1.1. Background of The Study
1.1. Background of The Study
1.1. Background of The Study
The current Registration System in PLP doesnt seem to go with the flow that is why we, as group, plan to create an easier and faster registration for the benefits of the students of BSCS. The system handles all types of registration for long-term care. This module facilitates scheduling and registration for different categories of students like freshmen, sophomore, Junior and Senior. It may also be used as local assessment of BSCS for their college fees. The system is designed for the professors and other authorized personnel in the college office to enable them to easily produce information required by the different students in the colleges. It provides automatic update of information services like schedules, section, subject and professors.
1.2. Statement of the problem 1.2.1. General Problem The system attempted to monitor the registration of all BSCS students in PLP. Here are the some questions needed to be answered. 1. What are the information needed in doing the system? 2. What are the benefits of the system to the students? 3. What will be the effect of this system in the faculty? 4. What are the things you need to consider in doing the system?
1.2.2. Specific Problem 1. How does the faculty manage the registration of every student using this system?
2. How does the student update their information using the system proposed? 3. How does it help the students to register faster than other colleges?
This system was conducted in order to accomplish the following objectives: 1. To be able to store data of the student including the personal information and their educational background. 2. To be able to make the students register easier and faster. 3. To be able for the faculty finish their work as soon as possible. 4. To be able to provide the things needed in faster registration.
1.3.2. Specific Problem 1. To be able to collect first the personal information of the students and give the faculty an easier and faster system
2. To develop a system that will help the faculty manage the registration more secure.
To save time and effort. They dont need to worry about their data because of the security features of the proposed system. Professors To lessen the effort and time consumed during the process of registration since the proposed system focused on data management.
1.5. Scope and Limitation 1.5.1 Scope The system provides a registration for students (First Year to Fourth year). It includes advising of the dean, posting of schedules and printing of Study load. 1.5.2. Limitations The study excluded the library registration, paying of fees in Finance office and payment in other offices. Chapter II Methodology of the study The researchers used SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) of waterfall mode as method in doing the study. SDLC is a system approach to a problem solving and is made up of seven phases. Project Identification and Project Initiation and Planning Analysis Logical Design Physical Design Maintenance Implementation
1st Phase (Project Identification and Selection) The Registration is done manually and although the school departments have their computers they dont have a system to aid them facilitate the process of the registration. Keeping and managing the records and important information is done using registration forms which produce a lot of inconsistency and tons of paper works. Using registration system software, paper works will be over and it will have a smooth process of registration. 2nd Phase (Project Initiation) Based on the experience of the researchers on the current system. They found out that there is no such registration system in the enrollment that will support the management of data, and because of this, complicated problem occurs just like the sudden loss of data and important information, and the slow process of the registration transaction. So the researchers is planning to create a LAN-based registration System for the CS students that will resolve for the said problems. 3rd Phase (Analysis) 1. Requirement Determination Based on the study, the college needs system software that will manage a huge amount of data and that will make a better and faster process of registration transaction. 2. Requirements Study and Structuring Because of the registration transactions and doing the management of information manually, and theres no computerized system, slow process of the transaction, lacking of consistency, and sudden loss of the data may occur. So the registration system is based on Visual Basic.Net programming application which is supported by database management software of MS Access.
3. Alternative Generation and Selection The registration system was design according to what the colleges needs. It includes the maintenance for managing data, a database that can store and arrange big amounts of information and a user-friendly interface that can easily navigate. 4th Phase (Logical Design) The researchers used a data flow diagram as an illustration showing the process of the system. 5th Phase (Physical Design) To come up into The LAN-based Registration system, the following specifications were used to run the system efficiently and effectively. Visual Basic 2008 Microsoft Access LAN Adobe Photoshop CS5
6th Phase (Implementation) The researchers work on coding and testing. Coding includes all the instructions written in a programming language to come up with the system. When the codes are already encoded, it will now undergo in the testing process to present the output of the coding. Upon testing, searching for error or debugging done, finding solutions until the program runs successfully. 7th Phase (Maintenance) In this phase, Programmers make changes to identify the system according to what the needs of the user. These Changes are necessary to keep the system run in an effective and efficient manner. Designing Hardware: Desktop Computer (Specs) Software: Requirements Input Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft Access Knowledge: Proficient in the given software Creating Chapter III Programming Process Testing Debugging Updating Output BSCS Registration System (1st year 4th year)
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig A Project Proposal Presented to College of Computer Studies BSCS REGISTRATION SYSTEM
Liezel G. Mayor
Students Information
Getting Schedule
D2 Students
Officially Enrolled
Issuance of OSL
Collection Of Fees
Fees/ schedule