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Who is a CRIMINAL?
In its criminological sense, criminal offender refers to any rational
individual who commits an anti-social act that is detrimental to the society;

In strict legal terms, a criminal offender refers to a person:

a. Who committed an act punishable by existing criminal law; and
b. Was tried and convicted of final judgment by a competent court.

 The term investigation comes from the Latin word “investigare” which
means: to track, trace or probe.
 It is the act or process of investigating or the condition of being
investigated. It also refers to a searching inquiry for ascertaining facts;
detailed or careful examination.


 Criminal investigation seeks all facts associated with a crime to
determine the truth: what happened and who is responsible of a
criminal incident.
 It is defined as the collection and analysis of facts/truths about
persons, things, places that are subjects of a crime to identify the
guilty party, locate the whereabouts of the guilty party, and provide
admissible evidence to establish the guilt of parties involved in crime.
 It also refers to the collection of facts to accomplish the threefold aim.

What are the threefold aim of criminal investigation?

 a. to identify the guilty party;
 b. to locate the guilty party; and
 c. to provide evidence of his guilt


1. Investigation while the suspect is under arrest and detention;

2. Investigation while the suspect is "at large"

CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AS AN ART = It deals with the identity and

location of the offender and then proving his guilt through a criminal
proceeding. It is an art because it is not governed by rigid rules but based on
intuition and to a minor extent, by chance.


inquiry that apply scientific knowledge, principles, and methodologies in
order to discover, identify, collect, and process facts and evidence to
promote justice.


process of identifying, collecting, preserving, and evaluating data or raw

1 | P a g e Crime Detection and Investigation 1

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
facts to produce valuable information for the purpose of bringing a criminal
offender to justice. As a process, it is based on systematic plan.


 A public safety officer who is tasked to conduct the investigation of all
criminal cases as provided for and embodied under the Revised Penal
Code/Criminal Laws and Special Laws which are criminal in nature. A
well trained, disciplined and experienced professional in the field of
criminal investigation duties and responsibilities.

 All investigators in any police unit must be a graduate of prescribed

investigation course with a rank of at least PO2 (POLICE CPL) (pre-
requisite to assignment).

What are the qualification and qualities of a good criminal


 It refers to the steadfastness, persistence and resolution to bring the
desired conclusion in spite of obstacles connected with criminal

 this is the ability of the investigator to last physically and mentally
hence; he must have the extraordinary physical and mental energy,
enduring sleepless nights and tiresome days.


 this refers to the degree of honesty and integrity of the investigator on
several temptations over money that is offered to affect the
investigation, women and drinks where these are present in every
corner playing tricks of temptations.


 this is very important in order that the investigator could easily
decipher falsehood from truth and separate the grain from the chaff.

 it refers to the ability of the investigator in stooping down to the level
of a minor, the prostitute or the slum dwellers, professionals or other
members of the elite during the investigation process.


 every investigator should have a basic knowledge on both oral and
written communication in probing a certain issue in order that he will
not suffer setbacks in getting the accurate facts especially in the
preparation of reports and or transmittal of information. This include
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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
the use of appropriate words in making a report and writing
observations and descriptions of places, things and events.


 the investigator should be a keen observer and knows how to
accurately describe everything. This is important in crime scene
investigation and in conducting interview and interrogation.

 it is the moral fortitude of the investigator to tell the truth irrespective
of who gets hurt.

 the investigator should have basic knowledge on legal matters
concerning investigation.


 this refers to the ability of the investigator to interpret the words or
phrases encountered in the process of investigation into their deeper
meaning in order to arrive with a concrete meaning of a certain


The investigation must seek to establish the six cardinal points of
investigation, namely: WHAT specific offense has been committed; HOW the
offense has been committed; WHEN it was committed; WHERE it was
committed; WHY it was committed, and WHO are the involved persons.

The following are further possible questions using the 5 W's and 1 H:
1. WHO QUESTIONS: these are questions used to inquire on the identity of
the victims or offended party, name of the suspect, accomplices, accessories
and witnesses of the crime
2. WHAT QUESTIONS: the purpose of these types of questions is to find out
what happened or what took place before, during and immediately after the
commission of the offense.
3. WHERE QUESTIONS: these are questions that localize the place of the
incident - the city or town, the district or barangay, the street or road, the
number of the house or building. These questions are necessary in
pinpointing the particular location of the crime
4. WHEN QUESTIONS: these are questions needed to determine and fix the
time, day, month and year when the crime was committed. These questions
should be specified and as accurate as possible
5. WHY QUESTIONS: these are questions that endeavor to ascertain the
motives, causes, antecedents, previous, incidents, related facts, background
occurrences that might help explain the commission of the offense.
6. HOW QUESTIONS: there are designed to help the investigator determine
how the crime was committed,

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

What are the 3 tool’s or I’s of investigation?


To achieve the goals of criminal investigation, the investigator must
know how to use the available resources or tools. There are indispensable
tools that can be used by the criminal investigators to successfully solve
criminal cases.

 is the knowledge or facts which the investigator had gathered or
acquired from persons or documents, which are pertinent or relevant
concerning the commission of the crime or criminal activities.


• Regular Sources – records, files from government and non-government
agencies, news items.
• Cultivated Sources – information gathered upon initiative of the
investigator from informants and informers.
• Grapevine Sources – these are information coming from the underworld
characters such as prisoners and ex-convicts.
What are the methods of obtaining information?

1. OVERT = The visible way of obtaining information like conducting

interview, patrol, crime scene search, regular performance of police activities
and custodial interrogation.

2. COVERT = The secret way of obtaining information

Who is Informant?
 The word informant is a general term that refers to any person who
gives information to the police authorities relative to a crime.
 Strictly speaking, an informant is any person who furnishes the police
information relevant to a criminal case about the activities of criminals
or syndicates without any monetary consideration. The informant
may openly give information or may serve as a witness voluntarily.
 Voluntarily or willingly provides information to the criminal
investigators and offers to be a witness.

What are the types of informant?

1. ANONYMOUS INFORMANT - he may be an anonymous phone caller,

letter writer or a text sender.
2. RIVAL ELIMINATION INFORMANT - this kind mostly maintains being
anonymous. His purpose is to eliminate the rival persons or gang due
to competition or other motives such as revenge, etc.
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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
3. FALSE INFORMANT - usually reveals information of no consequence,
value or stuff connected with thin air. His purpose is to appear to be on
the side of the law and for throwing out the suspicion from himself or
from his gang or associates.
4. FRIGHTENED INFORMANT - he is prodded by fear or self interest in
giving information to the police. He maybe one of the lesser gang
member who runs to the police when his gang mates are about to be
involved in dangerous situations or when the gang he belongs is hot on
the police trail.
5. SELF AGGRANDIZING INFORMANT - this kind of informant moves
around the centers of criminals, group or syndicate and delights in
surprising the police about bits of information.
6. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT - is a person who provides the police
with confidential information concerning a previous crime or a
projected and planned crime. under the law, these informants are
protected and their identity could not be revealed by the police even
under the order of the court unless on exceptional case where there is
a claim of the defense that the informant framed up the accused.
7. MERCENARY INFORMANT - the informant has information for sale.
8. DOUBLE-CROSSER INFORMANT - he uses his seeming desire to
divulge information as an excuse to talk to the police in order to get
more information from them more than he gives.
9. WOMEN INFORMANT - she maybe the female associate of the
criminals, who was roughed up, marginalized in the deal or being
eased out from the group. Care must be given to this kind of informant
because women, given the skills and expertise, are more dangerous
than men. They often give free romance that will result in blackmailing
the investigator or will result to an extended family for support.
Women are said to be most effective among informants because they
could easily penetrate the ranks of criminals with less suspicion.


 Legitimate informants- Source of info under this category includes

operators of licensed premises who do not want their place of business to
become the hang out of dangerous criminals.
 Incidental informant- these are also called automatic informants. (victim)
 Confidential informant- identity is kept confidential by the respective
police officers or investigators who are receiving information that they are

Who is Informer?
 Is a person who provides information to the police on a regular basis.
They are either paid regularly or in case-to-case basis, or none
at all. They are cultivated and established by the police on a more or
less permanent character and as long as they are loyal and useful to
the police organizations.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
 Generally paid by the investigator and should be registered with the
investigator’s agency. Informers are actually informants by profession
usually recruited or paid assets of investigating agencies.




Interview and interrogation are similar with each other, in the sense that,
they are both ways of obtaining information from a certain suspects or
persons that has knowledge on a crime. however, the following provides a
clear distinction between the two.

 Is the simple questioning of a person believed to possess information,
which are relevant to the investigation of a crime or criminal activities.
in an interview, the interviewee is willing and cooperative with the
person conducting the interview.

What is a Golden Rule in Interview?

"Never allow the interviewer to conduct nor let anyone to conduct an
interview without prior visit to the crime scene."


 is conducted to willing and cooperative witnesses, where they are
given the full opportunity to narrate their accounts without
intervention, interruption and interference from the interviewer. After
the subject has finished his narration, the investigator now subjects
him to the style of direct examination and cross-examination, to clarify
the unexplained portions to arrive at a vivid and complete picture of
the testimony.


 this interview as prescribed by some investigators requires the
interviewee to answer the question posed by the investigator. The
interviewee to answer on what he knows about what is being asked. In
the case of subjects of low level of intelligence, the use of leading

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
questions greatly helps the investigator to obtain the full and desired


1. BACKGROUND INTERVIEW = This is focused only in obtaining data

regarding the personal background of the subject, the simplest type of
interview used in criminal cases.

2. SUBJECTIVE INTERVIEW = An interview wherein the questions are

phrased in a manner such that the subject’s answers are based on his
personal opinions or views. Questions are designed to deal with the
subjective aspect of the case.

3. OBJECTIVE INTERVIEW = The questions are designed to acquire the

basic and specific data or facts regarding a criminal case. It is the type of
interview that complies with the six cardinal points of criminal investigation (
the 5 W’s and 1 H)


1. FEAR OF REPRISAL - witness who lack the courage to face the
suspect, his associates or relatives always entertain the fear of
reprisal. The investigator must remove these fears from the mind of his
witnesses either by offering protection or by the explanation that
unless the suspect in not put behind bars, the fear will not be
2. GREAT INCONVENIENCE - on the part of those of hands-to-mouth
existence there is this real inconvenience, which will deprive them the
time to earn for their living especially during the ordeal of testifying
during the trial.
3. HATRED AGAINST THE POLICE - this hatred maybe due to previous
bad experience with rogue members of the police organization.
4. BECAUSE OF BIAS OF WITNESS - the witness maybe an
acquaintance, friend, helper or benefactor of the suspect. All of these
and other relationship of the witnesses to the suspect must be
explored so that an intelligent approach is properly applied.
5. AVOIDANCE OF PUBLICITY - there are witnesses who are shy and
they shun publicity that will bring discomfort to their ordinary or
obscure way of living.
6. FAMILY RESTRICTION - some famous and respected families
preserve their reputations by instilling to their members the need of
the approval of the elders on matter affecting their families.

What are the rules to be considered in questioning during

1. One Question at a time - multiple, complex and legalistic questions
should be avoided.
2. Avoid Implied Answer - the nod of the head or nay other body
language as a response to the questions should be avoided.

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3. Simplicity of Question - a short simple question at a time is
required. Avoid legalistic questions such as "Who is the murderer; or
"Who are in conspiracy with the subject".
4. Saving Face -
5. Yes` and No Answer - do not ask questions which could be answered
by yes or no only. It will curtail the complete flow of information and
will lead to inaccuracy.

What are the TYPES OF WITNESSES according to attitude?

1. KNOW-NOTHING TYPE - this is a reluctant type of witnesses. It is
found among the uneducated and of low level of intelligence. The
technique to be applied is be with their level of intelligence and by
2. DISINTERESTED TYPE - this refer to an uncooperative and indifferent
subject. To deal with them is to find out their field of interest so that
they will talk.
3. THE DRUNKEN TYPE - the style of questioning by the investigator
should be adapted to the psychology of the subject. When the drunken
subject has sobered, another interview will be conducted, confronting
hi about his disclosures while in the state of drunkenness. The written
statement must be taken during his sobriety.
4. TALKATIVE TYPE - this is a witness who is prone to exaggerate,
adding irrelevant or new matters to their narration.
5. HONEST WITNESS - this is the truthful and cooperative witness where
the investigator could rely upon, with little or no problem in handling
6. DECEITFUL WITNESS - this is a liar type of witness. Let him lie and
order him to repeat several times their narration.
7. TIMID WITNESS - this is a shy witness. The approach must be friendly
and reassuring confidentiality of their information. It should be hidden
from the devouring press by interviews or photo sessions.
8. REFUSAL TO TALK WITNESS - this is the most difficult subject to
deal with. Find out the reasons of his personality such as: Trauma,
shock, fear, hatred and others.

 Is the vigorous and confrontational questioning of a reluctant suspect
about his participation in the commission of crime. it is confrontational
in the sense that the investigator places the guilt on the accused. This
processed is also applied to an uncooperative or recalcitrant


The main intention of interrogation is to obtain CONFESSION or ADMISSION
from the suspect and to learn relevant information from uncooperative

What is Confession?
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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
CONFESSION - is the direct acknowledgement of guilt.

Illustration: the accused was charged with homicide. During trial,

acknowledged that he was the one who killed the victim.


1. There is declaration of the person
2. The statement of the accused is he acknowledged his guilt from the
commission of a crime
3. Guilt is admitted.


1. EXTRA JUDICIAL CONFESSION - it is a confession that is made by the
suspect during custodial investigation or those confessions that are made
outside of the court.


"Extra judicial confession is not sufficient ground for conviction: an
extra judicial confession made by an accused, shall not be sufficient
ground for conviction, unless corroborated by evidence of corpus
delicti - body of the crime."



The confession is voluntary when the accused speaks of his free will
and accord, without any inducement of any kind, with a full and
complete knowledge of the nature and the consequences of the


This confession obtained through force, threat, intimidation, duress or
anything influencing the voluntary act of the confessor

NOTE: Confession obtained from the defendant by means of force or

intimidation/violence is null and void and cannot be used against
him/her in the trial and the like.

 This confession is made by the accused is open court. The plea of guilt
maybe made during arraignment or any stage of the proceedings
where the accused changes his plea of not guilty to guilty.
 This is conclusive upon the court and may be considered to be a
mitigating circumstance to criminal liability.
 A plea of guilty when formally entered on arraignment is sufficient to
sustain conviction of any offense, even a capital one, without further

What is Admission?

ADMISSION - is indirect acknowledgment of guilt.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
Illustration: The accused was charged with homicide. During the trial,
acknowledged that he owned the murder weapon but did not acknowledge
that he is the one who committed the crime. To acknowledge ownership of
the murder weapon is an indirect acknowledgment of guilt because an owner
of the weapons used in committing the crime is presumed to be the
perpetrator. (Gacayan, 2005)


1. There is a statement of the person (accused);
2. The person only acknowledged facts or circumstances of the crime;
3. There is no acceptance of guilt

NOTE: When the accused confessed to the commission of a crime, he

accepts the facts constituting the offense but he interposes self-defense or
other exculpatory grounds, then his acknowledgment is not a confession but


1. EMOTIONAL APPEAL - this is a technique where the investigator,
combining the skills of an actor and a psychologist, addresses the
suspect with an emotional appeal to confess. This is applicable to first
time offenders or those who are of the emotional type of
characteristics displayed nervousness or emotional disturbances.

2. SYMPATHETIC APPROACH - the investigator, in his preliminary or

probing questions must dig deep into the past troubles, plight and
unfortunate events in the life of the suspect. An offer of help, kindness,
friendliness may win his cooperation.


a. Pretense of Solid Evidence - the investigator bluffs the suspect
that even if he will not confess, there is enough evidence to send
him to jail. If he will confess, the investigator will see to it that his
prison term will be within the range of probation.

b. Weakest Link - among the suspects, there must be a careful

selection of who among them is the weakest link where the
interrogation will begin. By tricks and bluffs, this weakest link will be
told that his companions had already confessed. That this weakest
link had dealt the fatal blow or that he received the lion share of the
loot in order to intrigue him.

c. Drama - the weakest link maybe used to fake pain and agony by
ordering him to shout, accompanied by banging a chair on the wall
to make it appear that a commotion is going on. The other suspects

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
in separate rooms must hear the drama before telling them that
their partner had confessed.

d. Feigning Contact with Family Members - the suspect could be

tricked that the investigator had gone to the residence and the
family members had supplied facts against the suspect. The
suspect's family will be charged into the investigation if the suspect
will not confess.

e. Line Up - the complainant, witness or victim is requested to point

positively to the suspect in the police line-up. The witnesses' victims
or complainant are previously coached about the identity of the

f. Reverse Line-Up - The suspect is placed among other persons in a

line up and he is identified by several complainants and witnesses
who will associate the suspect in other several crimes. This will
cause the suspect to become desperate and confess only to the
case under investigation to avoid from being charged on false

g. Stern Approach - the investigator displays a stern (demands

immediate response) personality towards the suspect by using the
following methods
1. Jolting - in the questioning process, the investigator selects
the right moment to shout as pertinent question in an
apparent righteous outrage. The suspect's nerves will break to
a confession.
2. Opportunity to Lie - the suspect is given all the
opportunities to lie. The suspect is questioned about his
personal life, family, friends and his knowledge about the
complainant and witnesses. Then the suspect is questioned
about his activity prior, during and after the commission of
the crime. this repeated many times, to include the
investigator focusing his questions about the knowledge of
the suspect of the crime. the suspect will be enmeshed in
contradictions, which is now capitalized by the investigator to
get the truth from the suspect. If possible, the interrogation
must be taped recorded for purposes of emphasis during the
confrontation of the contradictions.
h. Mutt and Jeff or Sweet and Sour Method - the first set of
investigators must appear to be rough, mean and dangerous. When
they had finished the interrogation, the second investigator
intervenes by stopping the first set of investigators. By being
sympathetic and understanding, he begins his interrogation. If the

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suspect still refuses to cooperate, then the process is repeated until
there is a confession.

INTERROGATOR - the person who performs skillful questioning of hostile

witness and suspects for purposes of obtaining confession or admission.

INTERROGEE - this points to the subject of interrogation whether a suspect

or a victim.


 It is the process of applying instruments or tools of the police sciences
in criminal investigation and detection. In the process of
instrumentation, the following equipment are being used, namely:

1. The first used was Anthropometry found by Alphonse Bertillon. He is a

Frenchman who founded criminal identification by body measurement. It was
accepted and adopted by police departments in Europe and the United
States for more than twenty (20) years. But due to the West case,
Anthropometry disappeared, which up to the time of his death in 1914,
Bertillon never accepted its uselessness.

2. Dactyloscopy replaced Anthropometry. It was popularized by Sir Edward

Richard Henry in Europe and through Juan Vucetich who founded the
fingerprint classification, it was found to be accurate. Its usefulness in
criminal investigation cannot be questioned because its infallibility because
no two persons have the same fingerprints not even the ten neighboring
fingers of the same persons.

3. Forensic Serology was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in 1901 the

agglutination of human blood. This discovery demonstrated that blood
possesses certain characteristics, which allowed the designation A, B, AB and

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
4. Forensic Ballistics developed by Dr. Calvin H. Goddard, a U.S. Army
Physician with a rank of Lieutenant Colonel. It is used for determining
whether or not the evidence bullet and test bullet came from a single gun
through the use of bullet comparison microscope.

5. Poroscopy founded by Edmond Locard, one of the foremost criminalists

in the world. Poroscopy deals with the identification of sweat pores, he
proved that pores vary in number, size and position in each individual.

6. Polygraph (lie detector) was develop by John Larson although it was

founded by Keller. It is effective in limiting the suspects in number as in the
hand of an expert and dependable machine its result is excellent.

7. In 1984, Alex Jeffrey’s, a British biologist and genetics expert, discovered

the concept of DNA genetic fingerprinting.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence


 It is the conduct of processes, more particularly, the recognition,
handling, preservation and documentation of physical evidence to
include the identification and interview of witnesses and the arrest of
suspect/s at the crime scene


"Never touch, alter, move or transfer any object at the crime scene
unless it is properly marked, measured, sketched and/or photographed."

What should then be the primary job of an Investigator before

applying the golden rule?
The Investigator upon his arrival at the scene of the crime should consider
the following two important steps before he touches or moves any object.
 If the victim is still alive, the Investigator should try to gather or
acquire information from the victim himself with regard to the
surrounding circumstances of the crime, while calling for assistance for
an ambulance from the nearest hospital. Then measure, sketch and
photograph the crime scene immediately after the victim is removed
and brought to the hospital for medical attendance.
 If the victim is dead, the body should be removed only after the crime
scene is measured, sketched and photographed.
Note: First Responders (FRs) are first Police Officers to arrive at the crime
scene who were dispatched by the local police station/unit concerned after
receipt of incident/flash/alarm report.



Crime scene - a venue or place where the alleged crime/incident/event has

been committed.

Corpus delicti - (latin word for the “body of the crime”) - used to describe
the physical or material evidence that a crime has been committed. ex.
corpse of a murder victim.


Protocol 1: Jurisdictional Investigation by the Territorial Unit


The Police Station, which has territorial jurisdiction of the area where the
crime incident was committed, shall immediately undertake the necessary
investigation and processing of the crime scene, unless otherwise directed
by higher authorities for a certain case to be investigated by other

Protocol 2: Official Police Blotter

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
a. A Police Blotter is an 18” x 12”
logbook with hard-bound cover that
contains the daily register of all crime
incident reports, official summary of
arrests, and other significant events
reported in a police station.

b. As a general rule, all crime incidents

must be recorded in the official police

c. A separate Police Blotter, however,

shall be maintained for offenses
requiring confidentiality like violence against women and children and those
cases involving a child in conflict with the law to protect their privacy
pursuant to R.A. 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and Children Act of
2004) and R.A. 9344 (Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006).

Protocol 3: Investigation Team: Organization

All investigators in any police unit must be a graduate of prescribed
investigation course with a rank of at least PO2 (pre-requisite to
1. Team Leader;
2. Investigator/recorder;
3. Photographer;
4. Evidence custodian; and
5. Composite Illustrator/Artist

Preparation of Case Investigation Plan (CIPLAN)

The conduct of police operation involving sensational cases, high profile and
heinous crimes must be covered by Case Investigation Plan.

Uniform of the Investigator

Prescribed uniform should be worn by investigators when conducting
investigation so as to identify them as PNP personnel.
SOCO Assistance
a. In cases where the crime scene needs special processing due to its
significance or because of its sensational nature, the Scene of the Crime
Operation (SOCO) specialists of the Crime Laboratory shall be requested.
b. If the situation involves a clandestine drug laboratory, biological weapons,
radiological or chemical threats, the appropriate agency should be contacted
prior to entering the scene.
Sketches are useful in questioning of suspects and witnesses as well as in
the writing of investigative reports.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
• A sketch is prepared indicating the actual measurement of things with
scale and proportion observed and oriented to the North Pole. All
necessary information are placed in the sketch.
• Sketches are excellent companions to photograph. Where
photograph provide exact details, sketches offer accurate
information about the placement of objects and they show
relationship and distances between things.
1. Measurements
2. Compass Direction - It must always be indicated to facilitate proper
orientation of the sketch. The compass is used to determine “North.” A
standard arrow of orientation will indicate this direction on the sketch.
3. Essential elements- The sketch should portray those items which have
bearing on the investigation being conducted
4. Scale and Proportion
5. Legend - Is an explanation of symbols used to identify objects in the
6. Title

Types of Measurements

• Rectangular coordinates method – a sketching method that involves

measuring the distance of an object from two fixed lines at right angles to
each other.
• Triangulation method – a sketching method that requires measuring the
distance of an object along a straight line from two widely separated fixed
reference points.
• Baseline method– a sketching method that makes measurements along
from a single reference line, called a baseline, which can be established by
using a length of string, chalk line, or some other convenient means.


1. SKETCH OF LOCALITY =This gives picture of the scene, the crime

and its environs, including such items such as neighboring
buildings, roads leading to the location or house.

2. SKETCH OF GROUNDS = The sketch of grounds pictures the scene

of the crime with its nearest physical surroundings (e.g. house with
a garden).

3. SKETCH OF DETAILS = The sketch of details describes immediate

scene only. For instance, the room in which the crime was
committed and the details thereof. Cross projection method are
details of the room wherein walls and ceiling are pictures as if they
are on the same place as the floor. This gives a clear impression of
the scene in cases where bloodstains or bullet holes are found in
the walls or on the ceiling.


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1. ROUGH SKETCH -Made by the prober at the crime scene. Scale and
proportion are ignored and everything is approximated. It is to be used as
basis of the finish sketch
2. FINISH SKETCH -Made primarily for court room presentation. All
elements of sketching must be present.
The main objective is to create a visual record of the crime scene
before any item is moved as possible physical evidence.
Take photograph of the crime scene with or without markers.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
What are Methods of Crime Scene Search?
1. STRIP SEARCH METHOD = In this method, the area is blocked out in the
form of a rectangle. The three (3) searchers, A, B, and C proceed slowly at
the same pace along, paths parallel to one side of the rectangle.



the strip search method. Here, the rectangle is traversed first parallel to the
base then parallel to the side.

3. SPIRAL SEARCH METHOD = In this method, the three searcher follow

each other along the path of a spiral, beginning on the outside and spiraling
toward the center.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
4. ZONE SEARCH METHOD = In this method, one searcher is assigned to
each subdivision of a quadrant, then each quadrant is cut into another set of

2nd Zone
Zone/grid search
3rd Zone
4th Zone

5.WHEEL SEARCH METHOD = In this method of search, the area is

considered to be approximately circular. The searcher, gathers at the center
and proceed outward along radii or spokes. The procedure should be
repeated several times depending on the size of the circle and the number of
searchers. One shortcoming of this method is the great increase in the area
to be observed as the searchers depart from the center.

6. Point to point- searcher will stand in a straight line and move forward
What is meant by reconstruction of the crime?
After completion of the search, an effort must be made to determine from
the appearance of the place and its objects what actually occurred and what
the circumstances of a crime were. This is known as reconstructing the
Kinds of reconstruction
• Physical Reconstruction— The physical appearance of the crime
scene is reconstructed from the description of witnesses and the
indication of the physical evidence.
• Mental Reconstruction—From the physical reconstruction, some
conclusions can be made concerning the consistency of the accounts
of various witnesses. No assumption should be made concerning
19 | P a g e Crime Detection and Investigation 1
Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
actions which are not supported by evidence. The final theory
developed by the investigator should provide a line of investigative
DEDUCTIVE REASONING -It forms a general conclusion prior to having a
complete explanation based on the facts
INDUCTIVE REASONING- It forms a general conclusion after gathering
evidence and after further investigation
What is chain of custody?
The establishment of identity and the number of persons who handle
the evidence between the time of the commission of the offense and the
ultimate disposition of the case.


1. The evidence should reach the laboratory as much as possible in same
condition as when it is found.
2. The quantity of specimen should be adequate. Even with the best
equipment available, good results cannot be obtained from insufficient
3. Submit a known or standard specimen for comparison purposes.
4. Keep each specimen separate from others so there will be no
intermingling or mixing of known and unknown material. Wrap and seal in
individual packages when necessary.
5. Mark and label each piece of evidence for positive identification as the
evidence taken from a particular location in connection with the crime under
6. The chain of custody of evidence must be maintained. Account for
evidence from the time it is collected until it is produced in court. Any break
in this chain of custody may make the material inadmissible as evidence.


1. TESTIMONIAL EVIDENCE = The most common form of evidence, and it

is obtained through interview and interrogation – events which witness see,
smell, taste, and touch are described to the investigator through oral and
written testimony.

2. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE = This includes writings, including official

records. One which is supplied by written instruments, or derived from
symbols which ideas are represented on material substances, like letters,
wills, deed or contract.

3. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE = Evidence addressed to the senses of the court,

as when objects are exhibited for the personal observation of the judge. It is
also called real evidence – any kind of object associated with the
investigation, but it must be a tangible item.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence


• He was the most famous thief catch er
• “Employing a thief to catch a thief.”
• He became the London's most effective criminal investigator.
• His methods made popular the logic of “employing a thief to catch a
• He conceived the idea of charging a fee for locating and returning
stolen property to its rightful owners.


• Established a squad of ex-convicts to aid Paris police in investigation.
• He worked under the theory of “Employing a thief to catch a thief.”
• Founder of LA SURETE, France's national detective organization.

 America’s foremost private detective. He became the first detective of
the Chicago Police Department in 1849. He then opened his private
detective agency in the early 1850’s in partnership with Chicago
attorney, EDWARD RUCKER. Their business immediately became
successful and formed the North-Western Police Agency. (PINKERTON'S

 First women detective in history criminal investigation that was hired
by Pinkerton Agency.


 He is believed to be the creator of the field of Criminalistic and is to
this day seen as the father of Criminal Investigation

 Chief of the detectives in New York City, was one of the famous
investigators of the nineteenth century.
 He trained his detectives in recognizing individual criminal techniques.
This method was later to be known as “modus operandi” or method of
operation and is considered an essential tool of investigation to this


• A forensic chemist and scientist who pioneered the blood splatter
analysis “blood stain pattern analysis”
• Invented the used of DNA fingerprinting or profiling.
He used this to identify Colin Pitchfork as the murderer of 2 young girls in

21 | P a g e Crime Detection and Investigation 1
Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
• DNA typing was first used to solve a crime in 1986 in ENGLAND.
• DNA profiling was first introduced in US criminal court
• First conviction using DNA was Tommy Lee Andrews.


 He introduced the first systematic system based on the
Anthropological measurement.
 He was considered the “founder of Criminal Investigation”.
 He was also considered the ‘father of Personal Identification “

• the only Filipino member of United States Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI)


First introduced the multi-suspect identification line-up known as”



 It originated from the American jurisprudence. Mr. Ernesto Miranda, a
Latino accused of kidnapping and rape in the State of Arizona. The
Arizona Police leading to his confession interrogated him exhaustedly.
Based on his confession, he was charged, tried and convicted. Appeal
of his conviction was made before the Arizona Supreme Court but his
conviction was affirmed. The appeal was then elevated to the US
Supreme Court where there was a reversal of the decision and he was
acquitted on Constitutional grounds. As a result of this landmark
decision, the so-called MIRANDA WARNING has become mandatory.
Suspects taken into custody or deprived of their freedom of action,
who are to be questioned by law enforcement officers.

1961, USA = MAPP vs. OHIO (376 vs. 584)

 The Supreme Court ruled that illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible in

state criminal prosecutions. This case established the “Doctrine of Poisonous

22 | P a g e Crime Detection and Investigation 1

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

History of Intelligence

1. Holy Bible- where you can find the just recorded intelligence operations
in history.
a. Moses - The scripture also named the 12 intelligence agents when the
Lord directed Moses to send into the Land of Canaan and records that “all
those men were heads of the children of Israel”.
b. Rahab- “The Harlot of Jericho” (Joshua 2: 1-21) who sheltered and
concealed the agents of Israel, made a covenant with the agent sand duped
their pursuers.
c. Delilah- She was an impromptu intelligence agent of the Philistines. She
allowed Philistine spies to hide in her house (Judges 16:9) and used her
feminity to gain intelligence from a powerful enemy. A biblical personality
who was able to gain information by using her beauty and charm. She was
responsible for the fall of Samson a known Israelite leader who
terrorized the Philistines

2. Sun Tzu- a Chinese- “Father of Intelligence” philosopher, in his book

“PING FA” (Art/Principles of War) - the earliest known textbook on the art
of general warfare- once said; “If you know your enemy and know
yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you
know yourself but not your enemy, for every victory, you will suffer
defeat. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you are fool
who will meet defeat in every battle.”

Captured agents should be treated with benevolence, tempted with

bribes, led away and comfortably housed. He realized that if such mean
could be turned, they would be in position to report on their previous master
strengths and weaknesses.
Condemned spies were less fortunate; Unknown to them they were
fed completely false information by Sun Tzu’s agents, sent into enemy
territory and if necessary compromised. When they were captured and
tortured, the information that they were able to divulge was wholly incorrect,
leading the enemy to miscalculate his response. When the enemy learned of
his mistake the spy was put to death, but by then it was often too late.

3. Alexander “The Great”- a “Renowned Greek Conqueror” Under the

tutelage of Aristotle, Alexander the Great King of Macedonia, became the
first ruler to utilize intelligence as a weapon of government. He divided a
simple but highly effective system of covert ciphers.
He introduced a primitive form of “Cabinet Noir” (Internal
Monitoring) when he instigated postal censorship into the army and
investigated letters and malcontents.

4. Sir Francis Walsingham of England- He was credited with creating

the first viable secret service in England. He protected Queen Elizabeth I
from countless assassins. “Regarded as the “First Great Spymaster.”

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
5. Mata Hari (1876-1917) - Ironically, Mata Hari is one of the best known
spies in history, yet she was one of the worst.
When World War I broke out, Mata Hari was in Berlin, where she had
recently befriended the Chief of police, who subsequently enlisted her into
the ranks of the German Secret Service. She carried on her life as before
dancing naked on the stage and dispensing her services liberally to those
who could afford her.

6. Frederick “the Great”

The “Father of Organized Military Espionage”.
 He divided his agents into for classes:
1. Common Spies- recruited among poor folk, glad to earn small sum
or to accommodate a military officer;
2. Double Spies- the low informers and unreliable renegades of value
chiefly in spreading false information to the enemy;
3. Spies of Consequence- courtiers and nobleman, staff officers and
kindred conspirators, invariably requiring a substantial bribe or bait;
4. Persons who are forced to undertake espionage against
their will.

7.Hannibal- Known as one of the “Greatest Military Strategist.

Hannibal’s invasion of Italy, the most brilliant raid in history, gained him
victories and nearly bleed Rome to death, but the mere slaughter of Romans
and a great city’s despair would not have sustained him for fifteen years if
he had not also made powerful allies and developed an excellent intelligence
system. He usually roams around the city often disguise himself as a beggar
to gather firsthand information.

8. Karl Schulmeister, “Napoleon’s Eyes”- He was credited for

establishing counterintelligence conducted against spies. He was the
master of deceit who used black mail to obtain vital information pertaining to
the personality of the enemies of Napoleon during the 18 th Century

10. Alfred Redl- One of the most brilliant intelligence agents, though he
was a homosexual. He rose to become chief of the Austro- Hungarian Secret
Service, or in other terms, director of their military intelligence system. For
more than half of his time as director of intelligence, Redl was acting as an
intelligence agent of Russia. “Homosexual Double Spy”

11. William “Wild Bill’’ Denovan- headed the Office of Strategic

Service (OSS), the immediate forerunner of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA). A lawyer and millionaire Republican, Donovan enjoyed
Roosevelt’s trust, friendship and most crucial of all- direct access to the
inner sanctums of the White House

What are the sample of Intelligence Units?

1. Federal Bureau of Investigation

First established in 1908 as an investigative arm of the U.S.
Department of Justice and became what is known as the F.B.I. under its first
director John Edgar Hoover in 1924. On September 6, 1939 by a presidential
directive, it came to its responsibility the task of a domestic intelligence.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
2. CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
Military intelligence agency of United States of America and engaged
in many undercover activities throughout the world. A predecessor of the
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which was formed in 1942 and renamed
CIA in 1947. It was the Central Intelligence group established during the time
of President Truman.

3. KGB- Komitet Gusodarstevenoy Bezopasnosti-

Intelligence Agency of Russia. Literally means The Committee for State
Security established in 1917 and became known as KGB in 1954.

4. MOSSAD- (Mossad Merkazi Le- Modiin U- Letafridim M-

eyudim)-“Central Institute for Intelligence and Security”- Israel

5. SIS- Secret Intelligence Service- Great Britains intelligence agency

and also known by its wartime designation, “MI6”, equivalent to US’s CIA,
in charge with gathering information overseas and with other strategic
services ranging from foreign espionage to covert political intervention.

6. SDECE- (Secret de Documentation Exterieure et Contre-

Espionage)- France

7. SAD- (Social Affairs Department)- China

Note: The counterpart of these intelligence organizations in the Philippines

is the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) which is under
the Office of the National Security Adviser

Col. Rudolph Abel - (Russian) - was probably the highest ranking and most
successful spy whoever infiltrated the United States.

Mathew Cevetic- a famous undercover assignment of FBI infiltrated the

communist party.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
Definition of Intelligence:

Intelligence. A product created through the process of planning, directing,

collecting, collating, and analyzing data, for dissemination as usable
information that typically assesses events, locations of adversaries, to allow
the appropriate deployment of resources to reach a desired outcome.

In the Military parlance, it is the product resulting from the collection,

evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of all available
information which concerns one or more aspect of foreign nations or are
areas of operations and which is immediately or potentially significant to

In the Police parlance, it is the end-product resulting from the collection,

evaluation, analysis, integration, collation and interpretation of all available
information which concerns one or more aspects of criminal activity
significant to police planning operation.

What are the Principles of Intelligence?

a. The Principle of Objectivity/Objectiveness

Intelligence must be based on the decision-makers own plans and
intentions as much as on consideration of the intelligence targets. In
intelligence, only well guided will succeed.
b. The Principle of Interdependence (Mutually dependent)
Operation and intelligence planners work hand and hand to attain a
greater degree of success in their common effort. This goes also to logistics,
personnel, plans/programs, training and budget.
c. Principles of Continuity
It simply means that information, events, and reports must be
continuous and intelligence activities follow a simple continuous
intelligence cycle. Intelligence coverage must be continuing so that the
shape of what happened today could be studied in the light of what
happened before, which in turn would enable to predict the shape of things
to come.
d. Principle of Communication
Intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to all the
decisions makers in a manner that they will understand and inform that will
permit its most effective use. Intelligence is useless if it remains in the
minds, or in the files of its collectors or its producers.
e. Principle of Selection
Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand.
f. Principle of Timeliness
Intelligence must be communicated or must be available on time to
the decision maker to permit its most effective use.
g. Principle of Usefulness (Use)
Intelligence must be adequate for the purpose for which it will be

h. Principle of Flexibility
Intelligence must have the ability to change or be changed according
to circumstances. Hench, alternatives must be drawn.
26 | P a g e Crime Detection and Investigation 1
Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
i. Principle of Security
Security is achieved by measures which the intelligence takes to
protect and preserve the integrity of its organization personnel, method,
sources, information and results of its activities.
j. Principle of imagination and foresight
The operator and the agent must be given the leeway to use his
resourcefulness to obtain more than what is normally required.

What are the Concept and Classification of Intelligence?

1. Intelligence as a process- is an activity which treats, processed

information as a basis for departmental policy and decision- making.
2. Intelligence as an organization- It is an institution composed of
persons who pursue a social kind of knowledge for the purpose of planning
the collection of information, processing and dissemination of intelligence
relating to the area of interests.
3. Intelligence Community- is the conglomeration of all intelligence units
and agencies in a country composed of civilian, military and quasi-military

What are the Types of Police Intelligence?

1. Strategic Intelligence- Intelligence information which is primarily long-
range in nature with little or no immediate practical value.
2. Counter-Intelligence- It deals with defending of the organization against
it criminal enemies (Defensive Effort)
3. Line Intelligence- The type of intelligence which is of an immediate
nature and necessary for more effective planning and operations.
(Offensive Effort)
4. Undercover work - It is an investigative process in which disguises and
pretext, cover and deception is utilized

What are the Forms of Police Intelligence?

1. Overt- When the information or documents are procured openly without
regard as to whether the subject of investigation becomes knowledgeable
of the purpose or purposes for which it is being gathered.
2. Covert- When the information is obtained without the knowledge of the
person against whom the information or documents may be used.
3. Semi Overt/ Covert- When the information is obtained from open
sources but the person against whom the said information will be used do
not have any knowledge about it.

What is Military Intelligence?

Military Intelligence- It is an evaluated and interpreted information

concerning an actual or possible enemy or treat operations including
Weather and Terrain, together with the conclusions withdrawn there from.

What are the Types of Military Intelligence?

1. Strategic Intelligence- is a type of intelligence which pertains to the
capabilities, vulnerabilities, and probable course of action of foreign

What are the Components of Strategic Intelligence?

27 | P a g e Crime Detection and Investigation 1
Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
a. Political Intelligence- deals with the domestic and foreign
relationships of government operation.
b. Economic Intelligence- deals with the extent and utilization of
natural and human resources to the industrial potential nation.
c. Transportation and Communication Intelligence- concerned with
operation and facilities not only the military but also the civilians.
d. Sociological Intelligence- deals with the demographic and
psychological aspect of groups of people.
e. Biographical Intelligence- deals with the individual personalities
having actual possession of power. (Scientist)
f. Armed force Intelligence- deals with the Armed Forces of the
g. Geographical Intelligence- deals with the natural as well as man-
made features of physical environment of man considered from the
point of view of military operation.
h. Scientific Intelligence- deals with the progress of research and
development as it affects the economic and military potential of a

2. Combat Intelligence- is a type of intelligence that pertains to the

knowledge of People, Weather, Enemy and Terrain (PWET) used in
planning and conducting tactical and administrative operation in a
counter insurgency. It provides the commander with information and
conclusions concerning the area of operations, enemy capabilities and
vulnerabilities in order to determine their probable effect on his course of
action. Combat intelligence is required by the commander in order to
determine the best use of his available firepower and maneuver forces, to
accomplish his mission, and to maintain the security of his command.

What is the intelligence information to be determined?

a. People (living conditions, sources of income, education of the people,
livelihood, extent of enemy influence)
b. Weather (Visibility, Cloudy, temperature, rain, wind)
c. Enemy (location, strength, tactical capability, enemy vulnerability)
d. Terrain (relief and drainage system, obstacle, critical terrain features,
observation and fields of fire)


1. Criminal Intelligence (CRIMINT) - production of intelligence
essential to the prevention of crime and the investigation, arrest and
prosecution of criminal offenders.
2. Internal Security Intelligence (INSIT) - knowledge essential to
the maintenance of peace and order.
3. Public Safety Intelligence (PUSINT) - knowledge essential to
ensuring the protection of lives and properties.


28 | P a g e Crime Detection and Investigation 1

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
Information – All raw data or evaluated materials of every description
derived from observation, communication, reports, rumors, imagination and
other sources from which intelligence is produced.

Intelligence Information – All evaluated information of every description

including those derived from observation, reports, rumors, imagery, and
other source from which intelligence is produced.

Source – Where the information is obtained.



 The information may be obtained from news files, libraries,
magazines, books, or non- classified files in certain public or
private offices. 99% of the information collected is coming from
open sources. This can be from: Enemy activity; POW;
Civilians; Captured Documents; Map; Weather forecast;
Studies; researches; reports; etc.; Agencies; Informants
and informers.

 They can be located inside a building, safe or vaults. 1% of all
information is from close sources. This can be from:
Surveillance; Casing; Elicitation; Surreptitious entry;
Employment of technical means (bugging and tapping);
Tactical interrogation; Observation and description.

Bugging- it is the placement of a hidden microphone to the target to collect

to telephone conversation.

Wiretapping- a method of collecting information through interception of

telephone conversation.

Persons as source of Information:

1. Information Net – Controlled group of people who worked through the
direction of the agent handler. The informant’s principal or cutouts supply
the agent handler directly or indirectly with intelligence information.
2. Informant – refers to a person who gives information to the police
voluntarily or involuntarily without any consideration.
3. Informer – Those who gives information to the police for price or reward.



 In this phase, the Intel Staff Officer or Unit commander
determines the required or important information relevant to
mission. Then these requirements will be distributed to the
different collection agencies by direction or by request.
A. Determination of requirements:

29 | P a g e Crime Detection and Investigation 1

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
a. Enemy capabilities including time, place, strength or other
b. Enemy vulnerabilities including the nature, extent permanence
or other details.
c. Enemy order of battle
d. Terrain including natural and artificial obstacle and weather
e. Information desired by higher, lower or adjacent headquarters.
B. Determination of the essential elements of information (EEI)
 An item of intelligence or information of the characteristics of the area
of operations and the enemy, which the commander feels needed
before he can reasonably arrive at a decision.
 These are evaluation based on the existing situation, current domestic
and foreign situations, national objectives, etc. In here, there is no set
formula but judgment and experience are necessary.
3. Establishment of priorities (P.I.R’s)
 This is necessary to decide which items of information are more
important – a system of priority is needed; critical importance and
lesser importance; EEI – highest priority intelligence requirements
essential to planning.


 In this phase, the collecting agency determines what specific
information is to be collected, by whom and from whom. After the
collecting activity is carried out, the collected information is then
submitted for processing.


A. Recording
 The reduction of information into writing or some other form of
geographical representation and the arranging of this information into
groups of related items.
B. Evaluation
 The determination of the pertinence of the information to the
Operation reliability of the source or of the agency the accuracy of the
information; or examination of raw information to determine
intelligence value.

Evaluation to Determine:
a. Pertinence (usefulness) - Does it hold some value to current
operation? Is it needed?
b. Reliability (dependable) -Judging the source of information
c. Credibility (truth of information)
 Is it possible for the reported fact or event to have taken
place? Is the report is consistent within itself? Is the report is
confirmed or corroborated by information from different
sources or agencies? If the report does not agree with
information from other sources, which one is more likely to
be true?

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence


A– Completely 1–Confirmed T– Direct observation by the
by other commander and chief of a unit
reliable sources U– Reports by penetration agent
B– Usually 2– Probably or resident agent
reliable true V–Report by PNP/AFP troops
C– Fairly involved in encounter
reliable 3–Possibly W– Interrogation of captured
D– Not usually true enemy agent/foreigner
reliable 4–Doubtfully X–Observation of government and
E–Unreliable true civilian employee or official
F--Reliability 5 –Improbable Y– Observation by a member of
cannot be 6–Truth the populace
judged cannot be Z - Documentary


C. Interpretation
 It is establishing the meaning and significance of information. It
involves the following:

1. Analysis - The determination of significance of information relative to the

information and intelligence already known and drawing deductions about
probable meaning of the evaluated information. It is done by shifting and
isolating those elements that have significance in light of the mission or
national objective.
2. Integration - It is combination of the elements stated in assessment with
other known information or intelligence to form a logical feature or
hypothesis for enemy activities or the information of the operational area
and characteristics of the omission of the command.
3. Deduction - The formulation of conclusions from the theory developed,
tested and considered valid; determination of effort and meaning of the


31 | P a g e Crime Detection and Investigation 1

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
 Final phase of the cycle. Processed information is disseminated to the
agency, unit or command to effect or implement the mission.
Dissemination is through:

Criteria of Dissemination:

1. Timeliness - must reach the users in time to be of value

2. Propriety - The message must be clear, concise and complete, as well
as in the proper form for the receiver to readily understand its contents. It
must be disseminated to the correct user, presented in a form that leads
itself to immediate use and distributed by the most effective means
appropriate to the both time and security requirements.

 It is the result of intelligence planning. Planning is always ahead of
operation although an operation can be made without a plan. It is
usually due to sudden and inevitable situations but definitely, this is
poor intelligence management.
Infiltration - the insertion of action agent inside the target
Penetration- recruitment of action agent inside the target


 It is a system or plan whereby information of intelligence value is
obtained through the process of direct communication where one or
more of the parties to the communication is /are unaware of the
specific purpose of the conversation.
Two devices in the conduct of Elicitation:
1. Approach- the process of setting people to start talking.
2. Probe- the process to keep the person talking incessantly.

Types of Approach:
1. Flattery- people are susceptible to praise
a. Teacher- Pupil approach- the subject is treated as an authority.
We request him/her to enlighten us and we solicit his viewpoint and
opinions. The collector builds the theme that he is an ignorant
student who wants to learn from the all knowing teacher, in
b. Kindred Soul approach-The subject has been place in a pedestal
having some specialized quality and you flatter him/ her by showing
enough concern for his/ her welfare to pay special attention to his
enjoyment. The collector attempts to build on professional
brotherhood and understanding of what the source of information is
going through and sharing the source’s frustrations.
c. Good Samaritan approach- is sincere and valid offers of help and
assistance are made to the subject.
d. Idol- The collector builds them based on his/her deep admiration of
the source of information and express curiosity on how one could
achieve such greatness.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
2. Provocative approach-discover a wide range of conversational gambits.
a. Teaser Bait Approach- the collector will direct the conversation
and to a certain topic and throw out a provocative statement that
may be incorrect, which will in effect force the source to correct the
b. Man from Missouri Approach- The collector will disbelieve what
the source is saying to a point where the source is force or prove
the accuracy of his words through additional information. The
elicitor adopts unbelievable attitudes above anything. He questions
all statements and oppositions.
c. Joe Blow Approach (Know it all) –The collector will become
arrogant and project a message that he/she knows it all.
Eventually, the source of information starts to show the intelligence
collector, how much he doesn’t know by divulging additional
information, generally prefaced by “Well if you know everything, did
you know……?
d. National Pride Approach- nature propensity of all people to
defend their country and its policies. The collector will tie the
required information to national pride in an attempt to get the
source to confirm, deny or elaborate on information.
e. Partial- Disagreement approach- seek to produce talking by the
word “I’m sure if I fully agree”.

What is Casing?
 Literally means putting a thing, or place in a case. As used in
intelligence operation – the continuous monitoring of a place or area at
a given period of time.
 In intelligence operation, it is reconnaissance or surveillance of a
building, place or area to determine its suitability for intelligence use
or its vulnerability in operations.

What is Surveillance?
It is a process or act of keeping person, premises or vehicles under
observation in order to acquire detailed information concerning the activities,
identities and contact of the subject. It is concerned primarily with persons. It
involves many varied techniques and skills including preparation, foot
surveillance, automobile surveillance, stationary of fixed surveillance, and
reconnaissance. Also, tailing, shadowing, trailing or keeping the subject
under observation.

TERMS USED (Please Memorize):

 Pre-surveillance Conference - A conference held among the team
members, police intelligence unit before a surveillance is conducted.
 Stake out - The observation of places or areas from a fixed-out point.
 Tailing or Shadowing - It is the observation of a person’s movement.
 Undercover Man - A person trained to observe and penetrate certain
organization suspected of illegal activities and the later reports the
observation and information so that proper operational action can be made.
 Liaison Program - This is the assignment of trained intelligence personnel
to other agencies I obtain information of police intelligence value.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
 Safe House - It is place, building, enclosed mobile, or an apartment, where
police undercover men meet his action agent for debriefing or reporting
 Drop - It is a convenient, secure, and unsuspecting place where a police,
undercover man, informer, or informant by a pre-arrangement leaves a note,
a small package, an envelope to item for the action agent, supervisor or
another agent.
 Convoy - An accomplice or associate of the subject.
 Decoy - Any person almost similar to the subject used to avoid or elude
 Contact - Any person or subject picks or deals with while he is under
 Made (burn out) -When subject under surveillance becomes aware that he is
under observation and identifies the observer
 Lost - When the surveillants do not know the where about of their subject or
the subject had eluded the surveillants.
 Rabbit (hare) - Term referring to the subject of shadowing and tailing.
 Test for tailing - The common trick of the subject (rabbit) when he becomes
conscious that he is being tailed. The rabbit usually boards a public
conveyance then jumping off the vehicle then he looks about quickly to
determine if any another person jumps off also.
 Finger man- an individual who can positively point the subject.
 Put the finger on- to identify the subject by pointing him out in person or in
 Put to bed- when the subject under surveillance returns to quarter and
apparently retire for the night.

What are the Classification of Surveillance according to intensity?

1. Discreet- one in which every effort is made to ensure that the subject is
unaware that he is under observation/surveillance.
2. Close Surveillance- one in which maintaining constant observation of
the subject is the objective regardless of whether or not he becomes
aware of the surveillant.
3. Loose- one in which may be applied frequently or infrequently with the
period of observation varied of each occasion.

What are the Classification according to method?

1. Fixed or Stationary method (Stake out/ Plant) Observation of place
usually a bookie stall, gambling joint, or a residence where illegal
activities are committed (fixed point position).
2. Moving Surveillance - Surveillants follow the subject from place to
place to maintain continuous watch/ observation of his/ her activities.
3. Technical and Audio- visual surveillance Uses communication and
electronic hardware’s, gadgets, systems and equipments. Ex: taps and

What are the kinds of surveillance?

a. Stake Out or Surveillance of Places
b. Tailing or shadowing
c. Undercover investigation or “Roping”

What are the Classification of Clandestine Agent?

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
1. PRINCIPAL AGENT is a managerial agent and in most cases the
leader of the agent network..
2. ACTION AGENT- is the doer of the clandestine task and further
classified according to the task that he was assigned. (e.g. Espionage,
Saboteur, Strongman, Propagandist, Provacateur)
3. SUPPORT AGENT - an agent who engages in activities which support
the clandestine operation. This agent performs all types of auxiliary
services at the direction of the case or project officer.

What is Cover and Undercover/Roping?

Undercover/ Roping Operation- an intelligence/ investigation technique in

which the investigator conceals his true identity and adopts an assumed role
to accomplish an intelligence/ investigation mission.

COVER - Any device by person, organization to insure that one who does not
have the right to know must be aware of the real purpose of the mission. Or
it is a means by which an individual group or organization conceals the true
nature of its acts and or existence from the observer.

COVER STORY - A biographical data through fictional, which will portray the
personality of the agent he assumed: any scenario to cover up the operation.

COVER SUPPORT - An agent assigned in target areas with the primary

mission of supporting the cover story.

What are the Essential Types of Cover?

1. Natural cover - using actual or true background
2. Artificial - using biographical data adopted for the purpose
3. Cover within a Cover -Justification of existence.
4. Multiple cover - Any cover you wish.

What are the Types of Undercover Assignment?

a. Dwelling Assignment-to reside in or near the dwelling of target to

maintain constant contact with the home life of the subject.
b. Work Assignment- getting employed where the investigator can
observe the activities of the subject at his place of work.
c. Social Assignment- frequent places of entertainment and
amusement habitually being visited by the target.
d. Personal Contact Assignment- the investigator is required to
develop the friendship and trust of the target.
e. Multiple Assignment – the investigator is tasked to cover two or
more of the above specific assignments simultaneously; it can produce
extensive information with minimum expenses but more prone to
f. Rope job - striking up friendship with the subject.

Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for
the LORD your God, he it is that does go with you; he will not fail
you, nor forsake you.
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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

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