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Sts 1 Final Reviewer Para 2c
Sts 1 Final Reviewer Para 2c
The massive reduction in the local whale The usual way to deal with this was to cull the
population meant killer whales in the region population to try and keep the ecosystem in
(usually preying on younger whales) moved to balance. Without this, elephants were
other animals such as seals; stripping vegetation bare, affecting other
animals, too.
As seal numbers declined, the killer whales
targeted otters; A scientist pleaded with park management not
to cull and let nature take its course. Being
As otter numbers were decimated, the urchins against prevailing thought, they would not
and other targets of otters flourished; agree. In the end they agreed to let one park
have its elephants culled, while the other
These decimated the kelp forests where many would be left alone.
fish larvae grew in relative protection;
A few years later, they found the park with the
The exposed fish larvae were easy pickings for culled population had remained in poor
a variety of sea life; condition. The park where things were left
alone has naturally regenerated; the large
Fishermen’s livelihoods were destroyed. elephant populations eventually reduced in
number as they undermined their own
Large carnivores are essential for healthy resource base. The natural pace at which this
ecosystems happened allowed vegetation to grow back.
Other wildlife grew in numbers and the
Three quarters of the world’s big carnivores ecosystem was generally back in balance.
are in decline. A study in the journal Science,
notes that these large animals — such as lions, Biodiversity in the Philippines
leopards, wolves and bears — are in decline, The Philippines is one of 18 mega-biodiverse
due to declining habitats and persecution by countries of the world, containing twothirds of
humans.. the earth’s biodiversity and between 70% and
80% of the world’s plant and animal species.
As the study notes, human actions cannot fully
replace the role of large carnivores because The Philippines ranks fifth in the number of
these large carnivores are an intrinsic part of plant species and maintains 5% of the world’s
an ecosystem’s biodiversity. . flora.
As a simple example, the loss of a large Species endemism is very high, covering at
carnivore may mean in the short term the least 25 genera of plants and 49% of terrestrial
herbivores they prey on may increase in
wildlife, while the country ranks fourth in bird Threats to Biodiversity
endemism. Species are becoming extinct at the fastest
rate known in geological history and most of
The Philippines is also one of the world’s these extinctions have been tied to human
biodiversity hotspots with at least 700 activity.
threatened species, thus making it one of the
top global conservation areas. The over-exploitation (overhunting, over-
fishing, or overcollecting) of a species or
The national list of threatened faunal species population can lead to its demise.
was established in 2004 and includes 42
species of land mammals, 127 species of birds, Human-generated pollution and
24 species of reptiles and 14 species of contamination can affect all levels of
amphibians. biodiversity.
In terms of fishes, the Philippines counts at Global climate change can alter environmental
least 3,214 species, of which about 121 are conditions. Species and populations may be
endemic and 76 threatened. lost if they are unable to adapt to new
conditions or relocate.
In 2007, an administrative order issued by the
Department of Environment and Natural Threats to Biodiversity
Resources established a national list of Habitat loss and destruction, usually as a direct
threatened plant species, indicating that 99 result of human activity and population
species were critically endangered, 187 were growth, is a major force in the loss of species,
endangered, 176 vulnerable as well as 64 populations, and ecosystems.
other threatened species.
Alterations in ecosystem composition, such as
Biodiversity in the Philippines the loss or decline of a species, can lead to a
The unique biodiversity is supported by a large loss of biodiversity.
variety of ecosystems, landscapes and habitats,
most of which are also greatly threatened by For example, efforts to eliminate coyotes in
human activities. the canyons of southern California are linked
to decreases in song bird populations in the
According to the FAO definition, the area. As coyote populations were reduced, the
Philippines has 7.2 million ha of forest populations of their prey, primarily raccoons,
ecosystems, comprising approximately 24% of increased. Since raccoons eat bird eggs, fewer
the total land area. coyotes led to more racoons eating more eggs,
resulting in fewer song birds.
It is however estimated that, between 2000
and 2005, the Philippines lost 2.1% of its forest The introduction of exotic (non-native) species
cover annually, representing the second can disrupt entire ecosystems and impact
fastest rate of deforestation in Southeast Asia populations of native plants or animals. These
(second to Myanmar) and seventh in the world. invaders can adversely affect native species by
eating them, infecting them, competing with
The Philippines is part of the center of diversity them, or mating with them.
of rice, coconut, mung bean, taro and yam, as
well as the center of origin and diversity of Threats to Biodiversity
bananas in Southeast Asia. Yet this agricultural In the forest ecosystem, the primary causes of
biodiversity is nowadays experiencing general forest loss are commercial exploitation and
decline, as is the land area devoted to these population growth (including lifestyle and
activities. consumption patterns) and the introduction of
invasive alien species.
Loss of biodiversity in the agricultural
ecosystem is a direct consequence of habitat In-situ Conservation
destruction via conversion of agricultural land In-situ conservation of biodiversity is the
to other uses; the possible negative impacts of conservation of species within their natural
biotechnology; natural calamities or extreme habitat by creating protected areas such as
weather events associated with climate national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and
change; introduction of invasive alien species, biosphere reserves.
pests and diseases; and inherent institutional
problems of government agencies responsible Biodiversity and its Conservation Methods
for conserving agrobiodiversity.
National Parks
Threats to biodiversity differ from one ecosystem These are small reserves maintained by the
to another. government. Its boundaries are well
Threats to Biodiversity demarcated and human activities such as
Yet the observed decline is also the indirect grazing, forestry, habitat and cultivation are
result of the increased demand for food, land prohibited.
and other agro-based resources; pursuit of
economic growth through intensive agriculture, Wildlife Sanctuaries
export-oriented policies and the promotion of These are the regions where only wild animals
extractive industries, such as mining, that are are found. Human activities such as timber
potentially damaging to the environment; and harvesting, cultivation, collection of woods
lifestyle change of farmers brought about by and other forest products are allowed here as
urbanization. long as they do not interfere with the
conservation project. Also, tourists visit these
Major threats to inland water biodiversity, as places for recreation.
well as marine and coastal environments,
include chemical pollution and eutrophication, Biosphere Reserves
fisheries operations, habitat alteration, Biosphere reserves are multi-purpose
invasion of alien species and global climate protected areas where the wildlife, traditional
change. lifestyle of the inhabitants and domesticated
plants and animals are protected. Tourist and
What is Biodiversity Conservation ? research activities are permitted here.
Biodiversity conservation is the protection and
management of biodiversity to obtain Advantages of In-situ Conservation:
resources for sustainable development. It is a cost-effective and a convenient method
of conserving biodiversity.
Biodiversity is being lost due to the loss of
habitat, over-exploitation of resources, A large number of living organisms can be
climatic changes, pollution, invasive exotic conserved simultaneously.
species, diseases, hunting, etc. Since it
provides us with several economic and ethical Since the organisms are in a natural ecosystem,
benefits and adds aesthetic value, it is very they can evolve better and can easily adjust to
important to conserve biodiversity. different environmental conditions.
How can we conserve biodiversity? After approval by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), Genentech produced
Biodiversity can be conserved by: the first recombinant DNA drug, human insulin,
Preventing the cutting of trees. in 1982.
Putting a ban on hunting of animals.
Efficient utilization of natural resources. The first genetically engineered vaccine for
Protected areas should be developed for humans was approved by the FDA in 1987 and
animals where was for hepatitis B
no human activities are allowed.
What is a GMO?
Why is it important to conserve biodiversity? “GMO,” which stands for genetically modified
Biodiversity conservation is important because organism.
biodiversity provides certain services and
It refers to any organism whose DNA has been best known for helping the body process
modified using genetic engineering technology. alcohol.
The researchers developed a synthetic version
This creates combinations of plant, animal, of the gene that produces 2E1 and introduced
bacteria, and virus genes that do not occur in it to pothos ivy so that each cell in the
nature or through traditional crossbreeding houseplant would express the protein.
To test how well the modified plants
In the food industry, GMO crops have had detoxified air compared to regular pothos ivy,
genes added to them for various reasons, such the team put each type of plant into a glass
as improving their growth, nutritional content, tube and inserted either benzene or
sustainability, pest resistance, and ease of chloroform gas.
Over the course of 11 days, the researchers
For example, one of the most common GMO measured the levels of pollutants in each tube.
crops is Bt corn, which is genetically modified
to produce the insecticide Bt toxin. Within three days, the concentration of
chloroform dropped by 82 percent with the
By making this toxin, the corn is able to resist modified plants. By six days, it was nearly
pests, reducing the need for pesticides. undetectable.
Two added genes turn rice golden, one from At the time of writing this report (2016),
maize and one from a soil bacterium. Under commercial release had taken place in
their direction, rice grains produce beta Bangladesh but not in India or the Philippines
carotene, the vitamin A precursor that makes
carrots and sweet potatoes orange. A third Approval of Bt eggplant was pending in India in
bacterial gene serves as a traceable marker. 2009 but was halted in early 2010 when the
minister of environment and forests
In the Philippines, vitamin A deficiency among responded to allegations by some members of
children has increased from 15.2% in 2008 to the public that there was insufficient data to
20.4% in 2013, despite a national supplement confirm that the crop was safe to eat.
program, according to the Philippines-based
International Rice Research Institute, which is The minister declared a moratorium on the
developing the crop. commercial release of Bt eggplant (Jayaraman,
2010). Field trials were reinitiated in 2014
Golden Rice could provide up to half of a under the impetus of a new Indian
young child's daily needs, IRRI says. government, but according to local media reporting, Greenpeace and others filed a plea
health/philippinesapproves-gmo-rice-fight- to the Indian Supreme Court for the trials to be
malnutrition banned (Chauhan, 2014).
GMOs are not currently labeled in the United GMO foods may offer several advantages to the
States. However, the National Bioengineered grower and consumer.
Food Disclosure Standard (NBFDS) was For starters, many GMO crops have been
published in the Federal Register on December genetically modified to express a gene that
21, 2018. This law, which is called the DARK protects them against pests and insects.
Act, is the start of mandatory GMO labeling in
the United States. It means that some—but For example, the Bt gene is commonly
not all—products containing GMOs will have genetically engineered into crops like corn,
to be labeled by 2022. In its current form, cotton, and soybeans. It comes from a
categorical exemptions prevent this law from naturally occurring bacteria known as Bacillus
delivering the meaningful protections thuringiensis.
Americans deserve.
This gene produces a protein that is toxic to
Which foods might contain GMOs? several pests and insects, which gives the GMO
Most packaged foods contain ingredients plants a natural resistance. As such, the GMO
derived from corn, soy, canola, and sugar beet crops don’t need to be exposed to harmful
— and the vast majority of those crops grown pesticides as often.
in North America are genetically modified.
In fact, an analysis of 147 studies from 2014
Animal products: The Non-GMO Project also found that GMO technology has reduced
considers livestock, apiculture, and chemical pesticide use by 37% and increased
aquaculture products at high risk because crop yields by 22% .
genetically engineered ingredients are
common in animal feed. Other GMO crops have been modified with
genes that help them survive stressful
This impacts animal products such as: eggs, conditions, such as droughts, and resist
milk, meat, honey, and seafood.
diseases like blights, resulting in a higher yield In addition, research has shown that GMO
for farmers. foods are no likelier to trigger allergies than
their non-GMO counterparts.
Together, these factors help lower the costs
for the farmers and consumers because it Yet, if you have a soy allergy, both GMO and
allows a greater crop yield and growth through non-GMO soy products will prompt an allergic
harsher conditions. reaction.
KEY CONCERNS AROUND GMO CONSUMPTION. Currently, no human research ties GMO intake
Although current research suggests that GMO to cancers.
foods are safe, there is some concern around
their long-term safety and environmental The American Cancer Society (ACS) has stated
impact. that there’s no evidence to link GMO food
intake to an increased or decreased risk of
Allergies cancer.
There is some concern that GMO foods may
trigger an allergic reaction. All the same, no long-term human studies exist.
Thus, more long-term human research is
This is because GMO foods contain foreign needed.
genes, so some people worry that they harbor
genes from foods that may prompt an allergic Other environmental and health concerns around
reaction. A study from the mid-1990s found GMOs
that adding a protein from Brazil nuts to GMO Although GMO crops are convenient for
soybeans could trigger an allergic reaction in farmers, there are environmental concerns.
people sensitive to Brazil nuts. However, after
scientists discovered this, they quickly Most GMO crops are resistant to herbicides,
abandoned this GMO food. such as Roundup. This means that farmers can
use Roundup without fear of it harming their
Although allergy concerns are valid, there have own crops.
been no reports of allergic reactions to GMO
foods currently on the market. However, a growing number of weeds have
developed resistance to this herbicide over
According to the FDA, researchers who time. This has led to even more Roundup being
develop GMO foods run tests to ensure that sprayed on crops to kill the resistant weeds
allergens aren’t transferred from one food to because they can affect the crop harvest .
Roundup and its active ingredient glyphosate
are subject to controversy because animal and
test-tube studies have linked them to various
diseases .
Nanotechnology in Agriculture
fertilizer nanoparticles, nanocapsules, and viral capsids
for better nutrients absorption of plants and site-
specific nutrient delivery (Anjali et al., 2012)
Oberdörster could not say whether fullerenes would Earth’s average temperature in 1999 was the fifth
also cause brain damage in humans, but she cautioned highest since the mid-1800s.
that more studies are necessary and that the
accumulation of fullerenes over time could be a concern, The three warmest years on record were 1998, 1997,
particularly if they were allowed to enter the food chain. and 1995.
Earlier studies in 2002 by the Center for Biological and
Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN) indicated Global temperatures in 1998 may have been the highest
nanoparticles accumulated in the bodies of lab animals, in the last 1200 years.
and still other studies showed fullerenes travel freely
through soil and could be absorbed by earthworms. This What is greenhouse effect?
is a potential link up the food chain to humans and The natural trapping of heat in
presents one of the possible dangers of nanotechnology. the atmosphere is referred to as
the greenhouse effect.
Other nanoparticles have also been shown to have
adverse effects. Research from University of California
in San Diego in early 2002 revealed cadmium selenide What is enhanced greenhouse effect?
nanoparticles, also called quantum dots, can cause The additional warming that may
cadmium poisoning in humans. Cadmium is toxic in any be produced by increased levels
form that can be absorbed by the body, but the tiny size of gases that absorb infrared
of these particles may increase the risk of accidental radiation is known as the
exposure. In 2004, British scientist Vyvyan Howard enhanced greenhouse effect.
published initial findings that indicated gold
nanoparticles might move through a pregnant woman's
placenta to her fetus. Even as far back as 1997,
scientists at Oxford discovered nanoparticles used in
sunscreen created free radicals that damaged DNA.
Greenhouse Gases
The gases that absorb heat (infrared radiation) are known
as greenhouse gases.
The exploitation of forests has a major role in global
warming. Trees help regulate the climate by absorbing
CO2 from the atmosphere. When they are cut down, this
Sources of Carbon Dioxide positive effect is lost and the carbon stored in the trees is
Carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere by human released into the atmosphere.
activities. When hydrocarbon fuels (i.e. wood, coal,
natural gas, gasoline, and oil) are burned, carbon Along with other Southeast Asian countries deforestation
dioxide is released. in the Philippines is a major environmental issue. Over
Natural sources of carbon dioxide include respiration, the course of the 20th century, the forest cover of the
decomposition and ocean release country dropped from 70 percent down to 20 percent.
Another cause of global warming is intensive farming,
not only with the ever-increasing livestock, but also with
plant protection products and fertilizers. In fact, cattle
and sheep produce large amounts of methane when
digesting their food, while fertilizers produce nitrous
oxide emissions.
Waste management methods like landfills and
incineration emit greenhouse and toxic gases - including
Sources of Methane (CH4): methane
Organic Waste that are released into the atmosphere, soil and waterways,
Humans create a lot of waste. Over 30% of this waste is contributing to the increase of the greenhouse effect.
organic material, like food scraps. When buried organic
material decays in a landfill, it releases methane. OVERPOPULATION AND OVERCONSUMPTION
Finally, overconsumption also plays a major role in
Livestock global warming and climate change. In fact, it is
Animals are raised to create food for humans. Cows, responsible for the overexploitation of natural resources
sheep, goats and other animals create methane as part of and emissions from international freight transport, which
their normal digestive process. As a result, livestock is both contribute to global warming.
the main source of human caused methane emissions
Renewable Energies
The first way to prevent climate change is to move away
from fossil fuels.
Rising sea levels and floods are causing population Responsible Consumption & Recycling
migration. Small island states are in the front line. The Adopting responsible consumption habits is crucial, be it
estimated number of climate refugees by 2050 is 250 regarding food (particularly meat), clothing, cosmetics or
million people. cleaning products.
The Method of Calculation of Ecological Footprint
In 1992, William Rees, a Professor at the University of
British Colombia, published information about the
ecological footprint for the first time.
It now takes the Earth one year and six months to regenerate
what we use in a year.