angle duration from 10% to 90% heat release of the NOx nitrogen oxides
total fuel (°CA) k global excess air ratio of the hydrogen–gasoline–air
CoVimep coefficient of variation in indicated mean effective pres- mixture
sure (%) aH2 hydrogen volume fraction in the intake (%)
HECU hybrid electronic control unit
Qw cooling loss (J/cycle)
demonstrated that the addition of hydrogen helped increase H, O the combustion process, reducing the pumping loss of spark-
and OH radicals during the combustion, which were effective on ignition engine at the part load condition is another challenge for
enhancing the flame stability and burning velocity of fuel–air mix- improving the engine fuel economy. In recent years, decreasing
tures. They also concluded that, by elevating the laminar flame the engine pumping loss at part load conditions has gained many
speed, the engine cyclic variation could be eased since the flame attentions. One feasible way for decreasing pumping work is to
was less affected by the turbulent flow. These results verify the fact keep the engine to run under the unthrottled condition. At the
that the basic combustion characteristics of ethanol and hydrocar- unthrottled condition, the engine load could be control by adjust-
bon fuels could be enhanced through the hydrogen enrichment. ing the valve lift and timing [31,32]. However, this method may
Therefore, both pure hydrogen and hydrogen-blended engines result in the increased throttling loss at the intake valve. Another
could gain better performance than the conventional fuel engines. way for realizing the unthrottled operation of spark-ignition engi-
Yang et al. [17–19] conducted detailed experimental and numeri- nes is to control the exhaust gas recirculation ratio and mixture’s
cal investigations on the pure hydrogen engines. He concluded excess air ratio. Schafer [33] tried to run a hydrogen-blended
from test results that the hydrogen engine could gain higher ther- methanol engine at the unthrottled condition. The test results con-
mal efficiency than the conventional engine. By properly design the firmed the fact that the engine gained better efficiency and shorter
operating strategy, the abnormal combustion could be eased. combustion duration by the hydrogen addition. Vancoillie et al.
Saravanan et al. [20,21] investigated the effect of hydrogen addition [31] compared the hydrogen-enriched methanol engine perfor-
on the performance and combustion of diesel engines. The results mance under the unthrottled condition with two load control
showed that the engine peak pressure and thermal efficiency were strategies of lean combustion and exhaust recirculation. The
improved by hydrogen addition. Smoke emissions were reduced results demonstrated that both lean combustion and exhaust gas
after the hydrogen blending, but the addition of hydrogen resulted recirculation (EGR) could realize the load control for the
in raised NOx emissions due to the enhanced combustion temper- hydrogen-blended methanol engine under the unthrottled condi-
ature. To solve this problem, he further investigated the adoption tion. The EGR strategy gained more advantage at low load because
of exhaust gas recirculation on controlling NOx from the of the heating effect. However, the adoption of EGR could result in
hydrogen-enriched diesel engines. The results indicated that NOx the decreased flame propagation speed, which may block the fully
from hydrogen-enriched diesel engines could be controlled by combustion of fuel–air mixtures.
properly adopting exhaust gas recirculation. Park et al. [22,23] Therefore, running an engine at the unthrottled condition and
found that the hydrogen blending was effective on improving effi- controlling its load by adjusting the excess air ratio is more suitable
ciency for the engines fueled by natural gas. The hydrogen blend- for reducing the pumping loss and improving the engine efficiency.
ing was able to reduce carbon-related emissions due to the However, compared with the throttle controlled part load condi-
increased H/C ratio. To control NOx emissions caused by the raised tions, the strong turbulent flow at unthrottled condition may easily
cylinder temperature, they proposed a late ignition strategy. Fur- cause the increased cyclic variation and even partial combustion or
thermore, they also explored the influence of hydrogen- misfire for the lean fuel–air mixtures, particularly for fuels which
contained reformed gas addition on the combustion of ethanol have the narrow flammability and low burning velocity. Moreover,
engines. Their results demonstrated that hydrogen blending stim- the high latent heat of ethanol also puts barriers for running the
ulated the engine efficiency and reduced the engine cyclic varia- engine under the unthrottled and lean conditions. As the hydrogen
tion. Yousufuddin et al. [24] investigated the performance of has a wide flammability, low ignition energy and high flame prop-
hydrogen-enriched ethanol engine under different compression agation speed, the addition of hydrogen seems to be capable of
ratios and spark timings. He concluded from the experiment that improving the combustion stability of ethanol engine under
the engine brake specific fuel consumption could be reduced by unthrottled and lean conditions. However, at present, there are lim-
increasing the compression ratio. Ji et al. [25–27] developed a coor- ited published papers which have investigated the effect of hydro-
dinative control strategy for the hydrogen-enriched gasoline gen addition on the combustion and emissions characteristics of
engines. Results from the vehicle test done in chassis dynamome- ethanol engines under unthrottled and lean conditions. Therefore,
ter indicated that HC and CO were respectively decreased by over in this paper, the performance of a hydrogen-enriched ethanol
60% under the regulated testing cycles of passenger cars. Akansu engine is investigated under lean and unthrottled conditions. The
et al. [28–30] ran a natural gas engine blended with hydrogen result of this article is potentially referenced for developing new
under the wide open throttle condition. His investigation control strategies of the hydrogen-enriched ethanol engines.
confirmed the fact that the hydrogen blending was capable of
reducing CO and HC exhausted by natural gas engines under the 2. Experimental setup and procedure
wide open throttle and lean conditions.
All in all, the ability of hydrogen addition on improving the The experiment was conducted on a 1.6 L spark-ignition engine.
engine performance has been widely proved. Except for improving Before the experiment, to enable the hydrogen and ethanol to be
70 B. Zhang et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 114 (2016) 68–74
injected and mixed together at the runners of each cylinder, four 3. Results and discussion
hydrogen injectors connected with a hydrogen rail were mounted
on the engine. During the experiment, the hydrogen injection pres- 3.1. Brake mean effective pressure and brake thermal efficiency
sure was kept at 3 bar. The hydrogen used in this test has a purity
of 99.999%. A hybrid electronic control unit was developed to con- Fig. 2 shows the variations of Bmep with k for engine running at
trol injection pulses of hydrogen and ethanol, as well as the spark the unthrottled condition. It is seen from Fig. 2 that, since the mix-
timing. tures’ energy is decreased with the increase of excess air ratio, rais-
Fig. 1 gives the schematic diagram of experimental system. The ing k causes the dropped Bmep for both 0% and 3% hydrogen-
engine speed is controlled by an eddy current dynamometer which enriched ethanol engines. The decreased Bmep indicates that the
was made by Power Link, the maximum measurement errors in the engine torque could be controlled in a range through adjusting
engine speed and torque are ±1 rpm and ±0.28 N m, respectively. the excess air ratio. This provides a good potential of running the
Two thermal mass flow meters are applied to measure the hydro- engine under the unthrottled condition and controlling its load
gen and air flow rates. The maximum deviations are ±0.02 L/min by changing k. Then, by applying this strategy, it is reasonable that
for hydrogen and ±0.1 L/min for air. The ethanol flow rate is mea- the engine could spend less work on pumping than controlling the
sured with a maximum deviation of ±0.33 g/min. A Kistler optical load through adjusting the opening of throttle.
encoder typed 2613B, a piezoelectric pressure sensor typed Kistler Fig. 2 also demonstrates that Bmep is reduced after the hydro-
6117 and a combustion analyzer typed Dewetron 800 are used to gen enrichment when k < 1.16. Comparatively, at the conditions of
accomplish the heat release analysis. During the experiment, the k > 1.16, Bmep of the ethanol engine is increased by hydrogen
resolution of crank angle measurement is set to be 0.2 °CA. The blending. The possible reason is that the hydrogen volume energy
emissions analyzer applied in this study is Horiba MEXA7100 density is very low compared with that of the ethanol. Besides, the
DEGR. This emissions analyzer measures HC, CO and NOx through high stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio of hydrogen also means that
flame ionization detection, nondispersive infrared and chemilumi- the combustion of hydrogen could quickly consume more air than
nescent method, respectively. The sensitivity of HC, CO and NOx ethanol. Therefore, at a specific intake pressure, engine speed and
measurements are 1 ppm. The excess air ratio of the hydrogen–et k, the energy density of hydrogen–ethanol–air mixtures is smaller
hanol–air mixtures is monitored by a Horiba MEXA730 AF than that of the ethanol–air mixtures. Thus, at low excess air ratios,
analyzer. in view of the dropped fuel energy flow rate, the hydrogen blend-
In the experiment, the main throttle was kept at the wide open ing results in the slightly decreased engine Bmep. When the k is
to simulate the engine running at the unthrottled condition. The greater than 1.16, the narrow flammability of ethanol makes the
engine speed was controlled at 1400 rpm. The hydrogen volume combustion of pure ethanol engine become unstable at lean condi-
fractions in the total intake (aH2) gas were respectively kept at tions. Comparatively, since the addition of hydrogen is capable of
0% and 3%. For a given aH2, the mixture’s excess air ratio (k) was improving the engine combustion stability [34], the 3%
adjusted through changing the ethanol injection duration. The lar- hydrogen-blended ethanol–air mixtures could be burnt well under
gest excess air ratios for the 0% and 3% hydrogen-enriched ethanol lean conditions. Thus, Bmep of the ethanol engine reduces more
engine were 1.30 and 1.49, respectively. This is because further quickly than that of the 3% hydrogen-blended ethanol engine.
increasing the excess air ratio by reducing the ethanol injection Fig. 3 gives the variations of engine brake thermal efficiency
would cause the sharp increase in cyclic variation, and the engine (BTE) with k under unthrottled conditions. It is seen from Fig. 3
would become very unstable. For all testing points, spark timings that, the properly increased k helps improve BTE. However, BTE
for the maximum brake torque were applied. could be decreased quickly if the k is too high. This is because
the increased oxygen fraction at lean conditions avails the com-
plete combustion of fuel–air mixtures. Consequently, at properly
lean conditions, BTE of the hydrogen-blended ethanol engine could
be improved. It is also noticed from Fig. 3 that the peak BTE of pure
ethanol engine is found to be 34.6% at a k of 1.12. Comparatively,
the engine highest BTE achieves 36.7% after blending 3% hydrogen
in the intake, which appears at a k of 1.25. Moreover, when excess
energy flow rate is reduced for a specific engine speed and mani-
air ratio exceeds relevant value for the best thermal efficiency, BTE
folds pressure. Since the reduced fuel energy flow rate could easily
of the pure ethanol engine quickly reduces with the increase of k.
lead to the decreased cylinder temperature, the combustion dura-
However, BTE of the 3% hydrogen-enriched ethanol engine shows
tion is reasonably prolonged with the increase of k. Figs. 4a and 4b
only a little reduction when k is changed. The possible reason is
also indicate that the 3% hydrogen-enriched ethanol engine could
that the wide lean flammability limit of hydrogen enables the hy
gain shorter combustion periods than the pure ethanol engine. This
drogen–ethanol–air mixtures to accomplish a more complete com-
is because the good ignitability of hydrogen could help the fast
bustion under lean conditions than pure ethanol. This demon-
ignition of ethanol–air mixtures, and therefore shortens CA0–10
strates that the pure ethanol engine is hard to run at high excess
of the ethanol engine. Besides, the high laminar burning velocity
air ratios with good thermal efficiency. Moreover, the ignitability
of hydrogen also enables the flame of hydrogen–ethanol–air mix-
and flame propagation speed could be improved by the hydrogen
tures to propagate quickly. Thus, the blending of hydrogen could
addition due to its low ignition energy and high laminar burning
shorten CA10–90 of the ethanol engine. Moreover, Figs. 4a and
velocity. These avail decreasing the exhaust loss and help the com-
4b also confirm that hydrogen blending is more effective on reduc-
bustion of hydrogen-blended ethanol engine move closer to the
ing the engine combustion duration at high excess air ratios. This is
top dead center. Therefore, for a given k, it is reasonable that the
because the poor lean burn ability of ethanol is easy to result in
ethanol engine blended with hydrogen could gain higher BTE.
slow burning for the pure ethanol engine under lean conditions.
Comparatively, as the hydrogen could be burnt quickly and
3.2. Combustion analysis completely at very lean conditions, the 3% hydrogen-blended
ethanol–air mixtures could be combusted much quicker than the
Figs. 4a and 4b give the variations of flame development (CA0– pure ethanol–air mixtures under high ks.
10) and propagation (CA10–90) periods with k under unthrottled Fig. 5 shows the cylinder temperature at the exhaust valve
conditions. It is found from Figs. 4a and 4b that the raised k gener- opening (Tevo) against k. In this paper, Tevo is derived from the
ally results in prolonged combustion duration for hydrogen- state equation (PV = mRT) with an ideal gas assumption [35]. As
enriched ethanol engines. The proper explanation for this fact Tevo is related with the enthalpy of exhaust gas, it could be seen
could be ascribed to that the increased k means that the fuel as an indicator for the engine exhaust losses. Fig. 5 verifies that
Fig. 4a. CA0–10 versus k under the unthrottled condition. Fig. 5. Tevo versus k under the unthrottled condition.
72 B. Zhang et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 114 (2016) 68–74
Fig. 6. Qw versus k under the unthrottled condition. Fig. 8. HC versus k under the unthrottled condition.
B. Zhang et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 114 (2016) 68–74 73
Fig. 9. CO versus k under the unthrottled condition. Fig. 10. NOx versus k under the unthrottled condition.
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