Article in American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists · February 2023
DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000002131
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5 authors, including:
Ryan Roemmich
Kennedy Krieger Institute/Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
All content following this page was uploaded by Ryan Roemmich on 13 February 2023.
Abstract: Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability in adults in the future of precision (i.e., patient-specific) rehabilitation.13
the United States. As the healthcare system moves further into an era Artificial intelligence in particular shows outsized promise
of digital medicine and remote monitoring, technology continues to not as a replacement for the clinician but as a valuable tool that
play an increasingly important role in post-stroke care. In this Analysis can provide insight into motor function and inform clinical
and Perspective article, opportunities for using human pose estimation— decision making.14
an emerging technology that uses artificial intelligence to track human This article looks ahead to discuss promising roles for
movement kinematics from simple videos recorded using household emerging human pose estimation technology in motor rehabil-
devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets)—to improve motor assessment itation after stroke. Pose estimation is an artificial intelligence
and rehabilitation after stroke are discussed. The focus is on the poten- technology that uses computer vision to identify and track
tial of two key applications: (1) improving access to quantitative, ob- key features of the human body (e.g., leg joints and fingers)
jective motor assessment and (2) advancing telerehabilitation for per- from simple videos that are easily recorded in the home or
sons post-stroke. clinic using common household devices (e.g., smartphones
and tablets). This technology offers clear and significant potential
Key Words: Stroke, Video, Motor, Assessment, Rehabilitation, for applications in rehabilitation, as it enables quantitative mea-
Physical Therapy, Computer Vision, Pose Estimation surement of human movement kinematics in virtually any setting
(Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2023;102:S68–S74) with minimal cost, time investment, and technological require-
ments. Here, the focus is specifically on applications of pose esti-
mation in post-stroke motor assessment and telerehabilitation.
Effective rehabilitation after stroke requires accurate as-
pproximately 795,000 incidences of stroke occur annually
A 1
in the United States alone, establishing stroke as a leading
cause of long-term disability in adults. Stroke often impairs
sessment of a patient’s motor abilities and subsequent delivery
of an appropriate treatment. There is a need for new methods of
post-stroke motor assessment because current methods either
many aspects of movement, spanning fine motor control of are subjective (e.g., clinical scales such as the Fugl-Meyer As-
the fingers3,4 to complex whole-body tasks like walking.5–7 sessment15), expensive, and inaccessible to most clinicians
Rehabilitation is an essential component of post-stroke care be- (e.g., motion capture systems) or provide only limited informa-
cause early, effective interventions can lead to significant im- tion about specific, predefined features of movement (e.g., mo-
provements in motor function.8 bile applications, wearables, and gait mats). Reliance on these
Like many fields of medicine, rehabilitation continues to methods limits our abilities to track rehabilitation outcomes
accelerate into a digital era. Interest in remote measurement and timelines of post-stroke recovery because measurement
and monitoring of patient function has increased rapidly,9 and is infrequent or data limited. There is a significant role for pose
many studies have begun to investigate the feasibility and effi- estimation to address all of these limitations by enabling objec-
cacy of telerehabilitation vs. conventional physical therapy10–12 tive, low-cost, comprehensive motor assessment for persons
(Fig. 1). Technological innovations that provide new insight post-stroke.
into patient function or advance remote delivery of care will There are also significant limitations with current ap-
undoubtedly continue to play increasingly important roles in proaches to delivery of motor rehabilitation after stroke. Post-
stroke rehabilitation is commonly delivered via in-person
From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins Uni- physical, occupational, and/or speech therapy. This necessi-
versity School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland (KMC-A, MAF, JS, RTR);
Department of Physical Therapy Education, Western University of Health Sci- tates access to reliable transportation and proximity to a ther-
ences, Lebanon, Oregon (KMC-A); Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy apy clinic. Furthermore, this model of care assumes that gains
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland (JS, RTR); and Department of Kinesiol-
ogy, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (JX). achieved in the clinic will translate to real-world activities. Pa-
All correspondence should be addressed to: Kendra M. Cherry-Allen, PT, DPT, PhD, tients in vulnerable and underserved populations are in need of
Western University of Health Sciences, 2665 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon, OR more accessible approaches to rehabilitation therapy,16–19 cre-
R.T. Roemmich acknowledges funding from the RESTORE Center (via NIH grant ating a clear need to deliver therapy within real-world settings
P2CHD101913). outside of the clinic (e.g., within the home).20 Pose estimation
Margaret A. French and Jan Stenum are in training. could eventually facilitate in-home motor rehabilitation to any-
Financial disclosure statements have been obtained, and no conflicts of interest have
been reported by the authors or by any individuals in control of the content of one with access to a simple video recording device.
this article. This article is structured into three primary sections. First,
Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0894-9115 there is a brief background on human pose estimation. Second,
DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000002131 there is a discussion of applications for pose estimation in
S68 www.ajpmr.com American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation • Volume 102, Number 2 (Suppl), February 2023
FIGURE 1. The number of new articles indexed on PubMed annually over the past 5 yrs resulting from the following searches (from top to bottom):
“stroke,” “stroke rehabilitation,” “stroke remote,” “stroke telerehabilitation,” and “pose estimation.” Percentages shown above each bar plot indicate
growth from 2017 to 2021.
improving quantitative post-stroke motor assessment. Finally, human movement tracking.21–28 In these fields, it is often used
there are proposed applications for leveraging pose estimation for applications like movement pattern recognition,29–31 but
to advance telerehabilitation after stroke. pose estimation has not yet been used widely in clinical set-
tings or rehabilitation science (with notable limitations of cur-
WHAT IS HUMAN POSE ESTIMATION? rent algorithms reviewed in Seethapathi et al.32).
Human pose estimation is an artificial intelligence tech- Three important barriers have precluded clinical applica-
nology that uses computer vision to identify and track key fea- tions of pose estimation. First, it is not known how well these
tures of the human body from simple videos. A simplified way approaches track and measure movement in clinical popula-
of thinking about pose estimation is as “motion capture in your tions (e.g., persons post-stroke) where motor deficits, assistive
pocket,” where two- or three-dimensional human movement devices, and out-of-plane compensatory movements may make
kinematics can be generated from videos recorded by a com- tracking and analysis more difficult. There is a need for
mon smartphone or tablet device. This technology has rapidly large-scale validation and feasibility studies to demonstrate
gained traction in data science and neuroscience communities the clinical potential of this technology. Second, there is a need
with a wide array of different software options for performing for accessible software that can be used with minimal technical
© 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. www.ajpmr.com S69
expertise. Current algorithms require at least some degree of tively in clinical settings without access to expensive, research-
computer programming acumen to install and execute. Third, grade motion capture equipment. Furthermore, accessible tools
there is a paucity of data and awareness about potential clinical for quantitative in-home measurement of movement kinemat-
applications of pose estimation. ics are not currently available. There is clear potential for pose
Only a handful of studies have explored clinical applica- estimation to offer new approaches for precise measurement of
tions in humans (recently reviewed in Stenum et al.33), al- motor function post-stroke using accessible, affordable tech-
though this number will likely grow rapidly in the coming nologies that are commonly available within the home and
years. Existing applications of pose estimation in stroke popu- clinic (e.g., smartphones and tablets).
lations are in their nascency and have focused on estimating Third, many post-stroke motor assessments are performed
spatiotemporal gait parameters in small samples of persons using validated tasks that necessitate clinic visits because they
post-stroke.34,35 Many other computer vision-based ap- require interaction with specific objects (e.g., Nine-Hole Peg
proaches have been used to measure movement in persons Test,43 Purdue Pegboard,44 and Box and Block Test45). Beyond
post-stroke (some examples reviewed in Souza et al.36), al- the necessity of an in-person clinic visit, these types of assess-
though most of these require specialized equipment (e.g., a ments have several other important limitations. Some clinics
Microsoft Kinect device) that is inherently less accessible than may have access to only some of these assessment materials
video-based techniques like pose estimation. but not others; training is often required to administer the as-
Of note is the fact that most existing pose estimation algo- sessment appropriately; and some assessments can take con-
rithms require intensive computing capabilities. Depending on siderable time to administer (especially if the patient dem-
the duration and complexity of the video recording and desired onstrates severe impairment and completes subtasks of the
output (e.g., hand-only tracking vs. full-body tracking), a graph- assessments very slowly). There is a need to improve the flexi-
ics processing unit may be necessary for time-efficient analysis. bility of motor assessments to promote accessibility in a wider
Real-time movement tracking is also available in some algo- range of environments. Validation of pose estimation ap-
rithms (e.g., OpenPose25) but is particularly computationally proaches for tracking movements involved in these clinical stan-
intensive. Therefore, although only a simple video is needed dards against ground-truth measurements and commonly used
as an input into the pose estimation algorithm, current algo- clinical assessments could lead to the development of remote as-
rithms often require significant computing power to perform sessments that approximate these object-based tests without the
the quantitative kinematic tracking. Fortunately, there are free need for the objects themselves or an in-person clinic visit.
resources available (e.g., Google Colaboratory) that can pro-
vide this computing power remotely if the user does not own
a graphics processing unit. What Aspects of Movement Could Be Measured?
Pose estimation has the potential to capture aspects of
POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF HUMAN POSE post-stroke motor impairment that are observable in movement
kinematics. Although many devices exist for measuring move-
ESTIMATION IN POST-STROKE ment kinematics outside of the clinic (e.g., wearables, com-
MOTOR ASSESSMENT puter vision-based gaming systems), pose estimation could
provide significant advantages over existing remote monitor-
Why Use Pose Estimation to Measure Movement ing devices in that the data are inherently “raw” (i.e., there is
After Stroke? considerable flexibility in what can be measured) and, impor-
There are several reasons that automated video-based mo- tantly, no equipment is required beyond a simple video record-
tor assessments could significantly improve care for persons ing device. This subsection discusses three primary areas of
post-stroke. First, frequent motor assessment is critical for potential application: (1) fine motor control of the hand and
tracking recovery and rehabilitation progress after stroke. Cur- fingers, (2) arm movements, and (3) gait (Fig. 2).
rent standards for post-stroke motor assessment (e.g., Fugl- Many persons post-stroke exhibit kinematic deviations in
Meyer Assessment15,37 and Action Research Arm Test38,39) rely movements of the paretic hand3,4,46–53 that result from impair-
upon subjectively rated ordinal scales that require a trained clini- ments in fine motor control. Deficits in control can be quanti-
cian to manually inspect and rate the performance of many sim- fied by measuring the ability to perform skilled and/or func-
ple movement tasks and aspects of motor function or impair- tional movements with the fingers39,45,54–56 or by testing the
ment. Many of these are largely kinematic in nature and could ability to individuate movements of one finger from an-
be captured using pose estimation, including assessments of other.3,4,46,47,57 Many key aspects of these assessments—
movement speed, amplitude, and range of motion. The reliance flexion and extension of individual fingers, closing the fingers
upon the time and expertise of the clinician limits the frequency and thumb in a precision grip, opening of the hand, and move-
with which motor assessments can be performed, thereby limit- ment of the fingers in isolation of one another—can be cap-
ing information about the trajectory of the patient’s recovery tured in movement kinematics and could lend well to assess-
and/or rehabilitation. Pose estimation provides an avenue for ment via pose estimation. It was recently shown that several
fast, accurate, and objective measurement of motor function in relevant tasks—hand opening and closing, hand pronation and
persons post-stroke. supination, and finger tapping—can be tracked accurately using
Second, persons post-stroke often exhibit a wide variety of pose estimation in healthy young adults,58 although this ap-
motor deficits that vary in type and severity.5,6,37,40–42 Many proach has not yet been validated in persons post-stroke.
persons post-stroke exhibit impairment in fine motor control Beyond confirming existing assessments, video-based
and gait, but these impairments are difficult to assess quantita- pose estimation also holds promise for filling existing gaps in
S70 www.ajpmr.com © 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
FIGURE 2. A, General workflow for using pose estimation for measurement of clinically relevant movement kinematics. B, Example applications for
using pose estimation to track movement kinematics with clinical relevance for persons post-stroke.
post-stroke dexterity assessment. Clinical assessments of dex- point, and joint individuation of shoulder, elbow, and wrist.
terous hand movements often use ecologically sound tasks Interestingly, joint individuation was the best predictor of kine-
(e.g., precision grip and object manipulation) at the expense matic properties such as reaching path curvature and end-point
of granularity. On the other hand, laboratory-based kinematic/ error.68 Video-based pose estimation may be an accessible tool
kinetic assessments with higher granularity often ignore key for capturing these kinematic features. Furthermore, such anal-
aspects of real-world dexterous control. For example, most as- yses may provide richer kinematic information than can be ob-
sessments of finger individuation rely on devices that only as- tained in most current clinical settings, allowing clinicians and
sess movement in one or two dimensions (e.g., finger flexion researchers to directly relate these measures with clinical as-
and extension) but omit other movements that are key aspects sessments. For example, the Fugl-Meyer Assessment of Upper
of hand dexterity (e.g., abduction/adduction and circumduc- Extremity impairment after stroke underscores impairment in
tion). One study using the Cyber Glove (Virtual Technologies, out-of-synergy joint movements (e.g., joint extension, shoulder
Palo Alto, CA) showed that abduction and adduction were elevation/retraction/abduction/rotation, forearm pronation/supination,
more impaired than flexion/extension in persons post-stroke.4 wrist circumduction).15 These assessments often cannot be fully
However, the Cyber Glove also has limited resolution. For in- captured by laboratory-based motion capture systems, and clin-
stance, it does not accurately assess middle finger abduction/ ical scores lack granularity and are based on subjective visual in-
adduction, and the measured ranges of motion for all the finger spection. Pose estimation may have the potential to extract de-
joints were consistently much smaller than those assessed with- tailed kinematic information with a higher level of granularity
out wearing the glove.4 Moreover, individuation impairment than Fugl-Meyer scores, although the accuracy of this approach
assessed using the Cyber Glove is only minimally correlated has yet to be tested. However, also note that pose estimation will
with clinical assessment of hand function.4,59 not be able to capture other important aspects of hand dexterity,
Because of the lack of granularity of these assessment including sensory feedback,69 and force production.70
tools, it is difficult to determine the relationship between indi- Finally, more than half of persons post-stroke have resid-
viduation and other hand functions. One reason for this dif- ual gait impairments even after prolonged rehabilitation.71 Gait
ficulty is that motor control variables omitted from these dysfunction is heterogeneous and idiosyncratic after stroke:
assessments—such as movement direction, velocity, and spa- deficits are apparent in a variety of leg joint movements (e.g.,
tial and temporal coordination across fingers—may play essen- stiff knee and foot drop5,6,72–76), spatiotemporal gait parame-
tial roles in functional everyday activities. Another possible ters (e.g., shortened paretic stance time and asymmetric step
reason is that clinical assessments often quickly reach a ceiling lengths5,7,77,78), and measures of global gait function (e.g.,
when residual deficits can only be detected by kinematic/ slowed walking speed6,78). Many clinical facilities rely on ei-
kinetic measures. These fine-grained analyses become more ther subjective visual inspection of gait or devices like wear-
informative with respect to dexterous control, where the motor ables or instrumented gait mats that provide only limited and
repertoires push the boundary regions of the neural/biomechanical predefined gait metrics (e.g., spatiotemporal parameters but
constraints.60 Detection of these subtle impairments is critical little/no information about whole-body gait kinematics). How-
in determining the true recovery of those repertoires vs. com- ever, it is possible that many (if not all) of the deficits in kine-
pensation after stroke. For example, persons post-stroke have matics and spatiotemporal gait parameters mentioned above
demonstrated impairment in anticipatory shaping of hand pos- could be measured using movement tracking via pose estima-
ture in a reach-and-grasp task and exhibited a compensatory tion. Indeed, recently developed pose estimation–based gait
strategy of increasing metacarpophalangeal joint flexion to ad- analysis workflow demonstrated accurate measurement of a
just to different object shapes.61 wide variety of gait parameters in healthy adults79 and others
Movements of the paretic arm are also impaired in many have shown preliminary data suggesting that similar ap-
persons post-stroke.41,62–66 Persons post-stroke commonly proaches can accurately estimate selected gait parameters in
show kinematic deviations in reaching movements,41,67 includ- persons post-stroke.34,35 Similar to the other domains of move-
ing impairments in velocity, path curvature, index finger end- ment that we have discussed previously, there is a clear need for
© 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. www.ajpmr.com S71
larger validation studies in persons post-stroke; however, early cators of patient recovery with improved accuracy when com-
results suggest exciting potential for assessing post-stroke gait pared with reliance on clinical scores.
using pose estimation-based gait analysis. Second, pose estimation stands to advance the field of
post-stroke rehabilitation by allowing clinicians and re-
searchers to “see behind the curtain” into how people move
POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF HUMAN in the real world and better understand the real-world impact
POSE ESTIMATION IN REHABILITATION of clinical interventions. Because pose estimation requires only
AFTER STROKE a simple video that can be recorded using household devices,
The ability to measure movement kinematics via pose es- there is significant potential for measuring patient kinematics
timation has the potential for significant impact on post-stroke during natural behaviors directly in the home or other commu-
rehabilitation practice. First, it can provide clinicians with a nity setting. Improving real-world performance is the ultimate
readily accessible tool to gather quantitative data about move- objective of rehabilitation, and clinicians and researchers oper-
ment quality, thus generating a more comprehensive picture ate under the assumption that a person’s in-clinic movement
of a patient’s movement status and changes to that status that abilities directly reflect how he/she moves in daily life. How-
occur during rehabilitation. Traditionally, precise kinematic ever, recent evidence challenges this assumption. Indeed, clin-
data were unavailable to clinicians as they required expensive ical motor capacity and real-world motor performance of the
and sophisticated three-dimensional motion analysis hardware paretic arm have been found to be incongruent in persons
and software to obtain. Typical clinical outcomes focus on post-stroke.88 Pose-estimation movement analysis obtained
whether a person can execute a functional task (e.g., Can a per- during real-world activity may help clinicians understand to
son pick up a cup to drink? How many steps does a person take what extent movement and movement improvements exhibited
in a day?), with only sparse observation-based information in the clinic reflect movement in the home and contribute to
gathered about how a person completes the task (e.g., move- more naturalistic accounts of meaningful changes during
ment quality). However, during a recent “Stroke Recovery post-stroke rehabilitation.89
and Rehabilitation Roundtable,” experts agreed that there is Finally, pose estimation–based movement analysis can be
an urgent need to include movement quality measures (e.g., ki- incorporated into a growing realm of rehabilitation: telereha-
nematics) in stroke rehabilitation trials.80 bilitation (Fig. 3). Telerehabilitation—the delivery of rehabili-
Several studies support the need for inclusion of move- tation in the home via videoconferencing—has emerged as a
ment quality measures in post-stroke rehabilitation. For in- promising mode to overcome access to in-person care.90
stance, upper extremity kinematics in persons post-stroke Home-based stroke rehabilitation is safe and provides impor-
(e.g., movement time, trajectory length, directness, smooth- tant insight about environmental factors that influence mobil-
ness, and trunk displacement) were sensitive to change over ity. As in in-person post-stroke rehabilitation, a critical element
time, correlated with single time point upper extremity of effective telerehabilitation is the ability to collect quantita-
Fugl-Meyer scores, and associated with clinically meaningful tive data about an individual’s movement.91 A number of re-
improvements.81–84 Similarly, lower extremity kinematics— cent technologies have aimed to meet this need. For instance,
particularly those of the paretic leg—are correlated with mea- body sensors can identify the type and quantity of movement
sures of gait function and may be used to identify individuals during practice or daily routines.92 Microsoft Kinect and vir-
with continuing gait deficits,85 despite appearing fully “recov- tual reality systems are able to track reaching and grasping
ered” on traditional scales of gait function (gait speed).86,87 movements within a defined area.93,94 Pose estimation–based
Thus, quantitative movement analysis is an important clinical movement analysis can be used in conjunction with these other
tool for assessing pathologies and could provide real-time indi- remote monitoring tools but has the advantage of not requiring
FIGURE 3. Conceptual diagram showing a clinician-centered approach for using pose estimation to measure in-home movement kinematics and, in
turn, leveraging these data to facilitate in-home telerehabilitation.
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