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This cooled and dehumidified air leaving the coil at D is then supplied into the conditioned space at the room condition
(A) to complete the cycle. The slope of the process line D--A is determined by the room sensible heat factor (RSHF),
which is influenced by the amount of latent load in the conditioned space. While the dry bulb temperature in the
conditioned space is controlled by a room thermostat, the humidity ratio in the conditioned space is a function of the
cooling coil leaving condition and the room sensible heat factor. Note that the humidity ratio in the space is not under
control of the air conditioning system.

Coil leaving condition

The RH of the coil leaving condition is a function of both physical and operating characteristics of the cooling coil.
Decreasing the coil heat-transfer surface--i.e., fewer rows, fewer fins per inch, or increasing the air velocity through the
coil--will result in a lower RH coil leaving condition. Conversely, a coil having a larger heat-transfer surface and/or lower
face velocity will have a coil leaving air condition closer to the saturation line--i.e., a higher RH.

Because the leaving condition of a cooling and dehumidification process generally falls near the saturation line, it is
often, by convenience only, assumed that the leaving RH is at 90 percent. While this assumption is generally adequate
for illustrating cooling coil operation, it is definitely erroneous to use this assumed RH for determining the cooling
capacity of the coil.

For a cooling and dehumidification process, one can determine the coil leaving condition using the coil bypass factor.
The bypass factor is defined as the fraction of the incoming air that passes through the cooling apparatus completely
unaltered, with the balance of the supply air completely saturated at the apparatus dew point (Point E in figure below).
The bypass factor typically is expressed as a decimal.

Fig - RSHF, ESHF, and GSHF relationship on a psychrometric chart

For a given cooling coil where bypass factor (BF), coil entering temperature condition at point C (TC), and the required
leaving dry bulb temperature condition at point D (TD) are known, one can determine the coil leaving condition and the
final condition of the room air (A) through an iterative process using the apparatus dewpoint temperature of the coil, the
effective sensible heat factor (ESHF), and the grand sensible heat factor (GSHF). The GSHF is the ratio of the total
sensible heat to the total sensible and latent heat.

By the definition of bypass factor, apparatus dew point temperature (TE) can be calculated as follows:

TE = [TD - (BF X TC)]/ (1 - BF) ------------------ (Eq. 1)

The ESHF is the ratio of effective sensible heat to the effective sensible and latent heat:

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ESHF = ESH/ (ESH + ELH) ------------------------- (Eq.2)

Effective sensible heat (ESH) is defined as the room sensible heat plus the appropriate fan heat and that portion of the
outside air sensible heat and heat to the return air that is considered as being bypassed, unaltered, through the cooling
coil. Effective latent heat (ELH) is defined as the room latent heat plus the portion of the outside air latent heat and
latent heat to the return air, if any, that is considered as being bypassed, unaltered, through the cooling coil. A more
detailed discussion of this calculation process is explained in the references.

The humidity ratio of TE at saturation (W E) can be calculated using psychrometric subroutines. Knowing TE and W E, one
can calculate the humidity ratio of the room condition (W A)--in lb of moisture per lb of dry air--as follows:

WA = W E + (TA - TE) X [(1/ESHF) - 1)/4410] ---------------- (Eq.3)

The calculated value of WA will differ from the originally assumed WA because of the imposed limitation of the cooling
coil. An iterative process using the calculated WA can be set up to recalculate the latent loads, sensible heat factors,
and a new value of WA, until the difference between the two successive values of WA is within a preset limit. The
humidity ratio of the coil leaving condition can be calculated as follows:

WD = WC - (TC - TD) X [(1/GSHF) - 1)/4410] ---------------- (Eq.4)

The constant 4410 in Equations 3 and 4 are used when W A and W D are in English units.

It is important to recognize that the psychrometric process loop shown in Fig. 1 must be closed and in equilibrium. In
other words, the process line D--A, with the slope determined by the room sensible heat factor, must end at the same
Condition A that was the room air condition at the beginning of the mixing process. When the Condition A at the end of
Process D--A does not coincide with the targeted room air condition, an iterative process will have to take place. At the
end of the process when the psychrometric polygon reaches its equilibrium, Condition A will be shifted away from the
originally assumed condition.

Air system affects RH

The interrelating factors that can affect the RH (or WB) of the conditioned space in an air conditioning system include:
1) Latent load of the conditioned space
2) Outdoor air condition
3) Cooling coil leaving air condition
4) Type of air handling equipment selected for the air conditioning system

It is important to recognize the fact that unless the calculation involves a single air conditioned space, the RH conditions
for various spaces served by the same air handling system will not be the same.
The following is a brief summary of how different air systems affect space RH:
1) For a reheat system serving multiple spaces, the RH of the space is a function of the amount of latent heat in each
occupied space--i.e., sensible heat factor.
2) For both double-duct and multi-zone systems, the RH of the conditioned space is a function of the room sensible
heat factor and the condition of the air that bypasses the cooling coil.
3) With a variable air volume system, the RH of the conditioned space also is a function of the room sensible heat
factor. The psychrometric process is different, however. The humidity ratio of the return air for any system serving
multiple spaces is the weighted average of the humidity ratio of each space served by the system.

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The heat loss is divided into two groups:

1) The heat transmission losses through the confining walls, floor, ceiling, glass, or other surfaces, and
2) The infiltration losses through cracks and openings, or heat required to warm outdoor air used for
Normally, the heating load is estimated for winter design temperature usually occurring at night; therefore,
internal heat gain is neglected except for theaters, assembly halls, industrial plant and commercial buildings.
Internal heat gain is the sensible and latent heat emitted within an internal space by the occupants, lighting,
electric motors, electronic equipment, etc.
As a basis for design, the most unfavorable but economical combination of temperature and wind speed is
chosen. The winter month heating load conditions are based on annual percentiles of 99.6 and 99%.
The 99% and 99.6% cold values are viewed as the values for which the corresponding weather element are less than
the design condition 88 and 35 hours, respectively. 99.6% value suggests that the outdoor temperature is equal to or
lower than design data 0.4% of the time. Use of 99% values is recommended.

Heat Transmission Loss

Heat loss by conduction and convection heat transfer through any surface is given by:
Q sensible = A * U * (Ti – To)
1) Q = heat transfer through walls, roof, glass, etc.
2) A = surface areas
3) U = air-to-air heat transfer coefficient
4) Ti = indoor air temperature
5) To = outdoor air temperature

Floors on Slab
The slab heat loss is calculated by using the following equation:
Q = F* P * (Ti-To)
1) F is the Heat Loss Coefficient for the particular construction and is a function of the degree days of heating.
2) P is the perimeter of slab
3) Ti is the inside temperature

4) To is the outside temperature

Heat loss from slab-on- grade foundations is a function of the slab perimeter rather than the floor area. The losses are
from the edges of the slab and insulation on these edges will significantly reduce the heat losses.
The 2001 Fundamentals refers us to the 1981 Fundamentals for this data. Fortunately, it is also provided in
Principles of HVAC, pages 4.16-4.17.The portion of heat transmission from basement is usually neglected
unless the weather in winter is severe and the values are significant in comparison with other forms of heat

Infiltration and Ventilation Loss

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The heat loss due to infiltration and controlled natural ventilation is divided into sensible and latent losses. The
energy associated with having to raise the temperature of infiltrating or ventilating air up to indoor air
temperature is the sensible heat loss, which is estimated by:
Q sensible = V * ρair * Cp * (Ti – To)
1) V = volumetric air flow rate
2) ρair is the density of the air
3) Cp = specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure
4) Ti = indoor air temperature
5) To = outdoor air temperature
The energy quantity associated with net loss of moisture from the space is latent heat loss which is given by:
Q latent = V * ρair * hfg * (Wi – Wo)
1) V = volumetric air flow rate
2) ρair is the density of the air
3) Wi = humidity ratio of indoor air
4) Wo = humidity ratio of outdoor air
5) hfg = latent heat of evaporation at indoor air temperature

Cooling Load Vs Heating Load Calculations

Summer cooling-load calculations are similar in many ways to winter heating load calculations. However, there are
some very important differences and cooling load calculation is relatively more complex. This is because in determining
the heating load, credit for solar heat gain or internal heat gains (which are more complex to determine) are not usually
included and the thermal storage effects of building structure or content are generally ignored.
The variables affecting cooling load calculations are numerous and often difficult to define precisely. The heat storage
and time lag aspects of the load make the cooling load calculations more complex. Briefly the factors are:
1) First, there is usually a much greater outdoor temperature variation over a 24-hour period in summer than there is
in winter.
2) Second, solar heat gain is a plus factor in winter heating, but it may be a major part of the load for summer cooling.
3) Third, there is the matter of the moisture content of summer air-latent heat-which has a great deal to do with human
comfort. Much of this moisture must be removed from the indoor air in order to attain a comfortable condition, and
this moisture load is a load on the cooling equipment.
4) Fourth, internal heat sources such as lights, machinery, appliances, and people constitute cooling loads in summer,
whereas in winter the heat from these sources is a plus factor.

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The following load reduction strategies & checkpoints are listed from HVAC engineer’s perspective.
1) Shape
The shape of the building has influence on the cooling and heating load. Ideally the building has to have the least
aspect ratio (length/width ratio). The lower aspect ratio means the building has the least surface area of the
building envelope (least wall area, glazing area and the roof area). Consider for example a 900 square feet area
can be built as ~ 34 ft diameter room or can be made as 30 ft x 30 ft square or 60 ft x 15 ft rectangular. For a 10 ft
height, the circular room shall have the surface area of 1067 sq-ft; for square the surface area is 1200 sq-ft and for
rectangular the surface area is 1500 sq-ft. The lower surface area shows that not only the building will use less
concrete, brick, wood, glazing or insulation but shall also have lower cooling and heating loss from the building
envelope. Therefore the building shall be designed for least aspect ratio where possible.

2) Orientation
The orientation of a building often is determined by siting considerations. However, for those sites where there is a
choice, analyzing the effect of orientation on energy and equipment costs can lead to a more energy-efficient
building. While it is important to look at each project on an individual basis, as a general guide, long, narrow
buildings facing south with their long axis running east/west will have lower peak cooling loads and may be able to
utilize smaller cooling equipment. Conversely, buildings facing east or west with their long axis running north/south
will have higher peak cooling loads and electricity demand costs, and may require larger cooling equipment.
Orientation as well as directional emphasis changes with latitude in response to solar angles.

Zone Building's main orientations Directional emphasis

Tropical On an axis 5o north of east North-south

Arid On an axis 25o north of east South-east

Temperate On an axis 18o north of east South-south-east

Cool On an axis facing south Facing south

Research has shown that the preferred length of the sides of the building, where the sides are of length x: y is:
1) Tropical zone - 1:3
2) Arid zone - 1:2
3) Temperate zone - 1: 1.6
4) Cool zone - 1:1
Analysis of these ratios indicates that an elongated form to minimize east and west exposure is needed at the
lower latitudes. This form slowly transforms to a ratio of 1:1 (cylindrical) at the higher latitudes. This is a direct
response to the varying solar angles in the various latitudes.

3) Landscaping
Well designed landscaping can reduce cooling costs from summer heat gains in building. Trees planted on the
east, west and south sides of a one-or two-story building can effectively reduce summer solar heat gains through
windows, which is one of the major contributors to the cooling load on an air conditioning system. External shading
with vegetation with natural deciduous trees is very effective at providing shade and cooling by evaporating water
through their leaves: during winter they are bare, allowing sunlight to pass through, but during summer they shade
the building.

4) Day lighting

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Day lighting with skylights and other types of architectural glazing features can provide natural lighting creating a
pleasant working atmosphere. Day lighting strategies may by particularly effective using skylights in large open
areas such as warehouses and manufacturing plants, and in office spaces where the electrical lighting system
output can be efficiently varied over a wide range of light levels.
In architectural design, climatic graphs and charts are useful to determine the position of the sun and optimize the
built form, orientation and exposure of elements (windows, roof and walls) for maximum or minimum solar gain.

5) Shading
a) Shading devices are designed from knowledge of the suns azimuth and altitude along with the wall-solar
azimuth. In the lower latitudes there is total overheating, whereas in the higher latitudes overheating only
occurs during the summer months.
b) Tropical regions need both vertical and horizontal shading throughout the year. In higher latitudes, horizontal
and vertical shading is only needed during the summer on the south-facing sides of buildings.
c) There are obviously seasonal variations near the equator. Solar heating becomes more important than in the
upper latitudes. Beginning at the equator and moving north, the need for solar heating increases whiles the
need for solar shading diminishes.
d) Any breeze in the lower latitude (tropical and arid climates) is beneficial for most of the year whereas in higher
latitudes most wind is detrimental and has to be screened.
e) Generally, for the tropical zones as much ventilation as possible is desired. For the arid zone cross ventilation
is required, but care has to be taken to filter out high-velocity winds. In the temperate zone, cross ventilation
and shielding are both necessary (for summer and winter, respectively). In the cool region, the building should
be protected from cold, high-velocity winds, although cross ventilation is still required.
f) In the arid zone, the low level of humidity can be beneficial for evaporative cooling. In the tropical zone the
high level of humidity can be very uncomfortable.

6) Zoning for transitional spaces

Transitional areas are one that does not require total climate control and natural ventilation may be sufficient.
These include lobbies, stairs, utility spaces, circulation, balconies and any other areas where movement take place.
For the tropical and arid zones, the transitional spaces are located on the north and south sides of the building
where the sun's penetration is not as great. An atrium can also be used a transitional space. In temperate and cool
zones the transitional spaces should be located on the south side of the building to maximize solar gain.

7) Use of atrium
In the tropical zone the atrium should be located in a way to provide ventilation within the built form. In the arid
zone the atrium should be located at the center of the building for cooling and shading purposes. For the cool and
temperate zones the atrium should be at the center of the building for heat and light.

8) Potential of roof/ground floor as useable exterior space

In tropical and arid climates there is a high potential to make use of all external spaces, whereas moving towards
the northern latitudes the external spaces have to be covered to be used.

9) Vertical cores and structure

The arrangement of primary mass can be used as a factor in climatic design as its position can help to shade or
retain heat within the building form. For the tropical zone, the cores are located on the east and west sides of the
building form, so as to help shade the building from the low angles of the sun during the major part of the day. In
arid zone, the cores should also be located on the east and west sides, but with major shading only needed during
the summer. Therefore, the cores are located on the east and west sides, but primarily on the south side. The
arrangement of the primary mass in the temperate zone is on the north face, so as to leave the south face available

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for solar heat gain during the winter. The cool zone requires the maximum perimeter of the building to be open to
the sun for heat penetration. Therefore the primary mass is placed in the center of the building so as not to block
out the sun’s rays and to retain heat within the building.

10) Mechanical Design Considerations

Thermal Zoning: A method of designing and controlling the HVAC system so that occupied areas can be
maintained at a different temperature than unoccupied areas using independent setback thermostats is known as
thermal zoning. A zone is defined as a space or group of spaces in a building having similar heating and cooling
requirements throughout its occupied area so that comfort conditions may be controlled by a single thermostat. In
practice the corner rooms and the perimetric spaces of the building have variations in load as compared to the
interior core areas. East facing zone will normally peak at 10 to 12 AM whole most building loads will peak at 3 to 4
PM. South facing zones are similar but will peak usually at noon to 2 PM and may peak in winter. Therefore the
building shall be divided into smaller zones to control comfort levels in each zone. The buildings may be zoned into
individual floors, rooms, or spaces with distinct loads, such as perimeter and interior zones. All zones should be
calculated at both zone peak (for sizing air handling equipment) and building peak (for sizing central equipment).
Smaller buildings are usually divided into two major zones. These two zones may contain multiple sub-zones.
Large projects should consider exposure zoning and velocity of prevailing winds as well as the requirement of
interior zones.
a) Exterior Zone: The area inward from the outside wall (usually 12 to 18 feet if rooms do not line the outside
wall). The exterior zone is directly affected by outdoor conditions during summer and winter.
b) Interior Zone: The area contained by the external zone. The interior zone is only slightly affected by outdoor
conditions. Thus, the interior zone usually has uniform cooling. Heating is generally provided from the exterior
Identifying the thermal zones is the first step in the design of any HVAC system. For large building footprints,
assume a minimum of five zones per floor: one zone for each exposure and an interior zone. Single-zone models
should be limited to open floor plans with perimeter walls not exceeding 40 feet in length.
If specific requirements are met, zonal control may earn a credit towards compliance with whatever building energy
efficiency standards are applicable.

11) Window Solar Control Tips

The key recommendations include:
a) In general cases, specify low U-factors (< 0.40) for residential applications. Even lower values may be desired
in extreme heating climates.
b) In climates with significant air conditioning loads, specify windows with low SHGC values (< 0.40).
c) In general, high (> 70%) Glass Visible Transmittance is desired, especially for day lighting applications.
d) For commercial buildings in conjunction with day lighting strategies, analyze the trade-offs between standard
glazing and high coolness index (also called spectrally selective) glass. Spectrally selective glass has a
relatively high visible transmittance and a relatively low SHGC.
e) Low SHGC windows should be considered for east- and west-facing glazing as a means of controlling solar
heat gain and increasing occupant comfort. For large commercial and industrial structures, specify low SHGC
windows on the east, south, and west facades. SHGC for north-facing windows is not critical for most latitudes
in the continental United States.
f) For buildings where passive solar heating energy is desired, south-facing windows with high SHGC values
coupled with low U-factors should be specified.
g) Select windows with comfort in mind. The proper specification of windows can result in higher Mean Radiant
Temperature (MRT) in winter and lower MRT in summer, improving occupant comfort and productivity. MRT
represents the average temperature an occupant feels from radiant heat exchange with their surroundings.
h) Single-pane windows are impractical in heating-dominated climates. In these regions, multiple-pane, low-e,
and gas-filled window configurations are advisable.

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i) Specify aluminum-frame windows with thermal breaks or should be avoided at all. Even in milder climates,
these windows tend to have low inside surface temperatures during the heating season, giving rise to
condensation problems. Wood, vinyl, and fiberglass are the best frame materials for insulating value.
j) Window solar heat gain coefficients should be selected according to orientation. If south exposures are to
admit beneficial solar heat during the heating season, their solar heat gain coefficients should be high. These
high solar heat gain coefficients will not usually result in overheating problems during the cooling season
because of the lower solar radiation levels on south-facing windows, especially those with overhang, at that
k) Skylights and east- and west-oriented windows may warrant lower solar heat gain coefficients since they
transmit the most solar heat during cooling periods. There isn't much point in spending more money to obtain
lower solar heat gain coefficients for north-facing windows.
l) Windows with spectrally selective or low-e coated glazing with low solar heat gain coefficients are often
effective in hot, sunny climates. Darker glazing tints also provide lower solar heat gain coefficients, but they
may yield somewhat decreased visibility.
m) If exterior or interior shading devices, such as awnings, louvered screens, sunscreens, Venetian blinds, roller
shades, or drapes, will be used on windows, lower window solar heat gain coefficients may not be necessary,
depending on individual circumstances. Many shading devices can be adjusted to admit more or less solar
heat according to the time of day and the season, but windows with lower solar heat gain coefficients require
less maintenance.
n) Exterior shading devices are more effective than interior devices in reducing solar heat gain because they
block radiation before it passes through a window. Light-colored shades are preferable to dark ones because
they reflect more, and absorb less, radiation. Horizontally oriented adjustable shading devices are appropriate
for south-facing windows, while vertically oriented adjustable devices are more effective for shading windows
on east and west orientations.
o) Low-e windows and skylights are the best options for decreasing the transmission of ultraviolet radiation.
p) Buy windows with energy efficient label. The window energy label lists the U-factor, solar heat gain coefficient,
visible light transmittance, and air leakage rating.
q) Operable, rather than fixed, windows should be installed in household areas with high moisture production,
such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms, and in other areas where natural ventilation is desired.
r) Select windows with air leakage ratings of 0.2 cubic feet per minute per square foot of window area (cfm/ft ) or
less. Check the seals between window components for air tightness. To minimize infiltration around installed
windows, caulk and weather-strip cracks and joints

12) Other Miscellaneous Tips

a) The heating & cooling load for exterior and interior zones should be calculated in different zones and should
have separate HVAC systems
b) Design multi-story buildings with typical floor HVAC design and configuration whenever applicable
c) Stores, kitchens, cafeterias, and entertainment areas may have their own HVAC systems due to differing
design criteria
d) Consider separate HVAC systems for areas which directly separate the interior from the exterior (i.e., main
entrances and lobbies). These areas may be designed 4 to 6°F above interior temperature during summer to
reduce the temperature differential shock when entering or leaving the building.
e) Explore passive solar strategies and non-energy intensive HVAC and lighting opportunities. Use the following
approach in performing the analysis of different systems.
f) Consider the building envelope when examining HVAC strategies.
g) Consider the building orientation and footprint.
h) Landscaping is a natural and beautiful way to shade and block the sun. A well-placed tree, bush, or vine can
deliver effective shade and add to the aesthetic value to the property.
i) Consider thermal mass appropriately placed.

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j) Light-colored roofs and walls reflect heat away from your home.
k) Carefully analyze the building’s application (occupancy hours, intended use, etc.) and maximum occupancy
l) Evaluate lighting and equipment loads including special allowance factors, average from 2 to 5 watts/sq ft.
lighting and heavy equipment loads (i.e., computers) may have higher loads from 5 to 10 watts/sq ft.
Fluorescent light wattage is multiplied by 1.25 to include heat gain due to ballast.
m) Consider light troffers for suspended ceilings with ducted supply and plenum return.
n) Reflective window coatings reflect heat away from windows, as well as cutting glare and reducing fading of
furniture, drapes, and carpeting inside the house. Note: Do not place reflective coatings on south-facing
windows if you want to take advantage of heat gain during the winter.
o) Weatherization measures--such as insulating, weather-stripping, and caulking--help seal and protect the
building against the summer heat in addition to keeping out the winter cold. The attic is a good place to start
insulating because it is a major source of heat gain.
p) A properly installed awning can reduce heat gain up to 65% on southern windows and 77% on eastern
windows. Also effective are louvers and shutters.
q) Double glass is most effective in areas where the conduction component is quite large.
r) Solar films are more effective in areas of moderate, sunny climates, i.e. Florida.
s) Draperies and curtains made of tightly woven, light-colored, opaque fabrics reflect more of the sun's rays than
they let through.
t) Ventilate the building during the coolest parts of the day or night, and seal it up during the hottest part of the
u) Ventilated attics are about 30°F cooler than unventilated attics. Properly sized and placed louvers and roof
vents help prevent moisture buildup and over heating the attic.
v) Optimize energy benefits of glazing through appropriate selection, placing, and design of the building façade.
w) Consider day lighting strategies to reduce HVAC requirements.
x) Design the HVAC system with the outdoor air rates required by ASHRAE Standard-62 to maintain indoor air
quality. “Build Tight & Ventilate Right”.

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Appendix - A


Summarizing, a building experiences a range of cooling & heating loads at any point of time in any given year, ranging
in magnitude from zero (no cooling required) to whatever the maximum load happens to be that year. Design cooling
load is a load near the maximum magnitude, but is not normally the maximum. This should become clear when the
design factors and assumptions behind the calculations are understood.

1) Conduction/convection of heat through walls, roofs, floors, doors and windows
2) Radiation through windows and heating effects on wall and roof surface temperatures
3) Thermal properties of buildings (Insulation, glass transmittance, surface absorbtivity)
4) Building thermal mass and corresponding delay of indoor temperature change
5) Construction quality in preventing air, heat, and moisture leakage
6) Heat added/lost with ventilation air needed to maintain air quality (code compliance)
7) Heat generated by lights, people, appliances, and equipment
8) Heat added/lost by air, water, and refrigeration distribution systems
9) Heat generated by air and water distribution equipment
10) Moisture added/lost with ventilation air to maintain air quality and code compliance
11) Moisture movement through building envelope
12) Moisture generated by occupants and equipment
13) Activity level, occupancy patterns, and make- up (male, female, child) of people
14) Acceptable comfort and air quality levels of occupants
15) Weather conditions (temperature, moisture, wind speed, latitude, elevation, solar radiation, etc.)

Information regarding the outdoor design conditions and desired indoor conditions are the starting point for the load
calculation. To calculate the space cooling load, detailed building information, location, site and weather data, internal
design information and operating schedules are required as discussed below.

A. Obtain building characteristics

Materials of construction for external walls, roofs, windows, doors, internal walls, partitions, ceiling, insulating materials
and thick nesses, external wall and roof colors
1) Architectural plans, sections and elevations
2) Building size, orientation (N, S, E, W, NE, SE, SW, NW, etc), dimensions, location, fenestrations, ground
reflectance etc.
3) External/Internal shading
4) Occupancy type and time of day

Check the following….

a. Type of structure, heavy, medium or light
b. Is structure insulated?
c. Is structure exposed to high wind?
5) Amount of glass
6) Length of reduced indoor temperature
7) What type of cooling or heating devices will be used?
8) Select and/or compute U-values for walls, roof, windows, doors, partitions, etc.

B. Select Outdoor Design Weather Conditions

The building information noted below is required. In most projects, this information is normally provided in the project
design criteria. However, in the absence of such criteria, consult ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals to ascertain
summer and winter design conditions for most locations. For computer programs, weather data is usually included with
the program.

1) Design outdoor temperature

2) Location and Latitude

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