ITC Ltd project file class 12th accountancy
ITC Ltd project file class 12th accountancy
ITC Ltd project file class 12th accountancy
ITC Limited
- Distribution Network: 6 million retail outlets across India (urban & rural penetration)
- Vision: To be the most admired and sustainable company, delivering superior value
to all stakeholders.
- Power Brands:
Global Leadership
Ratio Analysis is a financial tool used to evaluate the performance, efficiency, and financial health
of a business. It involves calculating and interpreting various financial ratios derived from a
company’s financial statements, such as the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement. These
ratios help stakeholders make informed decisions.
1. Assess Financial Health: To evaluate the financial position and stability of the business.
2. Measure Performance: To determine profitability, liquidity, and operational efficiency.
3. Assist Decision-Making: To provide insights for managers, investors, and creditors.
4. Trend Analysis: To identify growth patterns and compare past and present performance.
5. Compare with Industry Standards: To benchmark against competitors or industry norms.
1. Depends on Historical Data: Relies on past performance, which may not reflect future
2. Ignores Qualitative Factors: Does not consider non-financial elements like market
conditions or management quality.
3. Inconsistent Accounting Practices: Differences in accounting methods may affect
4. Static Analysis: Ratios provide a snapshot but may not account for dynamic business
5. Lack of Standards: No universal benchmarks, making interpretation subjective.
Classification of Ratios
1. Liquidity Ratios
2. Solvency Ratios
Purpose: Evaluate long-term financial stability and the ability to meet long-term debts.
o Debt-to-Equity Ratio = Total Debt / Shareholders' Equity
o Interest Coverage Ratio = EBIT / Interest Expense
4. Profitability Ratios
Purpose: Assess the ability to generate profits relative to revenue, assets, or equity.
o Gross Profit Ratio = (Gross Profit / Net Sales) × 100
o Net Profit Ratio = (Net Profit / Net Sales) × 100
o Return on Equity (ROE) = Net Income / Shareholders' Equity
Standalone Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2024
As at As at
Note 31st March, 2024 31st March, 2023
(` in Crores) (` in Crores)
Non-current assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 3A 22015.50 20491.32
(b) Capital work-in-progress 3B 1077.97 1681.47
(c) Investment Property 3C 373.09 352.26
(d) Goodwill 3D 577.20 577.20
(e) Other Intangible assets 3E 2055.74 2037.42
(f) Intangible assets under development 3F 9.07 15.13
(g) Right-of-use assets 3G 721.69 715.91
(h) Financial Assets
(i) Investments 4 22821.94 16363.55
(ii) Loans 5 2.63 4.07
(iii) Others 6 372.88 23197.45 3608.23 19975.85
(i) Other non-current assets 7 1229.22 51256.93 1211.74 47058.30
Current assets
(a) Inventories 8 12631.51 10593.90
(b) Financial Assets
(i) Investments 9 11916.88 16357.07
(ii) Trade receivables 10 3311.45 2321.33
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents 11 197.63 206.88
(iv) Other Bank Balances 12 6020.06 3624.38
(v) Loans 5 9.10 5.95
(vi) Others 6 849.86 22304.98 705.84 23221.45
(c) Other current assets 7 1134.18 36070.67 1388.09 35203.44
TOTAL ASSETS 87327.60 82261.74
(a) Equity Share capital 13 1248.47 1242.80
(b) Other Equity 70984.83 72233.30 66351.00 67593.80
Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings 14 1.76 3.28
(ii) Lease liabilities 15 261.95 273.59
(iii) Other financial liabilities 16 109.87 373.58 152.49 429.36
(b) Provisions 17 221.45 201.83
(c) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 18 2083.66 2678.69 1621.13 2252.32
Current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings 14 1.52 1.26
(ii) Lease liabilities 15 46.74 46.54
(iii) Trade payables
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises
and small enterprises 206.85 137.50
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than
micro enterprises and small enterprises 4282.70 4213.76
(iv) Other financial liabilities 16 1659.33 6197.14 1730.68 6129.74
(b) Other current liabilities 19 5389.75 5446.16
(c) Provisions 17 68.72 63.59
(d) Current Tax Liabilities (Net) 20 760.00 12415.61 776.13 12415.62
The accompanying notes 1 to 31 are an integral part of the Standalone Financial Statements.
On behalf of the Board
In terms of our report attached
For S R B C & CO LLP S. PURI Chairman & Managing Director
Chartered Accountants (DIN : 00280529)
Firm Registration Number: 324982E / E300003 S. DUTTA Director & Chief Financial Officer
Arvind Sethi (DIN : 01804345)
Partner R. K. SINGHI Company Secretary
(Membership No.: 89802) (Membership No.: FCS 3770)
Kolkata, May 23, 2024
The accompanying notes 1 to 31 are an integral part of the Standalone Financial Statements.
On behalf of the Board
In terms of our report attached
For S R B C & CO LLP S. PURI Chairman & Managing Director
Chartered Accountants (DIN : 00280529)
Firm Registration Number: 324982E / E300003 S. DUTTA Director & Chief Financial Officer
Arvind Sethi (DIN : 01804345)
Partner R. K. SINGHI Company Secretary
(Membership No.: 89802) (Membership No.: FCS 3770)
Kolkata, May 23, 2024
Meaning: Measures a company's ability to meet short-term obligations using current assets.
Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities (Ideal Ratio 2:1)
Comment: Improved from 2.84 to 2.91, indicating better liquidity. It indicates a significant
enhancement in ITC's ability to meet its short-term obligations. A ratio of 2.91 means the company
has ₹2.91 in current assets for every ₹1 of current liabilities, which is considered financially stable.
Meaning: Measures a company's ability to meet short-term obligations using its most liquid assets,
excluding inventory, which may not be easily converted into cash.
Liquid Ratio = Liquid Assets / Current Liabilities (Ideal Ratio =1:1)
Liquid or Quick Assets = Current Assets (-) Prepaid Expenses (-) Inventory
Comment: ITC's Quick Ratio has decreased from 1.98 in 2023 to 1.88 in 2024, indicating a slight
decline in liquidity. While the ratio is still above 1, meaning ITC has sufficient liquid assets to
cover its short-term liabilities, the drop suggests a marginal reduction in the company's ability to
meet immediate obligations without selling inventory. However, the ratio remains healthy,
suggesting the company still maintains a strong financial position.
Debt-Equity Ratio
Meaning: The Debt-Equity Ratio measures the relative proportion of debt and equity used to
finance a company's assets. It indicates the level of financial leverage and the risk associated with
the company’s capital structure.
low debt equity ratio reflects more security.
Ideal Ratio
Normally, 2:1 is considered as an appropriate ratio. However, it may vary from industry to industry.
Debt to Equity Ratio = Long-term Debts (or NCL) / Shareholders’ Funds (or Equity)
Long-term Debts
Long-term Borrowings (+) Long-term Provisions; or
Total Debts (-) Current Liabilities; or
Capital Employed (-) Equity; or
Comment: ITC's Debt-Equity Ratio has slightly decreased from 0.009 in 2023 to 0.008 in 2024,
indicating a small reduction in the company's reliance on debt for financing. This decrease is a
positive sign, reflecting a further strengthening of the company's financial position and lower
financial risk. With such a low ratio, ITC remains in a strong position to meet its financial
obligations and is conservatively managing its debt, ensuring financial stability and flexibility for
future growth
Total Assets to Debt Ratio
This ratio measures the extent of the coverage of long-term debts by assets. Thus, it measures
“safety margin” for long-term lenders.
A higher ratio indicates that assets have been mainly financed by owners’ funds and the long-term
loans is adequately covered by assets.
Total Assets to Debt Ratio = [Total Assets / Long-Term Debts]
Total Assets
Non-Current Assets (+) Current Assets; or
Shareholders’ Funds (+) Total Debt (i.e. NCL + CL)
Long-term Debts
Long-term Borrowings (+) Long-term Provisions; or
Total Debts (-) Current Liabilities; or
Capital Employed (-) Equity; or
Year Total Assets (₹ Cr) Debt (₹ Cr) Total Assets to Debt Ratio
ITC's Total Assets to Debt Ratio increased from 130.25 in 2023 to 146.76 in 2024, indicating a
stronger financial position. The company has very little debt relative to its assets, suggesting a low
level of financial leverage. This demonstrates that ITC is maintaining a conservative approach
towards borrowing and is in a strong position to manage its obligations, with ample assets to
cover any liabilities. This is a sign of financial strength and stability.
Proprietary Ratio
It measures the proportion of total assets financed by owners’ (shareholders’) funds, and is useful
for unsecured lenders & creditors. Higher proportion of shareholders’ funds in financing the assets
is a positive feature as it provides security to creditors.
Total Assets
Non-Current Assets (+) Current Assets; or
Shareholders’ Funds (+) Total Debt (i.e. NCL + CL)
ITC's Proprietary Ratio increased slightly from 82.16% in 2023 to 82.81% in 2024. This
improvement indicates that a slightly higher proportion of the company’s assets is financed by
shareholders' equity, further strengthening its financial position. With a high proprietary ratio, ITC
continues to demonstrate a strong equity base, lower financial risk, and a conservative approach to
debt, ensuring long-term financial stability.
Interest Coverage Ratio
It shows the availability of profits to cover interest on long-term debts, and is useful for debenture
holders & long-term lenders.
It reveals the number of times interest on long-term debts is covered by the profits available for
interest. A higher ratio ensures safety of interest on debts.
Interest Coverage Ratio = [Profit before Interest & Tax / Interest on LT Debts]
ITC's Interest Coverage Ratio decreased slightly from 592.97 times in 2023 to 576.45 times in
2024. Despite the slight decline, the ratio remains exceptionally high, indicating that ITC continues
to have a very strong ability to meet its interest payments. Such a high interest coverage ratio
reflects low financial risk and suggests that the company generates far more than enough earnings
to cover its interest obligations. This highlights ITC's robust profitability and solid financial stability.
Activity or Turnover Ratios
It determines the number of times inventory (finished goods or stock-in-trade) is converted into
revenue from operations during the accounting period under consideration. It shows whether
investment in inventory is proper or not i.e. it shows efficiency of inventory management.
Inventory Turnover Ratio = [Cost of Revenue from Operations / Avg. Inventory]
Revenue from Operations (RFO) (-) Gross Profit or (+) Gross Loss; or
Opening Inventory (+) Net Purchase (+) Direct Expense (-) Closing Inventory; or
Cost of Raw Material Consumed (+) Purchase of Stock-in-Trade (+) Change in Inventory of
WIP, Finished Goods & Stock-in-Trade (+) Direct Expenses;
[to be used in case of manufacturing company]
Cost of Raw Material Consumed = Op. stock of Raw Material (+) Purchase of Raw Material
(-) Cl. Stock of Raw Material
* of Finished Goods
If no information about Cost of RFO is given, we may use RFO for calculating the ratio.
Cost of Average
Year Turnover
Revenue Inventory
10247.87 9649.16
(Assumed as direct expenses)
ITC's Inventory Turnover Ratio decreased from 3.74 in 2023 to 3.21 in 2024. This decline suggests
that the company is taking slightly longer to sell its inventory or is holding more inventory on
hand. While the ratio is still within a reasonable range, the decrease could indicate slower
inventory movement or increased stock levels. ITC may need to focus on improving inventory
management or aligning production and sales more closely to maintain optimal efficiency.
Working Capital Turnover Ratio
It helps in ascertaining whether working capital has been efficiently utilised in generating
revenue. High ratio indicates effective use of working capital.
Revenue Working
Year from Capital
Operations (CA-CL)
ITC's Working Capital Turnover Ratio decreased slightly from 3.08 in 2023 to 2.96 in 2024. This
indicates a marginal decline in the efficiency of utilizing working capital to generate revenue.
While the change is minor and the ratio remains healthy, ITC may need to monitor its working
capital management closely to ensure sustained efficiency in operations and revenue generation.
Profitability Ratios
It shows relationship between gross profit & sales, and indicates gross margin on products sold. It
also indicates the margin available to cover operating expenses, non-operating expenses, etc.
Higher gross profit ratio is always a good sign.
GP Ratio = [Gross Profit / Sales] x 100
Gross Profit = Revenue from Operations (-) Cost of Revenue from Operations
ITC's Gross Profit Ratio increased from 45.15% in 2023 to 46.89% in 2024. This improvement
indicates better cost management or higher pricing efficiency, allowing the company to retain a
greater portion of its revenue as gross profit. The rising GP Ratio highlights ITC's enhanced
operational efficiency and ability to generate stronger profitability from its core business activities.
Operating Ratio
This ratio shows the operational efficiency of the business, by establishing a relationship between
operating cost & revenue from operations.
Operating Ratio (%) = [Operating Cost / RFO] x 100
Operating Cost = Cost of RFO (+) Operating Expenses
Operating Expenses = Employee Benefit Expenses (+) Depreciation & Amortisation (+) Other
Operating Expenses
Operating Cost
ITC's Operating Ratio improved from 62.29% in 2023 to 60.78% in 2024. This decrease reflects
enhanced operational efficiency, with a smaller portion of revenue being spent on operating costs.
The improvement suggests better cost control or increased revenue efficiency, contributing to
stronger profitability.
Operating Profit Ratio
It shows the operational efficiency of the business, by establishing a relationship between operating
profits & revenue from operations.
The Operating Profit Ratio increased from 37.71% in 2023 to 39.22% in 2024, indicating that
ITC has become slightly more efficient in generating operating profit from its revenue. This
improvement suggests that the company is better at controlling its operating costs or improving its
sales, leading to a higher proportion of revenue being retained as operating profit. The increase is a
positive trend, signaling improved operational performance and a stronger capacity to generate
profits from its core business activities.
Net Profit Ratio
It is a measure of net profit margin in relation to revenue from operations. It shows overall
efficiency & profitability by establishing a relationship between net profit & revenue from
Net Profit Ratio (%) = [NPAT / RFO] x 100
NPAT = RFO (-) Cost of RFO (-) Operating & Non-Operating Expenses (+) Non-Operating
Income (-) Tax Expense
It is expressed in percentage.
The Net Profit Ratio increased from 26.69% in 2023 to 29.13% in 2024, indicating a good
improvement in ITC's overall profitability. This increase suggests that the company has managed to
either increase its revenue or reduce its non-operating costs, resulting in a higher proportion of sales
being converted into net profit. The improvement is a positive sign, reflecting better financial
performance and efficiency in managing both operational and non-operational expenses.
Cash Flow Statements
A cash flow statement is a financial statement which shows the inflows and outflows of cash and
cash equivalents from various activities (operating activities, investing activities and financing
activities) of an enterprise during an accounting period.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
As per AS-3, ‘Cash’ comprises cash in hand and demand deposits with banks.
‘Cash equivalents’ means short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into
known amounts
of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
An investment normally qualifies as cash equivalents only when it has a short maturity, of say, 3
months/90 days or less from the date of acquisition.
1. The primary objective of cash flow statement is to provide useful information about cash flows
(inflows and outflows) of an enterprise during a particular period under various heads, i.e.,
operating activities, investing activities and financing activities.
2. This information is useful in providing users of financial statements with a basis to assess the
ability of the enterprise to generate cash and cash equivalents and the needs of the enterprise to
utilise those cash flows.
Benefits/Advantages of Cash Flow Statement
1. Provides insights into changes in net assets, financial structure (liquidity and solvency), and
the ability to manage cash flows, helping adapt to changing circumstances.
2. Assists in evaluating an enterprise's ability to generate cash, enabling comparisons of future
cash flow values across companies.
3. Enhances comparability of operating performance by eliminating the effects of different
accounting treatments.
4. Helps balance cash inflows and outflows, ensures accuracy of past cash flow forecasts, and
examines the relationship between profitability and cash flow, considering price changes.
Operating activities are the principal revenue generating activities (or the primary or main
activities) of the enterprise and these activities are not investing or financing activities. For
example, for a company manufacturing garments, operating activities are procurement of raw
material, manufacturing expenses incurred, sale of garments, etc.
• Cash payments of income taxes (unless they can be specifically identified with financing and
investing activities).
As per AS-3, financing activities are activities that result in changes in the size and composition
of the owners’ capital (including preference share capital in case of a company) and borrowings
of the enterprise. In simple words, financing activities relate to long-term funds or capital of
an enterprise, e.g., cash proceeds from issue of equity shares, debentures, raising long-term
bank loans, repayment of bank loan, etc.
• Cash repayments of amounts borrowed, e.g. redemption of debentures or preference shares, buy
back of equity shares, repayment of long-term debts, etc.
• Interest paid on debentures and long-term debts Dividends paid (both final dividend and interim
1. A transaction may include cash flows that are classified differently. For example, when the
instalment paid in respect of a fixed asset acquired on deferred payment basis includes both interest
and loan, the interest element is classified under financing activities and the loan element is
classified under investing activities.
2. Same activity may be classified differently for different enterprises. For example, purchase of
shares is an operating l activity for a share brokerage firm (an investment company) while it is
investing activity in case of other enterprises.
Format of CFS
The accompanying notes 1 to 31 are an integral part of the Standalone Financial Statements.
On behalf of the Board
In terms of our report attached
For S R B C & CO LLP S. PURI Chairman & Managing Director
Chartered Accountants (DIN : 00280529)
Firm Registration Number: 324982E / E300003 S. DUTTA Director & Chief Financial Officer
Arvind Sethi (DIN : 01804345)
Partner R. K. SINGHI Company Secretary
(Membership No.: 89802) (Membership No.: FCS 3770)
Kolkata, May 23, 2024
The accompanying notes 1 to 31 are an integral part of the Standalone Financial Statements.
On behalf of the Board
In terms of our report attached
For S R B C & CO LLP S. PURI Chairman & Managing Director
Chartered Accountants (DIN : 00280529)
Firm Registration Number: 324982E / E300003 S. DUTTA Director & Chief Financial Officer
Arvind Sethi (DIN : 01804345)
Partner R. K. SINGHI Company Secretary
(Membership No.: 89802) (Membership No.: FCS 3770)
Kolkata, May 23, 2024
1. The above Statement of Cash Flows has been prepared under the “Indirect Method” as set out in Ind AS - 7 “Statement of Cash Flows”
As at As at
2. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS: 31st March, 2024 31st March, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents as above 197.63 206.88
Unrealised gain / (loss) on foreign currency cash and cash equivalents … …
Cash and cash equivalents (Note 11) 197.63 206.88
3. Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities includes an amount of ` 436.16 Crores (2023 - ` 328.80 Crores) spent towards Corporate
Social Responsibility.
4. Disclosure of change arising from financing activities in respect of lease liabilities - Refer Note 15
The accompanying notes 1 to 31 are an integral part of the Standalone Financial Statements.
On behalf of the Board
In terms of our report attached
For S R B C & CO LLP S. PURI Chairman & Managing Director
Chartered Accountants (DIN : 00280529)
Firm Registration Number: 324982E / E300003 S. DUTTA Director & Chief Financial Officer
Arvind Sethi (DIN : 01804345)
Partner R. K. SINGHI Company Secretary
(Membership No.: 89802) (Membership No.: FCS 3770)
Kolkata, May 23, 2024