VOD-December 2024

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VOL. 33, ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2024 ` 20

Season of Love

Archbishop Anil J.T. Couto
"Relevance of Christmas !"
Fr. Savarimuthu Sankar

Fr. Allen Ritesh Gomes
hristmas, a season traditionally associated with joy, generosity
and reflection, continues to hold profound significance in contem-
FINANCE AND CIRCULATION MANAGER porary society. However, its relevance today transcends mere reli-
Fr. Francis Prasad gious observance. In an increasingly globalized and diverse world marked
by challenges such as social inequality, environmental crises and rapid
SECRETARIAT technological changes, Christmas serves as a universal reminder of values
Tency Thomas that resonate across cultures and belief systems.

In a world often characterized by division and polarization, Christmas
emphasizes unity and togetherness. The act of gathering with loved
Antony Jacob
ones—whether around a traditional dinner table or through virtu-
al means—reinforces the importance of community. As loneliness and
DESIGN CONCEPT & LAYOUT mental health issues rise globally, especially in urban and digital-centric
Fr. Allen Ritesh Gomes lifestyles, the Christmas season offers an opportunity to reconnect and
nurture relationships.

While Christmas originates from Christian traditions, its themes of hope,

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love and renewal resonate universally. In multicultural societies, the hol-
Published by Delhi Catholic Archdiocese
1 Ashok Place, New Delhi - 110001 iday’s inclusive spirit offers an opportunity for interfaith dialogue and
Tel.: (+91-11) 23343457, 23362058 mutual respect. Celebrating shared values, rather than focusing solely on
Fax: (+91-11) 23746575 religious rituals, fosters a sense of global citizenship and harmony.
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Voiceofdelhi Archdiocese Delhi For many, the environmental impact of traditional Christmas practices—
Website: www.archdiocesedelhi.com such as excessive consumption and waste — raises questions about sus-
tainability. As society becomes more environmentally conscious, Christ-
mas is evolving to reflect these concerns. Eco-friendly decorations, ethical
gift-giving, and sustainable feasts are examples of how the holiday can
adapt to contemporary values while retaining its essence.

To remain relevant, Christmas must continue to evolve, reflecting the re-

alities and aspirations of modern society. This does not mean abandoning
tradition but reimagining it in ways that address today’s challenges.

In conclusion, Christmas retains its relevance by serving as a timeless

reminder of humanity’s capacity for love, generosity and renewal. In the
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION face of contemporary challenges, it offers both solace and inspiration,
`250 (by post); US $ 25 (abroad); UK £ 15 reminding us that even in the most complex times, the simple values
(abroad); Europe € 13 (abroad) of compassion and connection endure. By embracing these principles,
By Local cheque/bank draft favouring Christmas continues to illuminate a path toward a more harmonious and
“THE VOICE OF DELHI” hopeful world.
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The articles, news reports and other materials
published in this magazine (other than the
Shepherd’s Voice) reflect the views of the authors
and not of the Archdiocese of Delhi and VOD does
not take any responsibility or liability for the same.



3 December2024

19 31






4 December2024
(Romans 5:3)

Stories of Hope

We all know the role hope plays

in our life and especially when
we are in difficult situations
and the outcome is unknown –
we can only ‘believe’ that what-
ever is going to happen will be
favourable to us. Therefore,
prayer and trust in God are so
indispensable to our Christian
life if we are personally related
to Christ in whose death and
resurrection we participate.

Recently I heard a very mov-

ing story of invincible hope
born out of love that happened
during the massive earthquake
that devastated the northern
region of Armenia in 1988 kill-
ing nearly 30,000 people. In
that earthquake an elementary
school with several hundred
children in it came crashing
down burying the children be-
neath the rubble. Rescue opera-
tions began almost immediately
after the earthquake struck.
Some children were brought
out of the rubble alive, but most
of the children were found dead many parents, he went on dig- us in Christ – love that led Je- ferent parts of the world and,
under the stones. ging with his bare hands, lifting sus Christ to the cross for our on a smaller scale, each one of
stone after stone shouting, ‘Ar- sake because “God so loved the us will be able to testify to such
However, one father of a boy man’, ‘Arman’ at the top of his world, that he gave his only Son, miracles of hope in our own
– Arman was the boy’s name voice; and to his immense joy, that whoever believes in him individual lives when we have
- hoped beyond doubt that his after thirty-six hours of mighty should not perish but have eter- been rescued from situations of
little son was alive under the ru- efforts, fighting hunger and nal life” (John 3:16). utter ‘hopelessness’ by the mi-
ins. He loved his son so much exhaustion, he heard the son’s raculous intervention of God.
that he couldn’t believe that voice beneath the rubble, ‘Abba, We remember some such mir-
his son was dead. He had often it’s me’. Arman was alive and acle that took place in Uttara- Hope of Eternal Life
told him as he left school every along with him thirteen other khand in November 2023 when
morning, “son, God will take boys of his class were also alive. a tunnel under construction Nevertheless, as we can easily
care of you and I will be there Arman was certain that his lov- collapsed trapping all the 41 conclude, the above-mentioned
for you any time you need me”. ing Abba would not allow him labourers inside. They were testimonies of hope are within
The doting dad raced to the to die and that he would leave rescued through a pipe after the confines of our contingent
school driven by the promise he no stone unturned to rescue a 17-day ordeal during which world.
had made to his son. He knew him. With this confidence he hopes were waxing and wan-
the area of his son’s classroom kept up the hope of his thirteen ing but the power of prayer and The word of God speaks to us
and the spot where his son sat. companions. It was indeed a complete trust in God finally of another hope: “What no eye
With unflagging hope in his miracle of faith, hope and love. prevailed over all human odds. has seen, nor ear heard, nor the
heart and defying all odds and If such is the power of human It was indeed a miracle of hope. heart of man imagined, what
particularly the official despon- love how infinitely greater is God has prepared for those
dency which was shared by the power of God’s love for We hear of such miracles in dif- who love him” (1 Corinthians


5 December2024

2:9). This pertains to eternal life spondent and especially when press on to make it my own, be- 2. Reaching out to our broth-
which is of much greater value our faith and Christian witness cause Christ Jesus has made me ers and sisters in prison, who
than everything that this world are severely tested, we must en- his own. Brothers, I do not con- are suffering hardships and
can give us. This is the pearl of ter more deeply into the word sider that I have made it y own. deprived of their freedom and
great value to gain which we of God that never fails us. The But one thing I do: forgetting dignity.
are ready to forgo everything word of God is truth and It is what lies behind and straining 3. Tending to the sick whether
(Mathew 13:45-46) because, in our source of strength. It is “a forward to what lies ahead, I at home or in hospital.
the gift of ‘wisdom’ which the lamp to my feet and a light to press o toward the goal for the 4. Caring for the migrants who
Holy Spirit has bestowed on us, my path” (Psalm 119: 105). prize of the upward call of God leave their homeland in search
we know what is transient and in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3: of better life for themselves and
what is everlasting. Jubilee Year 2025 – We are Pil- 7-14). for their families.
grims of Hope 5. Caring for the elderly who
In fact, we may not even receive The beautiful parables of the feel lonely and abandoned.
what we are intensely praying As the calendar year 2024 Kingdom of God which Jesus 6. Opening our eyes to the
and hoping for as an ‘earthly draws to a close we are going proclaimed speak of hope as an plight of the poor, the homeless
blessing’, but that suffering it- to enter into the Jubilee Year expectant and patient waiting and the impoverished people
self is definitely God’s way of 2025 with its theme, ‘Pilgrims as well as an arduous working. who have to suffer hunger and
purifying us and preparing us of Hope’. Hope is a theological We have to work for the King- deprivation despite the im-
for eternal life, to receive that virtue inextricably related to dom of God to manifest itself in mense resources of the earth.
“treasure in heaven, where nei- faith and love, but fulfilled in our human society and wait ex- 7. Demonstrating our special
ther moth nor rust destroys and love as St. Paul affirms, “So now pectantly for its full flowering. care and concern for the young
where thieves do not break in faith, hope and love abide, these This is the sum and substance who are the very embodiment
and steal.” (Mathew 6:20), and three, but the greatest of these is of the only prayer Christ has of hope.
indeed our heart has to be on love” (1 Corinthians 13:13). taught us, the ‘Our Father’. And
this treasure. Christ himself, who went about There could be many more ways
If this world alone were all that teaching, healing every disease by which we give an account of
To hope for eternal life and the mattered to life our Lord Jesus and every affliction among the the hope that is in us, as St. Pe-
coming of God’s Kingdom in Our Lord would never have people, forgiving sinners and ter exhorts us:
its fulness is the identity of the shunned all the temptations proclaiming the gospel of the
Church and the essence of her of the devil in the desert; he Kingdom is our model par ex- “Now who is there to harm you
mission. We were saved in this would never have spoken to us cellence. In his death and res- if you are zealous for what is
hope and our hope will never of the kingdom of God and of urrection, the devil and sin and good? But even if you should
disappoint us because “God’s repentance and self-denial in death itself were defeated and suffer for righteousness’ sake,
love has been poured into our order to enter this kingdom; he the victory of God’s Kingdom you will be blessed. Have no
hearts through the Holy Spirit would never have proclaimed established once and for all. fear of them, nor be troubled,
who has been given to us” (Ro- eternal life as our true destiny; Because of the resurrection we but in your hearts honor Christ
mans 5:5). This is the mystery he would never have placed do not doubt that God’s King- the Lord as holy, always being
of Christ that informs our life before us the mystery of the dom will come and with Mary prepared to make a defense to
from the day of Baptism; there- cross which is the path the Son our Blessed Mother we sing the anyone who asks you for a rea-
fore St. Paul could exclaim with of Man had chosen; he would ‘Magnificat’. son for the hope that is in you,
full confidence: “Who shall sep- never have given us the ‘new yet do it with gentleness and re-
arate us from the love of Christ? commandment’ of loving one The Jubilee Year is a time to re- spect, having a good conscience,
Shall tribulation, or distress, or another just as he has loved us; new our lives in the light of the so that, when you are slandered,
persecution, or famine, or na- in short there would not be any Holy Spirit with utter sincerity those who revile your good be-
kedness, or danger, or sword?... need for the Gospel. with God, with ourselves and havior in Christ may be put to
No, in all these things we are with others. shame. For it is better to suffer
more than conquerors through As St. Paul says in his letter to for doing good, if that should be
him who loved us” (Romans the Philippians: “But whatev- Becoming Signs of Hope God’s will, than for doing evil.”
8: 35-37). Remember these er gain I had, I counted as loss (1Peter 3: 13-17).
words of our Lord: “I have said for the sake of Christ. Indeed, In his ‘Bull of Indiction’ in
all these things to you, that in I count everything as loss be- preparation for the Jubilee Year
me you may have peace. In the cause of the surpassing worth 2025 (May 09, 2024), the Holy
world you will have tribulation. of knowing Christ my Lord. For Father Pope Francis presents
But take heart, I have overcome his sake I have suffered the loss several tangible ways by which
the world.” (John 16:33). of all things and count them as we can be ‘signs of hope’ in our
rubbish, in order that I may gain broken world:
When all kinds of sufferings Christ and be found in him ... 1. Desiring and working for
come our way tempting us to Not that I have already obtained peace in the world in the face of
lose courage, be gloomy and de- this or am already perfect, but I the tragedy of war.


6 December2024
AI in healthcare and the Hope of Christmas

Rev. Fr. Jais Assariparambil

Archdiocese of Delhi

s we approach the love, and solidarity. spirit of Christ’s love for hu- as early detection can pre-
joyful season of manity, AI must be harnessed vent blindness and improve
Christmas, our AI in Healthcare: for the common good. It is the quality of life for many,
hearts are filled The Promise of Restoration through love and compassion particularly the poor. The
with hope, renewal and the and Hope that we see God in the face Church's teachings—“heal
promise of a new year. This of every person, especially in the sick” (Matthew 10:8)—
sacred season invites us to Artificial Intelligence is rap- their moments of need. Just align with this mission of
reflect on the profound mys- idly reshaping the landscape as Christ healed the sick, AI healing. Pope Francis, in Lau-
tery of the Incarnation— of healthcare, offering break- in healthcare should be used dato Si’, speaks of technology
God becoming flesh in Jesus throughs in early diagno- to uplift those suffering, en- as a tool that should serve the
Christ—and how this divine sis, personalized treatment, suring that no one is left be- common good, uphold hu-
act of love calls us to serve mental health support, and hind. man dignity and help those
humanity with compassion. operational efficiency. These most in need (LS 131). By en-
In this light, the develop- technological advancements Early Diagnosis and Disease suring that AI-driven health
ment of Artificial Intelligence bring hope and healing, es- Detection: technologies reach all people,
(AI) in healthcare becomes a pecially in a country like In- A Path of Healing AI’s role especially the marginalized,
modern “gift” that holds the dia, where access to health- in early diagnosis and dis- we fulfill Christ’s call to serve
potential to transform lives care varies and can often be ease detection is a modern with love.
and enhance human well-be- limited by geographical or form of healing. For in-
ing. Yet, like all gifts, it car- financial barriers. Yet, as the stance, Google DeepMind’s Personalized Treatment
ries with it the responsibility Church reminds us, technol- AI for Eye Diseases, capable Plans: Mirroring Christ’s
to ensure it serves humanity ogy must not serve the few, of detecting over 50 eye dis- Care for the Sick
with reverence and respect but the many, especially the eases through retinal scans, AI is also revolutionizing per-
for the dignity of each indi- most vulnerable. The mes- is transforming the way we sonalized treatment, partic-
vidual. Just as Christ entered sage of Christmas calls us to care for those suffering from ularly for complex diseases
the world with the humble be "lights" to those in dark- conditions like diabetic ret- like cancer. IBM Watson for
mission to heal and restore, ness, bringing the gift of heal- inopathy. In India, Sankara Oncology, used by institu-
so too should we approach ing and care to all—especial- Nethralaya’s adoption of tions like the Tata Memori-
AI with a heart of service, ly the poor, the marginalized AI-driven diagnostic tools al Centre in Mumbai, helps
rooted in the values of faith, and those who suffer. In the offers a glimmer of hope, doctors tailor treatment


7 December2024
The Gift of Healing: AI in healthcare and the Hope of Christmas

plans based on a patient’s viders to monitor patients medical technology. Yet, as provide AI-based cognitive
medical records and the lat- with chronic conditions like these systems remain costly behavioral therapy (CBT),
est research. This precision in diabetes and hypertension and often accessible only to offering immediate support
treatment embodies the care remotely, these tools are of- wealthier patients, we are to those in distress. These
Christ showed during His fering continuous care and reminded that the Church’s platforms are an answer to
earthly ministry, healing in- reducing the need for travel. mission is to ensure that the call for pastoral care,
dividuals with unique needs This reflects the Church’s call healthcare advancements extending beyond physical
and personal stories. for solidarity with the most benefit everyone, particularly healing to offer spiritual and
vulnerable. Pope Francis, the poorest. In Gaudium et emotional restoration. The
While these advancements of- in Fratelli Tutti, emphasizes Spes, the Church reminds us Church calls us to care for
fer hope, the Church empha- the importance of ensuring that technology must priori- the emotional and spiritual
sizes that healthcare should that technological progress tize the common good and no well-being of others and AI
be a universal good. As Pope benefits everyone, especially one should be excluded from can play a role in reaching
John Paul II wrote in Evan- those who are most at risk of its benefits (GS 29). Just as those who feel isolated or
gelium Vitae, healthcare sys- being excluded (FT 106). For Christ did not hesitate to heal stigmatized. As Pope Francis
tems must uphold the dignity the Church, care for the sick those in need regardless of wrote in Fratelli Tutti, tech-
of every individual, partic- extends not only to physical their status, we must ensure nology must uplift human
ularly those on the margins healing but to ensuring equi- that the most vulnerable are dignity, ensuring that even
(EV 89). It is our collective table access to the tools that not left behind in the tech- those suffering in silence can
responsibility to ensure that support their well-being. nological advancements of find help and comfort (FT
such innovations are accessi- today. 106).
ble to all, especially the poor. Robotic Surgery and Pre-
Virtual Health Assistants cision Procedures: Healing Mental Health and Emotion- Administrative Efficiency and
and Remote Patient Moni- with Compassion al Support: Bringing Peace Resource Management: A
toring: Serving the Remote and Healing to the Soul Commitment to Service
and Disadvantaged AI-driven AI-assisted robotic surgery
health assistants and remote is advancing patient care by Mental health is an urgent AI is also improving the effi-
monitoring technologies are offering more precise and need in India, where mil- ciency of healthcare systems,
transforming healthcare de- less invasive procedures. The lions suffer from depression allowing for better resource
livery in rural areas, where Da Vinci Surgical System, anxiety and other psycho- management, reduced wait
resources are often scarce. used in India’s top hospitals, logical conditions. AI-driven times and improved patient
By enabling healthcare pro- represents a leap forward in tools like Woebot and Wysa care. These advancements


8 December2024
The Gift of Healing: AI in healthcare and the Hope of Christmas

make it possible to allocate munities, ensuring that these way Christ healed both the tems are designed and imple-
resources more effectively, services are accessible to ev- spiritual and physical ail- mented with transparency,
ensuring that healthcare ser- eryone. ments of those He encoun- fairness and respect for the
vices are accessible to all. The tered, we must ensure that human person’s fundamen-
Church’s call to “serve one Advocate for Accessible AI technologies are not seen tal rights. As we celebrate
another in love” (Galatians Healthcare: as exclusive, but as gifts to all Christmas and look forward
5:13) reminds us that every of humanity, promoting both to the new year, let us reflect
advancement in healthcare The faithful can participate health and dignity. Incorpo- on our collective responsibil-
must be rooted in service, in advocacy campaigns to rating Dilexit Nos into our ity to ensure that technology,
compassion and care for the ensure AI healthcare technol- approach to AI in healthcare particularly in healthcare, is
community. The faithful can ogies are made available to calls for vigilance in our mor- used not only to advance hu-
support these efforts through all people, regardless of their al duties. Pope Francis' vision man health but to promote
involvement in healthcare economic status. reminds us that we are stew- justice, equity and compas-
initiatives that ensure equita- ards of this gift of technology sion for all. Christ’s mission
ble access to all. A Responsibility Grounded and it is our ethical responsi- of healing and redemption
in Compassion and Ethics bility to ensure it is used for calls us to serve with love, es-
How the Laity of the Arch- Pope Francis, in Dilexit Nos, the healing of all, fostering pecially those who are most
diocese of Delhi Can Ac- emphasizes that love lies at a community united in love, in need.
cess and Support AI-Driven the heart of healing and care. care and respect for the hu-
Healthcare As Christians, we are called man person. Bibliography
to reflect the love of Christ in Pope Francis, Laudato Si', Vati-
The faithful of the Archdio- all our actions, particularly Critical Reflections: can Press, 2015.
Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, Vati-
cese of Delhi play a vital role in our use of technology. In Accessibility and Ethical
can Press, 2020.
in extending the benefits of healthcare, this means that Concerns Pope John Paul II, Evangelium
AI-driven healthcare to all, AI must serve as a tool for Vitae, Vatican Press, 1995.
particularly the underserved. human dignity, compassion, Despite the immense prom- Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes,
and solidarity. The Pope's ise of AI in healthcare, we Vatican Press, 1965.
Here are Practical ways the message encourages us to use must confront certain harsh Pope Benedict XVI, Spe Salvi,
Laity can Engage: technology for the common realities, especially regarding Vatican Press, 2007.
good, especially for the most access for the poor. The dis- S. K. Gupta, "Artificial Intel-
ligence in Healthcare: Current
Leverage Telemedicine and vulnerable, echoing Christ's parities in access to health-
Status and Future Prospects,"
AI-Powered Health Apps: By own ministry of healing. By care—due to factors like Indian Journal of Medical Infor-
using AI-driven health apps using AI to advance health- geography, cost and infra- matics, vol. 9, no. 3, 2020.
like Ada Health, the faithful care, we are not only ad- structure—remain significant R. S. Sood and R. K. Verma,
can save time and money on vancing technology but also barriers to realizing the ben- Artificial Intelligence in Indian
consultations. They can also fulfilling our moral respon- efits of AI. While large urban Healthcare: Opportunities and
encourage others to use these sibility to heal and uplift centers may experience the Challenges, Springer, 2021.
tools, especially in rural or every person, especially the advantages of AI technol- R. N. Dey, "AI and its Role in
Transforming Healthcare in In-
underserved areas. marginalized. AI, when im- ogies, rural and underpriv-
dia," Indian Journal of Medical
plemented with ethical prin- ileged areas often remain Ethics, 2022.
Participate in Health Screen- ciples and love, can transcend neglected. AI in healthcare Dr. M. V. Joshi, Ethics in Health-
ings and Outreach Programs: its technical nature and be- should not only aim for tech- care: The Role of AI, Christian
AI-driven diagnostics, such come an expression of God's nological advancement but Medical Association of India,
as those for diabetic retinop- mercy and care for the world. also address these stark in- 2018.
athy and early cancer detec- In Dilexit Nos, the Pope fur- equalities. N. P. Singh and A. K. Agarwal,
tion, are becoming available ther underscores that the love "Healthcare System and the Role
of Artificial Intelligence in In-
through health outreach pro- of Christ compels us to build Moreover, ethical concerns
dia," Journal of Indian Health,
grams. Participation in these a more just and compassion- regarding privacy, data se-
programs helps bring vital ate world, where no one is curity and algorithmic biases
services to those who need excluded from the benefits must be carefully considered.
them most. of progress. This is especially The Church teaches that
true in healthcare. Whether technology must serve the
Support Healthcare Equity through AI-driven innova- human person, not reduce
Initiatives: tions in diagnostics, person- them to mere data points.
alized treatments, or mental AI, if misused, could con-
The faithful can contribute health support, we must tribute to a further erosion
to charitable programs that ensure these advancements of human dignity, especially
subsidize AI-driven health- reach all people, particularly for the poor and vulnerable.
care for marginalized com- the underserved. In the same We must ensure that AI sys-


9 December2024
Franklin Kerketta (Theology - IV Seminarian)
Archdiocese of Delhi

he church begins perience of waiting for the peace. what Christ would later de-
the liturgical year Messiah. clare as His missionary mani-
with the season of (4) Advent is a time to put MARANATHA – COME festo: “The Spirit of the Lord
advent. The word hope in God. LORD JESUS is upon me, because he has
Advent (from, "ad-venire" (5) Advent is a time to re-cen- The word “Maranatha” is a anointed me to bring good
in Latin or "to come to") is ter life around God and his coinage from two Aramaic news to the poor. He has sent
the season encompassing the example of love, compassion, words: the noun mära’ (Lord, me to proclaim release to the
four Sundays (and weekdays) and humility. Master) and the imperative captives and recovery of sight
leading up to the celebration mood of the verb ’ätah (to to the blind, to let the op-
of Christmas. ADVENT WREATH come). Thus “maranatha” pressed go free, to proclaim
The advent wreath symbol- simply means “Come Lord the year of the Lord’s favor”
The Advent season is a time izes the Christmas season (Jesus)”! It is an express de- (Lk 4,18-19; cf. Is 61,1-2).
of preparation that directs our and the hope and anticipa- sire of the heart and a lucid
hearts and minds to Christ’s tion of the coming of Jesus invitation of the Advent sea- The Lord God is extending a
second coming at the end of Christ. Advent wreaths are son, in readiness to welcome free invitation to all to come
time and to the anniversary circular, representing God's the Lord Jesus. and be satisfied and healed
of Our Lord’s birth on Christ- infinite love and are usual- without any cost: “everyone
mas. From the earliest days of ly made of evergreen leaves, In a society that is looking who thirsts, come to the wa-
the Church, people have been which represent the hope sick and desolate, wearied ters; and you that have no
fascinated by Jesus’ promise of eternal life brought by Je- and worried, troubled and money, come, buy and eat!
to come back. But the scrip- sus Christ. Within the Ad- confused, the only Good Come, buy wine and milk
ture readings during Advent vent wreath are candles that News that can be received is without money and without
tell us not to waste our time generally represent the four the expectation of a Messiah price” (Is 55,1). Our Lord Je-
with predictions. Advent is weeks of the Advent sea- to bring remedies and heal- sus continues the same invita-
not about speculation. Our son as well as the light of ing. Maranatha is the cry tion to all who are weary and
Advent readings call us to be God coming into the world of one beset with suffering; over-burdened: “Come to me,
alert and ready, not weight- through the birth of Jesus the aspiration in the trou- all you that are weary and are
ed down and distracted by Christ although each of the bled face of a man who has carrying heavy burdens, and
the cares of this world (Lk candles can be attributed its lost all his happiness and joy I will give you rest” (Matt
21:34-36). Like Lent, the li- own significance as well. The due to protracted illness de- 11,28). Christ invited us first
turgical color for Advent is four candles of the Advent fying cures; the desire of the to come to Him for our heal-
purple since both are seasons wreath specifically symbol- woman whose laughter has ing and nourishment; and we
that prepare us for great feast ize the Christian concepts of been muffled by sorrow and now invite Him in return to
days. Advent also includes hope, peace, joy and love, distress arising from broken come to our assistance in this
an element of penance in the with these candles being lit heart as she grapples with troubled world.
sense of preparing, quieting subsequently throughout life in a childless marriage, Christ’s response and con-
and disciplining our hearts each week of the Advent sea- miscarriages or repeated loss tinued presence among His
for the full joy of Christmas. son. Many Advent wreaths of children in infancy; the in- people is the Maranatha Car-
The final days of Advent, also have a white candle in the viting look of the child who ing Mission stepping in as a
from December 17 to De- center, known as the 'Christ is sick and hopelessly mal- prolongation of Christ’s pres-
cember 24, we focus on our candle', to symbolize the ar- nourished. These are the gory ence in furtherance of His
preparation for the celebra- rival of Christmastide. It is sights in our streets, homes caring mission. In this mis-
tions of the Nativity of our first lit on Christmas Eve, the and churches. sion, Christ’s presence and
Lord at Christmas. Advent beginning of Christmastide, closeness is felt by the society,
devotions including the Ad- and may be lit throughout the During His short earthly life especially the sick, the poor
vent wreath, remind us of the rest of the Christmas season. and ministry, the Lord Je- and the less-privileged who
meaning of the season. An additional layer of mean- sus “went about doing good can now be treated, clothed
(1) Advent is a time to cele- ing names the first candle as and healing all who were op- and fed at no cost.
brate the birth of Jesus and the Messiah or Prophecy can- pressed by the devil, for God
the journey that led up to it. dle (representing the Jewish was with him” (Acts 10,38). Let us join to make this mis-
(2) Advent is a time to pre- prophets who predicted the His miracles declaring divine sion possible bearing in mind
pare for the second coming of coming of Jesus), the second presence and visitation to His Christ’s assurance: “Whatso-
Christ and to consider what is the Bethlehem candle (rep- people were of two kinds: ever you do, to the least of my
needs to be done to be ready resenting the journey of Jo- nature and healing miracles. brothers, that you do unto
for his return. seph and Mary), the third He brought relief to the sick, me” (cf. Matt 25,40). Ma-
(3) Advent is a time to renew represents the shepherds and curing them of their infirmi- ranatha! – Come, Lord Jesus!
the desire for Christ's second their joy and the fourth is the ties and diseases. The proph-
coming and to renew the ex- Angel's candle, representing et Isaiah had earlier foretold


10 December2024
Christmas 2024
Dominic Mascarenhas

y now we will be
perhaps into Advent.
Many of us are deep
in Christmas prepa-
ration. For people of the
world, it means preparing
sweets, planning Christmas
dinner and drinks, besides
shoes and outfit, as also cus-
tomary cleaning and deco-
ration and perhaps planning
the Christmas dance. These
are not bad in themselves,
but is this all we have re-
duced Christmas to? Is this
all that outsiders and people
of other faiths see and know
about Christmas, and want
to participate it? Sadly, we
perhaps missed chances over
these years, even as we cel-
ebrated Christmas to tell
the Christmas story, even as
people glimpsed lovingly at
the crib we set up. Or do we
just invite neighbors to wolf
down sweets and meats, and
compliment for having the
best sweets food and drink
around? Surely, the cribs
set up aren’t just to win local
‘crib’ competitions alone. At
the very least these should deities we worshipped and Another thought that comes Christmas fills us with new
have been (and if not, start some are still worshipped. to mind; Christmas comes hope, that God hasn’t de-
even now) to make all these On any day therefore at least when the year is almost spaired about us. In fact, He
as exercises to build the fam- a few tens of thousands of over. Perhaps we have long has a gift of a brand new year
ily as one, even while involv- deities would be commemo- forgotten New Year resolu- ahead for us, to begin afresh.
ing in even seeming drudgery rated. We don’t know why tions, Perhaps we had many Rather, for Christians, a
of some necessary tasks. these groups claiming to be sins and failures. Perhaps brand new liturgical year
Christian, are bent on re- we were caught up in the has already begun at Advent.
Christmas is the birth of the minding the world of some toils and troubles of life. In The church colors through
Child Jesus. Let us remember deities the world has long some countries, Christmas is Advent and Christmas season
this time, at least, to wish the forgotten. Are they devotees celebrated as ‘year end leave’ spell this hope.
birthday Boy first. Perhaps in ‘hiding’ of these other dei- (and partying) to forget the
we can do this prayerfully at ties? We let them do as they stress of the days gone by. This year of course is extra
Mass, before getting down desire, but we worship Jesus Christ came at Christmas special. On Christmas Eve,
to other things, while always on Christmas day; incidental- though, as a little baby to Holy Father Pope Francis
remembering and thanking ly meaning ‘Mass of Christ’. tell the world that despite will open the doors of St Pe-
Him, and also remember- Some say Christ has already everything God has still not ter Basilica in Rome, opening
ing the various graces and come. Sure, we know Jesus lost hope in it. Christ comes the jubilee year, that recog-
blessings He gives us. Some came that first Christmas, but to tell us that despite every- nizes the great virtue of hope,
of course some will discour- we also know He will come thing we did, God still loves calling us to be ‘pilgrims of
age us that Christmas Day again in glory. The days and desires to save us (John hope’.
isn’t actually when Jesus was before (Advent) are days of 3:16 paraphrased). The baby
born. They mention some spiritual preparation for His seemingly helpless in the crib Let this Christmas therefore
other deities and festivals coming again in glory, so as wants to embrace us and be one of great hope and joy.
around this time. We know to not miss it this time. We bless us, and also wants us to
there are only 365 days of the also thank Jesus for coming take us close to our hearts,
year. World over, millions of to save us.


11 December2024
Christmas Symbols: Sacred Moments in Today's Life
Dr. John Singarayar

n my journey through
life, I have come to see
Christmas symbols not
just as decorations or
traditions, but as living tes-
timonies of faith that speak
to our deepest human expe-
riences. Each symbol carries
whispers of ancient wisdom
while reflecting our modern
struggles and hopes. As I re-
flect on these sacred symbols,
I find they illuminate both
personal and collective paths
toward meaning, connection,
and spiritual growth.

The Christmas Tree: A Living


When I help my friends deco-

rate our Christmas tree each
December, I am struck by
how this simple act connects
us to something profound.
The tree stands in our house
like a silent guardian, its ev-
ergreen branches reminding
me that hope persists even
in life's winters. Each orna-
ment we hang tells a story -
the handmade star my little
friend crafted in catechism
school, the recycled glass
ball that represents our par-
ish's commitment to caring
for God's creation, the angel
passed down from my elderly
When I drive through my of resilience and community that divine guidance comes
Sometimes, late at night when neighbourhood on December spirit, showing how modern not just in dramatic moments
the house is quiet, I sit beside evenings, each illuminated challenges can strengthen our but in quiet questions and
our tree and watch its lights home feels like a beacon of connections to each other honest doubts.
twinkle. In these moments, I hope. These lights remind me and to our faith.
feel a deep connection to all that even in our darkest mo- A Living Nativity
who have gathered around ments, whether facing per- The Star's Eternal Guidance
Christmas trees throughout sonal loss, global challenges, The nativity scene on our
time, seeking light in dark- or spiritual doubt, we are The star atop our tree takes mantel does more than tell
ness. The tree becomes a never truly alone. on new meaning each year. an ancient story; it reflects
prayer, its very presence de- As someone navigating life our present reality. When I
claring that beauty and life Last year, when our commu- in an increasingly complex arrange the figures, I think
endure even in the coldest nity faced hardship during world, I find myself, like the of modern families seeking
seasons of our hearts. a severe rainy storm, neigh- wise men, searching for direc- shelter, of refugees looking
bours helped each other tion. When my teenage friend for safety, of all who feel dis-
Living Lights in the Darkness string lights using generators, questioned his faith last year, placed or unwelcome. The
creating islands of warmth we sat together looking at humble stable scene reminds
The strings of lights we hang and fellowship. These lights that star, talking about how me that divinity often ap-
hold special meaning in to- became more than decora- seeking truth is itself a sacred pears in unexpected places,
day's world of uncertainty. tions; they were declarations journey. The star reminds us challenging me to see the sa-


12 December2024
Christmas Symbols: Sacred Moments in Today's Life

cred in the ordinary moments Mistletoe: Creating Spaces of family love and sacri- As we engage with these sym-
of daily life. for Love fice, while green speaks of bols, we are invited to see the
growth and renewal. When sacred in the ordinary and the
Santa and the Spirit of Mod- We hang mistletoe not just we choose decorations, we eternal in the everyday. They
ern Giving for its romantic tradition but consider not just their beau- challenge us to live our faith
as a reminder to create mo- ty but their ability to tell our not just during the Christmas
My understanding of Santa ments of connection in our parish's story of faith and season but throughout the
Claus has evolved as I have fast-paced lives. Under its connection to God's creation. year, finding divine presence
grown in faith. While my branches, we pause for hugs, in both celebration and strug-
friends delight in the magic reconciliation and words Letters of Love: Christmas gle. In this way, the symbols
of Christmas morning, we of appreciation. In a world Cards of Christmas become not just
have made Santa a symbol of where digital connections representations of faith but
selfless giving in our parish often replace physical ones, In a digital age, we still send invitations to a deeper, more
family. We practice "secret this simple plant invites us to physical Christmas cards, authentic spiritual life in our
Santa" acts throughout De- embrace the sacred power of seeing them as small mission- contemporary world.
cember, leaving anonymous human touch and presence. aries of joy and connection.
gifts for neighbours in need Each card we write becomes
or contributing to commu- Personal Treasures: The a prayer for its recipient, and
nity projects. These actions Christmas Stocking each one we receive reminds
teach our children that the us we are part of a larger
true spirit of giving lies not in Our parish family's stock- family of faith. These tan-
the size of the gift but in the ings, hand-knitted by my gible connections feel espe-
love behind it. parish senior citizens, hang cially precious in our virtual
as testimonies to generation- world.
Nature's Testimony: Holly al love. Each small gift inside
and Ivy represents not material excess Carols That Tell Our Story
but thoughtful care. We have
The holly wreath on our door started a tradition of includ- When our parish family gath-
connects us to both heaven ing notes of appreciation and ers to sing carols, whether at
and earth. In tending our promises of time together, church or around our piano
small garden, I have gained a making our stockings vessels at home or community, we
deeper appreciation for these of relationship rather than are joining our voices with
ancient symbols of faith. The just containers for presents. generations of believers.
holly's ability to thrive in These songs carry not just
winter mirrors our own ca- Sweet Reminders: The Candy the Christmas story but our
pacity for spiritual growth in Cane own stories of faith. Even our
difficult times. When my par- youngest children add their
ish youth and I gather natural When I share candy canes voices, learning through mu-
decorations, we talk about with my little altar server sic that they are part of some-
being stewards of God's cre- children, we talk about the thing larger than themselves.
ation, linking our faith with shepherds who first heard
environmental responsibility. the Christmas message, or- Conclusion: Living Symbols,
dinary people chosen for an Living Faith
Bells That Call Us Home extraordinary purpose. These
simple sweets become tools These Christmas symbols are
The sound of church bells for teaching that each per- more than decorations or tra-
carries across our city on son, however humble, carries ditions; they are living testi-
Christmas morning, min- divine purpose. Their shape monies of faith that connect
gling with the noise of traf- reminds us that sometimes heaven and earth, past and
fic and modern life. These we need to bend our plans to present, human and divine.
bells remind me that sacred follow a higher calling. Through them, we find ways
moments exist alongside our to express our deepest hopes,
busy lives. When our parish Colours That Speak to the share our struggles, and cele-
family rings a small bell be- Heart brate our joys. They remind
fore Christmas dinner, it is us that the Christmas story is
our way of calling ourselves The reds and greens of not just historical; it is hap-
to presence and gratitude, Christmas take on personal pening now, in our homes,
creating a moment of peace meaning in our parish. Red our communities, our parish,
in our hurried world. reminds us of the warmth and our hearts.


13 December2024
Pilgrims of Hope - ‘Our Life is a Pilgrimage’

Fr. Sampath Kumar. G.

Archdiocese of Delhi

rothers and sisters,
Life is often com-
pared to a pilgrim-
age—a journey
marked not by a physical
destination but by the un-
folding of our spiritual, emo-
tional, and personal growth.
A pilgrimage is traditionally
a journey to a sacred place, a
quest for deeper meaning or
connection to the divine. In
a similar way, life itself is a
pilgrimage: a path we walk
in search of purpose, un-
derstanding, and fulfilment.
Today I would like to share
with you about my pilgrim-
age along with my parents
and siblings to Nirmalagiri
Mary Matha Shrine, Andhra
Pradesh on 23rd June, 2024.

The Beginning:
From the beginning of my
birth my parents created a fering. A pilgrimage is never sacred sites with the intent iting the Lord and our bless-
taste for the pilgrimage. I without difficulty; it is the of seeking a connection to ed Mother in that shrine we
remember my mother made struggles along the way that something greater than them- were able to feel God’s touch
a promise to Mother Mary refine the soul and strength- selves. Throughout life, we within ourselves. Similarly,
when I was serious ill soon en our resolve. Similarly, life question our purpose and life is a process of learning,
after my birth. She said that, presents challenges—emo- explore the mysteries of exis- unlearning and relearning.
“if my child gets healed, I will tional pain, loss, failure and tence. This search for mean- The wisdom gained from
send him for the service of uncertainty—that push us to ing is an essential part of our life’s experiences is often not
the Lord as a priest and will grow in ways we may not pilgrimage. Whether through immediately apparent. But,
make a pilgrimage thereaf- have expected. These trials moments of quiet reflection, as we reflect on our paths
ter”. I was healed complete- are part of the pilgrimage religious practices, or mean- and look back at the lessons
ly and my mother made a and serve as opportunities for ingful connections with oth- learned, we realize how much
pilgrimage to our Lady. Our transformation. When faced ers, we seek to understand we’ve grown.
pilgrimage begins at birth, an with hardship, we often seek our place in the grand scheme
event that signifies the start meaning, much like a pilgrim of things. A pilgrim, when In the end, life is not merely a
of an ongoing quest. From might pause to reflect at a sa- reaching the destination, of- series of events, but a pilgrim-
the moment we open our cred site. The pain we experi- ten finds that the journey it- age—a continuous journey of
eyes to the world, we begin ence can feel like an arduous self was the most important self-discovery, learning and
learning, forming ideas, and stretch of the journey, but it part—the growth, the trans- becoming, one step at a time.
understanding the environ- is precisely these moments formation, and the deeper
ment around us. Much like that lead us to discover inner understanding of self and the
a pilgrim embarking on a sa- resilience, compassion, and world. Similarly, in our own
cred journey, we begin with deeper understanding. It is lives, we find that the process
a sense of wonder and curi- through overcoming adversi- of self-discovery and growth
osity, eager to explore the ty that we gain wisdom and is what truly matters.
unknown. maturity.
The Lessons:
The Challenges: The Quest: A pilgrimage is not just about
As we continue along the A pilgrimage is not only a reaching a place—it’s about
path of life, we inevitably physical journey but a spir- the transformation that oc-
face obstacles, trials and suf- itual one. Pilgrims travel to curs along the way. After vis-


14 December2024
Saint Francis Xavier – Catechist Par Excellence

Fr. Aires Furtado

Archdiocese of Delhi

aint Francis Xavier is
one of our most excit-
ing and adventurous
Catholic saints. He
devoted his life to missionary
work in largely unexplored
places of the world. He won
souls for Christ with his gen-
tleness, joy and missionary
zeal. He brought the Faith to
children, fishermen, farmers,
and kings. Modern scholars
estimated that he baptized
some 30,000 converts during
his lifetime.

Francis’s missionary meth-

ods were primitive. When he
arrived in a village, he rang
a bell to summon the chil-
dren and the idle. He loved
the children and they loved
him. He taught them their
catechism, as well as their
prayers. Such was the love
the children had for him that
barely did he have time to say
his prayers or even eat.

He was a genius, especially

as a teacher and missionary.
As a tool for memorization
of the catechism, Xavier
made use of songs. In simple
verse and rhyme, he instruct-
ed them in Christian doctrine
and the basic prayers. The Research has shown that with the poor, and become Sacred Relics of St. Francis
children then would return he always provided for the poor himself. His emphasis Xavier, beginning in Novem-
home and sing the catechism, continuing pastoral care of on inculturation and service ber this year. Xavier inspires
thereby teaching their own the communities he founded to the poor and marginalized us to keep our feet moving.
parents. These songs caught and did not abandon them has become a fundamen- Xavier’s legacy continues to
on with other villagers, after baptism. In fact, many tal part of the Church’s ap- inspire and guide the work
spreading Francis’s message. of his own efforts were spent proach to evangelism. of missionaries and laypeople
After instructions, Francis instructing those baptized around the world, making
Xavier would baptize by the hastily by others. The areas At the end of his exhaust- him a towering figure in the
thousands. He baptized so he evangelized in India have ing day, Xavier spent hours history of Christian mission-
many that sometimes, at the remained Catholic to the in front of the Most Blessed ary work. May St. Francis
end of the day, he could no present day. Sacrament, praising the Lord, Xavier attain for us the fire of
longer hold up his arm. thanking the Lord and im- intensity in our Mission.
Saint Francis Xavier was ploring for the sanctification
This great saint, after fin- known for his compassion and salvation of the people Fr. Aires Furtado belongs to
ishing his time in one place, for the sick and the poor and God placed in his path. the Archdiocese of Delhi and is
would leave well-formed he worked tirelessly to help presently the Parish Priest of St.
Francis of Assisi Church, Sun-
catechists to carry on with those in need. Xavier decid- ‘We are Messengers of the
light Colony, New Delhi.
the mission of forming the ed to live with the poor, sleep Good News' is the theme of
people in the community. like the poor, eat and drink the XVIII Exposition of the


15 December2024
Christmas, the Gift of God the Father
Susai Rayer,
Velankanni Nagar, Shamshabad.

s I reflect on the
Christmas two
questions arise in
my mind: (i) why
and (ii) how. Christmas is the
shortened form of “Christ’s
Mass”. This is the celebra-
tion of the birth of Jesus.
The Evangelists Luke and
Mathew give an elaborate
account of the birth of Jesus.
This answers the second que-
ry. Now the question is why?
Why did God the Father sent
His only beloved son to the
world? Why did the eternal
Word which was not bound
by time and space, chose to
take the human flesh bound
by time and space? Why did
the son of God by whom, in
whom, through whom and
for whom the whole of cre-
ation was created, became
the son of man subject to the
laws of nature? The answer
lies in Jn. 3:16.

“God so loved the world that

He gave His only son.”

So, love of the Father for man ness and placed them in the friendship with God was an “For a child is born to us,
was the basis and the founda- paradise. But the man’s pref- ideal one. But sin entered a son is given to us, authority
tion of the Christmas. In 1 Jn. erence for the lust of flesh, and everything became a top- is laid upon his shoulders.
4:7 we read: knowledge and power to his sy-turvy. The harmony and
own Creator estranged him the friendship with God and He will be named, ‘Wonder-
“Beloved let us love one an- from the love of God. But the rest of the creation was ful Counsellor, Mighty God,
other, for love is from God.” God who is Love did not shattered. But God did not Everlasting Father, Prince of
Again in verse 8, John the be- abandon them but promised abandon them. He promised Peace”.
loved disciple of Jesus says: that the “seed of the virgin” that He would send His son
will crush the evil one and re- who would crush the head of The prophet foresees the
“Anyone who does not love, deem the mankind from the the Evil one and establish the future liberation through a
does not know God, for GOD clutches of the liar. That was same relationship of friend- son who will be given to us
IS LOVE”. the first announcement of the ship that man had before his as a gift. This son is none
Christmas, that would took fall. Again and again God other than the Mighty God
And this love which is God place thousands of years later reiterated this promise by who will reign on the throne
was made manifest by send- in Bethlehem. entering into a covenantal re- of David forever and ever
ing His son into the world. lationship with Noah, Abra- (Is.9:7). This son was born of
God and Love are insepa- Adam and Eve, who were ham and Moses. Also He a young woman (‘virgin’ in
rable. They are like the two created in the very image of sent prophets to remind them Gk. Translation) whose name
sides of the same coin. If you God, had a perfect relation- to live according to the cov- is ‘Immanuel’ (Is. 7:14). This
try to remove any one side ship with Him. God came enant. Through the prophets son is the light for those who
of it then the coin itself will down at the cool of the day He was reiterating the prom- walk in the darkness and is
cease to exist. So are God and and had a stroll with them in ise of the gift of Messiah who shining on those who walk in
Love. the paradise. There was a per- would restore the estranged the dark and death (Is. 9:2).
The first Promise of the God’s fect harmony between them relationship. The Prophet Mathew the evangelist sees
Gift: and their Creator; perfect Isaiah very clearly echoes this the fulfilment of this proph-
God created Adam and Eve harmony between them and promise in 9:6. esy in the coming of Jesus
in His own image and like- the rest of the creation. Their (Mt. 4:15-16). This light is


16 December2024
the Star of David that was ing the flesh subject to all its
born in Bethlehem. There- weakness and misery. But
fore it is a great joy for us to there is a deeper implication
receive this Gift of God and of being laid in the man-
celebrate. Let us rejoice as the ger. The manger is a feeding
farmers rejoice at the harvest trough for the cattle. Just as
time and rejoice as the moth- the feed in the manger was
er rejoices at the return of her the source of life and energy
son after a victorious battle. for the cattle, the baby in the
manger would be the food
Rejoice for ‘God is with us’. for life, the eternal life for all
“Laid him in the manger”: the believers. This baby lying
One must note that the birth in the manger is the real food
if Jesus at Bethlehem is not and real drink for all of us to
just by accident but by a have life, a life in Jesus and
predetermined plan of the thus to share the life of God
Heavenly Father. He wanted our Father. Precisely because
His son, the King of kings in of this Jesus says:
the line of David to be born
in the city of David which is “Whoever eats my flesh and
Bethlehem. The census of the drink my blood has eternal
Roman Emperor was in ac- life...He who eats my flesh
cordance to His plan and Jo- and drinks my blood lives in
seph and Mary went to their me and I in him...so he who
ancestral home Bethlehem eats me will have life from
to be registered and there me” (Jn. 6:54-56).
in the fullness of time Mary
brought forth her son and Luke gives a sign to the
laid him in a manger. Luke shepherds to recognise the
the evangelist mentions the Saviour. A baby wrapped in
fact of the son being laid in swaddling clothes and lying
the manger thrice in the birth in the manger is the sign. A
narrative. sign is a symbol which has
some other meaning embed-
“She (Mary) wrapped him ded in it or it points out the
(her son) in the swaddling real destination to the so-
cloths and laid him in the journer. In the same way, the
manger” (Lk. 2:7). baby in the manger is point-
Luke gives this as a sign to ing out to its torn flesh and
the shepherds to recognise its blood at calvary that the
the Saviour who has been Lord Jesus would be giving
born the town of David. to those who believe in him.
“Let this be a sign to you: In the olden days the feeding
you will find a baby wrapped trough was made of wooden
in swaddling cloths lying in a planks. So the baby on the
manger” (2:12). wood would be offering itself
The shepherds in turn went on the wood at Calvary.
in a hurry and found the
baby as they had been told by Let us rejoice for God our Fa-
the angels. ther has given us His son as a
gift on the Christmas day and
“...and found Mary and Jo- Jesus in turn is giving himself
seph with the baby lying in to us as food and drink. Re-
the manger” (2:16). ceive the gift in joy and glori-
fy the name of our God.
Luke perhaps wanted to em-
phasise the fact of the son of
God emptying his divinity,
power and glory and tak-


17 December2024
The peace we exude, the joy we In cyberspace’s vast and endless But in your heart, I’ll find eter-
spread, sea nal flame
The ripple effects of kind words I search for refuge, a place to be
A love that burns bright,
said, through joys and fears
A digital soul, longing to be free
Blessings showered on people in A shelter, calming all my tears
strife, From all clutches, a love to see
Are salt we spritz to energize Your heart’s love shines like a
their life. Your heart’s door steps, I gently guiding light
The followers of Jesus had salt Illuminating paths through
Joe Anthony within, A haven from algorithms; cold digital night
‘Hail my lady, virgin most pure, lock
Rejoice, with God you’ve found Their life was flavored by his
favor, teachin’, No longer lost, I find my way
A sanctuary where love shines
In your womb you’ll conceive a bright
son, It was to evoke peace and Within your love, a brighter day
Bring forth for us the Redeeming concern Guiding me through darkest
One. digital night
In people who could share them
in turn. With every beat, your heart
‘The Lord will give him David’s The virtual world, with all its
throne, might proclaims
The salt in us helps us to stand
This kingdom will his progeny erect
own, Rejects my presence, day and A love that accepts, without
Their reign in power will never To confront a world that’s vile endless night digital shame
cease, and corrupt,
Until their God they dare dis- No likes, no digital fame No filtering needed, no curated
please. As salt preserves food from space
waste or decay
Leaves me isolated with no one
‘How can this be for I am a virgin claim Just pure acceptance, warm,
And I haven’t been with any We’re to persevere in times of loving place
man’, But still I seek, a love that’s true
Troubled at heart Mary replied The salt of the earth is also each
Wondering what this message one A heart that beats, with compas-
implied. sion anew Open your heart; let love shone
Though being simple, plane and through
‘The Spirit of the Lord will de- common, A space to grow, where I can
scend with grace thrive I’ll find my home, my birthplace
Overshadow your hallowed Can ignite a sparkle in dejected anew
space, hearts
Free from digital noise, I come
You will then feel a stirring with- alive In your compassion, I’ll forever
in Revitalizing the insipid parts. stay
The sacred womb where life’s to Your heart, dear friend, is my
begin’. Salt stabilizes ingredients in A shelter of love, every digital
food, last resort
‘Here am I your servant, Lord, Enriches the color when it is A refuge from technology’s cold
Be it done to me according to cooked, report Can you be the google map
your word’. through which I can find a
At these her words creation ex- And enhances the flavor to suit place?
I long to find solace, comfort,
ulted, the taste, and peace
For salvation had been long Can you be the chrome where I
awaited. can search for human space?
This is what we are called to Within your love, my soul’s
imitate. release
Can you be the internet through
SALT OF THE EARTH whom I can get into many lives?
Joe Anthony “Open the door,” I humbly pray
If the salt we sprinkle can create
When Christ said you be the salt savor, Can you be the WIFI where I
of the earth “Let me in, come what may” can be the wireless connection
to Live?
He meant you flavor the world Transform every life by adding No firewalls, no passwords to
with truth, flavor, fear Can you create the password,
where I can be a password of
And splatter like salt his teach- Just love’s pure welcome, always Love?
ings about And erase the stain tarnished by near
our fault, Can you create a sacred space
That in every heart goodness In your heart’s warmth, I’ll find for me in your cyberspace?
may sprout. my home
Then we are definitely worth
Can I have your listening heart,
To relish the savor of his pre- our salt. where my mother and father are
cious food A place to belong, where I am
never alone crying?
Offered generously for every-
one’s good, Together we’ll journey through Can you be a social media where
life’s plod I can have an access to human
To spread his teachings to all medium?
corners FRIEND, CAN I FIND A Hand-in-hand, heart-to heart, as
love’s sweet nod Friend, can I hope to be born in
Offering comfort to repenting PLACE IN YOUR HEART your heart?
mourners. TO BE BORN The digital world may reject my
Rev. Fr. Yesubabu name


18 December2024



Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. George Manimala
Assistant Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Jais Jose Assariparambil

Sacramental Oath Ceremony

of Little Saints League
- Andrea Serrao

On October 27, 2024, the Norah Joana Varghese, before the start of the cere-
“Little Saint’s League” (LSL) Zayne Periera and Steven mony. The parishioners were
nominated core team mem- Stany form the core team of informed of the focus of the
bers of Holy Spirit Church, the Little Saints’ League and LSL, and this year’s theme
Alaknanda held an oath tak- have Shobin Varghese and as “Growing in Eucharistic
ing ceremony. The league Andrea Serrao as appointed Love”. Some examples of the
draws its inspiration from animators to guide them on coming activity were shared
the Holy Childhood Associ- this exciting journey. including that children will
ation and aims to encourage soon lead in adoration during
After the homily the children
children to form a deep rela- the weekday mass. As ani-
entered in procession towards
tionship with Jesus, through mator Shobin Varghese led
the altar. Fr. Jais Jose, assis-
a life of commitment to faith the oath reading alongside
tant parish priest and main
and by promoting a sense of the children. The team took
community based on love celebrant then blessed the the oath of dedication, com-
and support. scarves issued to each core mitting themselves to live by
members by the LSL team, the virtues of purity, cour-
Jenissa Ekka, Steve Minj, which the children adorned age, and faith, inspired by St.


19 December2024
Maria Goretti. The ceremony The ceremony reinforced emn Holy Mass celebrated gram with an enthusiastic
concluded with a blessing Church mission of investing by Bishop Deepak Tauro, song and dance performance,
from Fr. Jais Jose, the assis- in faith building and share accompanied by Fr. George showcasing their talent and
tant parish priest and the opportunity in leadership at Manimala, Fr. Jais Jose, Fr. passion, leaving the audience
congregation also prayed for an early stage, with specific David SSP, the Salesian Fa- thoroughly entertained and
our little army of crusaders as focus on spiritual growth and thers, Rector and Manager inspired.
they embark on this journey nurture a deep relationship Don Bosco School- Fr. Binny
of faith. with Jesus. Issac, Principal Don Bosco Top of Form
School - Fr. Sujith Augus- Bottom of Form
Norah Varghese from the It was a moment of joy and tine, Fr. Charles Lobo and
core team assisted in taking hope, reflecting the communi- Fr. Kuriakose. The congre- The Parish Day also cele-
collections during the mass, ty's collective aspiration for a gation gathered in prayer and brated academic excellence.
while the rest actively partic- future filled with faith-driven reflection, expressing grati- Certificates were awarded
ipated in the Holy Mass. The service and compassion. We tude for God’s blessings and to outstanding students by
LSL initiative will include pray that St. Maria Goretti acknowledging His power in the Parish Priest, serving as
Eucharistic-centered activ- will continue to inspire and their lives. The liturgy team an encouragement for the
ities for children in the near guide this young team, help- ensured that the service was younger generation.
future. ing them to share Gods love conducted reverently, creat-
and serve those in need. ing a deeply spiritual atmo- The event was live-streamed,
sphere. enabling remote parishioners
to participate in the worship
Parish Day Celebration Following the Mass, the and festivities. The collabo-
- Dr. Anil Kumar cultural program was inau- rative efforts of all BEC mem-
gurated by Health Minister bers fostered unity, nurtured
Mr. Saurav Bhardwaj, who relationships, and showcased
emphasized the vital role of a shared vision of serving
religion in shaping individ- God. The activities reflected
uals and society. The festiv- the parish’s commitment to
ities began with a graceful mutual learning, talent devel-
classical dance performance opment and spiritual growth.
by Jessy Jacob and her team,
followed by a skit presented As the celebration came to
by women from various Ba- a close, the parish council
sic Ecclesial Communities expressed heartfelt gratitude
(BECs), highlighting the im- to everyone who contributed
portance of unity and mutual to the success of Parish Day.
support within the church. The event concluded with a
Children aged 3 to 10 years communal meal, fostering
participated in a delight- fellowship and a sense of to-
ful fancy dress competition getherness.
themed ‘Saints of the Catho-
lic Church,’ while the Youth Parish Day 2024 was more

(aged 11–18 years) energized than just a celebration; it was
oly Spirit Church, George Manimala, the Par- the event with vibrant song a reaffirmation of faith, uni-
Alaknanda, cele- ish Priest, and Fr. Jais Jose, and dance performances. El- ty, and shared purpose, leav-
brated Parish Day the Assistant Parish Priest, ders added to the joy with ing a lasting impact on all
on September 22, and was hosted at Don Bosco musical numbers featuring a who participated. The event
2024. The event aimed to School, Alaknanda. The day nostalgic retro theme. Men’s truly embodied the spirit of
unite parishioners of all ages was graced by special guests groups from different BECs Holy Spirit Church, bringing
for a day filled with faith, Bishop Deepak Valerian Tau- enacted a skit portraying the its community closer to God
celebration, fellowship, and ro and Mr. Saurav Bhardwaj, struggles of family life and and one another.
joy. The occasion featured a Health Minister of the Delhi the transformative power
series of spiritual, cultural, Government. A large gather- of faith in God. The youth
and social activities designed ing of parishioners attended, concluded the cultural pro-
to nurture a sense of commu- reflecting the vibrant com-
nity and strengthen relation- munity spirit of Holy Spirit
ships within the parish. Church.

The event was led by Fr. The day began with a sol-


20 December2024
Pastoral Visit of Archbishop Anil J T Couto
- Dr. Anil Kumar

rchbishop Anil J. T. service and outreach pro- the role of Sunday catechism and activities carried out to
Couto visited Holy grams in building a strong classes in nurturing faith and strengthen families in the
Spirit Church, Al- and united parish. spiritual growth in children. parish.
aknanda, on No-
vember 3, 2024, as part of A meeting was later held un- Catholic Association by Mr. Legion of Mary by Mrs. Nee-
his pastoral outreach. The der the leadership of Parish K.P. Toms highlighted the na Mathew discussed the
purpose of this visit was to Priest Fr. George Manima- association's support for the importance of the Legion’s
strengthen bonds within the la. Archbishop Anil J. Cou- Parish Council and its role in prayer ministry and pilgrim-
community and offer spiritu- to and Assistant Priest Fr. organizing parish programs. ages.
al guidance. He was warmly Jais Jose attended the meet- St. Vincent de Paul Society by
welcomed by the parishio- ing alongside members of Mr. Naresh Mondal present- A detailed report of the ac-
ners, clergy and church lead- the Parish Pastoral Council ed achievements and support tivities of the various as-
ers. (PPC). During the meeting, extended to marginalized sociations present in the
PPC members presented their communities in the area. church was also handed
The Archbishop led a spe- achievements for the year over to Archbishop Anil J T
cial Mass, delivering a heart- 2024. Altar servers’ association Couto for his records. The
felt sermon that focused on by Mr. Schubert Gonsalves Archbishop expressed his
the importance of living the Summary of Presentations shared the association's ac- appreciation for the parish’s
Gospel through action and and Discussions: tivities and dedication in extensive activities and pro-
unity, urging communities to Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) serving the parish. vided valuable guidance and
strengthen their commitment by Mr. Titus highlighted the Lectors’ Association by Mrs. encouragement.
to prayer, compassion and planning and organization of Catherine explained the asso-
outreach to the marginalized. various liturgical and social ciation’s vital role in liturgi- The visit concluded with the
His message was deeply rele- events in the parish. cal services. Archbishop’s blessings and
vant and resonated with the a call to strengthen faith
worshippers. Following the Basic Ecclesial Communities Women’s Cell/Mahila Man- and community bonds. He
Mass, Archbishop Anil J T (BEC) by Ms. Sonia Minj re- dal by Dr. Julie Rose pre- thanked the parish for their
Couto interacted with pa- viewed the accomplishments sented how the Women’s Cell warm hospitality and urged
rishioners, addressing their and meetings of the BECs provides opportunities for continued involvement in
concerns and encouraging during 2024. women to grow, share, and church initiatives to serve
active participation in church serve. both God and the commu-
activities. He emphasized the Sunday School Report by Parish Family Cell by Mr. nity.
significance of community Mrs. Vimal Titus discussed Philip reviewed initiatives


21 December2024
Burari Huaz Khas
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Valerian Baretto Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Peter Emmanuel
Assistant Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Sampath Kumar
St. Monica’s Tin Jubilee
- Sudha Beng Milan 2024
- Taniya Bara

t. Monica Parish on tion with the blessings of the
November 10, 2024, Archbishop. very year, the Youth by Ms. Archna Minz
celebrated three re- Commission of the •Rangoli Making- 2nd po-
markable events with The cultural programme be- Archdiocese of Delhi sition by Ms. Aruna Kujur,
immense zeal. Firstly, Tin Ju- gan with a melodious wel- organizes their annu- Ms. Rohini Minj, Ms.Sujata
bilee, secondly, the sacrament come song by our religious al youth competition called Bara & Ms. Mahima Indwar
of Confirmation, and Third- brothers and sisters of vari- ‘Milan’. This year too, it was • Tableaux (Photofreeze)- 1st
ly, the feast of St. Monica the ous congregations associat- organized by the youth dioc- position
patron saint of the parish. In ed with our church. A short esan council from 14th Sep- •Silent play- 1st position
preparation, a 9-day novena video clip was presented tember, 2024 and concluded •Group Singing- 3rd position
of St. Monica was conduct- reviving the history of St. on 13th October, 2024 at Je-
ed to spiritually prepare all Monica Parish from the brick sus and Mary College, New All of the above 9 winnings
the parishioners and for the to the building. Expressing Delhi. enabled the parish to become
successful completion of the gratitude towards the pa- the OVERALL WINNERS of
events. In the procession to rishioner who had contrib- This year too, the youth Milan 2024.
welcome The Archbishop uted throughout the ten-year (Good Shepherd Youth) of
headed by altar servers, little journey despite all odds; our our parish participated in It was indeed a proud mo-
angels and religious brothers parish priest honoured them all the events of Milan 2024 ment for the entire parish to
and sisters; Chenda drum with shawl and memento. with full zeal and enthusiasm see the youth of our parish
playing was arranged to fill and even brought laurels to work so hard for so long and
the entire environment with Concluding the cultural pro- our parish. Following are the eventually bring laurels to
rhythm, vibrations and joy. gramme the parish priest events in which the youth our parish.
gave the vote of thanks ex- won:
Our mothers gracefully did pressing his love and warmth
an entrance dance to begin followed by a photo session •Essay writing Hindi- 1st po-
The Holy Mass. Archbishop of every council of the parish sition by Ms. Angel Tete
Anil J.T Couto was the main with The Archbishop. The •Poetry writing English- 2nd
celebrant concelebrated by memorable day in the history position by Ms. Sandra Tir-
parish priest Fr. Valerian Bar- of St. Monica Parish ended key
etto and Fr. Merton of the with everyone’s heart full of •Tote Bag painting- 1st posi-
Santvana community. Cate- joy and spirit lifted to the sev- tion by Ms. Aparna Topno
chism candidates received the enth sky. and 3rd position by Ms. Ni-
sacrament of the First Holy kita Bara
Communion and Confirma- •Face Painting- 2nd position


22 December2024
Nawakhani New Parish Priest
- Taniya Bara - Taniya Bara

his year, Nawakhani performances like dancing, ew parish priests, Fr. Sampath Kumar, our
was celebrated singing in the multiple native Fr. Peter Emman- Assistant Parish Priest on
in our parish on languages that they know. It uel, our Parish 21.07.2024.
20.10.2024. The gave insights to others about Priest joined the
mass was presided over by what the tribal culture is all parish on 14.07.2024 and
Fr. Leander Xalxo along with about and how it looks and
our parish priests. The choir why it is important to preserve Parish Day
was led by the elder male and it for the future generations - Taniya Bara
female parishioners in our na- also. The main intention for
tive languages enhancing the celebrating this festival is to
essence of the day. A beauti- teach the younger generation
ful homily was also given by about their roots and culture
our main celebrant helping us before it slowly dissipates
to realize the essence of cele- away in the case of their lack
brating this festival and why of knowledge. During the
we should continue to stick entire programme, we were
to our roots. given numerable valuable
information too about tribal
The mass was followed by culture to help us understand
a small cultural programme this festival more. All the pa-
where parishioners, be it be rishioners participated in this
it children, youth or elders of celebration with full zeal and
the parish, showcased their enthusiasm.

ovember 10, 2024 from Hazaribagh Diocese,
was a very auspi- Jharkhand and our parish
cious day for our priests. The choir was beauti-
parish as we were fully led by the parish youth
celebrating the 34th Parish group, leading us further into
Day feast of our parish. prayer.

The mass was celebrated The day started off with a

by our main celebrant, His beautiful entrance dance done
Lordship, Auxiliary Bishop- by the catechism kids where
Deepak Valerian Tauro along our priests and altar servers
with Fr. Louis, Fr. Sunil Bara were led towards the altar.


23 December2024
Along with them, there were cultural programme where
one representatives from each all the parishioners, be it cat-
National Recognition for Our
BEC unit carrying their pa- echism kids, youth, religious, Youth Animator,
tron saint’s photo joining the aunties and uncles, all show-
procession. This was a unique cased their performances
Mr. Sanjay Tirkey
and wonderful idea that our via dance, singing, skit, etc. - Abhishek Toppo
parish had implemented for The cultural programme was
the first time. The Bishop graced by Rev. Bishop Deepak
gave out a beautiful homily and Fr. Peter Emmanuel's in-
for all of us understanding sightful words and guidance.
the essence and importance
of people coming together as The day ended with a fellow-
a parish. ship meal. It was indeed a
blessed day for all of us.
The mass was followed by a


Masihgarh, Okhla
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Deepak Soreng
Assistant Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. S. Christu Raju

Priest-in-Residence: Rev. Fr. Thomas D'Cunha
ur parish youth Youth Ministry at both the
Shrine Rosary Feast group experi- parish and diocesan levels.
- Gijo George and Vijay Richard enced a proud His leadership and numerous
moment at the initiatives, particularly with-
6th National Youth Confer- in our parish and ICYM Del-
ence hosted by The Indian hi, have significantly impact-
Catholic Youth Movement ed the lives of many young
(ICYM) in Jalandhar, Punjab. people. Our parish priest, Fr.
ICYM, the largest Catholic Deepak, also honoured Mr.
youth movement in India, Sanjay's achievement with a
operates across 627 districts, special felicitation ceremony
with 13 regions and 165 di- in our church. This national
oceses. This year, our dedi- honour stands as a testament
cated Youth Animator, Mr. to his unwavering dedication
Sanjay Tirkey, was honored and service, inspiring our en-
with the prestigious "Young tire parish community and
Achiever’s Award," a nation- highlighting the difference
al-level recognition for his that can be made.

exceptional contributions to
he Shrine Rosary for the Eucharistic Celebra-
Feast with candle- tion was Fr. Christu Raju.
light procession was During his homily, Fr Christu
held on the 28th of spoke on how Mother Mary R. K. Puram
October 2024. The Rosary is a Mother to all of us and is Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Vijay Baretto
Procession was led by a tra- also an intercessor on our be- Assistant Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Agnes Lionel
ditional dance group from half to her son and our Lord Tamil Ministry: Rev. Fr. A. John Rosario
Mahila Sangh and it was at- Jesus Christ. Parish Day Celebration
tended by about 150 people. - Rose Mary

The day concluded with a fel-
The groups that managed lowship meal for all present. e, the parishio- and team. The festal celebra-
the five decades of the Ro- ners celebrat- tion began with the Eucha-
sary were – those who con- ed the Feast rist celebration at 5:30 pm
duct the Rosary daily during of the patron on the greens of St. Thomas
October, Sukhdev Vihar, saint and the parish day on Playschool with an entrance
Madanpur Khadar Haddu 27 October 2024. As part of dance by Mahila Sangh. The
Mohalla, Youth Association, the spiritual preparation, a Mass was celebrated by Rev.
Sriniwaspuri, NRC and Neh- retreat was organised. It was Fr. Jose T J as the main cel-
ru Nagar. The main celebrant led by Bro. Mathew Antony ebrant and concelebrated by


24 December2024
Picnic Report
- Santhwana Jolly (Class 11)

Fr. Ravi Sagar, Fr. Vijay Bar- were presented by Mahila

etto, Fr. Agnes Lionel & Fr. Sangh, Catechism children,
Remjius Tirkey. During the Youth and NE Fraternity.
homily, Rev. Fr. Jose exhort- The chief guest felicitated the

ed the faithful to have strong winners of the Inter-Parish
faith in Jesus as St. Thomas Gospel Singing Competition n 17th November where six participants man-
had. Cultural program began and Milan 2024. Rev. Fr. 2024, St. Thomas aged to win the full house
with Jal Arpan by the chief Vijay Baretto thanked every- Church organized prize, which might have been
guest Mr. S.P.Beck; Exec. Dir. one for their contributions. a memorable pic- a first in the history of the
Vigilance (Signal & Telecom- Fellowship meal was shared nic for its catechism students, game!
munication), Railway Board by everyone. Really it was a which took place at Nehru
followed by felicitation of the memorable day in the history Park, Delhi, following the After the games, the students
guests. Various programmes of St. Thomas Church. English Mass. The event was were given free time to en-
attended by students from gage in their own activities
classes 1 to 12, along with around the park. The picnic
their teachers and Parish then moved to a delicious
Priest. lunch, which included rice,
egg curry and a sweet halwa
The day began with a light for dessert. Following the
breakfast provided at the meal, prizes were distribut-
church before the group ed to the winners of the class
boarded buses to head to the games, rewarding their ef-
park. Upon arrival l at Neh- forts and enthusiasm.
ru Park, the students were
divided into groups based on The day concluded with a
their classes, and each class group photo, capturing the
participated in their own set joy and togetherness of the
of games, fostering teamwork students and teachers. Ev-
and friendly competition. A eryone then made their
highlight of the day was way back to the church,
a lively game of Tambola, reaching around 3:30 pm,


25 December2024
marking the end of a fun- en the bonds of community Belmera Lobo and Mr.Kullu Soldiers of Jesus Christ.
filled and enriching day . The among the parish's catechism for helping to train the chil-
picnic was not only a break students. dren to receive the good Lord
from the routine but also in their hearts and others to
an opportunity to strength- enter the army of our Lord as

RESURRECTION PARISH Inter Parish Group Singing

Rohini Competition 2024
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. James Peter Raj - Belmera Lobo

First Holy Communion and

Confirmation 2024
- Belmera Lobo

n 13th October instrumentalists Daniel Lobo
2024, the cate- (guitar) and Joy Ekka (ca-
chism children jon) added the much needed
from classes 6 to rhythm and pulse to the song

12 participated in the Inter ‘Wave of Mercy’.
he 19th October, We were blessed to have His Parish Group Singing Com-
2024, the children Grace Archbishop Anil Cou- petition conducted by Vish- We would like to mention
and youth of the to administer the ceremony was – Kiran Catechetical a special word of thanks to
Church of the Res- along with our Parish Priest Centre. Mr. Anugrah Ketketta for
urrection, Rohini received Fr. James Peter Raj. There training the children and Ms.
their First Holy Communion were 15 First Holy Com- A total of 205 students from Susan Das for her assistance.
and Confirmation. Intense municants, 13 who received 16 parishes participated. Fif- We also thank Mrs. Maclee-
preparation and guidance by their Confirmation and 14 teen wonderful singers from na and Mrs.Belmera Lobo
our Parish Priest, Fr. James candidates who received both our parish got a chance to for being their constant sup-
Peter Raj and the catechism the sacraments. perform under the mentor- port. It was a wonderful and
teachers helped our young It was a beautiful day with a ship of our Parish Priest Fr. enriching experience where
Christians receive the Body total of 42 candidates receiv- James Peter Raj. The children the children got a chance to
and Blood of our Lord for ing the sacraments of Holy sang melodiously with much sing, praise and worship the
the very first time. Some of Communion and Confirma- fervour and enthusiasm. The good Lord through music.
our youth, trained to become tion. A big thank you our
‘Soldiers of Christ’, received Parish Priest Fr. James for Pilgrimage cum Picnic of the
the sacrament of Confirma- organising this ceremony for
tion as well. Confirmation, a our little children. Thanks
Catechism Children
sacrament of maturity, sym- to all the catechism teachers, - Belmera Lobo

bolizes a candidate’s deep- Mrs.Catherine Casey, Mrs. t was a blissful experience ers of the Church of Res-
ening commitment to their Macleena, Mrs.Suma, Mrs. for the catechism children urrection, Rohini to go on
Christian faith and life. Biji, Mrs. Sunita Minz , Mrs. and the catechism teach- a pilgrimage cum picnic to


26 December2024
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Sebastian Mukalel

Pilgrimage to St. Jude Shrine,

- Victor Sequeira

the Morning Star Church in ened the children about the

Najafgarh on November 17, purpose of this place as a pil-
2024. grimage and picnic place and
told them to be careful where

The children boarded the bus they tread. n October 11, St. Jude, known as the pa-
outside our church and left 2024 the Catho- tron saint of hopeless causes,
amidst great cheer, prayer A delicious lunch prepared lic Association of stands as a beacon for those
and laughter. Fr. Denny in our church was brought St. Xavier’s Parish seeking strength in times of
George who has taken charge by our Parish Priest Fr. James organized a pilgrimage visit difficulty.
of the Morning Star Church who drove from Rohini to to Jhansi, St. Jude Shrine.
this year, welcomed us all. Najafgarh in his car to spend We extend our sincere thanks
He celebrated a special chil- time with the little ones. We Visiting St. Jude's Shrine in to the Catholic Association,
dren’s mass for all present. are ever so grateful to Father Jhansi was a profoundly spir- Fr. Sebastian (Parish Priest),
After Holy Mass, he gave a for this great love and kind- itual experience. Surrounded Fr. Varkey and all the pil-
short history of how Fr. Stan- ness. by an air of peace and devo- grims for being part of this
ley took charge of this place tion, this sacred place offered memorable journey.
and was the pioneer to start The children had a marvel- a sense of hope and renewal.
work on this project devel- lous time enjoying them-
oping it in a span 10 years. selves on the two-and-a-half Catechism Picnic
The Morning Star Church is acres of lush farmland being - Mary Titus
designed in a six-dimension in sync with nature. We ex-
shape of a star. It appears to tend our gratitude to our Par-
be a star from all sides, even ish Priest Fr. James Peter Raj
from the top; from inside it for making all the necessary
looks like a tent, giving the arrangements and to Brother
feeling of a tent for meetings Vimal for accompanying us
like that mentioned in the on this trip.
Old Testament. He enlight-

n October 20, teachers for arranging and
2024 a picnic taking care of the children
to Morning Star and the success of the picnic.
Church, Najaf- We also thank Fr. Sebastian
garh was arranged for the and Fr. Varkey for their con-
Catechism Children and stant support and accompa-
the Teachers. We thank the nying the little children.


27 December2024
servance; it was a heartfelt of preserving our cultural
Navakhani celebration of our traditions heritage and the joy that
- Junas Prateek Bodra and the bonds that tie our comes from celebrating it to-
community together. It re- gether.
minded us of the importance

First Holy Communion and

- Rose Beck

n October 27, this cherished tradition.
2024, we cele-
brated the vibrant We were also honored to
cultural festival of have our guest priest, Fr.
Navakhani, marking the on- Manoj Tirkey, who trav-
set of the harvest season. The elled all the way from Ropar,

mass liturgy and choir for the Punjab, deliver a heartfelt
occasion were organized by sermon that resonated deep- t. Xavier's Parish, Ro- Auxiliary Bishop of Delhi
the tribal community of our ly with everyone present. hini welcomes newly Archdiocese presided over
parish, who donned tradi- The event also welcomed confirmed and First the ceremony, imparting the
tional attire and utilized cul- special guests, including five Communicants into Holy Spirit's gifts upon the
tural folk instruments. Their fathers from our parish, six the Faith Community on confirmands. This sacrament
participation filled the atmo- brothers from Vidya Jyo- Sunday, 17th November empowered them to become
sphere with a sense of unity, ti, and six sisters from CJ, 2024. Our Parish was filled active witnesses of Christ's
as everyone came together to Provincial Rohini Sector 29, with joy and gratitude as love and teachings.
celebrate their rich heritage. further enhancing the sense families, friends, and parish-
of community. ioners gathered to celebrate The ceremony was planned
As the fathers and parishio- two significant milestones in and prepared in a meaningful
ners arrived, they were greet- A highlight of the day was the faith journey of young way by the Catechism teach-
ed with a tikka on their fore- a special program arranged members: First Holy Com- ers. Sr. Marisha and Sr. Van-
heads and a germinating seed by our tribal members. Chil- munion and Confirmation. dana took special classes for
of rice adorning their ears dren performed a cultural our First Holy Communion
— a beautiful symbol of new play that beautifully depict- Five eager children received and Confirmation children.
beginnings and blessings. The ed various traditions from their First Holy Commu- Mrs. Mary Titus, Catechism
Navakhani Mass commenced our villages, followed by a nion, marking a profound Coordinator planned the
with an energetic entrance captivating tribal fashion step in their spiritual growth. programme to be followed
tribal dance performed by show. Dressed in vibrant Dressed in their finest attire. along with our Parish Priest,
the young girls of our parish, traditional attire, the chil- They eagerly participated Fr Sebastian Mukalel.
setting a lively tone for the dren dazzled everyone pres- in the sacrament, symboliz-
celebration. The ceremony ent, demonstrating the rich ing their union with Christ. All the catechism teachers
began with the washing of heritage of our community. Parents, grandparents and were assigned the duties of
the hands of all the fathers, a The primary objective of godparents filled with pride liturgy on that day. Mass
significant ritual that empha- these performances was to as they witnessed their loved started with a traditional
sizes purification and respect. engage our tribal children/ ones receive the Blessed Sac- tribal entrance dance by our
Following this, Mrs. Sushma youth, instilling pride in rament. young beautiful girls fol-
Xalxo took the stage to in- their culture and ensuring lowed them were the First
troduce the event, explaining these traditions continue Seven teenagers were con- Holy Communion and Con-
the meaning and importance to thrive for future genera- firmed, solidifying their firmation children along with
of Navakhani and its asso- tions. commitment to the Catholic their parents and then our
ciated rituals with grace and faith. To honor this special Rev. Bishop Deepak Tauro,
eloquence. Her insights en- This Navakhani celebration occasion His Lordship, Bish- Jesuits priests and the altar
riched our understanding of was not just a religious ob- op Deepak Valerian Tauro, server. Near the altar Mah-


28 December2024
ila Sangh ladies washed the vote of thanks was delivered ST. ANDREW'S PARISH
hands of our Bishop and by Suzanna Dsouza and An-
priests as per custom. Mass gelina Robinson on behalf of Faridabad Sector - 28
started with a beautiful intro- all the children receiving the Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Joesph Elamthuruthy
duction given by Mr. Lidwin Blessed Sacraments. After the
Cleetus about the meaning Mass First Holy Communi- Consecration of New Church
and importance of receiving cants and Confirmation chil- of reconstruction of a proper
the Blessed Sacraments. His dren were congratulated and church for their worship and
introduction was so wonder- given certificates and Holy other socio-spiritual activities
fully expressed about First Rosary by Rev. Bishop Deep- under the leadership of Rev.
Holy Communion and Con- ak Tauro. Fr. Mathew Koyickal.
At the end to capture these The reconstruction project
On behalf of the Parish, we special moment group pho- had begun last year on 21
welcomed Rev. Bishop Deep- tographs were taken by Fr. September 2023. The new
ak Tauro with a bouquet Glenn and Mr. Ashok Ekka church was consecrated on
given by Mrs Genrosa Am- of all the children received 15 August 2024 by Most.
aral. Mass continued along Blessed Sacraments along Rev. Anil J T Couto, the
with mesmerizing choir by with their parents, God par- Archbishop and Most. Rev.

our youth who filled the at- ents, Bishop and priests. On Vincent M Concessao, Emer-
mosphere with melodious behalf of First Holy Com- t. Andrew’s parish of
itus Archbishop in the pres-
hymns. Rev. Bishop Deepak munion and Confirmation the Archdiocese of
ence of many priests of the
Tauro's meaningful sermon children's parents sponsored Delhi was erected on
Archdiocese and several lay
took us back through our delicious refreshments served August 15, 1995 with
faithful and parishioners.
journey of receiving these to all the parishioners and a small chapel cum 1BHK
Blessed Sacraments which guests. residence for the parish priest
The evening began with the
made us feel nostalgic. He and for a dozen of Catholic
ceremony of handing over of
emphasized the importance The First Holy Communion families who were living in the church keys by the Archi-
of these sacraments, saying, and Confirmation celebra- the locality. The church has tect Mr. Ranjit John to Arch-
"Today, we celebrate not tion at St Xavier's Church been a cornerstone of faith bishop and then the Parish
only a milestone but a life- was a testament to the pow- and hope where faithful priest after which the commu-
long journey of faith, love, er of faith, community, and gather to worship and build nity entered the new church.
and service." love. As these young individ- a sense of fellowship. Over The blessing of the new sanc-
uals embark on their spiritual the past 29 years this parish tuary, altar and church took
Doxology was performed by journeys, may they continue has grown enormously with place during the Eucharistic
our 5 First Holy Communi- to grow in wisdom, courage, the community growing to celebration. Archbishop in
cants beautifully and grace- and devotion, inspired by the more than 500 families with his homily spoke about the
fully. After the Eucharistic Holy Spirit. a strength of more than 2000
efforts, prayers, patience
Celebration heart touching faithful of which over 50%
gone into erecting this new
are underprivileged.
house of God, as well as the
importance of building each
Hence, the need for a prop-
person as a living temple of
er church building for the St.
the Holy Spirit and not just
Andrew’s parish was really
the building. A short felici-
acute. After a long struggle of
tation ceremony and dinner
29 years the parish decided
was arranged after the mass.
to embark with the mission


29 December2024
Vasant Kunj
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Maria Soosai

Children's Mass Celebrated at St. Alphonsa's Church

- Mark Lakra

nder the vision- recently hosted a heartfelt participated in scripture read- values of compassion, kind-
ary leadership children's Mass. This joy- ings, offertory and hymns, ness and spirituality.
and spiritual guid- ous celebration showcased infusing the ceremony with in-
ance of Rev.Fr. the vibrant faith and tal- nocence, devotion and enthu-
Maria Soosai, St. Alphon- ents of young parishioners. siasm. Rev. Fr. Maria Soosai’s
sa's Church, Vasant Kunj, Enthusiastic children actively inspiring homily emphasized

CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GRACES of Delhi and congregations troness, Our Lady of Grac-
were solemn and the sharing es. After the mass cultural
Vikaspuri by them on the theme of the performance of catechism
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Ivan Madtha day on Our Lady enriched us children, the youth and the
Assistant Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Nilesh Kumar with spirituality. The choir Women Council took place.
and the liturgy animated by Fr. Ivan expressing festal
Parish Feast different wards of the Parish greetings thanked the choir,
- M.S.Stanislaus
and the Burmese and African parish council members,
communities added solem- Rosary group, Rev. Sisters
nity to the occasion. Over- who organised liturgy and
all hundreds of devotees of decoration of the altar and
Mother Mary prayed and all those who sponsored and
participated fervently. supported celebration of the
Feast as also the Novena day
Monsignor Susai Sebastian, masses. Children who scored
former Vicar General of the highest marks in their class
Archdiocese was the presider 10th, 11th and college exam-
of the Eucharist celebration inations and the catechism
on the Feast Day, 27th Oc- children who excelled were
tober 2024 held in the Audi- felicitated and presented with

torium of JMJ Senior Second- gifts of love. He also thanked
he solemn cele- Rev. Fr. Nilesh Kumar, our ary School, Paschim Vihar. the superior and the Principal
bration of Annual Assistant Parish Priest on Frs. Ivan Madtha, Fr. Nilesh of JMJ School for providing
Feast of Our Lady 18th October 2024 followed Kumar and the invited priests space in the school for cele-
of Graces, patron- by Holy Eucharist concele- were the concelebrants. In bration of parish feast. After
ess of Vikaspuri Parish was brated by Fr. Srinu Christu his homily Fr. Susai exhort- the mass faithful exchanged
held on Sunday, 27th Octo- Raju, Fr. Ivan Madtha and Fr. ed the faithful to keep alive festal greetings with each
ber 2024. Prior to the feast, Nilesh Kumar. The nine day our faith and keep fighting to other and were served with
novena to Our Lady com- novena masses celebrated by look after the needy through sumptuous dinner.
menced with flag hoisting by priests of the Archdiocese the intercession of our Pa-


30 December2024



Radio Colony
Manager: Rev. Fr. Vincent Crasta
Principal: Rev. Fr. Savariraj Augustine

Anti-Cracker Campaign
- Ashima Garg & Sumer Prasad

osary Sr. Sec.
School, Radio
Colony launched
an anti-cracker
campaign on 23rd October,
2024 to create an awareness
among students about harm-
ful effects of bursting crack-
ers and their adverse effects
on the environment, human
health and animal welfare.
It has been our school's con-
stant effort to sensitize and
promote environmental cog-
nizance and community re-
sponsibility. It messaged to
encourage students and the
local communities to refrain
themselves from bursting
crackers during festivals and
celebrations and promote
peace and harmony with
eco-friendly alternatives to

The Eco Club of Rosary

Sr. Sec. School in collabo-
ration with the Peace Club
organized an anti-cracker Chowk and took roundabout lookers and other residents of
campaign. More than one from there. All the students, the colonies appreciated and
hundred Eco-worriers of holding up posters, banners applauded the efforts of the
Primary as well as Senior in their hands and roaring little ones.
wings, heralding anti-crack- up slogans transmitted the
ers slogans, marched out message to the pedestrians, The campaign was a re-
their campaign successfully cyclists, scooterists and other sounding success. The Prin-
from Rosary school to Dhaka commuters on the roads. On cipal, Rev. Fr. Savariraj also


31 December2024
addressed and motivated by Delhi police personnels. rari Tiwari, Advocate Former legal luminaries, shared their
students not to burst crackers Teachers and other auxiliary Chairman (Bar Council of insights on the role of Bare
during this Diwali and even staff accompanied the stu- India) as Guest of Honour, Acts in ensuring clarity and
on other occasions. The cam- dents throughout their rally. and Rev. Fr. Savariraj Augus- transparency in the legal pro-
paign was fully supported tine, Principal-Rosary Sr. Sec. cess.
School along with Hon’ble
Rosary Sr. Sec. School Hosts the Mr. D.K. Sharma, Advocate Various prominent judges and
Chairman (Executive Com- advocates of High court and
Grand Bare Act Launch of mittee, Bar Council of Delhi) Supreme Court along with
St. Peter’s Law Academy as Special Guests. some Civil Servants were ap-
plauded and also felicitated
- Amal Abraham & Sumer Prasad
The momentous occasion for gracing the gathering with
began on a gracious note by their presence.
offering the Prayers to the Al-
mighty. The Academy then The event came to an end with
felicitated the Chief Guest, a vote of thanks by Acade-
Guest of Honors and Special my’s Chief Academic Men-
Guests for their esteemed pres- tor, Mr. Amal Abraham, who
ence and they also addressed expressed his gratitude to all
the audience with their inspir- the attendees and emphasized
ing words and thoughts after the institution’s commitment
the symbolic ribbon-untying to fostering an environment
and unveiling the bare acts for of excellence and intellectual
the world. growth. It was followed by a
The other key dignitaries, delicious lunch.
Mr. Shiv K. Sharma, direc-
tor St. Peter’s law academy, The event was a befitting
Ms. Anie Bibu, Director St. tribute to the academy’s ded-
Peter’s Law Academy, Mr. ication to shaping the future
Nitesh Dubey, Chief Admin of legal education and the
Manager, Dr J.D. Upadhyay, launch of the Bare Act marks
Academic Director St. Peter’s a monumental achievement in
Law Academy and prominent its mission.

Children's Day Celebration 2024

- Archana Chatterjee

nder the gracious cant advancement in legal re-
hospitality of Ro- sources and education.

sary Senior Sec. n November 14, members of the school cabi-
School, a grand in- The ceremony was graced 2024, our school net were ushered to the main
auguration ceremony of bare by Hon’ble Mr. M. Karpaga premises vibrated ground with traditional tilak
act launch was organised by Vinayagam, Former Chief Jus- with enthusiasm and colorful badges.
prestigious St. Peter’s Law tice - Jharkhand High Court, and zeal as we celebrated
Academy where they unveiled as a Chief Guest, Hon’ble Mr. Children's Day. The event Our headmistresses and sis-
their meticulously curated B. Balaji, Senior Advocate of commenced with a grand ters offered heartfelt prayers
bare acts of BNS. BNSS and Hon’ble Supreme Court of welcome ceremony, where for the children, seeking
BSA 2023 marking a signifi- India and Hon’ble Mr. Mu-


32 December2024
blessings from Mother Mary, day included food fiesta and including classical styles like roads with the teachers,
our school's patroness. DJ delight. Sumptuous food Bharatanatyam and Garba, raising posters and banners
stalls offered a wide range of which captivated the audi- echoing “No To Crackers”.
A beautiful floral tribute was delicious cuisine. ence. Students performed a They created awareness
also paid to Mother Mary, skit narrating the story of about the harmful effects of
setting the tone for a joyous An energetic DJ session that Lord Rama’s return to Ayo- burning crackers. They also
day. got the students dancing with dhya, reminding everyone of marched around the school
joy. The Children's Day cel- Diwali’s origins. Soulful devo- and raised many slogans like
Teachers showcased their ebration was a resounding tional songs and instrumental “Don’t Be Mean, Go Green”
creative talents through cap- success, filled with laugh- performances filled the atmo- and “Hamari dharti hum hi
tivating cultural programs, ter, memories and unbridled sphere with warmth and spir- bachayein, bina patakhe di-
including skits, soulful songs, enthusiasm. Students thor- ituality. An art and rangolis wali manaye”. The Diwali
elegant dances and musical oughly enjoyed the festivities, were made by the students to program was a memorable
fashion show. making it a day to cherish. showcase their creativity. The celebration of joy, tradition,
beautiful and intricate pat- and community. Through
These performances were We extend our gratitude to terns on display embodied the music, dance and shared fes-
prepared and presented with our Principal Rev. Fr. Sa- festive spirit of Diwali, adding tivities, the event brought peo-
love and affection, reflecting variraj for his thoughtful ar- colours and joys to the event. ple together, spreading light
the teachers' dedication to rangements for the children and happiness. Attendees left
their students. Rev. Fr. Vin- and the staff for their tireless Students also organised an with smiles, appreciating the
cent Crasta, the school Man- efforts in making this event a anti-cracker rally in the ar- unity and positive spirit fos-
ager addressed the students. grand success. eas around the school. The tered by the celebration.
The special highlights of the students marched along the

This Diwali Burst your EGO Hauz Khas Heritage Walk

- Deepak Mamgai & Sumer Prasad
not Crackers
- Priya Sharma & Sumer Prasad

osary Sr. Sec. School er. The event started with a
sensitized each lamp-lighting ceremony as the
student through guests and the students illumi-
a message to cele- nated the stage with diyas (oil
brate Diwali without burst- lamps), symbolizing the tri-
ing crackers. The motto -‘Let umph of light over darkness.
Your Light Shine’ guides This diya-lighting segment
the Rosarian from untruth filled the venue with a serene
to truth and from darkness glow.
to light. The Diwali festival
of lights at Rosary brought The program featured vi-
all the community togeth- brant dance performances,


33 December2024

he Delhi Tourism about ancient school and he Rosary itself has Christian and non-Christian
organized a heritage classrooms functioning deep roots in Chris- students, along with the staff
walk on Novem- during the epoch. According tian tradition. It is observed this day through
ber 6, 2024 for the to the historical records, the believed that Saint devotional procession, de-
Yuva Tourism Club as a part name ‘Hauz Khas’, a histor- Dominic received the Ro- picting different transfigured
of the Delhi Tourism Heri- ic neighborhood in South sary from Mary in 1212 as characters of Mother Mary
tage Walk Festival. Delhi, comes from the Urdu a means to combat heresy. reflecting upon innumer-
words ‘Hauz’, meaning Over time, it evolved into a able virtues and their sig-
30 students of Yuva Tourism ‘Water Tank’ or ‘Lake’ and structured prayer form con- nificances. Around twenty
Club along with a teacher ‘Khas’, meaning ‘Royal’ or sisting of meditations on girls costumed themselves as
(Yuva Club Coordinator) of ‘Special’. The name translates various events in Jesus' life, Mother Mary displaying one
Rosary Sr. Sec. School, Radio to ‘Royal Tank’. known as mysteries. virtue each.
Colony participated in Hauz
Khas heritage walk on 6th Students had also a chance The Rosary serves not only The program began with
November, 2024. to visit the Feroz Shah burial as a tool for personal reflec- Prayer dance performed by
place. All students were gift- tion but also as a communal primary wing students fol-
Mohammad Anas Khan, the ed a walking kit consisting of prayer that unites believers in lowed by a tableau. The
official appointed for the a bag, wrist band, a cap and seeking Mary's intercession Chief Guest Monseigneur Su-
guided tour, enlightened stu- a water bottle each. It was an during times of peril. sai Sebastian graced the oc-
dents about the etymology, enriching one-day excursion casion with his presence. He
history and importance of with the young minds like Today, October 7th, 2024, highly appreciated the day’s
Hauz Khas. He also briefed Rosarians. Rosary Sr. Sec. School man- programme and expressed
ifested this feast of Our Lady the importance of Mother
Feast of Our Lady of of Holy Rosary, the patron- Mary in our lives. Dr Sumer
ess of our school as a manda- Prasad (Senior coordinator)
Holy Rosary tory memorial for Rosarians. thanked all the students and
- Arpana L Toppo Sehgal & Sumer Prasad It was marked by a special the staff for making this event
Holy Mass and prayers ded- spiritual and meaningful.
icated to Our Lady. All the

66th Mega Annual Sports day

- Archana Chatterjee


34 December2024

spectacular eve- wing. guard of honour to the Most the air with cheers and tons
ning, 26th October Rev. Anil. J.T. Couto, Arch- of encouragement. The
2024, the senior This mega event was graced bishop of Delhi marked the achievers were conferred
ground of Rosa- by the illustrious presence of commencement of the March with the medals and trophies.
ry Senior Secondary School Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Bhatt, Past by the students of all The highlight of the evening
brimmed and bustled with Deputy Director of Educa- five houses who stood tall in was indisputably the drill
much zeal and enthusiasm tion as the chief guest, our pa- uniform, delightfully exhibit- display which showcased
to celebrate the 66th Mega tron His Grace the Most Rev. ing the pride and confidence the life of a great athlete and
Annual Sports Day. The blue Anil.J.T. Cutto, Archbishop characteristic of every Ro- olympic champion Wilma
clear skies against the back- of Delhi, Monseigneur Vin- sarian. The ceremonial torch Rudolf, an American sprint-
drop of flags, stands, com- cent D’Souza, the chairman of the sports meet lit by the er who overcame childhood
parers, the athletes, eminent of DCA Schools, Shri Pawan chief guest was handed to na- polio and went on to become
dignitaries and the parents, Kumar, MLA Adarsh Nagar, tional and state level athletes a world-record holder to win
it was indeed a sight to be- Mrs. Neha Aggarwal, coun- followed an oath taking cer- three gold medals in a single
hold. The avenue displaying cillor Dheerpur and various emony. olympiad and became the
the trophies and medals won sponsors. Also, the wide ar- fastest woman runner in the
by the students, the student ray of distinguished guests The eminent chief guest and world at the Rome Olympics
performers of various drills were the eminent dignitaries our patron declared the 66th in 1960. Each drill display
made everyone’s hearts swell from DCA, religious brothers Mega Annual Sports Meet. was scintillating and a visual
with joy. and sisters, principals of vari-
Thereafter the Chief Guest treat to the eyes.
ous schools, parents etc. addressed the gathering with
Rosary Sr. Sec School is re- some of his inspirational life Our patron the Most Rev.
nowned for providing the The programme commenced experiences motivating stu- Anil J.T. Couto addressed the
perfect blend of sports, ac- with a soulful prayer fol- dents to never give up. gathering and expressed his
ademics and a plethora of lowed by an energising wel- delight to witness the sports
other co-curricular activities. come dance displayed by the The various track events es- day. The event culminated
Under the able guidance of students set the tone for the pecially the relay races (in- with a spectacular grand fi-
the Principal Rev. Fr. Sa- great evening ahead. The cluding four other invited nale created an atmosphere
variraj, a spell bound drill school flag was unfurled by DCA school teams) show- filled with magic, joy and
display showcased by the stu- the chief guest with the ren- cased the indomitable spirit sense of accomplishment.
dents of primary and senior dition of school anthem. The of the athletes which filled


Hauz Khas n 29 Oct 2024 true meaning of the festival
Manager: Rev. Fr. Peter Emmanuel Sahoday Senior by showing that happiness of
Principal: Sr. Jeena Latha Secondary School the festivity can be achieved
celebrated “Deep- by sharing the goodness with
A Festival of Lights awali”- a festival of lights. the distressed and caring for
- Preeti Srivastava
Students presented a theme the humble. The assembly
based assembly showing vic- was addressed by the man-
tory of good over evil and ager Rev. Fr. Peter Emmanu-
how light conquered dark- el who beautifully expressed
ness. The lighting of the lamp that the divine light should
marked the importance of the shine out threw our deeds
day for everyone which was too and the darkness which
followed by prayer, prayer separates one from another
song and prayer dance. The should disappear. It was also
innovative and creative dance a proud moment for the Sa-
drama based on the epic Ra- hodians as the chief guest for
mayana depicted by the stu- the day was an alumina, Dr.
dents brought the mythology Saurav Bairagi who shared
alive. The festival of victory his school memories and
over darkness, good over also encouraged students to
evil, and knowledge over ig- receive the maximum good-
norance was also showcased ness they can receive from the
through a tableau where the school and enrich themselves
students threw light on the so much with it that when


35 December2024
one day they move from the giving a beautiful message
premises, they may be able to of “Green Diwali” where ev-
outshine the darkness pres- ery diya is a step towards a
ent in the society. Students brighter and cleaner future.
concluded the assembly by

Kaleidoscope of Erudition
- Lorrine F. Raven

n 25 October, nology. The event featured nized to emphasize the signif- cornerstone of national prog-
2024 an exciting an array of artwork demon- icance of childhood and cele- ress.
exhibition show- strating their creativity and brate its boundless potential.
casing the cre- hard work. Adding to the day’s charm,
ativity and knowledge of the The day’s festivities com- the teachers performed a
young minds was held in Sa- Exhibition served as a re- menced with a warm and soulful wishing song, brim-
hoday Sr. Sec. School, Hauz minder that every child is a gracious welcome extended ming with optimism and
Khas, which brought togeth- precious gem, deserving rec- to the esteemed Chief Guest, warmth, celebrating the inno-
er students, teachers, and ognition and support. The the Head Boy Arun, Head cence, creativity and promise
parents to celebrate creativ- event also helped the students Girl Riya, Junior Head Boy, inherent in every child. The
ity, learning, and innovation to build their confidence in Junior Head Girl and oth- performance created an at-
of the students.The Chief presenting their ideas to an er cabinet members. The mosphere of positivity, leav-
Guest for the event was In- audience, enhancing their ceremonial welcome was ing smiles on every face.
spector Vikas Kumar Buldak, communication and public followed by the traditional
S.H.O, Cyber Police Station. speaking abilities. lighting of the lamp, symbol- One of the highlights of the
Students proudly displayed izing wisdom, enlightenment, event was a lively and col-
their skills in wide range of Overall, the event was a huge and positivity. orful dance performance by
projects across subjects like success, fostering a spirit of the teachers. Choreographed
Science, Mathematics, Litera- collaboration, creativity and The event unfolded with a with great care, the dance
ture, History, Art, and Tech- intellectual curiosity. heartfelt prayer song per- captured the exuberance and
formed by the teachers, freedom of childhood, creat-
ST. MARY'S SR. SEC. SCHOOL invoking blessings for the ing a mesmerizing spectacle
students’ bright future and that resonated deeply with
Bahuakbarpur, Rohtak holistic well-being. This the audience. This child-cen-
Manager: Rev. Fr. Fr. Allen Gonsalves
was followed by a profound tric performance embodied
Principal: Rev. Fr. Sabu Joseph
prayer led by Ms. Lizzy, seek- the playful and carefree spirit
Childrens' Day Celebration ing peace, wisdom and good of youth, bringing immense
- Pratibha health for all. A thought-pro- joy to all present.

hildren’s Day, cel- marked with unparalleled voking speech by Ms. Mansi
ebrated annually enthusiasm and splendor at beautifully encapsulated the The teachers’ relentless ded-
on November 14th St. Mary’s Sr. Sec. School this significance of Children’s ication was evident through-
in honor of India’s year. The event was a vibrant Day, shedding light on Pandit out the program. From metic-
first Prime Minister, Pan- tapestry of joy, creativity and Nehru’s enduring affection ulously organizing the event
dit Jawaharlal Nehru, was meaningful activities, orga- for children and his visionary to performing songs, skits,
emphasis on education as the dances, and reciting poems,


36 December2024
they left no stone unturned in minder of the day’s purpose: performance. Various dance dience to join in the celebra-
ensuring the celebration was to honor the children, the troupes representing different tions. The melodious tunes
both entertaining and enrich- torchbearers of our nation’s classes took the stage, per- created a joyful atmosphere,
ing. Their creativity and com- future and to reaffirm their forming traditional Indian reinforcing the sense of com-
mitment not only showcased right to happiness, education, dances such as Bharatanatyam munity among everyone pres-
their deep bond with the stu- and holistic growth. and Garba. The colourful ent.
dents but also underscored costumes and rhythmic beats
their unwavering efforts to The Children’s Day celebra- created an electrifying ambi- The cultural programs were
foster a nurturing and joyful tion at St. Mary’s Sr. Sec. ence. The students exhibited meticulously organized, re-
environment. School was an overwhelming not only their dance skills flecting the collaborative ef-
success, leaving an indelible but also their understanding forts of teachers, students,
As the event drew to a close, mark on the hearts of stu- of the cultural heritage asso- and parents. The event not
a profound sense of unity dents and faculty alike. It was ciated with the festival. The only fostered creativity and
and pride filled the air as the a day of cherished memories, audience was captivated and self-expression among stu-
entire gathering rose to sing unparalleled creativity and a the performers received a re- dents but also promoted val-
the National Anthem. This resounding celebration of the sounding applause for their ues of teamwork and coop-
solemn and heartfelt conclu- spirit of childhood. hard work and dedication. eration. The sense of joy and
sion served as a poignant re- togetherness was palpable,
The celebration continued creating lasting memories for
Diwali Celebration with a theatrical skitbased all participants.
- Amit Rohilla on the theme “Go Local”
depicting a short story of As the celebration drew to
an old ‘diya’ vendor woman a close, our Vice Principal
who is helped by a child to Fr. Umesh Ekka’s addressed
sell the ‘diyas’ on Diwali em- the gathering, emphasizing
bracing the theme. The skit, the importance of festivals
performed by the students, in strengthening community
was both entertaining and bonds and preserving cultural
educational. It highlighted heritage. He encouraged stu-
the values of courage, loyalty, dents to embrace these values
and the importance of family. and carry them forward in
The actors delivered their di- their lives.
alogues with enthusiasm and Diwali celebration at St.
the creativity displayed in the Mary’s Senior Secondary
skit received praise from all School was a resounding
attendees. It served as a re- success, marked by vibrant
minder of the moral lessons performances, cultural ex-
that Diwali imparts to us. pressions, and a deep sense
of community. Such events

In addition to dance and dra- are vital in nurturing the ho-
n the auspicious and good over evil. The cere- ma, the program included a listic development of students
occasion of Di- mony was graced by the pres- singing segment where stu- and instilling a sense of pride
wali, St. Mary’s ence of the school Principal, dents showcased their vocal in their cultural roots. We
Senior Second- esteemed faculty members, talents. A mix of traditional look forward to continuing
ary School enthusiastically and representatives from the Diwali songs and contempo- this tradition in the years to
celebrated the festivity. The parent-teacher association. rary numbers filled the air, come, celebrating not only
event, held on 29 October As the principal lit the cere- resonating with the spirit of Diwali but also the diversity
2024, brought together stu- monial lamp, students recit- the festival. The choir, led by and richness of our cultural
dents, teachers and parents in ed prayers and hymns, filling the music teacher, performed heritage.
a vibrant display of culture, the atmosphere with a sense beautifully, inspiring the au-
unity and joy. This report of reverence and hope. This
highlights the various cultural sacred moment set the tone ST. MARY'S SR. SEC. SCHOOL
programs that were conduct- for the festivities, reminding Mayur Vihar Phase-III
ed during the celebration. everyone of the significance
Manager: Rev. Fr. Stanley Kozhichira
of Diwali. Principal: Sr. Deepti C.J
The celebration commenced
with a Lamp Lighting Cer- Following the lamp lighting, Celebration of Life and Joy
emony, symbolising the tri- students showcased their ar- - Elizabeth Biju
umph of light over darkness tistic talents through a dance


37 December2024

“Count not the candles, see world the value of performing brated Diwali with a special society, encouraging students
the lights they give. Count not small acts with great love for assembly on 28th October to help the less fortunate and
the years, but the life you live.” God. The assembly concluded 2024. The event highlighted share their joy with others.
with prayers for Sr. Deepti's in- the significance of celebrating In line with the teachings
Marians celebrated the birth- tentions and a hymn. an eco-friendly Diwali while of sustainability, the young
day of their beloved principal, embracing the spirit of togeth- performers also presented
Rev. Sr. Deepti, on November The celebrations continued erness and giving. innovative ways to celebrate
11th with a heartfelt prayer with an entertainment pro- an eco-friendly Diwali. They
assembly and an entertain- gram, starting with a joyful The assemblies organized by advocated for the use of bio-
ment program. The prayer cake-cutting ceremony led by the students of Class IX-B degradable decorations, clay
assembly, conducted by Class Rev. Sr. Deepti. Students from and JPIC students beautiful- diyas, and sustainable alter-
11 students, centered on the both the primary and senior ly reflected the essence of the natives to fire-crackers. Their
theme "Life is a Beautiful wings added color to the occa- festival of lights. The program vibrant message of reducing
Gift." Through a touching sion with vibrant performanc- commenced with a prayer pollution and protecting the
skit, they emphasized the im- es of songs and dances. dance, seeking blessings for environment resonated deeply
portance of valuing life and peace, prosperity and harmo- with the audience.
living it meaningfully. The stu- In her address, Rev. Sr. Deep- ny for all. The assembly concluded with
dents highlighted the selfless ti expressed gratitude to God a lively dance and song per-
and dedicated service of Sr. for using her as an instrument The event featured an enlight- formance celebrating the fes-
Deepti. in His work and appreciat-
ening presentation on the ori- tive spirit, leaving everyone
ed the students for their love
gins and cultural significance inspired to celebrate Diwali in
As part of the program, a Pow- and thoughtfulness. Later, the
of Diwali. The presentation its truest sense—by spreading
erPoint presentation narrated teachers joined in wishing hertraced emphasized the spiri- light, love and kindness while
the inspiring life of St. Teresa during a small, intimate gath-
tual and moral lessons behind safeguarding our planet.
of Child Jesus, who, despite ering. the festivities, such as the vic-
living only 24 years, taught the tory of good over evil and the A gathering for teachers was
importance of self-reflection organized later to celebrate
Diwali Delights: and renewal. the essence of Diwali. The day
left an indelible impression on
A Festival of Lights and Joy A heartfelt skit performed by all, reinforcing the message
- Monica Sharma the students highlighted the that the festival of lights is not
“Happiness doesn’t result To instill the values of sharing, theme of “Sharing and Car- only about celebrations but
from what we get, but from caring, and environmental re- ing.” The skit emphasized also about values that bring
what we give.” sponsibility, our school cele- the value of giving back to lasting joy and peace.


38 December2024
Revive Through Forgiveness Childrens' Day Celebration
- Aurita Claire John - Jennifer Felix

“Fly, I must, upward, Dive, do not let go of it. The story "The children of today will dedicated to the students.
I must, inward, To be once was linked to all the petty is- make the India of tomor- Their performances were a
more, What I truly am, And sues students have with each row. The way we bring them testament to their love and
shall forever remain.”- Shri other in school. The skit on up will determine the future admiration for the children,
Chinmoy ‘Best friends’ was also enact- of the country." – Pt. Jawa- creating a joyful and memo-
ed to explain that forgiveness harlal Nehru rable atmosphere.
Forgiveness may be consid- is essential in friendship, and
ered simply in terms of the the truly important moments Children’s Day was celebrat- The teachers also took the
person who forgives and in- should be treasured and re- ed with great enthusiasm at opportunity to convey their
cludes forgiving themselves. membered. St. Mary’s Senior Secondary heartfelt wishes for the stu-
The key to have a happy and School, where the teachers of dents, encouraging them to
a successful life is to let go The students also spoke on the primary and senior wings dream big and work hard to-
off our past memories, anger, the essence of this value ex- organized a special program wards achieving their goals.
childhood wounds and fears. tensively urging all even our to honour their beloved stu- They emphasized the impor-
Class 6B explained this value dear teachers to forgive and dents. The event was a heart- tance of values, kindness and
by emphasising on forgiving let go. This meaningful as- felt gesture of appreciation self-belief in shaping a bright
and forgetting negativity to sembly ended with an action and joy, with teachers show- future.
feel revived. song and group song. casing their talents to make
the day memorable for the The celebration concluded
Students presented a skit on To forgive students. with students feeling cher-
the story ‘The Rotten Toma- Is to remember ished and inspired, making
toes’ relating it to the ill feel- That we have room in our The teachers showcased their the day a beautiful reminder
ings we have towards others hearts to talents by presenting lively of the bond between teachers
which start getting rotten Begin again ……And again songs, energetic dances and and their pupils.
and smelly inside us if we heartwarming poems, all


39 December2024
The Role of Self-Discipline ST. MICHAEL'S SR. SEC. SCHOOL
- Shruti Tonk Pusa Road
Manager: Rev. Fr. Francis Swaminathan
Principal: Rev. Fr. Jas Elanjikal

Principal’s Birthday and Diwali

- Prachi Goyal

"Discipline is the bridge be- upbringing, and personal

tween goals and accomplish- habits. The program encour-
n 30th October day. The students of Class
ment." – Jim Rohn aged students to focus on
2024, St. Mi- IV then captivated the au-
their studies, manage their
chael’s Sr. Sec. dience with a soulful prayer
On October 22nd, the bright tasks efficiently, and build
School, Pusa dance, setting a serene tone
Marians of Class 6C present- an environment that fosters
Road, held a grand celebra- for the festivities. The Prin-
ed an engaging assembly on accountability and responsi-
tion that combined Diwali cipal’s Birthday celebration,
the theme of self-discipline. bility.
function and the Principal’s started with a heartwarm-
Through a vibrant dance and
Birthday Celebration in the ing cake-cutting ceremony,
meaningful enactments, they The assembly concluded with
School Auditorium. The hon- followed by a Power-Point
highlighted how self-con- a group song and an inspiring
ourable dignitaries of the day presentation that highlighted
trol is essential for personal address by our Principal, Rev.
who graced the occasion with Principal's noteworthy con-
growth and success. The stu- Sr. Deepti. She emphasized
their presence were Chief tributions and achievements
dents discussed habits like self-discipline as vital for
Guest Mrs. Rajamma Pon- throughout his tenure. Then,
setting clear goals, managing overcoming obstacles, stay-
nan, mother of our School the principal was warmly fe-
time effectively, and embrac- ing organized, and achiev-
Principal, Principal Rev. Fr. licitated by the teaching staff,
ing challenges, emphasizing ing success. With practice
Jas Elanjikal, along with non-teaching staff and mem-
that self-discipline is a grad- and perseverance, she said,
school Coordinators, Mr. bers of the Student Cabinet as
ual process requiring consis- self-discipline becomes a
Paul Simon and Mrs. Nidhi a gesture of appreciation and
tent effort. powerful tool in all aspects
Ilwadi. respect. A delightful dance
of life.
performance by the nursery
They also shed light on the
The program began with a students which added to the
challenges of mastering
special prayer, invoking bless- joy of the celebration, creat-
self-discipline, noting the in-
ings of the Almighty followed ing a festive atmosphere.
fluence of mental well-being,
by the significance of the


40 December2024
The event continued with a with a grand finale dance “A Catholic retreat is a spir- speaker and conducts par-
series of cultural performanc- that symbolized the joy and itual experience designed enting seminar, Motivation-
es that brought out the vi- light that Diwali brings into to help participants draw al Workshops, Orientation
brancy and energy of Diwali. our lives. This was followed closer to God, deepen their programmes, Leadership and
The highlight of the program by the singing of the school faith and reflect on their per- Personality development Ses-
was a captivating musical anthem, further uniting ev- sonal relationship with Jesus sions. She is also the Chair-
skit performed by students of eryone in a shared sense of Christ.” person of ‘Ek Ehsaas Foun-
Class 10 Ruby, Emerald and pride and community. The dation’ (EEF).
Diamond, depicting a key program culminated with a On 09th October 2024, A
episode from the Ramayana. vote of thanks delivered by Retreat was organized for the The retreat was a revitalizing
The skit effectively portrayed the Coordinator, Ms. Nidhi Christian students of St. Mi- experience focussing on the
the essence of Diwali, leaving Ilwadi, who expressed grat- chaels’ Sr. Sec. School Pusa expression of grace and grati-
the audience deeply moved. itude to all those who con- Road. tude. This transformative ex-
Following the cultural seg- tributed for making the event perience left them feeling re-
ment, the principal addressed a success. As a part of revel- The retreat animated by Ms. freshed, spiritually recharged
the gathering with a powerful ry, the principal distributed Reena Charles, provided a and more connected to their
speech that emphasized the snacks and sweets to students profound opportunity for Catholic faith.
importance of inner peace, to celebrate his joyous occa- spiritual renewal and reflec-
harmony, and righteousness. sion. tion. Ms. Reena Charles has The retreat was concluded
He spoke about Diwali’s been an educationist and so- by holy mass. The liturgy
deeper meaning and encour- The combined Diwali and cial entrepreneur for past 30 was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Jas
aged everyone to uphold val- Birthday celebrations were years. Elanjikal who delivered an
ues like truth, love and unity marked by great enthusiasm, inspiring homily focused on
in their daily lives. His words with everyone participating She was an educational con- the theme of unity and love
resonated with the students, wholeheartedly. It was a day sultant and curriculum devel- within the community. After
reminding them that the true filled with joy, laughter and oper for progressive schools the Mass, delicious lunch was
celebration of Diwali lies in cultural pride, making it a in India. She is also a public served for everybody.
the practice of these values. memorable occasion for all
The event came to close present.

Retreat For Christian Students

- Daniel John


41 December2024
FUN ‘N’ FROLIC TRIP on Childrens' Day
- Nidhi Ilwadi

n the joyous occa- Upon arrival, students were floor. There was no shortage chaat and more. These re-
sion of Children’s welcomed by a delightful dis- of activities, including ar- freshments kept everyone en-
Day, November play of birds in cages at the chery, Burma bridge, mehndi ergized as they participated
14, 2024, a school entrance, setting a cheerful art, puppet shows, Rajas- in various activities.
picnic was organized for the tone for the day. A delicious thani dress-up, zip lining,
students of St. Michael’s Sr. breakfast was laid out, offer- swings and a unique tyre see- Overall, students had a fan-
Sec. School, 3 Pusa Road, ing a wide variety of foods saw. Sports enthusiasts found tastic time, creating lasting
New Delhi by Principal Rev. that everyone enjoyed. joy in games like basketball memories and enjoying a day
Fr. Jas Elanjikal. Students and football, while others en- of relaxation, entertainment,
from classes I to V and XI The picnic spot was abuzz joyed camel rides and a capti- and camaraderie. The school
to XII visited Vishal Garh with numerous activities vating magic show. picnic was a grand success,
Farms, while classes VI to X that kept students engaged and the efforts of the school
headed to Loha Garh Farms. throughout the day. A full- The culinary experience con- staff and Principal Rev. Fr. Jas
The picnic was a day of fun, time DJ provided energetic tinued with tea, pakoras, Elanjikal were deeply appre-
excitement and memorable music and students enthusias- refreshing nimbu pani and a ciated by all.
experiences for all involved. tically joined in on the dance hearty lunch featuring pizza,


42 December2024
ST. MICHAEL'S JUNIOR SCHOOL Rev. Sr. Agnes Joseph, Sr. of his transformation from
Maria and all the students. Nehru Ji to ‘Chacha Nehru’.
Pusa Road On behalf of all the students, An entertaining humorous
Manager: Rev. Fr. Jose T. J the guests, Head boy and skit was presented by the
Principal: Sr. Agnes Joseph Head girl of the school paid a teachers. The teachers en-
floral tribute to Guru Nanak thralled the audience by their
Annual School Picnic Dev Ji and Pandit Jawaharlal graceful and energetic dance
For Classes I TO V Nehru. Verses from various moves. Mrs. Shikha Jain
- Rakhi religious texts about children delivered a speech on Chil-
were read out and prayers dren's Day.
were offered for the safety,
good health and bright fu- The esteemed Chief Guest,
ture of all the children of the Reverend Sister Agnes Jo-
world. seph, the Principal of the
School, addressed the gath-
In the Prakashotsav ceremo- ering and blessed all the
ny, the life of Guru Nanak children. In her address
Dev Ji and his three golden she encouraged students to
teachings – Naam Japo, Kirat dream big and work hard.
Karo and Vand Chhako were She compared the children to
highlighted. Ms. Aditi Thak- beautiful blossoms and mo-
ur presented her views on this tivated them to spread their
occasion. fragrance everywhere. She
also appreciated the teachers
After the celebration of Guru for their lively performance.
Nanak Jayanti, the pro- A special gift was given to
gramme switched to the Chil- each and every student by the
dren's Day celebration. The School Management on the

captain and the vice-captain occasion of Children's Day.
he students of class- enjoyed a variety of fun ac- of the Nehru House present-
es I to V went to tivities. The children jumped ed the biography of Nehru Ji The dual celebration of Guru
Oh! Max Dream into the ball pool, bounced through a speech and made Nanak Jayanti and Children's
world (Noida) for on trampolines, explored the everyone aware of the story Day was a grand success.
the school picnic on 25 Octo- chocolate factory and the
ber 2024. It was a day brim- Amazon Forest and navigat-
ming with excitement and ed through the mirror maze.
learning. The day began early They even braved the tomb
as we left for the venue which and tested their skills at the
was an hour and a half’s adventure park! After a day
drive from the school. As the full of thrills, a tasty lunch
students arrived at the venue, was served before everyone
they were welcomed with a returned to school by 4 PM,
delicious breakfast to kick off filled with happy memories
the day. Next, they headed to and smiles.
the theme park, where they

Guru Nanak Jayanti and

Childrens' Day Celebrations
- ardish Kaur

n November India's first Prime Minister,
14th 2024, St. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's
Michael's Junior with great enthusiasm and
School, Prasad fervour, blending the teach-
Nagar celebrated the 555th ings of Guru Nanak with the
birth anniversary of Guru joy of childhood.
Nanak Dev Ji, the founder
of Sikhism and Children's The programme began with
Day, the birth anniversary of welcoming the chief guests-


43 December2024
Annual School Picnic for class-
- Rakhi

For Sale
For Sale: Spacious 2BHK + Study in Meh-
rauli, Ward No. 7, near Qutab Minar met-
ro. Features include a large balcony, 24/7
water, CCTV, guarded security and dedi-
cated car parking. Situated on the 2nd floor
in a prime location. Asking Rs. 40 Lakhs
(negotiable). Contact: Arokinathan John at

he students of class- the energy up with fun mu-
es Nursery and KG sic, encouraging everyone to
enjoyed their picnic dance and play. Delicious
within the school snacks were provided, mak-
premises on 19 October ing the day even more spe-
2024. It was a delightful day cial. It was a wonderful op-
filled with joy and laughter. portunity for the little ones to
The children had a blast on bond and create happy mem-
the swings, giggling as they ories together.
soared high. A lively DJ kept
Dear Sir, As we celebrate the birthday of our Lord Jesus
Christ, which is celebrated as Christmas, we are all invited
to be messengers of Peace, transformers of love, advocates of
Justice and promoters of love and hope and work to build a
just and sustainable world through our work and actions by
reaching out to help and empower people of weaker sections
and also reach out to people who are victims of different ad-
dictions and victims of this cruel world, mainly those who are
ill treated and exploited. Christmas is also a time of experi-
encing Christmas love and mercy in those people who have
gone astray and are misleading and dividing the people and
are creating hatred in the name of caste and religion. Christ-
mas is a time for experiencing Christmas love and mercy in
the unemployed and those who are exploited at their places
of work, mainly the unorganized workers.

As we celebrate this festival of Christmas, let us all pray that

we reach out and help other people by involving ourselves
in existing lay associations and help other people in experi-
encing Christ through our work and actions. Let us all make
this season of Love, hope, Peace and Joy a season by Giving
Christ to the world. Finally I wish all A Happy and Holy

Cajetan Peter DSouza


44 December2024



Formation Programme for the Parish

BEC Animators & Secretaries
- Emmanuel Johnson
Commission for BEC

he One-day forma- our Archdiocese. tion, East of Kailash
tion program for The Parishes were: 6. St. Francis of Assisi,
the BEC Animators Sunlight Colony
and Secretaries was 1. Sacred Heart Cathedral 7. St. Philip’s, Bhatti Mines
organized by the Commission 2. St. Luke’s, Defence Col- 8. Good Shepherd, Hauz
for BECs on Sunday, 27th ony Khas
October 2024 from 9:00 am 3. St. Michael’s, Prasad 9. Church of St. Therese of
– 5:00 pm at DCC Hall. The Nagar Child Jesus, Pushp Vihar
total number of participants 4. St. Joseph’s Church, 10. Mary Queen of Apos-
for the formation program NIT-5, Faridabad tles, Sangam Vihar
was 113 from 20 parishes of 5. Church of Transfigura- 11. St. Monica’s Church,


45 December2024
Burari our BEC Animators and to Evangelize”, “Pastoral Visit” Church as the Body of Christ.
12. St. Vincent de Paul make them well trained who from DIIPA Text Book and The importance of regular
Church, Jahangirpuri can oversee BEC animation “The Importance of Evalua- Gospel Sharing meeting in
13. Church of Resurrection, and provide regular training tion after 7 Steps of Gospel the unit and in the family.
Rohini, to BEC units at the grassroots Sharing was animated by Em-
14. Mother of Perpetual level. manuel Johnson & Fr. Suresh The whole family must par-
Succour Church, MV-3 Babu. The pedagogy used all ticipate in the BEC meeting.
15. Prabhu Prakash, Trilok- The program began with through the session was fa- The importance of training in
puri the Solemn Enthronement cilitating style, enabling the the life of an animator.
16. St. John’s, Church, of the Holy Bible in the hall participants to contribute Understood the importance
Palam followed by Gospel Sharing to the learning process and of Gospel Sharing.
17. St. John the Baptist (Steps 1-4 & 7) facilitated by learn through the interactions
Church, Aya Nagar Alexander, members of the of the whole group. During [Step 6: Continuing Christ
18. St. Michael’s, Gurgaon Diocesan Team for BECs. Fr. the evaluation and planning, mission in the particular
19. Church of I.C, Kanhei Suresh Babu welcomed the this is what the participants neighborhood as missionary]
20. Mata Mariam Church, participants and explained shared about their learning
Dharuhera the importance of this forma- from the formation program.
The whole program came to
tion to the participants. BEC is not a prayer group or
an end by closing of the Holy
The aim to organize this For- an Association. Bible followed by Thanksgiv-
mation Program was to pro- The In-put sessions: “BEC ing Eucharist presided over
vide knowledge of BECs to Evangelized Community to BEC is a church in miniature / by Fr Suresh Babu.

mass the graves were bless- who continued visiting the

ed with holy water. Indian cemetery late evening. In the
Christian Cemetery Com- noon Holy Eucharist in Tam-
mittee had made elaborate il for the members from the
arrangements for lighting of Tamil Catholic Ministry was
both the cemeteries and safe- celebrated in Paharganj Cem-
ty and security of the visitors etery.

All Souls Day Mass at Burari

and Paharganj Cemeteries
- M.S.Stanislaus

undreds of faith- Valerian and visiting priests
ful thronged the concelebrated. After the
Burari and Pa- mass, Bishop Deepak and
harganj Cemeter- the priests blessed the graves Tarang 2024
ies to pray for the departed with holy water. Holy Mass - Richa Kakkar
souls of their dear ones bur- in Paharganj Cemetery was

ied in the cemetery. Graves celebrated by Fr. Balraj, Par-
were decorated and lighted ish Priest of St. Anthony’s n November 15, communities, promoting the
with candles as they were Church, Paharganj and the 2024, Chetana- theme of "Unity in Diversi-
being blessed by priests after visiting priests. Fr. Balraj laya celebrated ty." The event was graced by
the Holy Mass. Main cel- had made all arrangements Children's Day Most Rev. Anil J. T. Couto as
ebrant at the Holy Mass in for mass including the choir with great enthusiasm and the chief guest, while Princi-
Burari was Rt. Rev. Deepak of Paharganj Parish and Rev. fervor. The event saw the pal of the Carmel Convent
Valerian Tauro, Auxiliary Sisters of St. Anthony’s Con- participation of 500 chil- School, Sr. Elica and Manag-
Bishop of Delhi and Rev. Fr. vent, Paharganj. After the dren from 15 marginalized er of Sahoday Sr. Secondary


46 December2024
School, Fr. Peter Emmanuel laya, which were distributed
and Research Officer from among the children to care
National Medicinal Plants for and nurture.
Board, Ministry of Ayush,
Dr. Jeetendra Kumar Vaishya The highlight of the event
were the guests of honor. was the spectacular group
dance performances by the
The event began with the children, showcasing the di-
“Lightening of the Lamp” verse cultures of different
followed by a strong mes- states of India. The perfor-
sage on the theme by the mances were the testament
Director of Chetanalaya, Fr. to the children's talent, cre-
Sunil Prakash Crasta and ativity, and teamwork. The
the cultural performances by event also included a variety
the children. The chief guest, of other activities, such as a
Archbishop of Delhi Anil J T quiz competition, award dis-
Couto emphasized the impor- tribution for Best Area Lead-
tance of unity and diversity iner, Best Neighbourhood Chil- Report Catholic
Indian culture, highlighting dren Parliament, Best Essay
the need for children to un- on Van Mahotsav and Best Legal Fraternity Meeting
derstand and appreciate these Dance performances of the - Rev. Fr. Ravi Sagar S.J.
values from a young age. He day. The children were also Commission for the Justice, Peace and
also encouraged the children treated with a special meal.

to work towards creating a
more inclusive and equitable The celebration conclud- n 12th November how they could collectively
society. ed with a vote of thanks by 2024, of the Arch- support the Church and soci-
the staff of Chetanalaya, Mr. diocese of Delhi ety. Key proposals included:
Dr. Jeetendra, also addressed Manoj Jain, who expressed held a ‘Catholic Le- Formation of Legal Aid Cells
the children, sharing his gratitude to the chief guest, gal Fraternity’ meeting at DCC at Diocese and Parish levels.
knowledge about medicinal guests of honor, and all the Hall, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Establishment of Grievance
plants and their importance participants for making the New Delhi. The event began at Cells for POCSO cases, vio-
in our daily lives. He empha- event a success. The celebra- 6:00 pm with prayers and Bible lence against women and hu-
sized the need for conserva- tion was a resounding suc- readings, followed by the Law- man trafficking.
tion and sustainable use of cess, promoting unity and yers' Prayer. Fr. Sunil Crasta,
these plants. Dr. Jeetendra celebrating the diversity of Secretary of the Commission, Ongoing awareness/orienta-
also generously donated 100 Indian culture among the explained the purpose of the tion/paralegal training.
medicinal plants to Chetana- children. gathering, initiated by Arch- Creating a pool of lawyers to
bishop Anil Couto, to unite assist those in need.
legal expertise to address legal
issues affecting the Church and Participants expressed happi-
society. ness and gratitude, emphasiz-
ing the need for documentation
Archbishop Anil Couto wel- and support for the Church
comed the participants, appre- and vulnerable sections of so-
ciating their contributions and ciety. There was also a sugges-
emphasizing the role of Cath- tion for online meetings and
olic advocates in promoting the creation of short-term and
justice, human rights, and dig- long-term action plans.
nity. He highlighted challenges
the Church faces, such as at- In his concluding remarks,
tacks, priest arrests, land issues Archbishop Couto thanked
and minority status problems, the participants, quoting Mat-
stressing the mission to uphold thew 10:16, and assured that
truth and justice through faith. the Commission would work
to implement the discussed
Advocate Fr. Ravi Sagar S.J. points. Sr. Manisha closed the
facilitated introductions, with meeting by thanking everyone
attendees sharing their legal for their presence and contri-
backgrounds and discussing butions.


47 December2024
a shared commitment to the life, love and harmony in a
welfare of humanity. All the spirit of fraternity and sol-
inter-faith leaders paid their idarity. The message from
respect at Harmandir Sahib Pope was communicated by
(the Golden Temple), Amrit- Fr. Norbert Herman that
sar, Punjab. we can help revive hope, es-
pecially for those who feel
Throughout the conference, helpless or hopeless. Wheth-
the religious leaders spoke er through small or large ef-
with one voice, emphasizing forts, in accordance with our
how we can collectively sow unique circumstances, we
seeds of hope through cour- are all called to contribute to
555th Birth Anniversary of age, conviction, and dedica- sowing seeds of hope, so that
tion and work together to together, we may reap a har-
Guru Nanak Dev Ji cultivate a harvest of peace. vest of peace. The conference
- Rev. Fr. Norbert Herman SVD
They highlighted that as in- was coordinated by Param-
Commission for Ecumenism & dividuals and communities pal Singh ji and Gur Sahib
Inter-religious Dialogue of hope, it is through our Singh ji.

n honor of the 555th cluded Bishop Agnelo Ruffi- actions—those that promote
Birth Anniversary of no, the bishop of Jalandhar,
Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Fr. Norbert Herman, the Di-
Gobind Marg Charitable rector of Interfaith Relations
Trust organized an Inter-faith of Northern India, Fr. John
Conference on the theme, "A Grewal, Sahib Baldev Singh
Wave of Kindness and Love ji, Sahib Raghbir Singh ji,
for Each Other in Humanity” Rabbi Dr. Yakov Nagen from
at Gurdwara Sahib Buland Israel, representing Judaism;
Pur, Jalandhar. The event Dr. Imam Umer Ahmed Ilya-
brought together the Five si, Chief Imam of India; Ling
Ordained Leaders of the Five Rinpoche, the Buddhist lead-
Sacred Thrones of the Sikh er; Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni,
Community, alongside prom- the Jain leader; and BK Hus-
inent religious figures from sain, Brahmakumari Sister.
around the world. These in- Their presence underscored

moderator of the program, Dr. A.K. Merchant from Ba-

Fr. M.D. Thomas introduced hai Religion, Mr. Marazban
the theme, “following the Nariman Zaiwalla represent-
middle path” in the context ing Parsi Religion, Bharte
of today’s tolerance of vio- Diapankara Sumedho from
lence in the name of religion Buddhist, Bhikku Kachayan
in the society. There is a need Sraman the organizer of the
to follow the middle path and program and Dr. Fr. Norbert
respect all the religions in the Herman SVD representing
world. The various religious the Christian religion were
gurus expressed their views the prominent gurus present-
on the topic and said that ed for the conference.
we have to follow the good
Round Table Conference at views and discard the evil.
Buddha Tri-Ratna Mission
- Rev. Fr. Norbert Herman SVD
Commission for Ecumenism &
Inter-religious Dialogue

uddha Tri-Ratna the theme, “Middle Path”
Mission and IHPS similar values in different re-
organized a Round ligious scriptures at Chittran-
Table Conference on jan Park, New Delhi. The


48 December2024

The Christians and Sikhs: DCC Library celebrates

Sowing the Seeds of Hope and 51st anniversary
- Susan Paul

Harvesting Peace Together he Diocesan Com- on the theme of Artificial In-
- Rev. Fr. Norbert Herman SVD munity Centre telligence (AI), A Blessing or
Commission for Ecumenism & Library (DCCL) Digital Slavery? – was one of
celebrated its 51st the highlights of the event. It
Inter-religious Dialogue
Anniversary on the evening of featured seven brothers and
555th Birth Anniversary of welcome was accorded to Sunday, November 10, 2024 two nuns who are students
Guru Nanak Dev Ji celebrat- the members of Ecumenical at the DCC Hall. of the Vidyajyoti College of
ed by the Sikh Community Commission, Archdiocese of Theology.
in India. On this occasion Delhi by Dharminder Singh The proceedings began with
Pope Francis greeted with a ji from Rakab Ganj Gurud- a welcome of the guests being Replying to questions posed
message to Sikh Community wara, Ranjit Singh ji from accorded a warm welcome. by the audience, the debaters
saying that “the Christians Bangla Sahib Gurudwara and The ceremonial lamp was said that when it comes to AI,
and Sikhs: sowing the seeds also from Gyani ji and other lit by the chief guest, Most it is the way in which we put
of hope and harvesting peace officials from Majnu ka Tilla Rev. Deepak Valerian Tauro, AI to work that would decide
together.” He says, “In the gurudwara. The members of Auxiliary Bishop of the Arch- its outcome. In other words,
present scenario the world is the commission, Fr. Norbert diocese of Delhi and DCCL it is up to us to use it con-
at unrest and the violence is Herman, Mr. Chinnapan, Chairman; Rev. Fr. Francis structively to reap the right
creeping into the society. The Mr. Anthony Joseph and Mr. Swaminathan, DCCL direc- results.
young people are jobless and Varun visited who visited the tor Mrs. Molly Cherian, se-
the families are struggling three prominent gurudwaras nior member of the DCCL Most Rev. Deepak Valerian
for their survival as well as of Delhi, Gurudwara Majnu sub-committee and Mrs. Su- Tauro, Auxiliary Bishop, then
for the peace. In this way, ka Tilla, Gurudwara Rakab san Paul, Librarian. delivered a message that fo-
hope can spread, take root Ganj and Gurudwara Bangla cused on the importance of
and become the driving force Sahib on this auspicious oc- Children from the Sacred reading and the role played
for building a world of fra- casion. Heart Cathedral presented a by DCCL. He also appealed
ternity and concord. Warm prayer dance that set the tone to the audience to make reg-
by invoking the blessings of ular visits to the DCCL so as
the Almighty on DCCL and to use its many facilities bet-
on all the attendees. ter and to spread word about
the institution so that others
DCCL’s eventful journey right too can benefit from it. Doing
since its inception to its pres-so would help them improve
ent status was the subject of their reading habits and
the annual report in the form march ahead in their lives.
of a brief PowerPoint presen-
tation. Some games, conducted by
Mr. Edwin Antony, member
The next element – a debate of the library sub-committee,


49 December2024
and dances presented by Au- Prakash Girja, Trilokpu- tention due to its potential During the event, the stu-
drey Ann, parishioners and ri, Edrik from St. Dominic’s for human-to-human trans- dents conveyed vital messag-
tiny tots of the Sacred Heart Church, Vasant Vihar and mission and its clinical re- es about Mpox spread and
Cathedral and from the St Riyan, from the Resurrection semblance to other poxvirus prevention through a capti-
John the Baptist Church, pro- Church, Rohini were the win- infections, such as smallpox vating skit. The skit also shed
vided moments of entertain- ners. In the senior category,and chickenpox. Enhancing light on the early signs and
ment and relaxation. Dyna Sen and Tanya Indwar, nursing care for monkeypox symptoms, treatment and
both from Prabhu Prakash patients is imperative to man- care give to the patients suf-
It was followed by the dis- Girja, Trilokpuri, won the age and contain its spread fering from Mpox.
tribution of prizes to win- first and second prizes, while
effectively. This project fo-
ners of various competitions Arnav Kindo from St. Moni- cussed on the key aspects of The effect of Skit on the au-
conducted by the DCCL. ca’s Church, Burari, receivedenhancing nursing care in dience was evaluated by
In the inter-parish singing the third prize. monkeypox patients, focus- conducting a small quiz ses-
contest, The Church of Our ing on differential diagnoses, sion and the correct replies
Lady of Lourdes, Dwarka, Fr. Swaminathan, the DCCL prevention measures and by them were awarded with
St. John the Baptist Church, director, concluded the pro- therapeutic interventions. small gifts. The hard work
Aya Nagar and St. Michael ceedings with the Vote of and efforts put up the in-
Church, Gurugram, were pre- Thanks. The project topic was sug- terns under the supervision
sented the first, second and gested by Mr. Bharat (Fam- of Mrs. Priyanka Bansal,
third prizes respectively. The programme was ably ily Welfare Extension Edu- Assistant Professor and Ms.
compered by Ms.Monica cator) of PHC, Palam. An Sana Tombi, Nursing Tutor,
In the drawing competi- Hambba Trikey, a member of advisory was received from Community Health Nursing
tion for juniors, Sapphire Mary Queen of Apostles Par- MOHFW regarding Mpox Department, Holy Family
D. Almeida from Prabhu ish, Sangam Vihar. to be declared as PHEIC on College of Nursing was well
14.8.2024 due to this the pre- appreciated by Dr. Diwakar
paredness and response ca- MOIC, Mr. Bharat Family
pacities have been reviewed Welfare extension educator
at the highest level. With new and Ms. Himantika Nursing
cases being detected from Officer of PHC Palam.
various countries chances of
this disease occurring in India
cannot be ruled out.

Group Project on M-pox

- Priyanka Bansal
Holy Family College of Nursing 30 Years of

n 15th Octo- the population attending Cancer Palliative Care
ber 2024, BSc clinics at PHC, Palam, New
- Rani Punnasseril
Nursing Interns Delhi. This initiative involved
Shanti Avedna Sadan

performed their 21 dedicated BSc Nursing In-
group project on ‘Mpox: terns who came together to hanti Avedna Sadan Joseph, Administrator of SAS,
Spreading awareness in the execute a collaborative proj- (SAS), New Delhi’s pi- and a devoted team, the cele-
community setting’. ect. oneering palliative care brations honoured the legacy
center for cancer pa- of hospice care while address-
This was orchestrated under Monkeypox (Mpox), a rare tients, celebrated 30 years of ing crucial issues in palliative
the community health nurs- zoonotic viral infection dedicated service with a three- support.
ing department of the college caused by the monkeypox day series of impactful events.
to spread awareness among virus, has been gaining at- Spearheaded by Sr. Tabitha The center, run and managed


50 December2024
by the Sisters of the Holy policies supporting hospice In recognition of the tremen- We vow to stand by them,
Cross Menzingen, North In- care and the unique role SAS dous contributions of volun- honouring their courage and
dian Province, was supported has played in providing acces- teers to the growth and func- resilience, and providing pal-
throughout the event by Holy sible, free services for patients. tioning of SAS, all volunteers liative support that upholds
Cross sisters from various Mr. Hamsa, a volunteer and were awarded mementos for their spirit and soothes their
communities, including the NGO representative, empha- their excellent service at the pain. In every action, we
Provincial, Sr. Linet Kottap- sized the need for uniform concluding event. strive to be beacons of hope
pillykudy, who attended to policies across states. and kindness, illuminating
show solidarity and support. The program concluded with their path with respect and
Founder and Managing Trust- Adv. Fr. Jaisson Vadassery, a united pledge: compassion.”
ee Dr. L.J. de Souza, a vision- Executive Secretary of the “We dedicate ourselves to
ary oncology surgeon, shared CCBI Commission for Mi- being a light in the darkness Shanti Avedna Sadan remains
his inspiration and journey in grants, highlighted the strug- for those who face the end of committed to its mission of
establishing Shanti Avedna gles migrants and refugees life. We commit to offering providing comfort, dignity,
Sadan. Reflecting on his ear- face in accessing palliative comfort, dignity, and love to and support, serving as a bea-
ly work with TATA Hospital care, comparing their plight cancer patients in their final con of compassion for those
in Mumbai, Dr. L.J. de Souza to travelers lost in a storm. He journey, ensuring they are on the final steps of their jour-
described how his faith in the emphasized that volunteers surrounded by peace and care. ney.
Almighty helped him navigate are the lighthouses guiding
the initial challenges of found- these individuals, but their
ing a free palliative care center efforts need stronger govern- Inter-School Bible
for cancer patients. His fore- mental support. “The back-
sight led to the establishment bone is voluntarism; it needs Quiz Competition - 2024
of three Shanti Avedna centers to be supported well by the - Lawrence
- first in Mumbai, followed by policies of the government,” Vishwas-Kiran Catechetical Center

Goa, and then New Delhi, the urged, calling for a part-
he Vishwas-Kiran resulting in tie between 3
each offering free, compas- nership between grassroots
Catechetical Cen- teams. Multiple tie breakers
sionate care. Dr. L.J. de Souza efforts and state policies to
ter organized the were used to obtain the win-
emphasized the significance ensure palliative care reaches
final round of the ner and runners-up positions.
of providing this support, es- all who need it.
Inter-School Bible Quiz on
pecially for patients exhaust-
November 8th at DCC hall, The winners of the compe-
ed by the financial burden of Dr. Rakesh Garg from AIIMS,
Sacred Heart Cathedral. 48 tition were Carmel Con-
advanced cancer treatment, Delhi, moderated the session,
students from 16 schools vent School, Chanakyapu-
finding immense relief in the emphasizing the need for wid-
competed for the top spot. ri, represented by Mansak
center's services. er advocacy and accessibility
The first round of the Bible Asai, Anna Aiyana Prasad,
in hospice care.
quiz was the written round, and Edeline Kezia Dilawar.
The events began on Novem- Adv. Haris Beeran conveyed
conducted on 15th October
ber 7, 2024, with a gathering his support for the concerns
in the participating schools. The first runners-up
for families of former pa- raised, pledging to raise these
were Mount St. Mary's
tients, offering comfort and issues in Parliament and advo-
There were 2 rounds of the School, Delhi Cantt, repre-
gratitude. On November 8, cating for policies that stream-
competition final. The first sented by Aaron Jose, Alfred
SAS brought together volun- line hospice care registration,
round was a written round Biju and Dominic Dlima.
teers and trustees for a day of making services more acces-
to identify the 6 teams for the
reflection and appreciation. sible for patients and their
final oral round. Loreto Con- The second runners-up
The final day, November 9, families.
vent school, Carmel Con- were Rosary Senior Sec-
included a roundtable with
vent school - Chanakyapuri, ondary School, represented
Principals from local nursing Dr. Aswin Desouza, Surgi-
Mater Dei school, Mount by Likhit Lemuel B, Noel
colleges, focusing on the role cal Oncologist and trustee of
St. Mary's school - Delhi Fernandes, and Yash Bharti
of nurses in palliative care, in- Shanti Avedna Sadan, pre-
Cantt., Rosary senior sec.
tegrating hospice services, and sented the way forward to
school and St. Mary's sr. Auxiliary Bishop Deepak
overcoming stigma around the participants, emphasizing
sec. school - Mayur Vihar gave away trophies, medals
end-of-life care. the importance of expanding
qualified for the final round. and cash prizes to the win-
The evening symposium, ti- palliative care services, raising
ning school teams.
tled "Voicing and Acknowl- awareness, and strengthen-
All the participating children
edging Hospice Care," was ing partnerships with various
were well prepared for the
inaugurated by Adv. Haris stakeholders to ensure broad-
oral round of competition.
Beeran, Member of Parlia- er access and quality care for
The score was neck to neck
ment. Dr. L.J. de Souza ad- patients.
till the end of the final round
dressed the ongoing need for


51 December2024

Carmel Convent School, Chanakyapuri Mount St. Mary’s School, Delhi Cantt. Rosary Sr. Sec. School
Other Finalist Teams

Loreto Convent School Mater Dei School St. Mary’s Sr. Sec. School, Mayur Vihar -3
systems, addressing critical
topics through three prima-
ry segments: Global Youth
Action, the Science and Inno-
vation Forum, and the Hand-
in-Hand Investment Forum.
This year, the event also fea-
tured a significant High-Lev-
el Rome Water Dialogue on
Water Scarcity in Agriculture
(WASAG), addressing the ur-
gent issue of water scarcity in
global agriculture. Dr. Anabel
Benjamin Bara representing
the Indigenous Peoples/Or-
ganisation from Asia on the
Global Task Force for the In-
ternational Decade of Indige-
nous Languages (IDIL) UNE-
Tribal Voices Echoed in the World Food Forum at SCO Paris, France, took on a
prominent role at the Science
United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organisa- and Innovation Forum. He
tion, Rome, Italy discussed using technolo-
- Anabel Benjamin Bara gy to enhance crop health

and yield there, particular-
orld Food Fo- 14-18 October 2024. This digenous rights were invited ly within Tribal/Indigenous
rum (WFF) is a year, WFF in Rome saw the to participate in this flagship agricultural practices. In his
flagship event remarkable presence of two event at the FAO headquar- intervention, Dr. Benjamin
of the Food distinguished tribal leaders ters in Rome, Italy. highlighted how emerging
and Agriculture Organisation from India—Dr. Anabel Ben- technologies can be leveraged
(FAO) of the United Nations. jamin Bara and Ms. Seemran The WFF convenes annually to preserve tribal/indigenous
It was held at its headquar- Rashmi Bansingh. These in- as a platform to drive glob- knowledge and boost sus-
ters in Rome, Italy, from fluential voices for Tribal/In- al action on sustainable food tainable crop productivity in


52 December2024

India and beyond. Dr. Benja-Global Indigenous Youth need for Indigenous youth in-lands and Tribal food sys-
min also made waves in the Forum (UNGIYF) at the UN- volvement in policymaking, tems, advocating for compre-
Hand-in-Hand Investment
FAO, was a dynamic presence particularly in safeguarding hensive protection of these
Forum, where he advocated at the WFF’s Global Youth tribal lands from exploita- resources. For tribal and In-
for direct engagement be- Action segment. Her advo- tion. In a powerful appear- digenous communities, land
tween investors and tribal cacy focused on preserving ance at the WFF’s "Right to is more than a physical re-
farmers to advance organic and protecting Tribal/Indige- Food" side event, Ms. Seem- source; it is the foundation of
farming initiatives world- nous food systems, drawing ran underscored the Tribal/ cultural practices, medicinal
wide. This dialogue could attention to issues impacting Indigenous Peoples’ funda- knowledge and food sover-
open avenues for sustainableTribal/Indigenous commu- mental rights — namely, the eignty. Their participation at
agricultural practices that nities globally. During her Right to Food, Right to Land,the WFF this year serves as
uphold Tribal wisdom while participation in the Global and Right to Price—which a testament to the resilience
enhancing productivity and Hub session on "Indigenous resonate deeply with tribal and advocacy of Indigenous
livelihoods. His focus on Peoples' Food System and communities worldwide. As voices from India on the
water scarcity was equally Ultra-Processed Foods," Ms. the Youth Delegate from Asia global stage. This inspiring
impactful, as he addressed Seemran voiced concerns on the main stage on the final
contribution to the WFF by
sustainable water conserva- about the encroachment of day, she made strategic rec- Dr. Anabel Benjamin Bara
tion and utilisation during ultra-processed foods on tra- ommendations: 1) Recogni- and Ms. Seemran Rashmi
the WASAG dialogue. As wa- ditional tribal/Indigenous di- tion to Protect, Promote, andBansingh reaffirms India’s
ter becomes an increasingly ets. In the Youth Assembly’s Preserve Indigenous/Tribal Tribal leaders’ commitment
scarce resource worldwide, Advocacy Tent, Ms. Seem- Knowledge and Food Sys- to sustainable development,
Dr. Benjamin’s contributionsran gave a stirring talk on tems. 2) Capacity Building ofcultural preservation, and
underscored the critical need
"Youth Experiences on Ultra Indigenous Youths to provide food security. They left an
for Tribal/Indigenous knowl-Processed Diets," where she production, packaging, and indelible mark on the event,
edge and technology-driven underscored the importance market access resources, en- bringing the richness of Trib-
solutions to mitigate agricul-
of preserving traditional trib- abling value creation in Trib-
al Traditional knowledge sys-
tural water crises. al, health-oriented diets over al/Indigenous foods. tems to the forefront of glob-
convenience-driven processed al dialogues on food, water
Ms. Seemran Rashmi Bans- foods. She also participat- Dr. Benjamin and Ms. Seem- and agricultural resilience.
ingh, a Youth delegate from ed in the Indigenous Youth ran emphasized the intrinsic
Asia at the United Nations Roundtable, emphasising the connection between tribal

Ms. Seemran Rashmi Bansingh (Ho Tribe) is the Co-founder and Dr. Anabel Benjamin Bara (Oraon Tribe) is an Assistant Professor
Director of Thy Kingdom Come Foundation and Tribes Organ- at the Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi. He is
ic Product Pvt. Ltd. She is the Youth representative from Asia at also a Member of the Global Task Force for the IDIL (2022-2032)
the United Nations Global Indigenous Youth Forum (UNGIYF) and Co-Chair on Digital Equity and Domain from Asia at UN-
of UN-FAO. Parish: Church of Transfiguration, East of Kailash, ESCO Paris, France. Parish: Church of Transfiguration, East of
Archdiocese of Delhi. Kailash, Archdiocese of Delhi.


53 December2024
Archbishop Peter Machado poses with 92 Deacons during the National Seminar at NBCLC Bangalore.

Priesthood Candidates National Seminar at NBCLC, Bangalore

- Fr. Nysson Luka

he National Bib- The seminar has drawn 92 ter-Diocesan and Religious ghese Mar Makarios, Bishop
lical, Catecheti- deacons from 27 dioceses and Collaboration: A diverse of Puttur, Rt. Rev. Satish Ku-
cal and Liturgical 5 religious congregations, all group of diocesan and re- mar and Rt. Rev. Joseph Su-
Centre (NBCLC), of whom are on the threshold ligious clergy candidates is sainathan, Auxiliary Bishops
a prominent institution un- of ordination to the priest- part of the seminar. of Bangalore Archdiocese,
der the Catholic Bishops’ hood. This unique gathering Rev. Dr. T. V. Thomas, Direc-
Conference of India (CBCI), reflects the Church’s inclu- The primary goal of the tor of SBM, Christ Univer-
is hosting a six-day nation- sive and collaborative spirit seminar is to acquaint par- sity, Dr. Mareena Mathew,
al seminar for deacons of in three significant ways: 1. ticipants with the mission, Head of the Department of
the Catholic Church. The National Representation: activities, and institutions MBA, Christ University.
event, centered on the theme Participants hail from 11 of the national Church. The
"The Indian Church in the states across India, including inaugural session included a The conference, which con-
Synodal Context of India," Meghalaya, Kerala, Tamil key presentation by Rev. Dr. cludes on November 30,
commenced on November Nadu, Maharashtra, Chhat- Cedric Prakash SJ, Director 2024, is coordinated by Rev.
25, 2024, with an inaugural tisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, of Prashant, Ahmedabad, Dr. John Baptist, Director of
address by Archbishop Peter Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, on the socio-political chal- NBCLC, and Rev. Dr. Nysson
Machado of Bangalore. In his Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, and lenges faced by the Catho- Luka, ensuring a comprehen-
speech, Archbishop Macha- Jharkhand. 2. Inter-Ritual lic Church in India. Other sive and enriching program
do highlighted the vital role Participation: Deacons from eminent speakers during the for the participants.
of priestly and pastoral min- the Latin, Syro-Malabar, and seminar include: Mar Pauly
istry in the synodal mission Syro-Malankara Churches Kannookadan, Chairman of
of the Indian Church. are engaging together. 3. In- NBCLC, Rev. Dr. Geevar-

Archbishop Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, inau-

gurates the Deacons National Seminar at NBCLC Bangalore,
joined by Rev. Dr. John Baptist, Director of NBCLC, Rev. Dr.
Archbishop Peter Machado delivers his address at the Na-
Nysson Luka, and Rev. Dr. Cedric Prakash SJ.
tional Seminar for Deacons at NBCLC Bangalore.


54 December2024
Jubilee Calendar


Universal Church Local Church

Intention of Holy Father Intention of Archbishop Anil
We pray that Jubilee year strengthen our As we celebrated the Nativity of Our
faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Lord, the prince of Peace, we pray for
Christ in our daily lives, and that it may peace, reconciliation and harmony
transform us into pilgrims of Christian throughout the world, so that people of
hope. all faith and specially the leaders of
Church, Society and Politics may be
open to wretched realties of unjust
structures and commit themselves to be
instruments of justice, reconciliation
and peace in the world.
1 Sunday 1 Sunday of Advent
Common Recitation of Prayer & Eucharistic Adoration
Intention: We pray for the Christians all the over the
world to prepare themselves for the Christmas
3 Tuesday Feast- Francis Xavier
7 Saturday Praying the Rosary
Intention: We pray for the homeless people that God
may protect them in this winter.
8 Sunday 2nd Sunday of Advent
Common Recitation of Prayer & Eucharistic Adoration
Intention: We pray that for the Christians all the over
the world, who have abandon the faith.
9 Monday Solemnity- Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
14 Saturday Praying the Rosary
Intention: We pray for the people who are in acute pain
and suffering.
15 Sunday 3rd Sunday of Advent
Common Recitation of Prayer & Eucharistic Adoration


55 December2024

A lliance invited for RC girl (Jharkhand based), 31 yrs., 5’, GNM Nursing, born and brought up in Gurugram.
Working in a reputed Hospital in Gurugram. Proposal invited from NCR based boy (Preferably RC,
Jharkhand based). Contact 9582985036, 9891397073.

S eeking a suitable match for a family oriented 29 years old 5'3" smart beautiful Roman Catholic girl,
M.Com, B.Ed, working as teacher in a reputed convent school in Saharanpur. Proposal invited from well
settled unmarried boy. Only serious proposals are welcome. Mob. No. 9411514504/7668433272.

R C Parents seeking alliance for their 30 year-old daughter 5’6” born and brought up in Delhi. Post
Graduate, working in a private firm in Delhi and doing well professionally. Proposals invited from
well settled, God-fearing boys between 30-34 years of age with sober habits in Private/Govt. Jobs. Contact:

A lliance seeking for my Catholic son live in Delhi 30 years graduate, BBA with Aeronautical Engineering,
height 5’11". Currently working in Indigo as a Senior Tech. Proposals are invited from educated and
working girls please contact: 9411602888, 9411650138.


56 December2024
Anniversaries 1st DECEMBER to 31st DECEMBER

Birthdays Ordinations Death Anniversary

December December December
1 Rohan R.Sequeira (1986) 4 + Vincent Concessao (1961) 16 Fr. Thomson Panackal (2016)
5 Ajeet Patrick (1986) 4 Victor D’ Souza (2003)
6 Nicholas Dias (1965) 4 Vincent D’ Souza (2003)
8 Arul Anthony (1953) 6 Alphonse Shah (1995)
8 Chetan Machado (1976) 17+ Ignatius Mascarenhas (1977)
12 George P.A (1975) 26 Aniyan Joseph (1995)
16 Kulandai Samy (1977) 27 Robert Swamy (2016)
17 Thomas Sherin M. (1977)
18 Vincent Crasta (1975)
19 Antony Eugin J.(1995)
19 Thomas Paul (1975)
20 Sabu Joseph (1967)
25 Jesuraj (1978)

Calendar of Feasts
1. 1st Sunday of Advent 17. Lazarus
2. Bl. Rafal Chylinski 18. Saint Rufus
3. Saint Francis Xavier 19. Blessed Pope Urban V
4. Saint John of Damascene 20. Saint Dominic of Silos
5. Saint Sabas 21. Saint Peter Canisius
6. Saint Nicholas 22. 4th Sunday of Advent
7. Saint Ambrose 23. Saint John Kanty
8. 2nd Sunday of Advent 24. Christmas at Greccio
9. Immaculate conception of the B.V.Mary 25. THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD(Christmas)
10. Our Lady of Loreto 26. Saint Stephen
11. Saint Damasus I 27. Saint John the Apostle and evangelist
12. Our Lady of Guadalupe 28. The Holy Innocents
14. Saint John of the Cross 30. Saint Egwin
15. 3rd Sunday of Advent 31. Saint Sylvester I, pope
16. Blessed Honoratus Kozminski


57 December2024
1-3 Jalandhar
4-6 Out of City
7 Sat 10.00am Silver Jubilee of Divine Retreat Centre, Faridabad
04.00 pm Annual Day-Ruby Jubilee of St. Michael’s Jr. School
06.00 pm Christmas Programme of ADF at DCC Hall
8 Sun 09.00 am Silver Jubilee of Church of Resurrection, Rohini
06.00 pm Feast of RMI Sisters, Punjabi Bagh
DECEMBER 2024 9 Mon 10.30 am Month’s Mind Mass of Mrs. Jeanne Jonathan- Apex School, Burari
03.00 pm Vidyajyoti
06.00 pm Pastors' Advent Recollection-Mar Thoma Syrian Centre
10 Tue 10.00 am Available for Priests
03.00 pm Vidyajyoti
11 Wed 11.30 am Diamond Jubilee- Holy Child School, Sonipat
05.30 pm Annual Day JMJ School, Vikaspuri
12 Thu 09.30 am Curia Meeting
07.00 pm Confirmations at St. Alphonsa’s Church
13 Fri 02.00 pm Annual Day-St. Michael’s School, Gurgaon
14 Sat 10.00am Christmas Get - Together with School Principals & Manager.
05.00 pm Inter-Religious Christmas Celebration with differently abled children
07.30 pm Christmas Gathering at HFH
15 Sun 08.30 am Inauguration of Christmas Carnival
09.00 am Mass at SHC
06.00 pm CAG Christmas Celebration
16-19 Out of City
20 Fri 07.00 pm Ecumenical Carol Singing -SHC
21 Sat 05.00 pm Diaconate Ordinations at St. Josephs’s Church, NIT-5, Faridabad
22 Sun Christmas Visitors
23 Mon 06.30 am Mass at Shanti Avedana
Christmas Visitors
11.00 am DCA Staff Christmas
06.30 pm CBCI Christmas Programme
24 Tue 07.00 am Mass at Ish Bhavana
Christmas Visitors
06.15 pm Christmas Celebration at Rama Krishna Mission
11.00 pm Christmas Vigil at SHC
25 Wed 08.00 am Christmas Mass at St. Mark’s Church, Punjabi Bagh
26 Thu Inter-Diocesan Clergy Gathering
06.00pm Opening of Jubilee at Sacred Heart Cathedral
27-31 Out of City


58 December2024
01 Sun 11.00 am Confirmation - Sector 55, Gurugram

05.00 pm Parish Feast - Prabhu Yesu Dham, Bilaspur

04-06 Out of City

07 Sat 10.00 am Annual Day - Presentation School, Old Delhi

04.00 pm Jubilee Function - St. Michael’s Jr. School, Prasad Nagar

08 Sun 10.00 am Parish Feast - Immaculate Conception Church, Kanhei

03.00 pm Silver Jubilee function - Divine Ashram, Faridabad

12 Thu 09.30 am Sports Day - St. Mary’s S.S. School, Mayur Vihar

13 Fri 06.30 am Holy Mass - Shanti Avedna

DCA Education Board

10.00 am Christmas Gathering - St. Michael’s S. S. School, Pusa


14 Sat 07.00 pm Ecumenical Christmas Gathering - Mayur Vihar

15 Sun 10.00 am Confirmation - St. Michael’s Church, Prasad Nagar

18 Wed 07.00 pm Chavara Lectures - Sathya Sai Auditorium, Lodhi Road

20 Fri 07.00 am Holy Mass - Ish Bhavan, Okhla

21 Sat 10.30 am Christmas Gathering - Chetanalaya

05.00 pm Diaconate - St. Joseph’s Church, Faridabad

23 Mon 10.00 am Exhibition & Christmas Celebration - St. Michael’s Sr.

Sec. School, Gurugram

24 Tue 10.00 pm Christmas Vigil Mass - St. Thomas’ Church, RK Puram

25 Wed 08.30 am CHRISTMASS MASS - St. Luke’s Church, Defence


26 Thu Whole day Delhi - Jaipur together

06.00 pm Sacred Heart Cathedral

27 Fri 10.00 am Seminarian’s Get- Together - St. Michael’s Jr. School,

Prasad Nagar


59 December2024



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Mount Abu, Rajasthan 307501


60 December2024

Solemnity of Christ the King 2024


61 December2024
Printed and published by Fr. Januario Rebello on behalf of Delhi Catholic Archdiocese and Printed at Bosco Society for Printing & Graphic RNI Cft. No. DELENG/2007/19942
Training, New Delhi 110025 and Published by Delhi Catholic Archdiocese, 1 Ashok Place, New Delhi 110001. Editor: Fr. Allen Ritesh Gomes DL(ND)-11/6125/2022-23-2024
E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.archdiocesedelhi.org, Facebook: Voiceofdelhi Archdiocese Delhi DOP 9 th & 10 th

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