Software requirements
• Compatible with common protocols
• Easy to design and upgrade when needed.
Basic requirements for a SCADA system
Communication requirements
Because it is spread over a large geographical space, many telecommunications services
are needed to connect the subsystems of the SCADA system.
The level of communication system requirements at the station level is low, so it is
necessary to choose simple protocols that are easy for the systems to handle.
Ability to preserve data: In industry there is a lot of electromagnetic interference, so it is
necessary to transmit data so that there are no errors, the selected protocol must be able
to control errors effectively, for example, Check CRC errors.
Protocol standardization: Originating from the requirement to exchange information
between communication partners (IED, RTU, PLC, PC...) manufactured by different
manufacturers, it is necessary to have a common communication protocol.
High speed of accessing parameters: In the SCADA system, updating parameters from field
devices in series is required almost simultaneously.
Basic requirements for a SCADA system
Service requirements
Ability to collect, store and use data for at least a long enough period of time as required.
Provides easy communication and interface for users and operators. Easily for users to
display diagrams and graphs in monitoring as well as print reports.
Makes remote control operation easy, but manual control must still be ensured.
Price requirements and installation costs must be cheap and reasonable
Group discussions
1. Present the concept of DCS, distinguish the differences between PLC, DCS and SCADA
2. Present the basic functions of the SCADA system.
3. Please present the applications of SCADA and describe a specific application?