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Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in

ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.



Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in ICT. A study of

Natpham branch Masvingo.




Research submitted to
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

The Great Zimbabwe University (GZU)

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the BSC (Hons) degree in Human Resources Management



1.0 Introduction

The significance of using ICT has been undermined by many organizations

mainly due to fear of changing and learning therefore leading to using
rudimentary methods. However, the coming of the COVID-19 global
pandemic was an alarming signal to many organizations on the significance
of having a comprehensive ICT system within an organization. The pandemic
was characterized by mainly lockdowns and strict traveling restrictions.
Business was conducted online, meetings were attended online, churches,
lectures and many other events were conducted online because gathering of
people was banned. This gave many organizations an insight on the
importance of implementation of ICT in an organization and NatPham was
not spared either. This research will then seek to investigate the impacts or
benefits of ICT training amongst employees at the organization.
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

1.1 Background of study

Information and the technologies that store and disseminate it are producing
deep-rooted and widespread changes in society - changes of the same
magnitude as those that occurred during the Industrial Revolution (Carvalho
et al, 2019). This modern revolution is changing our daily lives at home and
at work, in shops and banks, in schools, colleges and universities. It is
changing the way people think, communicate and behave. There is hardly
an aspect of our lives that has not been transformed by technology; itself
an ever-evolving range of inventions like mobile technologies and
artificial intelligence that constantly impact nearly all aspects of our world
(Pauliuk et al, 2022). As organizations strive to compete in the global
economy, differentiation on the basis of the skills, knowledge, and
motivation of their workforce takes on increasing importance (Lee et al,
2020). Consequently, companies which have invested in training programs
have realized an advantage over those who have not according to (Waqar,

Abdus (2011) conducted a research where the author wanted to determine

the role of training and development programs on organisational
performance in Pakistan. The study revealed that most companies in
Pakistan other than multi-national companies did not have learning and
develepment stratergies where employees could advance and grow in their
line of work. The author argued that there is a gap between knowledge and
skills acquired and imparted in the institutions an example being industrial
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

environments. The study concluded that training and development cannot be

seaparated from a business because there exist a positive relationship
between training and organisational performance. There is a relationship
between training, development and employee performance as asserted by
Waqar et al (2018). The study determined that there was a positive impact
that was inflicted by training and development programs at an organization.
The authors therefore concluded that organizations that have invested in
training and development programs have enjoyed improved employee

ICTs use in companies has increasingly been adopted. Mohammad Rezaei et

al (2014) investigated the effects of IT on productivity at Shahr Bank in Iran.
The results indicated that the use of IT by employees will improve the
productivity indices among them. This makes employees more willing to
perform their roles which results in the improved human resources
productivity. In addition, the study also revealed that IT as a set of generated
ideas provided through software mechanisms to employees and
organizations played a significant role in human resources development.
Similarly, (Najeeb, 2013) carried out an empirical study on the impact of ICT
training Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies in Amman. The study
revealed that there was high level of information and communication
technology training in pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Amman
which indicate there was awareness among respondents in relation to the
dimension of information and communication technology which therefore
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

can enhance employees’ performance through information and

communication technology tools.

The Small Scale and Medium Enterprise sector has been lagging in the use of ICTs.
(Taylor, 2015), investigated the adoption and use of ICTs in small and
medium enterprises in the United Kingdom. It was obtained from the data and
findings of the study that the implementation of ICTs in SMEs is different
from that in large organizations mostly due to the specific characteristics of
this sector like resource constraints. The author however, asserted that SMEs
in both developing and developed countries must weigh the benefits brought
by adoption of ICT against the non-benefits. Despite the urgent need of
adopting ICTs in the SME sect or, the author identified lack of resources, ICT
illiteracy, and fear of change as some of the factors hindering the adoption of
ICTs in the small and medium enterprise sector. According to (Manikandan,
2022), ICTs played a pivotal role during the covid-19 pandemic which caught
the world unprepared. ICT tools were the only way of communicating,
learning and doing business because most countries restricted travelling.
The study also highlights the role which ICT played in the discovery of the
vaccines and medicine to cure and prevent against the pandemic.

Previous studies have proven that ICT and employee training are two of the
important factors which influence the performance and output of an
organization. This study follows after previous researches on the subjects by
different scholars at other companies in Zimbabwe and outside. Most of the
studies on this subject were conducted before the Covid - 19 global
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

pandemic which has impacted on the adoption and use of technology and
this therefore creates a gap in the knowledge thus the author seeks to cover
the gap through research. Also, previous studies have not categorized the
extent of improvement for every group of employees in an organization
therefore the study will categorize and quantify the changes by each group
of employees.

1.2 Problem statement

Over the years, NatPham has continued to grow as an organization and this
involves a change in its operations and processes. There has been a
significant growth in the number of technological devices used by staff at
NatPham at the Masvingo branch. Also, significant investments have been
made on data management and communications systems. The researcher
therefore wants to investigate or assess if the adoption of various ICT
technologies is contributing to organizational efficiency at NatPham.

1.3 Aim

The aim of this study is to assess the benefits of employee training in ICT on
organizational efficiency at NatPham Masvingo.

1.4 Objectives

1. To highlight the basic ICT skills needed by employees at NatPham.

Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

2. To investigate the level of ICT literacy among employees at

NatPham Masvingo branch.

3. To assess the benefits brought with the learning ICT in day to day
operations at NatPham.

4. To determine the challenges faced by NatPham in training

employees in ICT.

5. To highlight the measures and recommendations to overcome the

challenges faced in training workers.

1.5 Research Questions

1. What are the basic ICT skills that employees need to possess at

2. Which are the skills in ICT that workers currently have at NatPham
Masvingo branch?

3. What are the benefits that can be achieved by training NatPham

workers in ICT?

4. What challenges are being faced by NatPham in training ICT?

5. How can NatPham overcome the challenges faced in training

Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

1.6 Definition of terms

ICT (Information and Communications Technology or technologies) - it is the

infrastructure and components that enable modern computing enabling
receiving and distribution, processing and storage , retrieving and analyzing
digital information between people and machines (Taylor, 2015).

Organizational efficiency - Organizational efficiency is the organization's

ability to implement its plans using the smallest possible expenditure of
resources (Investopedia, 2020).

1.7 Research Hypothesis

Employee training in ICT will improve the efficiency and productivity of


1.8 Significance of study

This study will benefit several stakeholders directly and indirectly. The
various stakeholders who can benefit from the study include:


The organization will get the much needed insights on the benefits of
training employees in ICT. This can foster more investment in this
department thus enabling growth and efficient running of the organization.

The author
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

The research will give the author an opportunity to dig into depth on issues
relating organizational efficiency and development which adds to his skills.
Through writing this dissertation, the author gains experience in research
which can be used in future in other researches.

Great Zimbabwe University

The publication of this research by the university adds to the university

library and this dissertation can be used by other researchers interested in
related matters to further research and develop more information.


Various organizations, whether related to NatPham or unrelated, can use this

research and its findings to relate to their situation. They can also adopt the
solutions made in this research and implement them to enable efficient
operation of their organizations.

To General public

Through adoption of measures suggested in this study, members of the

public can enjoy the benefits of an organization which is digitalized and run
in the modern way. This reduces delays and inconveniences caused by
manually operated systems.
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

1.9 Delimitations of the study

Geographically, the study was limited to NatPham branch in Masvingo city

because the author have unlimited access to the facilities and respondents.
The scope of the study was targeted at NatPham which is an organization
that is in the pharmaceutical industry. This was done to promote
homogeneity in the research because accommodating organizations from
different sectors could distort the research conclusions .

1.10 Limitations of the study

Like most researches, this research was also subject to limitations which

a. Limited time - the researcher had limited time to conduct the research
hence the number of respondents that was chosen was smaller than in
the case when time was adequate. This was mainly attributed to the
need to balance work and school. However, the author managed to
choose a sample enough to validate the findings of this research.
b. Inadequate data provided by respondents - respondents who used the
online method in answering questionnaires would provide inadequate
information therefore leading to nullifying of their responses. This
further trimmed down the sample size since the author could not
accommodate invalid responses.
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

1.11 Structure of the dissertation

This dissertation is made up of five chapters. The first chapter comprises of

introduction, background of the study, problem statement, aim, objectives,
and significance of study, research hypothesis, limitations and delimitations
of the study. The second chapter is a literature review wherein various
sources are cited. The author also included an empirical review, conceptual
framework and a theoretical framework. Chapter 3 comprises of the
methodology that is the way the researcher conduct this study. Research
philosophy, research strategy, research instruments, validity of research,
research population and sampling techniques were included in this chapter.
Chapter 4 is mainly findings from the techniques used to obtain data from
respondents. Lastly, chapter 5 is the concluding chapter comprising of
conclusions and recommendations which were made basing on the findings.

1.12 Summary

The first chapter is an introduction to the research topic. It comprises of

introduction, background of the study, problem statement, aim, objectives,
and significance of study, research hypothesis, limitations and delimitations
of the study. The next chapter is a literature review where several sources
were used to develop the chapter.
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.


2.0 Introduction

This chapter reviews the pertinent literature in accordance with the adoption
of ICT in business spheres, highlighting what depths other authors have
plumbed on the subject. It has been molded around the research questions
and includes the factors determining the adoption of said technologies, its
subsequent impact within organizations and both a theoretical and
conceptual framework of the study undertaken.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

A number of theories on technology adoption have been used in ICT

research. The most widely used theories include the technology acceptance
model (TAM) developed by Davis (1989), the theory of planned behaviour
(TPB) proposed by Ajzen, (1985 & 1991), and the unified theory of
acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) conceptualized by Venkatesh,
Morris, Davis, & Davis (2003). These theories explain individuals’ attitudes
toward ICTs, their intentions to use, and their acceptance and adoption of
ICTs (Chen, Li, & Li, 2011). At the level of the firm, the most popular theories
on ICT adoption are the DOI theory (Rogers, 1995), and the TOE framework
(Tornatzky & Fleischer, 1990).
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

2.1.1 The Diffusion of Innovation theory (Rodgers, 1995)

The Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory; expounded by Rodger (1995), posits

that individual characteristics, internal characteristics of organizational
structure, and external characteristics of the organization are important
antecedents to organizational innovativeness (Rogers, 1995). Based on DOI
theory, at the firm level, innovativeness is related to such independent
variables as individual (leader) factors, internal organizational structural
factors, and external factors of the organization.

Figure 2.1: DOI Theory (Rogers, 1995)

Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

Variables were grouped into three groups in this study in order to fulfill the
aim and objectives of the study, which are; independent, mediator and
dependent variables.

Independent variables

Key ICT skills needed at Natpham are the independent variables and include;

• Basic computer operation

• Online client interaction

• Operation of company database

• Accessing and using company website

Mediating variable

The mediating variable is training of employees in ICT using various training


Dependent variable

The dependent variable is organizational efficiency which varies with the

independent and mediating variable. Figure 2.2 below describes the
relationship between ICT training and organizational efficiency based on
previous discussion:
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

Figure 2.2: ICT acumen and Entity efficiency model (Researcher’s own collation)

2.2.1 Conceptualization of terms ICT

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology group in 1991 concluded that

information technology is the platform on which success can be built but
organizational factors are crucial to realizing the benefits of automation and
`information' process (Morton, 1991; Zuboff, 1988). Information technology
can be considered to be a series of innovations. Even though the innovations
provide organization with new and different ways of solving problems and
enhancing performance, there is still a great deal of research to be done and
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

discussion among researchers and organizational theorists on how

innovations should be implemented and managed and how they affect
organizations on different levels. It is widely accepted among many authors
and researchers in the organizational field that information technology has a
significant effect on the performance of the organization’s activities
(Bhattacherjee & Hirschheim, 1997; Morris & Westbrook, 1996; Porter &
Millar, 1985). Ultimately, Taylor (2015) availed that ICT is the infrastructure
and components that enable modern computing enabling receiving and
distribution, processing and storage, retrieving and analyzing digital
information between people and machines Organizational efficiency

Investopedia (2020) posits that organizational efficiency is an organization's

ability to implement its plans using the smallest possible expenditure of
resources. For the sake of learning and growth, employees should participate
in many other activities such as seminars, workshops and other training
sessions, either on the job or off the job. This will definitely lead to employee
development which will lead to better employee performance and thus,
overall improvement of organizational efficiency (Hameed and Waheed,
2011). Employee peformance can be increased by effective management
because human resource It is affected by performance management in
certain organizations but not in all (Azmi, Ahmad and Zainuddin, 2009).
Quality development through training is a major factor determining long
term profitability and efficient performance of the organization (Laing, 2009).
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

Employee performance and consequently, organizational efficiency has been

increased by training and development which enhances job satisfaction and
productivity of the organization (Saleem, Shahid & Naseem, 2011).

2.3 Basic ICT Skills Required

Information technology applications can be used to improve the level of

efficiency of administrative functions in an organization and to enhance the
effectiveness of managerial activities. These applications also can be used as
tools to impose better organization on tasks and to provide better
information to managers. Zuboff (1988) pointed out that information
technology applications are strongly altering the way in which production
operations are carried out in a variety of industries and thus using
information technology to create and acquire a competitive advantage.

At NatPham, the basic skillset required while not overly complex is

nevertheless significant. It is imperative that employees are taught how to
operate the company database, including all applications pertinent to MS
Office. This is to ensure smooth synergy between all their relevant duties, to
ensure that no skill to be later required goes untrained. Online client
interaction for example, would require an active understanding of the
applications used to control databases in the company, and also internet
awareness. Customers may engage the company through multiple fronts and
as such, employees need be able respond timely and efficiently without
erroneous activity and most of all, under unsupervised function.
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

2.4 Employees’ ICT literacy

Zimbabwe as a third world nation has come a long way into incorporating
world class technologies into its environs. In particular the adoption of ICT
has become prevalent in any competitive organization. The introduction of
ICT in any organization serves to enhance the utilization of all the available
resources to a much more exceptional extent; this invariably includes the
human resource as well. At NatPham, basic computer operation is a skill
most people are bereft of; being holders of mostly ZJC level education. As a
result, cognition of the more diversified functions of a computer is beyond
the majority of the staff.

Proper roll out of the procedure should yield reduced workloads upon staff,
as well as increased efficiency and realize higher productivity. According to
Rasul and Sahu (2011), information technology has revolutionized operations
in organizations through new ways of collecting, storing, retrieving,
processing, and disseminating information by use of electronic means. In this
modern world characterized by cutthroat competition over dwindling
resources, it has become imperative to expound higher efficiency methods
en mass to employees within an organization, in the name of productivity.
However it comes as no surprise that mankind is not homogenous in its
adaptive capabilities; some will inevitably lag behind the herd. Introspective
analysis on how to accentuate workforce cohesion during and after the
training process of ICT acclimation is vital; it would allow rapid and deeply
etched comprehension of the incident technologies if the employees aid
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

each other. To wit; the integration of ICT in NatPham should not simply mean
the acquisition of ICT infrastructure alone. To attain ICT capacity requires
that an organization not only modernize its technological tools, but also start
at the grass roots level in enlightening the workforce. According to Sangrà
and González- Sanmamed (2010), contribution of ICT to the improvement of
most ICT integration projects are still beginning with the technology rather
than the human resource capacity. This poses a major challenge whereby
those involved in the implementation process lack the required ICT capacity
that is necessary to properly utilize the new technologies. Such an
eventuality should be avoided at all costs, as this would denigrate the very
purpose of this acquisition.

Employees are the backbone of an organization. Any procedure that aids in

making their work easier and more fulfilling is in the obvious best interests of
said organization. The adoption of ICT offers a myriad of ways to help
Natpham in managing scarce resources efficiently and enhancing both
efficiency and effectiveness in managing supply chains. Successful ICT
integration is also related to actions taken at management level, such as the
development of an ICT plan, ICT training and ICT support (Tondeur et al,
2015). Management’s characteristics and abilities to respond to this change
and innovation is an essential factor for successful integration and the future
perpetuation of like services.

With thrust emergent from upper management, ICTs will empower ordinary
employees in transforming their skillsets beyond the definitions of their jobs.
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

According to Kawade & Kulkarni, (2012) ICT literacy will grant those adept in
it capabilities in performing multitudinous tasks, applicable in similarly varied
fields. As such although the instruction of ICT will inevitably be a challenging
endeavor especially when teaching adults set in their ways, it is not so
difficult that a willing acumen may fail to grasp its intricacies.

2.5 Positive changes due to ICT adoption

The adoption of ICT in organizations is characterized by positive changes in

organizational performance, productivity and business process.

2.5.1 Organizational Performance

The impact of ICT on operational performance is measured by productivity,

cost reduction, new products development, services and processes, quality
improvement in products and services, and increased speed in product
delivery. Additional operational performance can be measured by unit cost of
production, product specifications, delivery performance, product
development, product innovation, and customer support and services.
According to the Lii et al (2013), performance of online marketing which is
part of ICT can increase the productivity, efficiency, and percentage of new
customers and the percentage of online sales. In the 1960's and 70's,
information technology was widely employed by many firms mainly for
achieving routine clerical and administrative activities such as processing
data related to bookkeeping and accounting activities (Bird & Lehrman,
1993). It was used as a monitor of the firm's internal and external
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

environment; in other words, as a support factor for the other organisational

system components (Blili & Raymond, 1993). However, the cost, the
distribution, and the fact that it was generally applied to only simple tasks in
its early stages discouraged its application to strategic uses in areas such as
enhancing the organization’s position against competitors, moving into new
markets, and providing managers with better information for effective
decision making. The advancement in the technological field along with
other advancements have enhanced the economies of information
technology and greatly expanded its applications (Bird & Lehrman, 1993).

Today, information technology has become not only a tool to process data
and record transactions, but also a competitive weapon that can change an
industry's structure. Galliers (2014) suggested that because of the rapid
pace of technological advances and the impact of information technology on
the changing competitive environment, organizations are forced to critically
evaluate their management of information and technology resources in order
to achieve their strategic objectives.

One of the strongest evidences of the impact of ICT has been illustrated as
coming from the firm level analysis that is confirmed to a number of
developed countries (OECD, 2003). Most of these studies use a combination
of growth accounting methods and econometric models to examine samples
of industries and firms. For example, (Gretton, 2002), studying firm-level
data from the Australian Business Longitudinal Survey, found positive and
significant links between the use of IT and growth in both manufacturing and
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

service industry. Brynjolfsson & Hitt (2003), investigating US firm-level data,

proved that IT has a solid impact on productivity. Pilat & Wolfl (2004)
examined the role of ICT-producer and key ICT-consumer sectors in
explaining overall productivity growth in OECD (Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development) countries; they found that the impact of ICT-
producer sectors is most significant in Finland, Ireland, and Korea whereas
ICT-consumer sectors in some countries, remarkably US and Australia, had
an impressive growth in the second half of the 1990s.

2.5.2 Business Activity

The recent information technology developments have enormous

implications on the operation, structure and strategy of organizations.
According to (Evans & Wurster, 2007) the competitiveness of future
economies will, to a great extent, depend both on the development and
application of these technologies. The proliferation of the World Wide Web
forced most organizations to rethink the way they do business and how they
can reengineer their business processes. As businesses can now interact
more efficiently, competent businesses become digital and networked, facing
a whole range of fresh opportunities and challenges (Dennis, 2007).

According to (Bocij, 2003) technology has already revolutionized a wide

range of functions including business functions, external environment
monitoring, communicating with partners and with consumers at large. Clear
strategic goals and commitment are prerequisites for the development of an
appropriate e-Commerce strategy and the development of web sites and
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

other technological solutions. The emergent mobile technologies and mobile

commerce are expected to change drastically a number of industries and to
force organizations to reconsider their strategic management (Evans &
Wurster, 2007).

2.5.3 Productivity

Productivity is the fundamental measure of a technology’s contribution.

While major success stories exist, so do equally impressive failures (Kemerer
& Sosa, 1991; Schneider, 1987). The lack of accurate quantitative measures
for the output and value created by information technology has made
information systems manager’s job of evaluating investments particularly
difficult. Academics have had similar problems assessing the contributions of
new technology, and sometimes this has been interpreted as a negative
signal of its value. In the 1980s and early 1990s, disappointment in
information technology was chronicled in articles disclosing broad negative
correlations with economy-wide productivity and information worker
productivity. Several econometric estimates also indicated low IT capital
productivity in a variety of manufacturing and service industries. More
recently, researchers began to find positive relationships between IT
investment and various measures of economic performance.

Strassmann (1985) reported disappointing evidence in several studies. In

particular, he found that there was no correlation between IT and return on
investment in a sample of 38 service sector firms: some top performers
invested heavily in IT, while others did not. In his later book in 1990, he
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

concluded that there is no relation between spending for computers, profits

and productivity. A study by Parsons, Gottlieb and Denny (1990) estimated a
production function for banking services in Canada and found that overall;
the impact of IT on multifactor productivity was quite low between 1974 and
1987. They speculated that IT had positioned the industry for greater growth
in the future. Similar conclusions were reached by Franke (1987), who found
that IT was associated with a sharp drop in capital productivity and
stagnation in labor productivity, but remained optimistic about the future
potential of IT, citing the long time lags associated with previous
“technological transformations” such as the conversion to steam power.
Harris and Katz (1991) and Bender (1986) looked at data on the insurance
industry from the Life Office Management Association Information Processing
Database. They found a positive relationship between IT expense ratios and
various performance ratios although at times the relationship was quite
weak. Alpar and Kim’s (1991) study of 759 banks indicated cost reducing
effects of IT. A 10% increase in IT capital was associated with 1.9% decrease
in total costs.

2.6 Factors affecting the adoption of ICT in organizations

a. Organization

Organization tends to adopt the technology if the system maintains

consistency with their culture, values, preferred work practices and the
availability of the infrastructure. Geographically, organization that has
international or global orientation will accelerate the adoption process of ICT.
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

The global scope enables the cost efficiency to get the new market, new
customer and the distribution of goods and services and also to improve the
coordination between suppliers and business colleagues. In using ICT
adoption globally, an organization needs resources. In a company, the most
important resources to adopt the new technology consist of finance, human
and technology resources (computers, telephone lines, cables, routers.)

b. Technology/Innovation

Another study described that technological factors will be a technology

viable whether it is perceived usefulness and ease of use are considered
reasons for adoption.15 Dimension of technology factors based on DOI
(Diffusion of Innovation) model. Rogers (1995)13 introduced the DOI model,
namely a popular model in investigation of the behavior of users in adopting
new technological innovation. This model proposed five perceived
characteristics of innovation which consists of relative advantage,
compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability. Golding et al
(2008)18 argued that relative advantage was expressed by perceived
benefit. Perceived benefits include reduce transaction cost, improved cash
flow, increase productivity, and better customer service.

c. Managerial Characteristics

Managerial characteristic explains the decision makers in an organizations

which are shareholders, CEOs, managers etc. A number of researches stated
that the individual managerial characteristics play a crucial role in the
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

implementation of new technology. The characteristics of the individuals

represented by the CEOs and managers are an important part in adopting
ICT for an organization. Some research found that the positive impact of
knowledge of the CEOs in ICT and experience as well.

d. Government

National government plays an important role in the development of the use

of ICT in organizations. There is a significant positive relationship between
ICT and government support. The impact of government on ICT is usually
illustrated in the SME sector. Due to its size and lack of resources, SME
industry needs support and external funding in order to access modern ICT

2.7 Possible methods to improve on ICT adoption

Training is of growing importance to companies and is a tool by which

organizations can build a more committed and productive workforce (Brum,
2007). Continuous training and development of human resource is very
crucial and vital because training and development are very important in a
world where technological advancement is very rapid and is very important
for any organization’s success (Laing, 2009). The gap between given
performance and desired performance can be diminished by providing
effective training to employees (Bossche, Segers and Jansen, 2010).
Organizations, which give training and development opportunities to their
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

employees, can get high results because training and development play an
important role in employee performance (Saleem, Shahid & Naseem, 2011).

Employee development can boom organization‟s performance. By

developing employees; employee learning, skill growth, self-direction and
employee attitude enhance organization’s performance (Hameed & Waheed,

To that end, the concept of flexibility may improve an individual and

organization’s performance and assist an agency in achieving its mission and
performance goals (human resources division, eastern services branch,
1998). Quality development is a major factor determining long term
profitability and optimum performance of the organization (Laing, 2009). As
such, the organization’s goals should seek a flexible and synergic work
environment that seeks to grant a suitable timeframe within which the
workforce can properly acclimatize to its new skills.

Government thrust should be sought, especially citing NatPham’s obvious

link to the powers that be. Since the lack of both technological resources and
finance can be a hindrance, drumming up donations and reaching out to
government should be part of the company’s normalize plans. Furthermore,
managers should actively engage both the factors within said company and
those without to achieve the aforementioned synergy especially within the
crucial periods of growth such as during ICT adoption.
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

2.8 Summary

This chapter focuses on the literature relevant to the study, pertinent to the
research objectives. The conceptual and theoretical frameworks were also
addressed. The next chapter will focus on the research methodology of the
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.0 Introduction

This chapter focuses on the research philosophy, instruments, tools and

research strategy evoked by the author in obtaining results which answers
the aim and objectives in chapter 1. Literature review helped the author in
selecting the most appropriate research strategy for this research.

3.1 Research Design

Research design is defined as the clearly defined structures within which the
study is implemented (Burns & Grove, 2011).Qualitative and quantitative
research approaches have been used as the most appropriate ways to
develop new knowledge and the proponents of these two approaches have
been at loggerheads with each other. The author however used the mixed
method approach, precisely the concurrent embedded strategy proposed by
(Creswell, 2014). Creswell highlights that a concurrent embedded approach
has a primary method that guides the project and a secondary database that
provides a supporting role in the procedures where in this research
quantitative method is the primary whereas qualitative offers a supporting
role. Morse (2011) noted that a primarily qualitative design could embed
some quantitative data to enrich the description of the sample participants.
Likewise, she described how qualitative data could be used to describe an
aspect of a quantitative study that cannot be quantified. In addition, a
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

concurrent embedded model may be employed when a researcher chooses

to utilize different methods to study different groups or levels. For example,
if an organization is being studied, employees could be studied
quantitatively, managers could be interviewed qualitatively. Tashakkori and
Teddlie (2018) described this approach as a multilevel design. The
advantage of this method is that the researcher is able to collect the two
types of data simultaneously, during a single data collection phase. It
provides a study with the advantages of both quantitative and qualitative
data. In addition, by using the two different methods in this fashion, a
researcher can gain different perspectives from the different types of data or
from different levels within the study.

3.2 Target Population

Polit and Beck (2014) defined research population as the aggregate or sum
of those conforming to a set of specifications. The research targeted all
employees at Natpham branch in Masvingo which include 46 workers and 5

3.2.1 Sampling

Sampling refers to the process of selecting a portion of the population that

conforms to a designated set of specifications to be studied. A sample is a
subset of a population selected to participate in the study (Polit & Beck 2014;
Uys & Basson 2011). Random sampling was used to select participants from
the total population. Of the 46 workers at the Masvingo branch, 32 were
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

selected to participate and all selected were eligible to participate in the

research. Purposive sampling was used in the selection of managers to
participate in the research. The author required a manager who has been
working at Natpham Masvingo for 10 years and more which is a period when
ICT implementation was at its preliminary stages. Two managers were
therefore selected for participation.

3.3 Research instruments

The author used two research instruments for the collection of data.
Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires which were distributed
to the randomly selected respondents' emails. The respondents who were
sampled were informed and then tasked to answer and return the answered
questionnaires through the same email platform.

Qualitative data was obtained through one-one in-depth interviews with the
selected participants. Before the interview the researcher; developed
interview guidelines, pilot interview guidelines, sample participants,
requested permission from the sample participants and also asked them to
sign consent forms.

3.3.1 Data Analysis

Cohen (2010) asserts that once data have been collected, the researcher‘s
task is to reduce the mass of data obtained to form suitable for analysis. The
process of data reduction generally consists of coding either by hand if the
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

survey is small or by computers when numbers are large. The author used
the hand method where the results were entered in a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet. The quantitative data analysis in this study concentrated on the
mode and frequencies of scores by workers. The task was to determine
which questionnaire items had been scored the highest or the lowest and
what were the frequencies of the answered questionnaire. With the use of
Excel, pie charts, histograms and bar graphs were created giving a visual
display of the results thus providing the author and readers an easy overview
of the research findings.

According to Creswell (2009) qualitative data analysis is an ongoing process

involving continual reflections about the data, asking analytic questions and
writing memoranda throughout the study. The recorded interviews were
transcribed on paper and the author derived the sense and meaning from
the interviews.

3.4 Validity and Reliability

According to Golafshani (2013), reliability is the consistency of

measurement, or the degree to which an instrument measures the same way
each time it is used under the same conditions with the same subjects. To
ensure that the research is reliable, triangulation was used to determine
points of similarities and differences from data collected through a literature
study, questionnaires and interviews. In addition to triangulation, the author
asked respondents of their consent to participate in the research. The
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

researcher also recorded the responses given by the participants as a way of

enhancing the reliability and validity of this research.

3.5 Ethical Considerations

3.5.1 Right to privacy

The researcher will maintain privacy in all personal matters arising from
information coming from the participants. This might be in the form of
feelings, beliefs, attitudes and opinions. Raw data will be protected from
unauthorized persons, and will not be shared and no names will be linked to
the data.

3.5.2 Right to anonymity

Anonymity occurs when even the researcher cannot link a participant with
the data of that person (Burns & Grove 2011). Data will also be kept safe by
locking it in the cupboard and destroying the tapes upon completion of the

3.5.3 Right to self-determination

Participants must be given adequate information regarding the research that

is they must be capable of comprehending the information; and they must
have the power of free choice, enabling them to consent voluntarily to
participate in research or decline participation.
Enhancing organizational efficiency by strategically training employees in
ICT. A study of Natpham branch Masvingo.

3.6 Summary

This chapter provides the methods which the author used in obtaining data
and the methods to be used to analyze data. The next chapter focuses on
data analysis from the methods published in this chapter.

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