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NOTIFICATION NO.28/2022, Dt. 29/12/2022

Hall Ticket No: 2285902110

Candidate's Name : NADIKUDI PADMASRI
Father's Name : N ASHOK KUMAR
Mother's Name : N SATHYAVATHI
Gender: Female
Date of Birth(dd/mm/yyyy) : 05/04/1982
Community : BC-B - NCL
PwD (VH/HH/OH/MH)&%:No Scribe No Compensatory Time No
Communication: HYDERABAD - 500070
Chosen Language for the Exam: English-Telugu
Mobile No.: 9346459219
NOTIF_DIST CODE & Name: 16 & Hyderabad
Exam Centre Code,Name & Full 5902 - KEYES HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, H.NO.9-2-142 TO 148,
Signature of Signature of
Paper Paper / Subject (Objective Type)
EXAM DATE & TIME Number the the
(Each Paper 150 Questions 150 Marks) Candidate Invigilator
15/12/2024 (FN) 1 Paper-I
10:00 AM to 12:30 PM General Studies and General Abilities
(Gates would be closed (Bilingual i.e. English & Telugu or English & Urdu)
by 09-30AM)
15/12/2024 (AN) 2 Paper-II
03:00 PM to 05:30 PM History, Polity and Society
(Gates would be closed (Bilingual i.e., English & Telugu or English &
by 02-30PM) Urdu)
16/12/2024 (FN) 3 Paper-III
10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Economy and Development
(Gates would be closed (Bilingual i.e., English & Telugu or English & Urdu)
by 09-30AM)
16/12/2024 (AN) 4 Paper-IV
03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Telangana Movement and State Formation
(Gates would be closed (Bilingual i.e., English & Telugu or English & Urdu)
by 02-30PM)
TGPSC ID: TS1201219277 Application ID: 2228348149

Passport Size Photograph of the

Candidate to be affixed mandatorily
using adhesive.
(Photo captured not before 3
months)3.5 x 4.5 cm (35x45mm)


Note: i) In case of any Technical issues, Candidate may contact TGPSC Technical Help Desk on Phone Nos.: 040-23542185
or 040-23542187 or email to [email protected] For any General issues Candidate may call 040-22445566 or 040-
ii)In case of any doubt with regard to Location / Address of Venue, Candidate may contact the District wise Helpline Numbers as
displayed on the TGPSC website.
iii)Help Desk Call Timings: 10:30 A.M to1:00 P.M & 1:30 P.M to 5:00 P.M on all working days.
1.Admission to the Examination is provisional, subject to the confirmation / satisfaction of conditions of Notification
No.28/2022, dated: 29/12/2022 and also subject to satisfying the eligibility criteria and verification of required
certificates at a later stage. Admission/Appearing to the Examination does not confer ipso facto any right for
2.Candidates shall carry only (i) Black / Blue Ball Point Pens (ii) Hall Ticket with a Photo Pasted on it (iii) Any
Valid Original Photo ID card issued by Government, into the Examination Hall.
3.This Hall Ticket is valid only if the printed images of the Candidate’s Photograph and Signature are legible. To
ensure this, bring the Hall Ticket printed on A4 sized paper with a laser printer, preferably a color printer.A passport
size photo of the candidate taken within three months of the examination date has to be pasted with gum at
the designated place in the printed Hall Ticket before coming to the examination centre. Otherwise, the
application of the candidate is liable to be rejected.
4.The candidate must ensure that the copy of downloaded valid Hall Ticket used for the first session has to be used
for the remaining sessions of Examinations.
5.If the Hall Ticket downloaded has blurred/improper photo, the candidate should bring three (3) passport
size photos duly attested by a Gazetted Officer/Principal of the last studied institution along with an
undertaking (format available in website www.tspsc.gov.in) and handover to the invigilator in the examination hall,
failing which the candidate will not be admitted to the examination.
6.The Hall Ticket must be presented for entry into the Test Centre / Examination Hall along with at least one
original valid Photo Identification Card (in physical form) issued by Government i.e., Passport, Pan Card,
Voter ID, Aadhaar Card, Government Employee ID or Driving License, etc.
7.Candidate is advised to visit the Examination Centre at least one day before the examination and estimate the time
taken to reach the exam center during peak hours and also acquaint with the exact location of the Examination
Centre in order to reach the exam center on time on the day of exam. Change of Examination Centre will not be
entertained under any circumstances.
8.Candidates would be permitted into the Examination Centre from 08:30 AM onwards for FN Session and
1:30 PM onwards for AN Session. The Examination Centre Gate will be closed by 9:30 AM for FN Session and
2:30 PM for AN Session and no candidate will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after closing of the
9. Candidate will be permitted to appear for the examination ONLY after verification of credentials by Examination
Centre officials & after thorough frisking to ensure that no prohibited articles are carried into Examination Centre /
10. Candidates are not allowed to bring calculators, pagers, cell phones, tablets, pen drives, Bluetooth
devices, watch, mathematical tables, log books, log tables, wallet, handbags, jholas, pouches, writing pads,
notes, charts, loose sheets, jewellery (except Mangalasuthras, Bangles and related Items) or any other
gadgets/electronic gadgets or recording instruments strapped on their body or pockets. Possession of the
same may lead to invalidation of candidature for the Examination/Examinations. Candidate is instructed to
wear only Chappal and not shoes. The Candidate shall note that the Commission does not provide any Cloak
Room/Storage Facility to safe guard any valuables or belongings of the Candidates.
11.Any candidate attempting to bring Prohibited Electronic Gadgets including Cell Phone, Bluetooth etc., into the
Examination center shall be handed over to police and shall be prosecuted as per law in addition to invalidation of the
candidature for the examinations.
12. Candidates are informed that the capture of biometrics of the candidates by biometric invigilators is an
integral part of the examination. No candidate should leave the exam hall until his/her biometrics are
captured by the biometric invigilator. If any candidate does not give his/her biometrics, his/her OMR Answer
Sheet would not be evaluated. In case it is not possible to capture the finger prints of any candidate through
biometric device, photo of the candidate would be captured and thumb impression using ink pad would be
taken by the biometric invigilator. Candidates are advised not to have mehendi, temporary tattoos or any
obstructive material-covers on their fingers which may hamper the recording of Biometrics.
13. For Every Paper, Candidate is required to sign on the Hall Ticket in the presence of the Invigilator, which
will be counter signed by the invigilator. The candidate should satisfy the invigilator of his/her identity with
reference to the signature and photograph available on the Hall Ticket & Nominal Roll through valid photo identity
documents like PAN Card, Aadhaar Card etc., and Candidate should also sign on the Nominal Rolls. In case of
impersonation, F.I.R will be lodged with Police Station concerned apart from disqualifying his/her candidature.
14. Candidates are advised to practice correct bubbling by downloading model OMR Answer sheets
available on the TGPSC website.
15.Before filling any details on the OMR Answer Sheet / Question Paper Booklet, Candidate should read the
instructions on the OMR Answer Sheet and Question Paper Booklet thoroughly and follow all instructions
16.Candidate has to write and also bubble the Question Paper booklet number and the Paper number (Please
check Paper number on the Hall Ticket and Question Paper booklet number on the Question Paper booklet)
in the OMR Answer Sheet. If Question Paper booklet number and Paper number is not bubbled correctly, the
OMR Answer Sheet would be invalidated.
17.Candidate should ensure that, the OMR Answer Sheet provided to him/her contains preprinted Hall Ticket
Number, Photograph, Name, Father Name etc. as printed in the Hall Ticket. If the data is wrongly printed the
candidate is informed to bring it to notice of invigilator immediately. In case of a spoiled, damaged,
misprinted wrong OMR Answer Sheet, return it to the Invigilator immediately and request for blank OMR
Answer Sheet, where in the candidate is expected to fill in all the required details in the appropriate places,
including Hall Ticket Number.
18.Candidates are strictly informed to fill the correct details of the Question Paper Booklet Number.
(available on the Question Paper Booklet (QPB) provided) and the OMR Answer Sheet Number (available on
the candidates specific OMR Answer Sheet provided) in the Nominal Rolls. Incorrect/ Incomplete entry of the
details pertaining to QPB Number and the OMR Answer Sheet Number in the Nominal Rolls leads to
invalidation of the candidature for the examinations.
19.The Question Paper Booklet is in bilingual English/Telugu and English/ Urdu, in case of any doubt or ambiguity in
any version, the English version will be considered to be the correct version. If appropriate word for any English word
is not found in Telugu / Urdu, it would be transliterated.
20.No candidate should leave the Examination Hall until the completion of examination time. Before leaving the
Examination Hall, the candidate should handover the OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilator failing which Criminal
Prosecution will be initiated as per law besides rejecting the candidature for this examination. All candidates would
stay in the examination hall until the OMR Answer sheets of all candidates in the examination hall are collected by
the invigilator. However, Candidates are permitted to take away the Question Paper Booklet after completion of the
21.For PwD candidates who have claimed Scribe / compensatory time in their Online application, it has been printed
on their Hall Ticket that they are eligible for Scribe and or compensatory time and they have to mandatorily show
SADARAM Certificate/APPENDIX-III to the Chief Superintendent on the day of Exam to claim Scribe and or
compensatory time. Only for candidates on whose Hall Ticket Scribe has been permitted would be provided a scribe
22.Candidates are prohibited from communicating, consulting, conversing with other candidates or adopting agitation
tactics in and around the Examination Hall such as raising of slogans, causing disturbance in any manner
whatsoever during the Examination. Candidates are not permitted to borrow any item from other candidates in the
Examination Hall. In case of any disturbance, such candidates will be disqualified. Any candidate found to be
impersonating or resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for
selection or obtaining support of others, such a candidate shall be liable to criminal prosecution in addition to being
debarred permanently from any exam or selection held by any Public Service Commission in the country. In case of
disorder/improper behavior/ trying to use unfair means during examination, an F.I.R will be lodged with Police Station
concerned, apart from disqualifying his/her candidature. The Penal Provisions of Telangana Public Examinations
(Prevention of Malpractice and unfair means) Act,1997 (Act No.25/1997) will be invoked if malpractice or unfair
means are noticed at any stage of the Recruitment.
23.Any infringement of the above instructions shall entail disciplinary action on the candidate which may include ban
from future exams of TGPSC and other Public Service Commissions in the Country.
24.The candidates must note that those who have applied under equivalence of qualification are admitted subject to
verification of the qualification and other eligibility criteria & satisfaction of the Commission. Therefore, admission to
this Examination is strictly "Provisional".
25.The candidate shall record his/her hall ticket number on the Question Paper Booklet and obtain signature
of the invigilator on the Question Paper Booklet.
26.The digital copy of OMR answer sheet will be made available in the Candidate’s Login. Hall Ticket and
Question Paper Booklet must be preserved by the Candidate till the final conclusion of the process of
Recruitment for all future communication.
27.For further clarification please read the Notification No. 28/2022 dated: 29/12/2022 available at

Place: Hyderabad.

Date: 09/12/2024

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