Poultry heat stress
Poultry heat stress
Poultry heat stress
This Poultry health management practices are crucial for the industry's success in terms of both productivity and
reproduction. Boosting poultry farming's productivity, illness resistance, and reproductive success via sound
health management practices. Heat stress is a major environmental factor that hurts poultry productivity across
the globe. This article examines the effects of heat stress on the productivity, fertility, and development of
chickens, as well as how these effects may be mitigated by genetic manipulation. High ambient temperatures
have devastating economic consequences for the chicken business because they reduce growth rate, body
weight, egg output, egg weight, egg quality, meat quality, sperm quality, fertility, and hatchability. The poultry's
performance characteristics are negatively impacted by the high ambient temperature. Therefore, birds bred for
performance are more likely to perish from heat stress. The heat stress that birds experience during travel results
in lower meat quality, higher mortality, and welfare concerns. To select poultry birds with increased thermo-
tolerance and disease resistance, molecular markers are now being investigated to identify the prospective
candidate genes connected to production, reproduction, and growth features.
A considerable portion of high-quality protein is produced by the chicken sector.
Domesticated birds farmed for meat, eggs, or both are referred to as poultry. Although
chickens are the most popular form of poultry, other birds are also grown for food, including
turkeys, ducks, and geese. Values in Nutrition Chicken and turkey meat, among others, are
great examples of high-quality protein found in poultry. It's a complete source of protein,
meaning it has everything your body needs to build new cells and repair old ones. Poultry
meat, especially lean cuts, is a good source of protein since it is low in fat (1). Cost-
effectiveness and easiness of access Chicken and other poultry items may be found at a broad
range of prices, making them accessible to a wide demographic. Chicken may be farmed in a
wide range of sizes, from domestic to industrial, guaranteeing a constant supply of chicken
products. Feed Conversion Efficiency is well-known that poultry, particularly chickens, make
excellent use of their feed. They have a higher efficiency for turning feed into meat than most
cattle. Due to the low resource consumption per unit of meat produced, chicken farming is a
viable, sustainable protein production alternative (2). The kitchen may be versatile with
poultry items. Various culinary alternatives are available because of how chicken and turkey
may be cooked. In addition, eggs, another crucial product of the poultry sector, are very
adaptable and employed in various cuisines. Economic Relevance numerous nations'
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
economies heavily depend on the chicken sector. It contributes to the whole agricultural
industry, helps farmers' lives, and offers job possibilities. The export of chicken products
helps the sector make money as well (3).
Indeed, two of the century's most important concerns are ensuring the long-term viability of
agriculture and supplying the world's food needs. It does predict that by 2040, there will be
close to ten billion people on the earth who need to be fed due to population growth. Rise in
Food Demand There will be more need for food as the population rises. To do this,
sustainable agricultural methods must be used to produce enough food to satisfy the dietary
demands of a bigger global population. To maximize resource use entails raising agricultural
yields, enhancing livestock output, and developing novel approaches (4). Agriculture faces
danger from climate change. Agricultural production is affected by factors such as changing
precipitation patterns, extreme weather, the effect on natural resources, and increasing
temperatures. For agriculture to be sustainable in the long run, climate change adaptation and
damage mitigation are essential. Impact on the Environment Deforestation, water pollution,
greenhouse gas emissions, and soil deterioration are just a few of the negative environmental
effects of agriculture. Through strategies like organic farming, agroforestry, and precision
agriculture, among others, sustainable agricultural practices seek to reduce these effects (5).
Intensive farming methods often result in biodiversity loss, including habitat damage and a
decline in the genetic variety of crops and animals. This problem may be solved by
promoting agroecological methods that preserve biodiversity and support sustainable
agricultural practices. In many areas, water shortage is a major problem. Since agriculture
consumes a significant amount of water, effective water management strategies are necessary
to maintain sustainable irrigation techniques, reduce water loss, and give agricultural priority
when using water in water-stressed regions. Innovation and technical improvement must be
welcomed if agriculture is to be sustainable. To optimize resource usage, decrease waste, and
increase production, this comprises genetic engineering, biotechnology, remote sensing, and
data analytics (6).
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
chicken health and production, it is essential to minimize heat stress via appropriate
ventilation, shade, cooling devices, and breed selection (8). High humidity levels are a
common feature of tropical regions, which facilitates the spread of diseases. Growing
bacteria, fungi, and parasites in chicken houses may increase the risk of illnesses such as
coccidiosis, bacterial infections, and respiratory conditions. Reduced disease risks may be
achieved by using effective insecurity controls, good waste management practices, and
suitable housing designs. The availability of feed for chickens may be impacted by the
separate wet and dry seasons that are frequent in tropical climates. Forage and pasture
availability during the dry season may decrease, impacting the quality and availability of feed
supplies for chickens. To meet these issues, techniques for feed storage, supplementing, and
alternate feed sources should be developed (9).
Water is necessary for poultry production, and in hot regions, its accessibility and quality
may be compromised. The hydration and health of chickens may be impacted by drought and
water constraints. Additionally, microorganisms in water sources may impact avian health
and raise the risk of sickness. For sustainable poultry production, it's crucial to have access to
clean enough water, apply water management strategies, and regularly check the quality of
the water. Tropical regions can support various parasites that may harm poultry, including
worms, ticks, mites, and flies (10). The health, productivity, and mortality of chickens may
all be negatively impacted by these parasites. The sustainability of chicken production
depends on using efficient parasite control strategies, such as routine deworming, pest
management, and good sanitation. Improvements in management techniques, infrastructure,
and technological advancements must be made together to address the sustainability issues in
chicken production in tropical regions. This entails implementing climate-smart chicken
housing, enhancing ventilation and cooling systems, choosing hardy and heat-tolerant poultry
breeds, encouraging excellent insecurity practices, and educating and training farmers on best
practices. Developing robust and sustainable poultry production systems in tropical climates
requires cooperation between researchers, decision-makers, and farmers (11).
Heat stress may harm the productivity of chicken farms, resulting in lower output and higher
mortality. Chickens' appetites may be suppressed by high temperatures, which lead to a
reduction in feed consumption. This decrease in feed intake results in a reduced nutritional
intake, which impacts the birds' general growth and development. Reduced feed intake also
causes laying chickens to produce fewer eggs and grow less weight. The growth rates of hens
may be slowed down by heat stress. Birds' metabolism speeds up to disperse heat and
maintain body temperature when subjected to prolonged high temperatures. Slower growth
rates result from this higher energy expenditure on thermoregulation, which diverts resources
from development activities (12). The ability of hens to reproduce under heat stress might
suffer. High temperatures in roosters may lower sperm production and quality, which lowers
fertility rates. Heat stress in laying chickens may alter the regular laying cycle and lower egg
output. Furthermore, elevated incubation temperatures might have a detrimental effect on
chick quality and hatchability rates. Chicken mortality rates may be greatly increased by heat
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
stress. Long-term exposure to extreme heat may cause organ failure, heat stroke, or
exhaustion. Broilers, intended for fast development, have greater mortality rates than other
chicken breeds because they are more sensitive to heat stress (13). To maintain the ideal
temperature and air circulation, suitable ventilation, and cooling systems must be installed in
chicken housing. Access to cold, clean drinking water is made available to ensure hydration.
Regulating the lighting schedule to prevent heat exhaustion during the sunniest hours. Using
chicken breeds or strains better suited to high-temperature conditions that are heat-tolerant.
Adjusting feeding procedures, such as feeding during cooler hours of the day or utilizing feed
compositions resistant to heat. To lessen the heat load in outdoor production systems, use
shade structures or sprinkler systems (14).
The use of antibiotics may be reduced by implementing stringent insecurity controls, good
hygiene practices, and successful disease prevention initiatives. Keeping clean and well-
ventilated chicken housing, routine cleaning, efficient waste disposal, and appropriate flock
management practices are all part of this. Vaccination campaigns Infectious illness
prevention and management in poultry heavily rely on vaccination. Poultry farmers may
lower the risk of disease outbreaks, enhance flock health, and lessen the need for antibiotics
by adopting well-designed vaccination programs. Common chicken illnesses, including
coccidiosis, infectious bronchitis, and Newcastle disease, may all be prevented with
vaccinations (15). The study (16) evaluates the livestock industry, including the poultry
sector, as a vital component. Heat stress (HS) causes it to suffer significant losses. Applying
productive techniques on farms is as crucial. Researchers have proposed a number of tactics.
The fundamental necessity for all kinds of livestock raised for animal protein is the provision
of a suitable environment with selected raising methods coupled with sufficient ventilation
and cleanliness. The addition of a suitable feed additive might be helpful for enhancing
intestinal absorption and reducing the harmful effects of HS. The main concerns about
chicken health and advises the actions to be taken in response to the rise in ambient
temperature. The study (17) examines one of the main environmental stressors in the chicken
business; heat stress causes important financial loss. Numerous physiological changes
brought on by heat stress include oxidative damage, acid-base imbalance, and reduced
immunocompetence. In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in the usage of the bare
neck (Na) and frizzle (F) genes in certain breed lines. Only a handful of these tactics have,
however, seen widespread use in the chicken business. Consequently, breeding heat-tolerant
breeds and practicing good management are essential. the available scientific data on how
heat stress affects broiler chickens and laying hens' health and performance, as well as any
viable preventative measures.
The research (18) determined the experiment was to create Poultry Litter Biochar (PLB) from
fresh PL in order to evaluate the significant characteristics of both PL and PLB and to track
the impact on plant development. It evaluated the alteration in soil characteristics after the
application of PL and PLB. After the initial crop was harvested, the same plant was cultivated
again to evaluate prospective and lasting effects. After the first crop was harvested, post-
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
harvest soil analysis was also done. For both the first and second crops, a substantial increase
in plant growth and biomass production was seen, and it was greater in the PLB-treated soil
than the PL-treated soil. A potential organic fertilizer with a higher nutritional concentration
than fresh PL is PLB. The experiment (19) described the poultry business as becoming more
important to the agriculture and ancillary industries as a whole. In the tropics especially, heat
stress was discovered to have a deleterious effect on poultry output. Heat stress may have a
negative effect on poultry productivity, but there are ways to mitigate its effects. Strategy
types include genetic, managerial, and dietary approaches. Heat stress may have a detrimental
influence on poultry productivity; these methods may help mitigate its consequences. Shelters
are designed properly; shade is provided, sprinklers are used, and cooling devices, fans, and
ventilation systems are included as part of the management techniques. The use of modern
biotechnological methods has the potential to aid in the identification of appropriate genetic
markers in poultry, which might lead to the development of new, more thermo-tolerant
strains through the implementation of a marker-assisted selective breeding program. The
genetic, physiological, and nutritional characteristics of Africa's native chickens have
received little attention during the last decade. It is well-documented that these hens have
significant cultural, social, and economic value for the underprivileged people of Africa. The
group has started a conservation initiative for native birds. In addition, four indigenous South
African chicken varieties are being safeguarded by the Agricultural Research Council. The
goal of this analysis is to help readers learn more about the background, benefits, and
strategies for preserving native chicken breeds in Africa. Several researches on the nutritional
needs of local hens have shown conflicting and unsatisfactory findings (20). Consequently, it
is crucial to implement a thorough and individualized health management strategy in
conjunction with poultry health specialists to maximize production and reproductive results.
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
Laying of Eggs
The fundamental goal of the poultry business, in terms of egg production specifically, is to
maximize egg quality. Poultry's productivity, particularly the quality and number of eggs laid,
may be negatively impacted by heat stress. Chickens consume less when they're stressed out
by heat. Chickens have a decreased nutritional intake because they feed less when exposed to
hot temperatures. Reduced egg production is a direct result of reduced feed intake. When
exposed to high temperatures, chickens speed up their breathing, a behavior known as
panting. Chickens' ability to pant aids in heat dissipation and temperature control. But if you
don't drink enough water, your increased panting can cause you to lose even more moisture
via your breath, which may lead to dehydration. Chickens' protein metabolism may be thrown
off by heat stress. Albumin and globulin levels in the plasma may drop as a consequence. Egg
formation is only one of several bodily processes that need these proteins. A drop in plasma
protein levels may hinder the laying of healthy eggs. Laying chickens have less calcium
available due to heat stress. Eggshells need calcium to be strong and thick. Hence a lack of
calcium may make shells fragile. Egg quality, especially shell quality and strength, might
suffer from a lack of calcium due to heat stress. Egg production may drop in heat-stressed
hens due to a number of factors. These include lower feed intake, dehydration, altered protein
metabolism, and less available calcium. The quantity of eggs laid by laying hens may
decrease, and the average egg weight and size may shift. Poultry's egg production and quality
may take a serious hit at temperatures as high as 36 degrees Celsius. Having Fewer Eggs to
Lay In laying chickens, heat stress may cause egg output to drop. Chickens' reproductive
hormones and processes are disrupted by high temperatures, leading to fewer eggs being
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
Depending on the length and severity of the heat stress, the drop in egg production may be
mild, moderate, or severe. Poultry egg production, quality, and the proportion of marketable
eggs all dropped when ambient temperatures were raised from 21 to 36 degrees Celsius.
Researchers looking at how airspeed, in addition to high temperature, affects the productive
ability of Japanese quail discovered that raising the Temperature Humidity Index (THI) from
26 to 30 causes a 25% drop in egg production. In addition, the quantity of calcium needed by
the uterus for making eggshells is reduced owing to panting, as hydrogen carbonate and
carbon dioxide levels in the blood are lowered, and respiratory alkalosis is elevated.
Figure (2): Percent reduction in chicken egg making and daily feed consumption against treatment temperature
This results in the generation of fractured eggs due to the weakness of the eggshell. In
poultry, this causes an adverse impact on metabolism and feed intake, leading to lower
overall performance as depicted in (Figure 1). Specifically, it increases the production of the
glucocorticoids, stress hormones cortical, corticosterone, catecholamine, and the hormones in
the hypothalamus, pituitary, and glands of the adrenals.
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
Researchers from a variety of fields have researched the belongings of heat stress on
chickens, along with their findings are summarized in (Table 2).
Table (2): Poultry productivity, reproduction, and development under heat stress
Breed N Exposure Temperature Egg Egg Daily Body Body FCR
Control Treatment prod wt feed wt(%) wt (%)
(C) (c) (%) (%) intake gain
(%) (%)
W-36 parent-line (2 wk after 408 24 36 -7.30 - -47.33 -4.9 - +99.52
W-36 parent-line (4 wk after 408 24 36 -5.99 - -39.78 -5.5 - +72.35
Hy-Line brown commercial 857 27 34 -7.12 -11.05 -13.64 - - -
laying strain
Hy-Line commercial laying 201 20-27 23-37 - -4.25 - - - -
Isa Brown layer 41 23 31.16-34.12 -26 -3.78 17.27 4.74 - +9.88
White Leghorn 451 20-23 30=34 - -3.25 - - -51.0 _
Ross-708 strain (21 days) 451 23 35 2 - - -16.09 -16.43 - +0.68
Ross-708 strain (42 days) 60241 23 35 2 - - - -33.6 - +26.6
Rhode Island Red Japanese 241 22 38 -37.4 -3.42 16.5 - - -
Japanese quails 181 24.9 35 - - -31.7 -11 -15.5 -
Commercial laying strain 1 241 24 36 - - - -9.2 -12 -
Single-comb White Leghorn 81 11-24 35 -29.8 - - - - -
(Expose to heat stress -8–14
Single-comb White Leghorn 81 11-24 38 -26.4 14.3 - - - -
(Expose to heat stress 30–42
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
Single-comb White Leghorn 81 11-24 38 -58.0 - - - - -
(Expose to heat stress 43–56
It was found that egg weight, body weight, body weight increase, daily feed consumption,
and egg production all decreased by between 4.99 and 57 percent, 2.78 to 14.3 percent, 3.74
to 32 percent, 11 to 50 percent, and 16.09 to 46 percent, respectively. However, FCR
increased from 0.67 to 99.51 %. (Table 1 and Figures 2 and 3) indicate the average decrease
in daily feed consumption, egg production, and body weight of chicken as reported by
various studies in response to an increase in ambient temperature.
The reproductive systems of both sexes may be negatively impacted by high temperatures.
Male sperm production, quality, and motility, as well as female fertility, can all be negatively
impacted by heat. Reduced likelihood of hatching Embryos that die during incubation due to
high temperatures has a reduced chance of hatching. Obesity suppression Poultry can't grow
and develop normally when subjected to high temperatures, which might reduce their weight
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
increase and total growth performance. The death rate has gone up. Younger birds, which are
more sensitive to temperature changes, are more likely to perish in the event of extreme heat
stress. Depending on factors, including the genetic makeup and level of adaptation of certain
chicken strains, the particular consequences of heat stress might range from mild to severe. It
is possible to reduce the detrimental effects of heat stress on chicken production, reproduction
and growth performance by the use of proper management practices.
Production of Meat
Broilers that are exposed to high temperatures exhibit a decline in appetite, feed efficiency,
plasma protein and calcium concentration, weight increase, and body condition score. Heat
stress causes chickens to drink more water than normal, produce higher levels of the stress
hormone triiodothyronine (T3), and ultimately die. When broilers are exposed to high
temperatures throughout their development, the quality of their meat, muscle development,
fat metabolism, and chemical profile all suffer. Carcass appearance, flavor, and consumer
acceptance are all impacted by changes in chicken quality parameters like pallor, color,
oxidation stability, tenderness, softness, and water-holding capacity. Changes in carcass
traits, such as increased fat content in the belly or decreased quality of the breast or thigh
meat, are also detected. In the summer, chickens have roughly 120 g less carcass weight and
a 12.2 and 1.3% drop in leg and breast production, respectively. These anti-social effects in
grill birds are caused by faster anaerobic glycolysis, which in turn leads to an improved
intensity of hasty oxygen variety and injury to the “Ca2+-ATPase” of the sarcoendoplasmic
reticulum. This, in turn, leads to an increased amount of corticosterone hormone and a
decrease in growth.
Reproductive effectiveness
The disadvantageous effects of heat load on ovulation rate in laying and breeding hens lead to
lower reproductive efficiency, decreased fertility, and decreased hatchability. It also slows
down the development of follicles, oocytes, and yolks, which causes difficulties with
infertility in poultry. Possible causes include altered levels of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs),
fatty acid content, and antioxidants, as well as decreased GnRH, LH, and FSH hormone
release. Additionally, exposure to sensitive heat load modifies the hypothalamic control of
laying hen reproductive function and lowers circulating luteinizing hormone levels. It's
because the hypothalamus isn't working as well. Breeder chickens sexed in the morning as
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
opposed to the afternoon seem to have higher fertility and hatchability. Heat stress in laying
quails, hens, and ducks causes oxidative damage to the small ovaries, oviducts, and yellow
follicles. This makes the ovaries, oviducts, and amount of big follicles much lighter than they
would be otherwise. So, it leads to less egg production, and in the worst cases, it can lead to
impotence. Male breeders are more likely to become infertile because of heat stress than
female breeders. Temperatures above the thermoneutral zone caused an increase in lipid
peroxidation, which damaged the testis and, in the end, had bad effects on the male Japanese
quail and grill chicken's sperm parameters. Several things, such as temperature, pH, and ion
concentration, can affect seminal characteristics like sperm production, metabolism, quality,
and movement. This can lead to poverty and the construction of low-quality spermatozoa. In
the early stages, a rise in temperature makes the testicles grow, and the amount and quantity
of sperm increase. However, a further rise in temperature makes it harder for birds to
reproduce. When the temperature was above the comfort zone, both the quality and amount
of sperm were lower. Also, when roosters were stressed out by the heat, their sperm didn't get
as far into the eggs, so the number of fertilized eggs was lower. In-vivo sperm-egg entry in
grill males was 48% lower at 27 °C than at 21 °C.
Economic Development
Poultry that has been selectively bred for faster development and higher feed conversion
efficiency is more likely to suffer from heat stress for a variety of reasons. High
environmental temperatures slow development because animals are less motivated to eat.
Overproduction of stress hormones causes poor growth presentation in broilers subjected to
heat load. The ability of birds to endure greater ambient temperatures decreases as their
development rate increases because of the increased generation of metabolic heat.
Overproduction of stress hormones causes poor growth performance in broilers subjected to
heat load. Investigated the effect of heat stress on the expression of amino acid- and fatty
acid-binding protein transporters in the chickens' jejunum and found that the bird's ability to
absorb nutrients was diminished. Impaired embryonic growth, slowed post-hatch
development, and birth abnormalities are all facilitated by chronic heat stress. Observed that
the body weight of both male and female quails decreased significantly at higher
temperatures (34±2 C) compared to lower temperatures (22±2 C) over the course of six
weeks. Due to increased heat output, the impact of heat load was more definite in fast-
growing broilers than in slow-growing ones. Compared to rapid growers, slow-growing grill
lines exhibited lower rates of mortality and average body temperature. Internal organs were
also affected by heat stress, as seen by the reduced weight of the liver, spleen, and thymus in
laying hens subjected to a prolonged heat load.
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
exposure causes mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, both of which have been
made worse by the selective breeding of birds for production qualities. Epigallocatechin-3-
gallate (EGCG) was shown to suppress nuclear factor kappa B (NF-B) production in quail
hepatic cells by 42% when supplemented under heat stress. There is also evidence that high-
production birds are more vulnerable to heat stress. For this reason, Desi or backyard
chickens are better equipped to handle high temperatures than commercial chickens or
recently developed varieties. Because of human intervention, bird populations have become
overcrowded, putting more birds at risk from heat stress. Breed improvement programs have
increased growth, egg and meat output, and feed efficiency, but they have also reduced heat
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
Figure (5): Heat stress mitigating techniques. Selection based on molecular signatures may mitigate climate
change and heat stress
In addition to lowering metabolic heat output by 30–40% in grill breeders, the sex-related
recessive dwarfism (dw) gene causes a decrease in adult body size. But, the new gene was
shown to have no effect on grill hens' thermo-tolerance even when subjected to protracted
heat stress. As a result of rising demand, there is a pressing need to rethink the selection
procedures used in future breed development efforts in tropical and subtropical climates.
Finally, a comprehensive study of heritable differences in poultry birds.
Poultry all over the globe is negatively impacted by heat stress, a significant environmental
element within the circumstance of climate transformation and global warming. The
physiological, behavioral, and immunological reactions triggered by exposure to it have a
severe negative contact on the production, growth performance, and reproduction of birds.
The chicken sector suffers severe economic losses as a result. Heat stress negatively affects
both egg production and quality in layers and feed intake, water consumption, weight growth,
dressing percentage, and feed conversion ratio in broilers. Repercussions on reproduction and
growth in breeder females and males of chicken are also recorded. There has been a decrease
in heat tolerance as a result of breed development programs. Furthermore, many genetic
markers are investigated to find possible candidates for selecting birds with resistance to heat
and illness. Breeding programs for heat-resistant chickens using marker-assisted selection are
thus necessary. The selection methods used in breed development initiatives in tropical and
subtropical regions need to be reexamined immediately.
REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
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REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504
Vol 24, No. 2 (2023)
Article Received: 18 April 2023; Revised: 26 May 2023; Accepted: 19 June 2023
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