SPH 101 71239 Scott.2024
SPH 101 71239 Scott.2024
SPH 101 71239 Scott.2024
Hamilton, Gregory. Public Speaking for College and Career, the 12th edition. New York:
McGraw-Hill Co. Inc., 2018. ISBN-: 978-1-259-89992-8.
Have a video recording device to record your speeches and an ISD or cloud base for
A one-subject notebook entirely devoted to this class is required. Other requirements include
note cards, visual aid material, and requisite items to assist in effective oral communications.
V. Course Objectives
1. To demonstrate and understanding of course terms and concepts
2. To demonstrate increased skills in public presentations
3. To demonstrate learning in critiquing speakers and speeches
4. To demonstrate an understanding of the purpose in which public speaking plays in human
5. To demonstrate the components that make a good speech.
SPH101 is designed to familiarize students with rhetorical theory, critical thinking, and the
effective construction and delivery of various types of speeches. The course will concentrate on
informative, persuasive, special occasion, and impromptu speeches, with other types, included at
the instructor’s discretion.
The entire semester will be completed in a face-to-face instructional model with assistance of
Blackboard as the class learning management system. Each presentation topic for speeches must
be approved by the instructor prior to presentation day. Students are expected to have an approved
outline, prior to the presentation date and note cards on the date of the presentation with approved
visuals. Presentations will be completed as a class in person. All students are expected to be in
appropriate dress during presentations. Students are expected to be prepared to present on the
assigned presentation day, failure to do so will count against your participation points. Attendance
will be taken at the beginning of each class, and you are expected to be present at your scheduled
class time. Failure to attend class sessions on time with your assignments completed when it is
due, will be considered a disruption to your fellow classmates and a reduction of points on your
final presentations. Failure to show up on presentation day without written documentation will
result in a failed grade for each presentation missed. If you have concerns that are related to not
meeting the expectations stated above, I am available for discussion after class or via email. Office
hours times are available upon request via email or discussion after class period.) If a student
arrives more than 15 minutes late for class without prior approval or a written excuse will be
counted absent for that day. Students who do not complete the final exam on the last week of the
semester will have failed the course.
You are responsible for developing the content of your speeches, should your information rely
on outside sources, you must give credit to your source in your presentation. Failure to do so is
plagiarism, as is using anyone’s work without proper documentation. Any incident of plagiarism
is considered a failed grade on the assignment and or class
class hour of unexcused absence and for each failure to complete assigned projects, lowered
by three points for each instance of tardiness, and lowered by three points for
unsatisfactory completion of assigned projects.
Grading Scale and Assignment: Each in-class or out-of-class assignment is worth a percentage
of your final grade. Assignments are given a point value to help you assess and keep track of
your grades/points after each assignment. The total points earned will be matched against the
TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS EARNED. Class assignments (specifics of each assignment will be
given via individual assignment descriptions).
The above-average speech (Grade B) should meet the preceding criteria and also:
The superior speech (Grade A) should meet all the preceding criteria and also:
1. Constitute a genuine contribution by the speaker to the knowledge or beliefs of the audience.
2. Sustain positive interest, feeling, and/or commitment among the audience.
3. Contain elements of vividness and special interest in the use of language.
4. Be delivered in a fluent, polished manner that strengthens the impact of the speaker’s message.
The below-average speech (Grade D or F) is seriously deficient in the criteria required for the C
WRITING STYLE: All reference pages for speeches should follow MLA Style (Modern Language
Association). All speeches must include a reference page using the appropriate MLA format.
Please access MLA (Website) http://www.mla.org/elecref.html
Though you alone are responsible for developing the content of your speeches. Not Artificial
Intelligence. Should your information rely on outside sources, you must give credit to your source in
your presentation. Failure to do so is plagiarism, as is using anyone’s work without proper
documentation. Any incident of plagiarism will result in failure of the assignment and a loss of personal
credibility for future assignments.
If there is a student in this class who has needs because of a learning disability or other kinds of
disabilities, please feel free to come and discuss this with me and/or directly contact Learning
Accommodations Center, @ 313-943-4063 for Northwest Campus and Downtown Campus
@ 313-496-2667.
Academic Grades
The following is the Wayne County Community College District’s grading system:
A 4.0 Excellent
C 2.0 Average
Academic grades are “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, and “E”. Pluses and minuses are not given with
the grades.
Incomplete Grade
An instructor may give an “I” or “Incomplete” grade for a student during the final two weeks
of the semester when the student cannot complete the course requirements because of
emergency circumstances. Emergency circumstances are considered situations beyond the
control of the student. The criteria to give an “I” grade are as follows:
1). The student must be passing the course.
2). The student must have to complete a contract that is mutually agreed upon by the
student and the instructor.
3). The student must have a true emergency, such as emergency surgery.
The instructor and the student complete the “I” form of the contract and discuss the conditions
of the contract. The student must agree to the conditions of the contract and must sign the
contract. The instructor signs the contract enters the grade into the Banner System final grade
module and turns in a copy of the contract at final checkout.
District policy requires all students who earn an incomplete “I” grade to complete that contract
by the end of two consecutive regular semesters after the term in which the “I” grade was
given. The student is charged with the responsibility of completing the contract requirements
through the instructor who issued the “I” grade.
In the event the student is unable to contact the instructor, the student must immediately
contact the appropriate campus academic administrator for instructions. Failure to complete
the course requirements within the two regular consecutive semester time limits shall result in
a grade of “E” replacing the “I” grade. Students should not register a second time for a
course in which they have received an outstanding “I” grade.
“W” Grades
W Withdrawal Withdrawal by the student during the first half of the semester. (8th
XW Walk-away Attended at least one class during the first third of the semester and
failed to withdraw during the remaining two-thirds of the semester.
While neither grades XW, nor W, are calculated as part of the official grade point average,
they are counted in determining satisfactory academic progress for students receiving
financial aid and their continuing aid eligibility.
Academic Honesty
The expectations at WCCCD are that principles of truth and honesty will be practiced in all academic
matters. Therefore, acts of academic dishonesty, including such activities as plagiarism or cheating are
regarded by the college as very serious offenses. If cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic
dishonesty on the part of students are discovered, each incident will be handled on an individual basis as
deemed appropriate by the instructor.
Change of Grades.
There is a process by which faculty can change grades. Grades are assigned based on the faculty
member’s assessment of student performance in achieving the competencies identified for the course. In
cases where a clerical error was made in recording grades from the instructor’s records to the District
records, a change of grade can be initiated by the faculty member. Or, if a mistake in calculation caused a
faculty member to assign a grade inconsistent with a performance at the time grades were due, the change
of grade process is the mechanism by which the District record can be altered (within 90 days) to reflect
the instructor’s valid assessment.
While a student can request that the instructor review with him or her, the basis upon which a grade is
awarded, the student should be made to understand that performance in meeting course objectives as
judged by the faculty is, in the final analysis, the basis upon which the grade is awarded. To the extent
that effort, hard work, and improvement contribute to the performance of competencies, those attributes
are reinforced through grades as well. However, students at times need to be gently reminded that effort,
improvement, and working hard do not, in and of itself, merit an “A” grade in a course.
Similarly, the student also needs to understand that the pressure of his/her non-academic commitments
(i.e., family, jobs, social, community, etc.) does not constitute a valid reason for the instructor to have
lower expectations of some students than of others. At times, students try to do too much and, therefore,
cannot devote the time to academics that is required. Those students may benefit from assistance in
planning their academic schedules to meet educational goals while fulfilling personal commitments.
Learning Center
The Learning Center, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, assists students with regularly
scheduled tutoring appointments. Many other students are assisted on a drop-in basis. The LC gives
presentations to classes upon request and welcomes instructors to accompany their students to the lab to
familiarize them with the location and services. Tutoring is offered for all courses subject to the
availability of tutors.
STUDENT FEEDBACK: SSOI SURVEYS In efforts to better serve our students, The Division of
Institutional Effectiveness (IE) provides routine online surveys for our students. Toward the end of the
term, your assistance is needed to ensure that all students registered for courses at the campus complete
the online surveys for each of their campus courses. The surveys only take a few minutes to complete and
can be administered at the beginning or end of your class session. The data collected from these surveys
provide evidence-based feedback to support continued assessment and strategic planning. This enables
continuous improvement of the District's services to students, faculty, and staff. The Office of Instruction
will be contacting classes toward the end of the term, to schedule an appointment for your class to
complete the online surveys. We hope that you will welcome this opportunity to assist us in obtaining
feedback from our students regarding their needs and expectations. Survey link:
The ACCESS program provides supportive services and academic assistance to students enrolled in
vocational, technical, and occupational programs and who are handicapped, academically or economically
disadvantaged, or who have limited English proficiency.
Such services include educational, career, and personal counseling, interpreters, note-takers, readers,
tutors, mobility assistance, and referral services. Special equipment such as tape recorders, computers,
and telecommunication devices for the deaf and closed-circuit televisions are available to support students
with special needs.
Downriver Campus
(734) 374-3206 Voice/TDD
(734) 946-3500
Downtown Campus
(313) 496-2708 Voice/TDD
(313) 496-2758
Eastern Campus
(313) 579-6923 Voice/TDD
(313) 922-3311
Northwest Campus
(313) 943-4073 Voice/TDD
(313) 943-4000
Western Campus
(734) 374-3206 Voice/TDD
(734) 699-7008
Note! It is the policy of the Wayne County Community College District that the responsibility for dropping a class belongs
to the student. Please pay attention to the drop dates and policies in the academic schedule for each term
VII. Instructional Strategy (This schedule will be delivered in a face-to-face format
with assistance of Blackboard and McGraw-Hill’s Connect software program.
All content is subject to revision.
Week Dates Chapters Assignments Assessments Points
(Use attached Sample Outline – I
template.) DUE Review” Essay
Prepare for Speech #1.
QUIZ I - DUE Chapters I-5
Week 6 Thurs., Chapter 7 Brainstorm four
10-17-24 Evaluating possible topics for
Information & your one
Avoiding Plagiarism informative speech
(Concept of Being an Read and answer
Honest Investigator of the review questions
Information; in search at the end of the
of Trustworthy assigned chapter.
Application of Critical
Thinking Skills.
Speech Workshop Video: Process- Assignment due:
(Speech of Informative “How Chapter 6 Review
introduction). Show of to hide Valuables.” Questions Blackboard
YouTube video clip & Chapter 8 submission only. Must
discussion of content. Read and answer be typed in MLA
Page 358 the review questions Format and saved on
at the end of the MS Word document
assigned chapters. prior to submission. No
6,8,13 &15 email or written
assignments are
accepted past due date.
THE Assignment Due
COMMENTARIES) Chapter 13 & 15
Review Questions
TYPE Blackboard submission
BIBLIOGRAPHY only. Must be typed in
ON A SEPARATE MLA format and saved
PAGE on MS Word document
prior to submission. No
email or written
assignments are
accepted past due date
. Assignment Chapter
16, 17 Review
Questions Due
Blackboard submission
only. Must be typed in
MLA Format and saved
on MS Word document
prior to submission. No
email or written
assignments are
accepted past due date
Chapter 18 &19 Read and answer
Speaking within the review question
groups and Occasions at the end of the
assigned chapter
Thanksgiving Break Wed, Nov.27
through Monday
December 1st, 2024
Week 12 Thurs, Presentation Due Assignment Chapter 18
12-05-24 & 19 Review
Speech of Essay papers will Questions Due
Tribute be submitted prior Blackboard submission
to student only. Must be typed in
presentation. MLA format and saved
Citations will be on MS Word document
added prior to submission. No
email or written
assignments are
accepted past due date
Speech due 2-3, MLA
format minutes in
length subject will
Final Exam Review Chpts. 16,17,18 &19