Lecture 1 Introduction of IT and Computer Basics

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Information Technology

Business Management Department

University of Raparin


e-mail: [email protected]

Lecture: 1

Introduction of IT and Computer Basics


 Information Technology
 What is a Computer?
 Different Types of Computers
 Computer System
 Hardware
 Software
 Operating System
 Checking Computer Properties

Information Technology (IT)

 Information technology (IT) is a technology that uses computers to store, recover,

transfer, and manipulate data, or information, often in the context of a business or
 Or
 Information technology (IT) refers to anything related to computing technology,
such as networking, hardware, software, Internet.

Different Types of Computers

 Desktop computer: Generally used at work, home, school, or

the library. They are easy to upgrade and expand.

 Laptop computer: is a portable computer that can sit on your

lap. Nowadays, a computer laptop is more frequently called a
notebook computer.

 Tablet computers:
 more portable than laptops
 uses touch-sensitive screen
 Play games, check email and social media, or stream
music and videos

Different Types of Computers

 Server: computer that serves up information to other

computers on a network. For example web server delivers the
page you requested.

 Other types of computers:

 Mobile phones: serve many of the functions of a
computer, generally having a touchscreen interface,
Internet access, and an operating system capable of
running downloaded apps.
 A smartwatch: is a modern, wrist-worn device that not
only tells the time but also offers various useful features
similar to a smartphone.

Computer System

A computer system consists of two main elements:


 Computer hardware is the collection of physical parts of a
computer system. This includes the computer case, monitor,
keyboard, and mouse.
 It also includes all the parts inside the computer case, such as
the hard disk drive, motherboard, video card, CPU, RAM and
many others.

Computer Parts

 Motherboard - MBO
 a computer "backbone" responsible for
communication between components and
transmission of information

 Central Processing Unit - CPU

 Computer function control, Data
transmission, Command execution.

Computer Parts

There are two different type of
Main Memory such as (RAM,
Secondary Memory such as (Hard
Disk, CD, Flash Memory)

Computer Parts (Cont.): RAM

 Random Access Memory (RAM) is a type of data storage

used in computers that is generally located on the motherboard.

 This kind of memory is volatile and all information stored in

RAM is lost when the computer is switched off.
Computer Parts (Cont.): ROM

 Read Only Memory (ROM) is a special chip held on your

computer's system motherboard
 It contains software that is required to make your computer
work with your operating system, for instance, it is responsible
for copying your operating system into RAM when you switch
on your computer.
Computer Parts (Cont.): Hard Disk

Hard Disk Drive (HDD) device

used for permanent data storage
the newest disk type called Solid
State Drive (SSD)
Graphics Processing Units
processing and displaying images on
the monitor, it consists of a graphics
processor and its own working
Input and Output Devices

 Input Devices: an input device  Output Devices: an output device

sends information to a computer reproduces or displays the results of that
system for processing. Such as: processing. Such as: • monitors
• Mouse • speakers
• Keyboard
• headphones
• Barcode reader
• Camera • projectors
• Microphone • printer


 Software is any set of instructions that tells the hardware what

to do. Examples of software include web browsers, games, and
word processors.

Operating systems (OS)

o OS is responsible for management and

coordination of activities and sharing the
resources of a computer.
o OS makes sure each program gets what
it needs without user interference.
o OS Determines which applications
should RUN in what ORDER and how
much TIME should be given for each
application before giving another a turn.

OS Types

 The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft
Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and Linux.

 Mobile operating systems include Apple iOS, Windows Phone, and Google

How to Check Computer Properties

▪ Step One: Click Start, and select

the menu item Run OR windows
button ( )+R
▪ Step Two: In the Run dialog box,
type: dxdiag (DirectX diagnostic)
▪ Step Three: Click Ok
The DirectX diagnostic Tool will
show up.

Operating system

▪ OS
▪ Processor (CPU)
▪ Memory (RAM)

Video card (Graphic card)

 A Graphics Card is a piece of computer hardware that produces the image

you see on a monitor.

Graphic card capacity

Computer Properties
Normal Programmers Graphic Designer

• Ci5- G 5-7 • Ci7- 10 ^ G 10^ • Ci7 - ^ G 10^

• GPU … Is not impotent • GPU … Is not impotent • GPU: GTX4-6 or RTX4
• SSD … 128 ^ • SSD … 512GB -1TB • SSD … 128 ^
• Price 100$ ^ • Price 400$^ • Price 600$^

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