Pravin Resume OLD
Pravin Resume OLD
Pravin Resume OLD
Career Objective
To handle adequate responsibilities with challenges in an organization where I can grow &
contribute to its goals. I want learn as much as I can so that opportunities for advancement arise
and I could prove a valuable asset for the organization.
Professional Summary
Technical Skills
Operating Systems Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows 2003,
Windows XP, WCE, Windows Mobile and Ms-Dos
Database MS-Access 2000, SQL SERVER 7.0, SQL SERVER
2000, SQL SERVER 2008
Development Tools Visual Basic .Net, ADO.Net, C#
Sheorey Digital System Ltd. Software Developer Feb 2011 to Till Date.
Rajkamal Bar-Scan Systems Pvt Ltd. Programmer Feb 2008 to Jan 2011.
DenSoft InfoTech Pvt. Ltd. Web Developer Nov 2006 to Jan 2008.
Project Details
Logistics & Inventory Management Sub System (LIMSS):
The ARMS® LIMSS V2 is a comprehensive and integrated solution which addresses the Logistics
& Inventory Management activities not only for airlines/ air transport operators, but can also be
used very effectively by MRO organizations.
It is an automation enabler whereby the complex demand/ supply scenario in an airline/ MRO, in
terms of flow of materials, consumables, LRUs, sub-assemblies and rotables is coordinated to
achieve (a) minimum inventory costs and (b) just-in-time positioning to avoid AOGs on one hand
and avoid excess dead stock, on the other. This is achieved through the effective use of statisti-
cal inventory management tools and seamless and efficient flow of information throughout the
organization, thus enabling proactive management of the supply chain.
Bar Coding of Inventory and Printing of the same has been the latest feature added to an increas-
ing list of advanced features of ARMS® LIMSS V2 has been developed and implemented by me
apart from the other roles defined below.
Involved in Designing and Implementing User Activeness
Regularly analyze and Review the reports developed and make enhancements to them
if recommended by users
Preparation of functional specifications.
Designed the feature considering future requirements also
Resolved issues independently.
Unit Testing
IDA Website:
This site contain all over world dentist information and their activities like National &
International Conferences. Only IDA Members can see details of Dentist Doctors and IDA
Also, Contains information about National Colleges, Universities, Laboratories of dental.
The main attraction of that site is IDA contains 24 State Branches and approximately 190 of
Local Branches it shows the maps of all state branches with its location
Additional Features:-
Online Member – login only for member, students, Manufacturer, Supplier.
Online Patient Education.
Labeling & reporting.
Preparation of functional specifications.
Designed the feature considering future requirements also
Resolved issues independently.
Was responsible for communicating issues and getting them resolved
Unit & Integration Testing
Reading employee card and record the time-in and time-out. Generating a report in excel at the
end of the month. A form to add the leaves and time details manually. Send Mail to HR at Month
End from system.
Complete SDLC responsibly completed by self.
The Project was Designed & Developed for ICICI Prudential, NCDEX.
Screen for adding/uploading asset details. Printing labels based on asset id. Form for
uploading the scanned assets and then generating reports about the actual location of
assets and new location.
Complete SDLC responsibly completed by self.
Project Details :- Device Applications
Complete SDLC responsibly completed by self.
RFID Application:
Read, Write RFID Tags from Windows Mobile Device using Intermec IP30
Send these data Using Wi-Fi in database and verify.
Complete SDLC responsibly completed by self.
Customer Details:
Complete SDLC responsibly completed by self.
TATA Wiron:
In Dispatch process the coils are dispatched, scan this coil barcode
And verify from oracle database. Get the coil wt from weighing machine in application through
COM port and save this records in database using web service.
Complete SDLC responsibly completed by self.
Assembly components are put on palate and dispatch. After generating Invoice for dispatch
scan palate and components. These barcodes are verify from database. It is online system ie
all device are connected to network through Wi-Fi.
Complete SDLC responsibly completed by self.
Educational Qualifications
M.Sc (Computer Science.) From Dept. of Computer Science, North Maharashtra University,
Jalgaon. Appear
Personal Information: