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Current Science Association

Internal waves – A novel measurement technique

Author(s): Rao Tatavarti, P. N. Ananth, K. Rajasree, V. Vidyalal, P. Radhakrishnan, V. P. N.
Nampoori and C. P. G. Vallabhan
Source: Current Science, Vol. 69, No. 8 (25 October 1995), pp. 678-684
Published by: Current Science Association
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24097261
Accessed: 05-12-2024 03:08 UTC

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22. Nair, R. R., Ittekkot, V., Manganini, S., Ramaswamy, V., Geophysical Monograph No. 75, IUGG Volume 15, American
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1989, 338, 749-751. 32. Pande, K., Sarin, M. M., Trivedi, J. R., Krishnaswami, S. and
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Narvekar, P. V., de Souza, S. N. and Jayakumar, D. A., Mar. 33. Naqvi, S. W. A., Noronha, R. J., Shailaja, M. S., Somasundar,
Chem , 1994, 47, 243-254. K. and Sen Gupta, R., in Oceanography of the Indian Ocean
24. Kumar, M. D , Rajendran, A., Somasundar, K., Ittekkot, V. and (ed. Desai, B. N ), Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 1992, pp. 285-311.
Desai, B. N., in Oceanography of the Indian Ocean (ed. Desai, 34. Safiullah, S., Mofizuddin, M., Ali, S. M. I. and Kabir, S. E., in
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Received 2 September 1994; revised accepted 8 September 1995
tions between Global Climate Subsystems, The Legacy of Hann,


Internal waves - A novel measurement

Rao Tatavarti, P. N. Ananth, K. Rajasree*, V. Vidyalal*, P. R
V. P. N. Nampoori* and C. P. G. Vallabhan*

N. P. O. L., Defence Research and Development Organization, Thrikkakara, Cochin 682 021, India
♦Laser Division, International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin 682

waves occupy a vast continuum of spatial and t

We present here a novel opto-electronic technique to
scales'. Available data on oceanic motions suggest
directly measure the internal wave oscillations, created
tal scales water
by systematically disturbing a density stratified ranging from a few tens of meters to a
meters and
column with a rotating propeller in a laboratory wave temporal scales ranging from the inert
f A (order
tank. The technique, based on the principle of magnitude in days), to the Brunt Va
of laser
beam deflection (LBD), apart from beingriod Na (order of magnitude in minutes).
and highly sensitive, does not have the customary con
straints on the sampling frequency and the duration of
Internal wave
data sampling, as is the case with conventional measurements
mental procedures. The noninvasive nature of this
technique has good potential in future studies
To theof diffu
best of our knowledge, only indirect euleri
sion and mixing processes in different disciplines.
field of internal waves were measured by monitorin
closely related physical parameter like temperature
Internal waves in the ocean are ubiquitous, current being as Lagrangian field measurements of
sociated with wind and air pressure fluctuations,
ternal waves involve neutrally buoyant floats that a
changes in ocean floor topography, wakes of moving
tracked, or sensor arrays towed horizontally throu
bodies and instabilities in the water body. Studies
water. on
The literature2"6 points out the limitations of th
internal waves enable a better understandingindirect
of the eulerian
vari measurements, whereas the establis
ous mixing processes in the ocean, whichLagrangian
result in thetechniques are constrained by the uncert
redistribution of momentum, temperature (heat) and sa
ties in understanding the underlying physics7.
linity, responsible for climatic changes and, Thenutrients
electrical conductivity of salt water in the oc
responsible for biological productivity. The oceanic internal
was earlier considered to provide a convenient way

678 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 69, NO. 8, 25 OCTOBER 1995

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measuring density in a stratified fluid. In this technique, The main use of Schlieren and direct shadow
the total impedance between a relatively large fixed show the position and shapes of regions of
electrode and a much smaller, movable platinum elec- such as those occurring in high speed flow
trode is measured in an A.C. bridge network. However, lems and problems of free and forced con
two difficulties are encountered in practice. First, the
probe impedance tends to drift with time. Second, time „
response of the probe is limited, roughly by the time
required to convect material across the probe volume8. T , . .
D . ■ r- . » In this section we present a novel optical technique, based
Remote sensing of oceanic internal waves from air- , . . , J, , ... . ,
, . . „ , . on the principle of LBD, to directly quantify internal waves
borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery, a state- ,,, ... ■
e . . . , . . . ° , .. in the laboratory, generated by the rotating propeller of a
ot-art measurement technique, involves intricate call- ,,,, , , .. ,
. .. , . . . . self-propelled body submerged m a stratified water column,
brations and signature extraction techniques. As the , ■ , .. ,
In an mhomogeneous medium as in the p
patterns on SAR imagery caused by mesoscale oceanic
internal waves in a stratified water column, a laser beam
features are only a surface manifestation of subsurface
gets deflected because of the naturally occurring, time
physical processes, it is imperative to develop a robust
varying changes in the density of the medium (and there
theoretical model which links the subsurface processes
fore, the RIG) at a particular location. For laser beams
to SAR-observed surface patterns. Both the manner in
with a gaussian intensity profile, the output voltage
which SAR data are calibrated and the techniques used , , , ., , ,
x change monitored by a small area photo detector system
to extract the signatures associated with the surface . , , . . . . . . „. ;. n
. . , is closely related to the changes in beam deflection .
patterns of interest can significantly influence the ... il . . . . , . ,.
9 Using this principle we were able to directly monitor
magnitude and structure of the SAR signature .
internal waves generated by the rotatin
Laboratory investigations of internal waves primarily
stationary body placed inside a 6 mm thick
utilize noninvasive flow visualization techniques, as in situ
(1.8 m x 0.3 m x 0.5 m) containing an
monitoring of the complex internal wave dynamics is diffi- ... , . .
. .. . , . . stratified salt water column,
cult. Though flow visualization techniques give a compre
The technique depends on the deflection o
hensive picture of the processes involved, they are primaril
from its undisturbed path when it passes th
qualitative in nature. Flow visualization techniques ar
■ j. , ,. ., , . , , . _,. , in which there is a component of the gradient of the relfac
broadly subdivided into those that make use of light scat- . . , . . . „ .. ...
_ .j , tive index normal to the ray. The deflection of light ray is a
m/ rmi/ nirru» or in rha -rim/-! onH rhaoq thit mol/a ncn
tered by tiny particles in the fluid and those that make us
measure of the first derivative o
of variations in the refractive index. Among the former,
distance, i.e. the density gradi
laser Doppler anemometry is now a standard means of ob
„ _ ... . , . shown that the curvature of the ray is proportional to the
taming fluid velocities. The fluid velocity can be measured . . . , ,. . v - ■
...... r . . _ . refractive index gradient normal to the ray. If the Y axis is
with a high degree of accuracy as a function of time but ^ ^
in ,, taken m the direction of the undisturbed ray, the
only at a single point in the fluid at any given time . Al- . , ™ . .. . . ,
, . ... , , , ■ in the XY and ZY planes respectively are given by
though, recent studies have shown that the instantaneous
velocity field over a complete plane of interest in the fluid ^2x j ^
is now possible with speckle photography, the potential ~~Y-—
applications to fluid mechanics have not yet been fully ex- ^ ^
plored. (1)
Of the method
tions, the laser
effect has been
various applicat
beam deflection
tive index gradie
= f A^dy
Novel opto-el
ternal waves

Internal waves in a stratified fluid involve changes of re J H dz

fractive index across the field to be investigated, which may
If the optical disturbance is in the working section of the
be visualized or photographed using optical methods that
wave tank, the ray of light will be deflected on leaving
depend on the effects of the refractive index changes on the
the tank so that
transmission of light. Several techniques are available of
which the Schlieren techniques have been extensively used. /i sin ef = ßo sin e, (3)
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 69, NO. 8, 25 OCTOBER 1995 679

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Eil 15 625

31 - 250

ï\'z 46 875

Figure I. Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up to monitor internal waves in a stratified fluid employing the laser beam

where p0 is the refractive index of the air surrounding of 0.84 mm) was used as the probe. The deflections of the
the tank, and p is the refractive index in the working probe beam caused by the induced RIG in the medium
section. Thus, the final angular deflection e measured were detected by a position sensitive detector (PSD). The
beyond the tank is given by polished tip of a multimode optical fibre (80/120 pm)
^ served as the sensor head of the PSD. The other end of the
Ex = — f-J- dy, optical fibre was coupled to an avalanche photodiode
Mo J dx (APD, Thorn EMI make), which was incorporated into an
(4) appropriate detector circuit of very low noise level. The
£ __L f^-dy output voltage from the APD circuit is piped into a per
nio J dz ' sonal computer using a high speed analogue to digital
conversion data acquisition card. The resolution of the
where the integrals are taken over the width of the analogue t0 digital voltage conversion was 0.0024
working section. In the case of two-dimensional flow in Ag ^ probe beam .g continuouS; the sampiing f
a wave tank of width L these expressions simply become and duration Qf ^ data samp,e can be chosen w
^ ß constraints. The experimental set-up is shown in Figure 1.
£x= —-, Prior to each experiment, a mechanical chopper
ßo dx
placed between the laser source and t
' maximize the output signal by p
L dp
£z = probe beam and the PSD. During th
Mo dz however, the chopper was removed. Initially, experi
ments were carried out to ascertain that temporally
the deflections being in the direction of the RIG, i.e.
spatially varying beam deflections occur only due
towards the region of higher density. s fa ^ R,G of the medjum jn the waye tan
The noninvasive nature of this technique has potential °
,. , .... . , . . not due to the RIG at the air-perspex-water interlaces.
application in the study of diffusion and
. m I « m « m 4- n rt n4i, rI * r /\ 4" y-J , Triir, a /\ n •** /—a avi a a, a ta rt taa*/\ /a * *

Hence, the time-varying beam deflections or changes in

esses in different disciplines, especially b
the output voltages can be attributed to the internal wave
chanics. The technique can be adapted for océano
(density) fluctuations, generated by the propeller motions
graphie field applications.
of the stationary body inside the stratified water column.
Calibrations. Utilizing known density samples in the
Laboratory studies perspex tank, the output voltages of the laser beam
propagating through the samples were monit
Experimental set-up. An intensity stabilized 5 mw, He- output voltage of 3.62 V w
Ne continuous-wave laser beam (half power beam width density of 1.0043 g/cc and an

680 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 69, NO. 8, 25 OCTOBER 1995

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.. \\Density
Density- 1.0231
- 1.0231
- 0.00188
- 0.00188
♦ volt ♦ volt

0 —|—i
1 11—i
1—i1—i 1—i—i—i—i—I—i
1—i 1—i—I l l | I ii iI iI I
0 12 3 4

Initial Stratification Initial Stratification

b "2

\ \ o
o s

u \
Q \ Q

1.018 1.02
1.02 1.022
0.05 0.1
0.1 0.15
0.15 0.2

Density (g/cc) Brunt-Vaisala Freq. (Hz)

Figure 2. Initial output voltage distribution (a), calibrated density stratification (b), and the associated Brun
(c), in the laboratory tank before the start of the experiment, where N2(z) = g/p0{9p/dz).

was observed for a sample density of 1.0231 g/cc. Ini- rolled up from one end of the
tially, a step-distribution was obtained by sequentially disturbance. Molecular diffusio
introducing the bottom layer (1.0231 g/cc), the middle place for about a day, which r
layer (1.0113 g/cc) and the top layer (1.0043 g/cc) into distribution.
the tank. Before introducing the middle and top layers, a The output voltages of the
wax paper was stretched on top of the water in the tank different levels of the tank, in
and the next layer added, after which the wax paper was monitored. Figure 2 a shows th

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 69, NO. 8, 25 OCTOBER 1995 681

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voltages approximately a day after introducing the three30

o 3060
Time (s)
layers in the tank. The exponential distribution is an Tune«
artifact of the molecular diffusion. The calibration g
n o „ experimental configuration

stants were obtained after solving the simultaneou

(straight line) equations relating density and voltag
The gain and offset calibration constants were found
be 0.00188 and 1.0231 respectively. Figures 2 b and
show the corresponding density and Brunt-Vaisala dis- > -«> 400020
20 40
40 60

tributions in the tank. The output voltage from the APD Horizontal Distance (cm) Horizontal Distance (cm

circuitry which is piped into the PC as digital data is Figure 3. Experimental configuration.
Figure The crosses denote the exact
3. Experimental co
locations where measurements were made. The X-direction is de
finally calibrated aS density fluctuations locations where measurements were made. The T-direction is de
E*Per,me„,s. A, .he star, of each experta.tttal run the "
noted by 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Z-direction is denoted by A, B, C, D, E
and F. The propeller (origin) was lying 0.5 cm to the left of G.
propeller was switched on. The sampling frequency was
chosen as 100 Hz. In order to avoid reflections from the Conventional Schlieren techn
end walls of the tank, the duration of sampling for each Limitations
run was limited to 2 min, the monitored travel times of
hydrodynamical signatures from source to the end wall Qur technique is similar in principl
being greater than 2 min. Four major experiments cover- system14'15. However, the primary
ing 80 data runs in total were conducted with the laser conventional Schlieren system enab
source-detector system and the stationary body with its flow visualization based on frame-
rotating propeller placed at different positions, for the tions, whereas our technique provide
same stratification. Detailed studies on different aspects probe diagnostics continuously
of internal wave dynamics and mixing are being re- Conventional Schlieren techniques
ported elsewhere. In this article, however, we present effective in monitoring smaller dens
data from one of the typical experiments. During this medium. Indeed, when the density c
experiment, time series observations of density fluctua- (as ;n our study), conventional Schlie
tions were monitored at 24 different locations along the longer be used as there is a progress
wall of the tank forming a vertical array of time series ob- in the records that cannot be over
servations as shown in Figure 3. In this article, however, modification to the apparatus or i
data from the first vertical array of observations are only processing
being reported. For all the observations, the position of the jn addition to limitations to the di
stationary body with its rotating propeller was fixed and ancj lenses used in conventional S
only the position of the laser source-detector system was (tie effects of diffraction may resul
varied. Before each observational run, the propeller was mination on the viewing screen, whic
switched on and after each observational run of 2 min dura- bly in both extent and magnitude from
tion, the propeller was switched off, allowing the water to the basis of geometrical optics. Th
settle down to its equilibrium position. As the forcing im- siderably affect the accuracy of th
parted to the water inside the tank was not strong (just suf- when used to quantify density variatio
ficient to create internal wave fluctuations only) it is as- Even when high-speed cine cameras
sumed that the mixing created by propulsion of the station- complicated dynamical processes (l
ary body does not alter the characteristics of the stratified stratified fluid), the picture sharpness i
water column in the tank in a significant manner. The wake factory in a direction along the film than
generated by a submerged body moving through a density- Toepler-Schlieren photography
stratified medium is a turbulent region of mixed fluid of phase configurations, but our tech
homogeneous density. The observations of earlier research- the amplitude and phase of the sign
ers that due to the stabilizing effect of the stratification, signal processing techniques. More
turbulence near the wake boundary is rapidly damped and none 0f tjje limitations associated
does not cause appreciable mixing of the fluid with its sur- Schlieren techniques arise when
roundings, give ample support to our assumption. There- monitored using the present metho
fore, as the mixed fluid seeks to return to its equivalent technique reported here is more effe
density level, the region collapses vertically and internal
waves are consequently generated. At each location, the
mean density value obtained during calibration experiment Results and discussion
was deducted from the time series observations at that lo
cation to ensure that the observations reflect the actual Typical time series plots of the densi
density fluctuations caused by internal wave dynamics. the raw data, along with a plot depi
682 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 69, NO. 8, 25 OCTOBER 1995

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Table 1.
Wavenumber (values in rad/cm)
kx (values in rad/cm)

Horizontal distance
distance (cm)
10-30 30-50 50-70 10-30 30-50 50-70

£ 51 Frequency
Frequency == 0.0244
Frequency =
Hz = 0.1465
0.1465 Hz
<? +5 C
F -0.030 0.147 -0.138 0.102 0.143 -0.044
-5 E -0.206 0.199 -0.232 0.211 -0.256 0.142
D 0.208 0.031 -0.267 0.239 -0.022 -0.095
mn C -0.212 0.007 0.030 0.110 -0.098 0.109
B -0.049 0.069 -0.018 0.008 -0.470 -0.045

A -0.259 0.190 0.074 0.158 -0.071 0.067

30 60 90 12
The origin of the horizontal distances is the source of forcing.
A - F denote vertical locations separated by 2.5 cm.
Time (s)

Figure Timeseries
of of
thethe observed
observed density
density fluctuations
fluctuations caused caused
by by fluctUBtions are small, indicating the minimal forcing
the turbulent
the turbulentwake
wavesat at different
different vertical
vertical locations
locations applied on the propeller of the Stationary body to avoid
A, B,
A, B,C,
runrun E depicts
E depicts the ambient
the ambient noise
noise level at level at thereflections
the location location and significant mixing; and two, the technique
ofAA when
when the propeller was inoperative.
the propeller Inset is a schematic
was inoperative. Insetdia is a schematic dia- ..... . . , . ,
gram showing
showing locations of locations ofthe
runs A, B, C, D and runs
body S.A, B, C, D and the body S. ls verY sensitive
the uppermost plot of Figure 4. The m
Väisala frequency for our stratification was
0.2 Hz as reported earlier. Hence, the raw
+2.5 were low passed using a Chebyshev filte
£ frequency at 0.2 Hz to remove extraneous
-2.5 i5 sumably associated with nonlinearities and turbulence,
+2.5 from analysis of internal wave dynamics. However, it may
^ =— ——- be noted that the detector does not yield any output corre
-2.5 sponding to that part of the turbulence which does
induce any change in RIG in the medium. Figure 5 show
.... A. „ _
_ . „^—<V
some typical time series plots of the low passed dens
-2.5b fluctuations considered in the present study. Spect
0 3Ü ~ ~ m density plots of the low passed raw data are shown in Fig
0 30 60 90 120

Time(s) ure 6. Spectral computations were performed using a

Time (s)

Figure 5. Time series of series
5. Time the low passed
of thedensity
passedat atdensity
dif fluctuations at dif- Hanning window with 50% overlap. Th
ferent vertical locations. The data are the same as those shown in
Figure 4. IOCati°nS The da,a are the Same 35 th0Se Sh0W" in mates have approximately 10 degrees o
frequency resolution of 0.0244 Hz. The spectral obse
10+ tions have been resolved into eight frequency bands. Sig
nificant spectral energy levels at different frequency
bands can be observed in Figure 6.
Tables 1 and 2 show the scalar wavenumbers, corre
. ——
'^\ c
sponding to two frequencies in the internal wave band,
computed as kx = A<px/Ax, and k2 = A<f>z/Az, where kx is
t the horizontal wavenumber in the X-direction and k, is
\ the vertical wavenumber in the Z-direction and A<px, A<pz
s 10*
are the autospectral phase differences in the respective X
: .
and Z directions. Although kx and kz computations do not

1U2 10+
/: 10°
—m m i —i—i
correspond to the same location, they do suggest that
those in the X-direction are of an order of magnitude less
than those in the Z-direction. This is consistent with the
Frequency (Hz)
laboratory set up of a vertically stratified water column in
Figure 6. 6. Spectral
Spectral densities
densities of the of
lowthe low
passed passed
density density fluctuations the wave tank, which inhibits propagation in the vertical,
recorded at different verticalvertical
at different locations locations
A, B, C, D. The
A, units
B, C,onD.Y The units on Y- As a result, the spatially inhomogeneous turbulence un
axis are [(g/ccF/Hzl.
are [(g/cc)VHz]. Frequency
Frequency resolution resolution
is 0.0244 Hz. Degrees of is 0.0244 Hz. Degrees of , . . ,. , , .,
freedom =10 dergoes a transition to two-dimensional motion under the
freedom s 10.
action of stratification, and there would be a propensity
measurements (i.e. when the signatures were observed for a stronger horizontal propagation, as suggested
while the water in the tank was undisturbed, the propel- recent stratified shear flow experiments'7'18.
1er being stationary) are shown in Figure 4. Two inferences However, the basic observations which sugg
become evident from Figure 4. One, the amplitudes of turbulence dominates in the near field of the sou
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 69, NO. 8, 25 OCTOBER 1995 683

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Table 2. 2.
kz (values
rad/cm) in rad/cm)

Horizontal distance
(cm) (cm)
10 30 50 70 10 30 50 70

Frequency = 0.0244 Hz Frequency0.1465

= Hz

E-F 2.001 0.107 0.517 -0.231 0.379 1.255 -1.937 -0.446

D-E -1.785 1.531 0.187 -0.094 -0.624 -0.401 1.473 -0.427

C-D 1.606 -1.757 -1.944 0.427 1.292 0.259 -0.345 1.288

B-C -0.004 1.303 1.795 1.412 -0.273 -1.091 -0.685 -1.917

A-B 0.221 -1.463 -0.490 0.251 -0.941 0.266 0.073 0.968

The origin of the horizontal distances is the source of forcing.

A-F denote vertical locations separated by 2.5 cm.

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