Complete the sentences with will/won't and Match the sentences with the uses of will.
the verbs in brackets. Write a, b, c.
1 Your case is very heavy. I__________it for a what someone thinks about the future
you(carry). b an offer to do something
2 Sam________to the party tonight. (come) c a decision
3 Ann_________ coffee. She doesn't like it. (not 1 The summer will be hot this year.
4 Can you repair this clock? OK, I___________ 2 I'm very bored. I'll phone Paul.
it tomorrow. (do).
5 It's very warm outside. I_______ a sweatshirt 3 Don't cry Tom. We will take you to the
today. (not wear) zoo.
Choose the true answer for you. 4 My younger sister will probably study in
1 Will you go to the park tomorrow? Spain.
Yes, I will. No, I won't. 5 I'll have the red dress, please.
2 Will it be cold tomorrow?
Yes, it will. No, it won't. 6 Are you hot? I'll open the window.
3 Will you visit your friend this weekend? 7 I will travel to different countries.
Yes, I will. No, I won't.
4 Will you be twelve next year? 8 We'll help you to do your homework.
Yes, I will. No, I won't. 9 I will live in my home town.
5 Will you call your friend tomorrow?
Yes, I will. No, I won't. 10 I'm thirsty. Oh. I'll bring you a glass of
Make the following sentences negative. Rewrite the text in the Future
1 The weather is changing. It will be warm Simple tense.
2 Sam will be in the office today._____________ The long, hot days of summer end. There isn't
3 I think John Brown will be glad to meet us this much sunshine during the day and the nights are
weekend.______________________________ not warm. The days grow shorter and the air
4 Dinner will be ready at six o'clock becomes cooler.
tonight.___________________________________ The flowers don't bloom and the leaves cannot
5 There will be some new students in the make enough chlorophyll to keep them green. Then
class._____________________________________ the other colours in the leaves begin to show. Leaves
Change the sentences into questions. become yellow, orange, red and purple and later
1 Kate will be at home this evening. they drop from the trees.
Who________________________________? The season of autumn comes. It lasts for three
2 I'm sure you'll enjoy the film. months.
What_______________________________? But people don't stay at home. At weekends they
3 We will need your help with that work often go for walks in the parks. Children like to stay
tomorrow. When_______________________? outdoors and play football and other games. They
4 He will go to the theatre with his know that winter is on its way, so they
parents. Where _______________? don't want to miss this wonderful time of
the year – Autumn.