II. Products/Services
16. Details of business activities (accounting for 90% of the turnover):
S. No. Description of Main Description of Business Activity % Of Turnover
Activity of the entity
1. Biscuits and Bakery The Company manufactures and sells biscuit and bakery products 100%
Products across 16 Depots, 400+ Super Stockist, 5000+ CPOs, 1195+
Distributers, 550k+ Retail outlets and exports to 70 countries in the
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
17. Products/Services sold by the entity (accounting for 90% of the turnover):
S. No. Product/Services NIC Code % Of total turnover contributed
1. Biscuit and Bakery Products 1071 100%
III. Operations
18. No. of locations where plants and/or operations/offices of the entity are situated:
The company’s operations are spread across the country including plants and corporate offices.
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
b. What is the contribution of exports as a percentage of the total turnover of the entity?
In the year 2023-24, 31% of the total turnover is the contribution of exports for the company.
Mrs. Bectors Foods’ biscuit and bakery products are served to various institutions, canteen store departments,
Modern Trade, QSR chains, food franchises and large and small distributors across the globe.
IV. Employees
20. Details as at the end of Financial Year:
a. Employees and workers (including differently abled):
* Key Management Personnel includes 4 executive directors who are counted under BODs
II. If yes Turnover and Net worth of the Companies on which it is applicable:
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
FY 2024 FY 2023
Mechanism in Place
Stakeholder (Yes/No)
group from
whom No. of No. of
complaint is (If yes, then No. of complaints No. of complaints
received provide web-link complaints pending complaints pending
Remarks Remarks
for grievance filed during resolution at filed during resolution at
redress policy) the year close of the the year close of the
year year
Customers Yes 769 0 All the 648 0 All the
MBFSL has process complaints complaints
in place to receive were resolved
and address
were during the year
complaint pertaining resolved
to product quality during the
and other concerns year
through email and
customer care phone
This grievance
addressal is through
official company
website and retail
pack labels for all the
Value Chain Partners Yes 0 - - 0 - -
Value chain partners
such as suppliers
are encouraged
to bring to notice
any complaints
or issues with the
concerned MBFSL
through company’s
website or through
the helpline number
at any time during
the contract as well
post the contract
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
S. No. Material issue Is it risk or Rationale for identifying the risk / In case of risk, Financial implications of the
identified opportunity opportunity approach to adapt or risk or opportunity (Indicate
(R/O) mitigate positive or negative
1. Food Safety Risk and Risk: As a food product company, MBFSL Implementing food Negative:
and Quality for opportunity must uphold stringent standards of food safety and quality Breach of any safety standard
consumers quality and safety. Failure to meet these management systems would hamper the company’s
standards could pose health risks to along with conducting reputation and finances
consumers, resulting in dissatisfaction, regular audits for food Positive:
complaints, and potential legal actions safety and quality Proper compliance of
against the company. assurance across all regulations would enable us to
Opportunity: manufacturing units. grow our business
Securing internationally recognized
certifications for food quality and safety
would enhance our brand reputation and
position MBFSL as a preferred choice
among customers.
2. Waste Risk and Risk: Adopt measures to Positive:
management Opportunity Rapidly changing regulations around EPR collect waste and Innovative waste-
in India and non-compliance risk of such segregate it by waste reduction solutions and the
regulations type. Ensure that implementation of the 3R
Opportunity: all types of waste is waste-management philosophy
Embracing more efficient resource diverted from landfill (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle)
utilization to curtail waste generation by recycling or reusing may result in resource
could pave the way for realizing a circular the waste optimization and cost savings.
economy. Negative:
Any mismanagement of
hazardous trash may endanger
people's health or result in
noncompliance. The outcome
may have a negative financial
3. Corporate Opportunity Strong and efficient senior management Establishment of a Positive:
Governance would enable us to achieve our goals committee which Robust governance practices
promptly and swiftly is responsible will drive our business towards
for overseeing excellence and growth.
initiatives and ensuring
the achievement of
sustainability targets
and goals.
4. Emissions and Risk and Risk: Transitioning to Positive:
Energy Opportunity MBFSL primarily relies on grid power, solar energy, electric Green energy technology
diesel, and gas to meet its energy vehicles and other investments are growing
demand, all of which contribute to adoption of energy due to environmental and
significant greenhouse gas (GHG) efficiency measures sustainability concerns, offering
emissions. With tightening regulations across the operations cost-effective and long-term
and national emission reduction targets, solutions.
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
S. No. Material issue Is it risk or Rationale for identifying the risk / In case of risk, Financial implications of the
identified opportunity opportunity approach to adapt or risk or opportunity (Indicate
(R/O) mitigate positive or negative
6. Sustainable Risk and Risk: Boost the utilization of
Agriculture & Opportunity The absence of ethical and sustainable sustainable ingredients
Sourcing ingredients may disrupt operations. through investment
Additionally, fluctuations in the price and in research and
availability of raw materials pose a risk to development. Launch
the company. initiatives to educate
farmers on sustainable
Opportunity: agricultural practices.
Acquiring internationally recognized
certifications for governing food quality
and safety would enhance our brand
value and position us as a preferred
choice for customers.
P1 Businesses should conduct and govern themselves with integrity and in a manner that is ethical, transparent, and
P2 Businesses should provide goods and services in a manner that is sustainable and safe
P3 Businesses should respect and promote the well-being of all employees, including those in their value chains
P4 Businesses should respect the interests of and be responsive to all its stakeholders
P5 Businesses should respect and promote human rights
P6 Businesses should respect and make efforts to protect and restore the environment
P7 Businesses, when engaging in influencing public and regulatory policy, should do so in a manner that is responsible and
P8 Businesses should promote inclusive growth and equitable development
P9 Businesses should engage with and provide value to their consumers in a responsible manner
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
6 Performance of the entity against the specific To ensure accountability, MBFSL has committed to measuring its
commitments, goals, and targets along-with performance on sustainability KPIs against the goals and targets
reasons in case the same are not met. set. The company will be reporting on these KPIs going forward.
7 Statement by director responsible for the business We are collaboratively making efforts to forge a more promising
responsibility report, highlighting ESG related future that transcends the conventional focus on profitability by
challenges, targets, and achievements (listed entity embracing principles of sustainability, inclusivity, and prosperity.
has flexibility regarding the placement of this Our longstanding conviction remains that sustainability and growth
disclosure) are inherently intertwined, and the long-term success of any
organization is significantly shaped by its proactive responsiveness
to environmental, social, and governance imperatives.
Consequently, we have undertaken purposeful measures to
address disparities within and beyond our organization, cultivate
and uphold the confidence of our stakeholders, and foster a more
environmentally sustainable trajectory. We believe in leading by
example and providing solutions in the form of leading, sustainable,
and trustworthy products in our industry, hence strengthening our
8 Details of the highest authority responsible for MBFSL has implemented robust internal control system methods
implementation and oversight of the Business and best-in-class processes that are proportionate to the size and
Responsibility policy (ies). scale of its operations. At the Company, Mr. Manu Talwar (Chief
Executive Officer) oversees the Business Responsibility policy and
9 Does the entity have a specified Committee of the
Board/ Director responsible for decision making on The Company does not have any specified committee of the Board.
sustainability related issues? (Yes / No). If yes, provide However, the CSR Committee of the Company provides oversight
details. on issues related to sustainability.
The company has robust review mechanisms and internal audit processes to evaluate its policies. The policies are
reviewed by independent third-party firms periodically.
12. If answer to question (1) above is “No” i.e., not all Principles are covered by a policy, reasons to be stated:
Questions P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9
1 The entity does not consider the principles material to its business (Yes/No)
2 The entity is not at a stage where it is able to formulate and implement the
policies on specified principles (Yes/No)
3 The entity does not have the financial or/human and technical resources NA
available for the task (Yes/No)
4 It is planned to be done in the next financial year (Yes/No)
5 Any other reason (please specify)
1. Percentage coverage by training and awareness programmes on any of the principles during the financial year
Total number
% Of persons in respective
of training Topics / principles covered under the
S. No. Segment category covered by the
& awareness training
awareness programmes
programmes held
1 Board of Directors 2 Business Responsibility and Sustainability 100%
2 Key Managerial 3 The KMP participated in below sessions: 100%
Personnel 1. Compliance Management Tool - Lawrbit
2. SDD Compliance Software
3. Attendance Tool Implemented by IT
These topics are covered in salient detail
on the principles.
3 Employees other 632 BBS, Electrical Safety, Health & Safety 100%
than BOD and Training, First Aid Training, Fire Fighting,
KMPs Shop Floor Training, PPEs, Workplace
Inspection training.
4 Workers 632 BBS, Electrical Safety, Health & Safety 100%
Training, First Aid Training, Fire Fighting,
Shop Floor Training, PPEs, Workplace
Inspection training.
Other than this all new non-executive directors inducted to the Board are introduced to our Company culture through
orientation sessions. Executive directors and senior management provide an overview of operations and familiarize
the new non-executive directors on matters related to our values and commitments. They are also introduced to the
organization structure, services, Group structure and subsidiaries, constitution, Board procedures, matters reserved
for the Board, major risks and risk management strategy. The details of the familiarization program are also available
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
2. Details of fines / penalties / punishment / award / compounding fees / settlement amount paid in proceedings
(by the entity or by its directors / KMPs) with regulators/ law enforcement agencies/ judicial institutions in
FY 2024
Has an
Name of the regulatory/
NGRBC Amount (In Brief of the appeal been
enforcement agencies/
Principle INR) Case preferred?
Judicial institutions
(Yes/ No)
Settlement NIL
Compounding fee
Non – Monetary
Has an
Name of the regulatory/
NGRBC Amount (In Brief of the appeal been
enforcement agencies/
Principle INR) Case preferred?
Judicial institutions
(Yes/ No)
3. Of the instances disclosed in Question 2 above, details of the Appeal / Revision preferred in cases where
monetary or nonmonetary action has been appealed
Case Details Name of the regulatory/ enforcement agencies/ judicial institutions
Not Applicable
4. Does the entity have an anti-corruption policy or antibribery policy? If yes, provide details in brief and if
available, provide a web-link to the policy.
The Company's Code of Conduct includes its policy on ethics, bribery, and corruption, and it applies to the Board of
Directors, senior management team, and workers. Upon getting hired, every employee is expected to sign this code.
MBFSL has a zero tolerance policy for bribery and corruption, and employees have been told not to engage in
it directly or through intermediaries (agents, partners, contractors, family members, or anyone else acting on
someone's behalf). They are also cautioned not to take advantage of a third party, such as a supplier or contractor,
when dealing with them.
Every year, Board members and senior management affirm that they are compliant with the Code of Conduct and
will continue to be so. The company’s code of conduct can be accessed at
5. No of Directors/KMPs/Employees against whom disciplinary action was taken by any law enforcement agency
for the charges of bribery / corruption
Segment FY 2024 FY 2023
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
1 Directors
2 Key Managerial Personnel
3 Employee
4 Workers
7. Provide details of any corrective action taken or underway on issues related to fines / penalties / action taken
by regulators / law enforcement agencies / judicial institutions, on cases of corruption and conflicts of interest.
Not Applicable
8. Number of days of accounts payables ((Accounts payable *365) / Cost of goods/services procured) in the
following format:
FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Number of days of accounts payable 32.90 27.84
9. Open-ness of business
Provide details of concentration of purchases and sales with trading houses, dealers, and related parties along-with
loans and advances & investments, with related parties, in the following format:
1. Awareness programmes conducted for value chain partners on any of the principles during the financial year:
MBFSL makes continuous efforts to educate and create awareness amongst the suppliers and other value chain
partners on ESG areas such as human rights, fair labour practices, environmental impact and others.
2. Does the entity have processes in place to avoid/ manage conflict of interests involving members of the
Board? (Yes/No) If yes, provide details of the same.
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
Yes, MBFSL has policies in place to prevent and manage conflicts of interest among board members. In the event of
a potential conflict of interest, he or she must fully disclose all facts and circumstances to the Board of Directors,
and consent from the Board is required.
According to the Company's Code of Conduct, Board members and Senior Management must follow the
following guidelines:
• Directors and Senior Management should not engage in any activity or employment that interferes with
their performance or responsibility to the company, or that is otherwise in conflict with or detrimental to
the company.
• Directors/Senior Management personnel and their immediate families should normally avoid interests in such
companies/entities that jeopardize their commitment to the Company.
• Directors/Senior Management employees should avoid doing business with a relative or a firm/company in
which a relative/related party has a key role.
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
1. Percentage of R&D and capital expenditure (capex) investments in specific technologies to improve the
environmental and social impacts of products and processes to total R&D and capex investments made by the
entity, respectively.
2. a. Does the entity have procedures in place for sustainable sourcing? (Yes/No)
Yes, the company prefers to source locally to maintain the sustainability of its supply chain. The Company
chooses its suppliers through strictly laid out internal procedures and engages with them according to non-
negotiable minimum standards. It promotes the use of sustainable ingredients such as responsibly sourced
palm oil and cocoa powder in some of the products; in line with customer-specific requirements.
3. Describe the processes in place to safely reclaim your products for reusing, recycling, and disposing at the end
of life, for (a) Plastics (including packaging) (b) E-waste (c) Hazardous waste and (d) other waste
The company has created novel methods for decreasing the resources utilized in product packaging. The emphasis
was on employing lighter, stronger, and more environmentally friendly materials. MBFSL is dedicated to a sustainable
environment, with a particular emphasis on plastic waste management, by disposing it with an authorized vendor for
both bakery and biscuit units. The vendors further recycle all the non-hazardous and hazardous waste generated
by the company at all the plant locations.
4. Whether Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is applicable to the entity’s activities (Yes / No). If yes,
whether the waste collection plan is in line with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) plan submitted to
Pollution Control Boards? If not, provide steps taken to address the same.
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
Yes. MBFSL is in compliance with the requirements of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 and subsequent
amendments. The company is registered with Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) with all the requested
documentation and the waste collection plan is in line with the EPR plan submitted to CPCB. In line with EPR
initiatives, the company has:
• Reused and recycled materials instead of virgin materials in the product packaging
• Recycling processes for waste generated in the manufacturing units through authorized vendors
• Reduction of plastic waste by removal of plastic trays from biscuit products’ packaging
1. Has the entity conducted Life Cycle Perspective / Assessments (LCA) for any of its products (for manufacturing
industry) or for its services (for service industry)? If yes, provide details in the following format?
Boundary for
Whether conducted Results communicated
Name of % of total which the Life
by independent in public domain (Yes/
NIC Code Product / Turnover Cycle Perspective
external agency (Yes No) If yes, provide the
Service contributed / Assessment was
/ No) web-link.
The company has not yet conducted Life Cycle Perspective/Assessments for any of the products but is continuously
improving the quality and contribute to sustainability throughout life cycle of the product portfolio.
2. If there are any significant social or environmental concerns and/or risks arising from production or disposal of
your products / services, as identified in the Life Cycle Perspective / Assessments (LCA) or through any other
means, briefly describe the same along-with action taken to mitigate the same.
Not Applicable
3. Percentage of recycled or reused input material to total material (by value) used in production (for
manufacturing industry) or providing services (for service industry).
Recycle or re-used input material to
Indicate Input Material total material
FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Plastic 70% 70%
AT MBFSL, packaging films and laminates used by company are 100% recyclable. Company is registered with CPCB
and involved in EPR activity and meeting/complying 100% targets of plastic waste recycling as per CPCB year wise
defined targets/guidelines thru outsourcing. Cartons and Duplexes used are made from paper having up to 70%
recycled content and are 100% recyclable. Plastic trays used are made from plastic film having up to 30% recycled
content and are 100% recyclable.
4. Of the products and packaging reclaimed at end of life of products, amount (in metric tonnes) reused, recycled,
and safely disposed, as per the following format:
MBFSL has partnered with multiple local vendors which are authorized by SPCB/CPCB to recycle and reused the
plastic waste generated. The vendors process the waste to be reused by other industries. The byproducts during
the processing of waste are also reused.
5. Reclaimed products and their packaging materials (as percentage of products sold) for each product
Please refer to responses to Questions 3 and 4 above
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
% Of employees covered by
Accident Maternity
Health Insurance Paternity Benefits Day Care facilities
Total Insurance Benefits
(A) Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
(B) (B/A) (C) (C/A) (D) (D/A) (E) (E/A) (F) (F/A)
Other than Permanent Employees
Female All employees at MBFSL and its subsidiary Companies are permanent employees.
% Of workers covered by
Health Maternity
Accident Insurance Paternity Benefits Day Care facilities
Category Insurance Benefits
(A) Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
(B) (B/A) (C) (C/A) (D) (D/A) (E) (E/A) (F) (F/A)
Permanent Workers
Male 1208 1208 100% 1208 100% NA* NA* NIL NIL NA* NA*
Female 297 297 100% 297 100% 279 88.57% NA* NA* 279** 88.57%
Total 1505 1505 100% 1505 100% 279 88.57% NIL NIL 279 88.57%
Other than permanent workers
Male 3436 3436 100% 3436 100% NA* NA* NIL NIL NA* NA*
Female 563 563 100% 563 100% 563 100% NA* NA* 501** 100%
Total 3999 3296 100% 3999 100% 563 100% NIL NIL 501 100%
**Daycare facilities are provided only to the female workers in the plant locations
C. Spending on measures towards well-being of employees and workers (including permanent and other
than permanent) in the following format –
FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Cost incurred on well- being measures as a % of total revenue of the 0.00164% 0.00151%
No. of No. of No. of
Deducted and and
employees No. of workers employees workers
Benefits deposited with deposited
covered as covered as a % covered as covered as
the authority with the
a % of total of total workers a % of total a % of total
(Y/N/N.A.) authority
employees employees workers
1 PF 96% 98% Y 95% 97% Y
2 Gratuity 100% 100% Y 100% 100% Y
3 ESI 28% 84% Y 27% 95% Y
3. Accessibility of workplaces - Are the premises / offices of the entity accessible to differently abled employees,
as per the requirements of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016? If not, whether any steps are
being taken by the entity in this regard.
Yes, our facilities are accessible to the people with disabilities. Ramps, lifts, and handrails for stairwells have been
installed at the Company's numerous locations, including the offices/premises, to assist the movement of differently
abled individuals. As a result, the Company's premises have been made more accessible.
4. Does the entity have an equal opportunity policy as per the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016? If so,
provide a web-link to the policy.
MBFSL is committed to diverse and inclusive workforce and is an equal opportunity employer. The company
ensures to deliver performance-based rewards and recognition across the workforce, which is drawn from diverse
backgrounds, educational qualifications and experience.
5. Return to work and Retention rates of permanent employees that took parental leave.
Permanent Employees Permanent Workers
Return to work Rate (%) Retention Rate (%) Return to work Rate (%) Retention Rate (%)
In the reporting financial year, no permanent employee and worker took parental leave at MBFSL.
6. Is there a mechanism available to receive and redress grievances for the following categories of employees? If
yes, give details of the mechanism in brief.
Yes/No (If yes, then give details of the mechanism in brief)
1 Permanent workers The organization has a strong and detailed Grievance Redressal Mechanism
in place to protect our permanent/non-permanent workers and employees.
2 Other than Permanent Workers
Procedures have been established to ensure that the process of registering a
3 Permanent Employees complaint, investigating it, and ultimately reaching an appropriate decision is
4 Other than Permanent Employees handled professionally and confidentially.
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
An Occupational Health Management System, aligned to ISO 45001 requirements, has been followed and
encompasses all bakery and biscuit manufacturing plants.
b. What are the processes used to identify work related hazards and assess risks on a routine and non-
routine basis by the entity?
MBFSL is committed to provide a safe and healthy working environment for the workforce. The company
identifies work related hazards for each department through HIRA (Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment)
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
framework. The process involves hazard identification, likelihood and consequence assessment, risk evaluation
based on the existing controls and listing of recommendations to reduce those risks which are not under
acceptable limits.
c. Whether you have processes for employees to report the work-related hazards and to remove themselves
from such risks. (Y/N)
At MBFSL, work related hazards can be reported to the operation in-charge, who further informs the safety
officer. The safety officer is responsible to conduct a methodical investigation on the hazard reported and
submit the report to management. In addition to these procedures, there are periodic sessions conducted for
the workforce on potential health and safety risks and how to mitigate the risks.
d. Do the employees of the entity have access to non-occupational medical and healthcare services? (Yes / No)
Yes, MBFSL believes in establishing an environment in which employees' needs, in addition to their salary, are
met. Employees and workers have access to medical benefits through Company provided insurance policies,
funded medical support and where applicable, statutory benefits under ESIC.
12. Describe the measures taken by the entity to ensure a safe and healthy workplace
MBFSL has put in place comprehensive health and safety procedures for the safety and well-being of the workers
and employees. The company continues to provide a healthy and safe working environment to the entire workforce
by conducting Environment, Health & Safety training & awareness sessions periodically as well as first aid trainings
are provided to plant workers. To strengthen the existing processes, the company has aligned itself to certain
health and safety global standards.
% Of your plants and offices that were assessed (by entity or statutory
authorities or third parties)
Health and safety practices 100%
Working Conditions 100%
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
15. Provide details of any corrective action taken or underway to address safety-related incidents (if any) and on
significant risks / concerns arising from assessments of health & safety practices and working conditions.
Based on findings of the audits conducted by third parties, corrective and preventive measures are taken. MBFSL
management may request a detailed investigation to identify the root causes and to understand the measures
required to prevent recurrence of any incidents that may have occurred.
1. Does the entity extend any life insurance or any compensatory package in the event of death of (A) Employees
(Y/N) (B) Workers (Y/N)?
Yes. If event of death of any worker or employee takes place, MBFSL provides financial help to the individual's
family members.
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
2. Provide the measures undertaken by the entity to ensure that statutory dues have been deducted and
deposited by the value chain partner.
At MBFSL, Sums deducted/gathered in the books of account in regard of undisputed statutory dues including Goods
and Services Tax ('GST'), Provident Fund, Employees' State Insurance, Income Tax, Duty of Customs, and other
material statutory dues are regularly deposited with the appropriate authorities.
3. Provide the number of employees / workers having suffered high consequence work related injury / ill-health /
fatalities (as reported in Q11 of Essential Indicators above), who have been rehabilitated and placed in suitable
employment or whose family members have been placed in suitable employment:
Total no. of affected employees/ workers No. of employees/workers that are
rehabilitated and placed in suitable
employment or whose family members
have been placed in suitable employment
FY 2024 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2023
Employees 0 0 0 0
Workers 0 0 0 0
4. Does the entity provide transition assistance programs to facilitate continued employability and the
management of career endings resulting from retirement or termination of employment? (Yes/ No)
MBFSL is committed to invest in the employee development through continuous learning and development programs
and enhance the employability of its workforce. Additionally, the company does provide post-employment benefit
plans to the staff that qualify.
6. Provide details of any corrective actions taken or underway to address significant risks / concerns arising from
assessments of health and safety practices and working conditions of value chain partners.
Not Applicable
1. Describe the processes for identifying key stakeholder groups of the entity.
MBFSL creates working partnerships, establishes trust through productive interactions, and views internal and
external stakeholders as important to its operations. Key stakeholders are defined based on their influence and
impact on the company's operations. MBFSL undertook a materiality assessment in consultation with external
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
and internal stakeholders via surveys. The first phase in this procedure was to identify internal stakeholders as
employees and external stakeholders as investors, analysts, biscuit and bakery suppliers, competitors, and biscuit,
bakery and export customers. Furthermore, community groups were picked by the company to spend resources in
the form of CSR projects to ensure community development.
2. List stakeholder groups identified as key for your entity and the frequency of engagement with each
stakeholder group
Stakeholder group Whether Channels of communication Frequency of Purpose and scope of
identified as (Email, SMS, Newspaper, engagement engagement including
Vulnerable & Pamphlets, Advertisement, (Annually/ Half key topics and concerns
Marginalized Community Meetings, Notice yearly/ Quarterly raised during such
Group (Yes/ Board, Website), Other / others – please engagement
No) specify)
Communities Yes Community engagement and local Continuous, need- Positive, social and
community meetings based economic contribution
honoring commitments
• Long-term association
• Clarity in terms and
• Operational and resource
• Ensuring ethical business
• Collaborate to create
positive environmental and
social impact
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
1. Provide the processes for consultation between stakeholders and the Board on economic, environmental, and
social topics or if consultation is delegated, how is feedback from such consultations provided to the Board.
MBFSL believes that an effective stakeholder engagement mechanism is critical to achieving long-term sustainability
goals and overall company success. The company's sustainability strategies are prioritized by the board of directors.
• During the fiscal year, the company conducted a thorough materiality assessment and stakeholder engagement
process to better understand the critical environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns that are
important to the Company's businesses.
• As part of this effort, the company engaged with key internal and external stakeholders to understand their
challenges and incorporate their perspectives into materiality assessments for prioritizing ESG matters
2. Whether stakeholder consultation is used to support the identification and management of environmental,
and social topics (Yes / No). If so, provide details of instances as to how the inputs received from stakeholders
on these topics were incorporated into policies and activities of the entity.
Yes, the company interacted with MBFSL’s significant stakeholders, allowing it to work efficiently on its ESG strategies
and be upfront about the results. Through online surveys, the company received inputs from 50+ internal and
external stakeholders. Stakeholder engagement insights were analyzed to create the materiality matrix and finalize
the list of 15+ areas to focus on under environment, social and governance.
3. Provide details of instances of engagement with, and actions taken to, address the concerns of vulnerable/
marginalized stakeholder groups.
CSR is built at MBFSL on the concept that business sustainability is inextricably linked to the sustainable development
of the communities in which the business works and the environment in which the business operates.
1. Employees and workers who have been provided training on human rights issues and policy(ies) of the entity,
in the following format
FY 2024 FY 2023
No. of No. of
Category Total employees employees
% (B/A) Total (C) % (D/C)
(A) /workers /workers
covered (B) covered (D)
Permanent 1304 1304 100% 1058 1058 100%
Other than permanent All employees at MBFSL and its subsidiaries are permanent employees
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
FY 2024 FY 2023
Category Total Equal to minimum More than Total Equal to minimum More than
(A) wage minimum wage (D) wage minimum wage
No (B) % (B/A) No (C) % (C/A) No (E) % (E/D) No (F) % (F/D)
Permanent 1304 47 3.60% 1257 96.40% 1058 14 1% 1044 99%
Male 1260 44 3.49% 1216 96.51% 1031 14 1% 1017 99%
Female 44 3 6.82% 41 93.18% 27 0 0% 27 100%
Other than
permanent All employees at MBFSL and its subsidiary Companies are permanent employees
Permanent 1505 290 19.27% 1215 80.73% 1446 572 40% 874 60%
Male 1208 100 8.28% 1108 91.72% 1088 313 29% 775 71%
Female 297 190 63.97% 107 36.03% 358 258 72% 100 28%
Other than 3999 3280 82.02% 719 17.98% 2922 2220 76% 702 24%
Male 3436 2757 80.24% 679 19.76% 2583 2177 84% 406 16%
Female 563 523 92.90% 40 7.10% 339 287 85% 52 15%
Male Female
Median Median
remuneration/ remuneration/
Number Number
salary/ wages of salary/ wages of
respective category respective category
Board of Directors (BoD) 7* 71,64,696 1* 1,25,000
Key Managerial Personnel 7^ 1,67,13,692 0 0
Employees other than BoD and KMP 1253 3,24,372 44 3,42,180
Workers 4644 1,31,244 860 1,28,844
*Remuneration for Board of Directors include commission paid during the year and sitting fees paid to Non-
Executive Directors.
c. Gross wages paid to females as % of total wages paid by the entity, in the following format:
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Gross wages paid to females as % of total wages 11% 5%
4. Do you have a focal point (Individual / Committee) responsible for addressing human rights impacts or issues
caused or contributed to by the business? (Yes/No)
Yes. MBFSL has dedicated personnel who are responsible for addressing human rights issues caused by the company.
5. Describe the internal mechanisms in place to redress grievances related to human rights issue
MBFSL is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment and has a zero tolerance policy for any
infringement of human rights. The company has established a good procedure for reporting issues or concerns at
work. All the grievances are handled and addressed by the Grievance Handling Committee and IIC Committee. Any
employee, retainer/consultant, associate, supplier, or business partner can file a complaint with the Ombudsman.
While addressing the concern, all actual violations are dealt with severely based on the principles of natural justice,
confidentiality, sensitivity, non-retaliation, and fairness. The issues are handled sensitively while providing prompt
action and closure.
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
7. Complaints filed under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)
Act, 2013, in the following format:
FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Total Complaints filed under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace 0 0
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
Complaints on POSH as a % of female employees / workers 0 0
Complaints on POSH upheld 0 0
8. Mechanisms to prevent adverse consequences to the complainant in discrimination and harassment cases
When dealing with complaints, every effort is made to conduct the investigation in a peaceful manner in order
to avoid any unpleasant situations. According to the Company's code of conduct, any kind of harassment and
discrimination based on gender, religion, age, sex, origin and other such characteristics shall be strictly prohibited.
The Company is committed to ensuring that all employees work in an environment that not only promotes diversity
and equality, but also mutual trust, equal opportunity and respect for human rights. The Company is also committed
to providing a work environment that ensures every woman employee is treated with dignity, respect and accorded
equal treatment. The Company has formulated a policy on prevention of sexual harassment in accordance with the
provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 to
ensure prevention, prohibition, and redressal against sexual harassment.
9. Do human rights requirements form part of your business agreements and contracts? (Yes/No)
Yes. Some of the business partnership agreements that MBFSL enters has human rights requirements forming a
part of the contract. The company promotes human rights across the value chain and ensures it as an essential part
of conducting business.
11. Provide details of any corrective actions taken or underway to address significant risks / concerns arising from
the assessments at Question 9 above
Not Applicable.
1. Details of a business process being modified / introduced as a result of addressing human rights grievances/
Not Applicable
2. Details of the scope and coverage of any Human rights due diligence conducted.
Not Applicable
3. Is the premise/office of the entity accessible to differently abled visitors, as per the requirements of the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016?
Yes, all the premises at MBFSL are accessible to differently-abled visitors and the company is focused on improving
the accessibility of offices and plant locations.
5. Provide details of any corrective actions taken or underway to address significant risks / concerns arising from
the assessments at Question 4 above.
Not Applicable
1. Details of total energy consumption (in Joules or multiples) and energy intensity, in the following format
Parameter Unit FY 2024 FY 2023
From renewable sources
Total electricity consumption (A) GJ 11648 10166
Total fuel consumption (B) - 0 0
Energy consumption through other sources (C) - 0 0
Total energy consumed from renewable sources (A+B+C) GJ 11648 10166
From non-renewable sources
Total electricity consumption (D) GJ 111079 96817
Total fuel consumption (E) GJ 926511 640943*
Energy consumption through other sources (F) GJ 0 0
Total energy consumed from non-renewable sources GJ 1037590 737760*
Total energy consumed (A+B+C+D+E+F) GJ 1049238 747926
Energy intensity per rupee of turnover GJ/INR Crore 64.610 54.908
(Total energy consumed / Revenue from operations)
Energy intensity per rupee of turnover adjusted for GJ/INR Crore 1,447.339 1,217.150
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) adjusted for PPP
(Total energy consumed / Revenue from operations
adjusted for PPP)
Energy intensity in terms of physical output GJ/MT of 5.620 4.462
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
ote: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external
agency? (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
2. Does the entity have any sites / facilities identified as designated consumers (DCs) under the Performance,
Achieve and Trade (PAT) Scheme of the Government of India? (Y/N) If yes, disclose whether targets set under
the PAT scheme have been achieved. In case targets have not been achieved, provide the remedial action
taken, if any.
As of the reporting year, none of the plants or offices of MBFSL are identified as designated consumers (DCs) under
PAT Scheme of the Government of India.
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
3. Provide details of the following disclosures related to water, in the following format
Parameter FY 2024 FY 2023
Water withdrawal by source (in kiloliters)
(i) Surface water 0 0
(ii) Groundwater 166730 138937
(iii) Third party water 38971 30373
(iv) Seawater / desalinated water 0 0
(v) Others 0 0
Total volume of water withdrawal (in kiloliters) (i + ii + iii + iv + v) 205701 169310
Total volume of water consumption (in kiloliters) 122867 100723
Water intensity per rupee of turnover 7.566 7.394
(Total water consumption / Revenue from operations) (KL/INR Crore)
Water intensity per rupee of turnover adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity 169.484 163.913
(Total water consumption / Revenue from operations adjusted for PPP)
(KL/INR Crore adjusted for PPP)
Water intensity in terms of physical output 0.658 0.601
(KL/MT of production)
Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external
agency? (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external
agency? (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
MBFSL did not conduct an independent assessment for the water discharge indicators.
5. Has the entity implemented a mechanism for Zero Liquid Discharge? If yes, provide details of its coverage
and implementation.
MBFSL is committed to recycling wastewater and through water efficiency measure, the company has reduced
its water consumption per rupee. The company’s offices and plants are in compliance with consent to operate
(CTO) conditions.
6. Provide details of air emissions (other than GHG emissions) by the entity, in the following format.
Parameter Please specify unit FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
NOx MG/nM3 164.13 201.49
SOx MG/nM3 16.18 18.48
Particulate matter (PM) MG/nM3 37.60 47.34
Persistent organic pollutants (POP) N/A - -
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) N/A - -
Hazardous air pollutants (HAP) N/A - -
Others- please specify N/A - -
The air emissions values are reported to the State Pollution Control Board as required. The evaluation is conducted
by a third party agency. We are under permissible levels and the absolute values will be reported in subsequent years.
Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency? (Y/N) If
yes, name of the external agency.
MBFSL conducts independent stack emission assessment by an external agency for all the diesel generators
and ovens used at the plant locations. This exercise is conducted half yearly by the third party on site at each
plant location
7. Provide details of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions) & its intensity, in the following format
Parameter Please specify units FY 2024 FY 2023
Total Scope 1 emissions (Break-up of the GHG into Metric tonnes of CO2 17,229.55 16,863.42
CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, if available) equivalent
Total Scope 2 emissions (Break-up of the GHG into Metric tonnes of CO2 22,092.36 18,510.24
CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, if available) equivalent
Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions per rupee of Metric tonnes of CO2 2.421 2.597
turnover equivalent per INR Crore
(Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions /
Revenue from operations)
Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emission intensity per Metric tonnes of CO2 54.241 57.566
rupee of turnover adjusted for Purchasing Power equivalent per INR Crore
Parity (PPP) adjusted for PPP
(Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions /
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external
agency? (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency
In the current reporting year, MBFSL did not conduct any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance for the
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions data.
8. Does the entity have any project related to reducing Green House Gas emission? If yes, then provide details
MBFSL is committed to reduce its energy consumption and reduce the emissions through operations.
The company continuously invests in newer technologies and processes to enhance efficiency in a more sustainable
manner. To achieve emission reduction and transition towards energy efficiency, the below steps are taken by MBFSL:
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
• At Bhiwadi plant, MBFSL installed diesel generators with urea, primarily in the form of Diesel Exhaust Fluid
(DEF). The use of DEF is part of a technology called Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), which is employed to
convert harmful Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) into water vapour and carbon dioxide.
• Noida plant has dual fuel generators operating on a combination of diesel and natural gas. This flexibility in fuel
usage has helped MBFSL to save energy and contribute to emissions reduction.
• Solar power consumption is at 9% with a plan to increase this in the coming years.
• Usage of piped natural gas (PNG) in 50% of plant locations and compressed natural gas (CNG) in most of the
manufacturing process to reduce pollution.
9. Provide details related to waste management by the entity, in the following format:
FY 2024 FY 2023
Parameter Total Waste generated (in MT)
Plastic waste (A) 1081.79 646.63
E-waste (B) 0 0
Bio-medical waste (C) 0.20 0.14
Construction and demolition waste (D) 259.00 272
Battery waste (E) 0 0
Radioactive waste (F) 0 0
Other Hazardous waste. Please specify, if any. (G) 1.68 1.82
Other Non-hazardous waste generated (H). Please specify, if any.* 8242.49 2782.52
(Break-up by composition i.e. by materials relevant to the sector)
Total (A+B + C + D + E + F + G + H) 9585.16 3703.11
Waste intensity per rupee of turnover 0.590 0.272
(Total waste generated / Revenue from operations)
(MT/INR Crore)
Waste intensity per rupee of turnover adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity 13.222 6.026
(Total waste generated / Revenue from operations adjusted for PPP)
(MT/INR Crore adjusted for PPP)
Waste intensity in terms of physical output 0.051 0.022
(MT/MT of production)
For each category of waste generated, total waste recovered through recycling, re-using or other
recovery operations (in metric tonnes)
MBFSL has partnered with authorized vendors across locations to safely dispose, recycle and reuse waste. Below are some of
the methods used by MBFSL partners:
• Plastic waste: The authorised vendors segregate and recycle the waste in a facility post-collection from all the
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
manufacturing units. The recycled plastic waste is then sold on the market for reuse by various industries. The byproducts
during the recycling process are also either disposed off safely or sold to the cement industry for further use.
• Food waste: The authorised vendors use organic waste converters to recycle the wet waste, which is further used as
manure. The dry food waste and rejected food from the manufacturing plants are used to feed animals by the vendors.
• Hazardous waste: The authorised vendors safely recycle and/or dispose off the cooking oil used. This is a small fraction of
the waste generated at the manufacturing units.
For each category of waste generated, total waste disposed by nature of disposal method (in metric tonnes)
MBFSL’ s authorized vendors across locations disposes off the waste safely if such waste cannot be recycled or reused.
*Other non-hazardous waste includes food waste generated in the plants during the manufacturing process
Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external
agency? (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
In the current reporting year, MBFSL did not conduct any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance for the
waste management data
10. Briefly describe the waste management practices adopted in your establishments. Describe the strategy
adopted by your company to reduce usage of hazardous and toxic chemicals in your products and processes
and the practices adopted to manage such wastes
For the last few years, MBFSL has adopted multiple measures across the locations to reduce the waste generated.
The company has taken initiatives to reduce plastic consumption/wastage by removing use of plastic trays in some
of the SKUs in the product portfolio. The company has ensured for the last few years that all the packaging input
are recyclable, reusable or compostable. Additionally, the company has ensured to partner with vendors that are
authorized by CPCB/SPCB, to collect the waste and to ensure that the waste generated by MBFSL is either recycled,
reused or disposed off responsibly without harming the society and the environment.
11. If the entity has operations/offices in/around ecologically sensitive areas (such as national parks, wildlife
sanctuaries, biosphere reserves, wetlands, biodiversity hotspots, forests, coastal regulation zones etc.)
where environmental approvals / clearances are required, specify details in the following format
All MBFSL facilities have obtained consent to operate from relevant authorities. As such, there are no locations
owned or leased by MBFSL around/in the ecologically sensitive areas.
12. Details environmental impact assessments of projects undertaken by the entity based on applicable laws, in
the current financial year
All MBFSL facilities are in compliance with the applicable laws.
13. Is the entity compliant with the applicable environmental law / regulations / guidelines in India, such as the
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Environment
Protection Act, and rules thereunder (Y/N). If not, provide details of all such non-compliances, in the following
Yes. MBFSL’s plants and offices are compliant with the applicable environmental law/ regulations/ guidelines in
India; such as the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
Environment protection act and rules thereunder. There were no violations and/or penalties by any government
authority for non-compliance.
14. Water withdrawal, consumption, and discharge in areas of water stress (in kiloliters):
For each facility / plant located in areas of water stress, provide the following information:
• Phillaur, Punjab
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external
agency? (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
15. Please provide details of total Scope 3 emissions & its intensity, in the following format:
For this reporting year, MBFSL has not computed the scope 3 emissions. The company plans to evaluate the
emissions and their intensity in the near future.
16. With respect to the ecologically sensitive areas reported at Question 10 of Essential Indicators above, provide
details of significant direct & indirect impact of the entity on biodiversity in such areas along-with prevention
and remediation activities.
Not applicable
17. If the entity has undertaken any specific initiatives or used innovative technology or solutions to improve
resource efficiency, or reduce impact due to emissions / effluent discharge / waste generated, please provide
details of the same as well as outcome of such initiatives, as per the following format:
MBFSL is committed to improve resource efficiency and reduce the impact of its operations on society and
environment. 6 out of 7 facilities have water recycling plants which recycles total water consumed.
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
18. Does the entity have a business continuity and disaster management plan? Give details in 100 words/ web link.
MBFSL has business continuity and disaster management plan and the same is also available on the website of the
19. Disclose any significant adverse impact to the environment, arising from the value chain of the entity. What
mitigation or adaptation measures have been taken by the entity in this regard?
MBFSL plans to incorporate sustainability in its supply chain and develop a plan in the coming years to partner with
value chain partners to adopt sustainable practices to reduce the impact on environment.
20. Percentage of value chain partners (by value of business done with such partners) that were assessed for
environmental impacts
MBFSL plans to assess the value chain partners by establishing a sustainable supply chain framework and developing
ESG criteria for the suppliers. The company also plans to identify its critical suppliers and create a supplier code of
conduct to ensure ethical and sustainable practices are incorporated by the company’s suppliers.
1. a. Number of affiliations with trade and industry chambers / associations: Three (3)
b. List the top 10 trade and industry chambers / associations (determined based on the total members of
such a body) the entity is a member of / affiliated to.
S. No. Name of the trade and industry chambers/ associations Reach of trade and industry chambers/
associations (State/National)
1 Chamber of Industrial and Commercial Undertaking State
2 Confederation of Indian Industry National
3 Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and industry National
2. Provide details of corrective action taken or underway on any issues related to anticompetitive conduct by the
entity, based on adverse orders from regulatory authorities.
MBFSL did not engage in any anti-competitive practices.
1. Details of Social Impact Assessments (SIA) of projects undertaken by the entity based on applicable laws, in
the current FY 24
In the reporting period, there were no projects undertaken by MBFSL which required Social Impact Assessments (SIA).
2. Provide information on project(s) for which ongoing Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) is being undertaken
by your entity in the following format
Not Applicable
4. Percentage of input material (inputs to total inputs by value) sourced from suppliers
FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Directly sourced from MSMEs/ small producers 22% 30%
Sourced directly from within the district and neighboring districts 31% 57%
5. Job creation in smaller towns – Disclose wages paid to persons employed (including employees or workers employed
on a permanent or non-permanent / on contract basis) in the following locations, as % of total wage cost
Location FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Rural 89.75% 90.02%
Semi-urban 1.39% 1.38%
Urban 6.85% 6.31%
Metropolitan 2.02% 2.30%
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
1. Provide details of actions taken to mitigate any negative social impacts identified in the Social Impact
Assessments (Reference: Question 1 of Essential Indicators above):
Not applicable
2. Provide the following information on CSR projects undertaken by your entity in designated aspirational
districts as identified by government bodies:
In the current reporting period, no aspirational districts were covered under the CSR projects undertaken by MBFSL.
3. a. Do you have a preferential procurement policy where you give preference to purchase from suppliers
comprising marginalized /vulnerable groups? (Yes/No)
No. MBFSL is committed to collaborate with local suppliers and MSME’s to procure a large percentage of the raw
materials used.
4. Details of the benefits derived and shared from the intellectual properties owned or acquired by your entity
(in the current financial year), based on traditional knowledge:
Not Applicable
5. Details of corrective actions taken or underway, based on any adverse order in intellectual property related
disputes wherein usage of traditional knowledge is involved.
Not Applicable
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
1. Describe the mechanisms in place to receive and respond to consumer complaints and feedback
MBFSL has a process in place to receive and address product quality complaints via email and customer service
phone numbers. Additionally, on the company’s official website, there is a webpage for grievances.
2. Turnover of products and / services as a percentage of turnover from all products/ service that carry
information about
All the products are labeled with FSSAI logo and related information has been given on pack label as required about
the use of the product. Recycle logo is also marked on pack labels
FY 2024 FY 2023
Pending Pending
Received Received
resolution resolution
during the Remarks during the Remarks
at end of at end of
year year
year year
Data privacy 0 NA NA 0 NA NA
Cyber-security 0 NA NA 0 NA NA
Delivery of essential services 0 NA NA 0 NA NA
Restrictive trade practices 0 NA NA 0 NA NA
Unfair trade practices 0 NA NA 0 NA NA
5. Does the entity have a framework / policy on cyber security and risks related to data privacy? (Yes/No) If
available, provide a web-link of the policy
Yes, the Company, MBFSL have a policy on cyber security and risks related to data privacy. MBFSL continuously
educates the users about security threats and have ATP (Advanced Threat Protection) implemented. The company
has end point security and latest antivirus implemented, all the systems are equipped with Anti-Virus Software.
Moreover, all the applications are on cloud and there are relevant policies and procedures in place and the same is
also available on the website of the Company
6. Provide details of any corrective actions taken or underway on issues relating to advertising, and delivery
of essential services; cyber security and data privacy of customers; re-occurrence of instances of product
recalls; penalty / action taken by regulatory authorities on safety of products / services
Not Applicable
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24
No impact
Magic of Baking! Annual Report 2023-24
8. Channels / platforms where information on products and services of the entity can be accessed (provide web
link, if available).
MBFSL official website has detailed out all the information related to the entire product portfolio
9. Steps taken to inform and educate consumers about safe and responsible usage of products and/or services.
MBFSL markets its products responsibly and complies with all the regulations on the labelling of products. Through
corporate responsibility activities, they interact with customers on health and nutrition-related topics from time
to time.
10. Mechanisms in place to inform consumers of any risk of disruption/discontinuation of essential services.
Not applicable
11. Does the entity display product information on the product over and above what is mandated as per local laws?
(Yes/No/Not Applicable) If yes, provide details in brief. Did your entity carry out any survey with regard to
consumer satisfaction relating to the major products / services of the entity, significant locations of operation
of the entity or the entity as a whole? (Yes/No)
Yes, the company is dedicated to offering products and services of the highest quality. The company strives to
employ sustainably sourced ingredients in its ever-expanding product portfolio. For its products and the declared
product, the company used high hygiene standards, benchmarked manufacturing practices, and robust quality
assurance procedures.
The shelf life is determined by the applicable laws. The company complies with all applicable rules and voluntary
codes governing marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and so on. The company also makes
an attempt to educate users on how to use its products responsibly. Furthermore, the company has a dedicated
consumer complaint process to reply to customer enquiries and product comments in order to continuously enhance
its products.
Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited | Annual Report 2023-24