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Boxing Strength & Conditioning Program

General Program Strength & Conditioning Program (or “programme” if you live in the UK).

Programs should be periodised for strength, explosive power and endurance.

Shoulder, chest & hip mobility exercises should be completed post workout

Rotator cuff exercises can be done 3 times a week post workout or on light-days

Warm up for at least 10 minutes before the workout and perform at least 2 lighter sets before attempting a
working set.

Warm up should be functional and boxing specific and include foam rolling, skipping, footwork, shadow boxing.
Start off with steady state exercises such as light jogging and build up to skipping and burpees at the end of the
warm up.

Warm down & finish each workout with a boxing specific exercise such as pads, shadow boxing etc

Standard Boxing Strength Programme

Day 1

Exercise Sets Reps

Deadlifts* 5 6
Barbell Bench Press 2 6
Plyometric Press Ups 3 6
Cable Punches (cross) 2 12
Cable Punches (hooks) 2 12
Multidirectional lunges 2 6
Tabata Interval 2 4 mins

Stability Ball Plank 1 60 secs

Day 3

Exercise Sets Reps

Rope Climbs 5 6
Eccentric Chin Ups 2 6
Split Squats 3 6
Medicine Ball Rugby Pass 2 12
Med’ ball Russian Twist 2 12

Day 5

Exercise Sets Reps

1 arm Push Press 3 10

Front Squats 4 8
Reverse Hypers 2 12
Ball Hamstring Curl 2 12
Sprints 4 20 secs
Depth Jumps 3 6

Medicine Ball Slams 2 6

*Consider leaving out deadlifts if overtraining is a potential issue. If muscle mass/hypertrophy is the goal of the
program, then deadlifts are recommended but must be accompanied by stretching and trigger point work to
prevent muscle stiffness around the psoas and piriformis muscles. If power is the goal of the program, consider
replacing deadlifts and front squats with Olympic Lifts or plyometrics.

**Consider replacing Tabata intervals with a boxing exercise such as a cross, hook, cross combination on the bag or

Tabata intervals entail 100% effort for 20 seconds, followed by a 10 second rest, followed by another 20 seconds
bout of 100% effort, 10 second rest etc.

Repeat the 20 seconds of 100% effort and 10 seconds of rest until 4 minutes of total work - I.e. 8 x 20 seconds is
complete. Rest for 1 minute and do another 4 minute round.
Tips for Safe & Effective Weight Training

1. Don't overtrain. Technique is paramount to begin with, not volume

2. Control the negative – lower a weight back to the starting point is just as important as lifting the weight,
count to 3 as you lower a weight back to the starting point
3. Don't compare to other people in the gym. Many use poor technique or steroids.
4. Pin your ego up by the door. Lift too heavy and you will become injurred very quickly
5. Deadlifts & Squats are superior exercises but technique is critical. Video yourself and get guidance where

Technical Advice


To achieve a deeper squat, initiate the movement by pushing your hips back over your heels.

• Keep your line of sight straight ahead.

• Keep your chest up and torso upright.

• Do NOT round your back, as this could result in serious injury.

• Beginners should consider using a higher rep range while mastering the technique.

• If you struggle with barbell squats, consider starting with dumbbell squats. If you are still struggling with
technique, try free-standing squats for higher repetitions


• Keep your line of sight straight.

• Keep your chest up and torso upright, shoulders back.

• Avoid rounding your back to prevent serious injury.

• Start off with a light weight until your technique is perfect.

• Ask someone to supervise your technique and/or film yourself.

• Consider wearing tracksuit bottoms and/or long socks, as the bar can scrape your shins.

• If you struggle with this exercise, consider using a squat rack and completing partial deadlifts from just below the
Bench Press

• Do not round or arch your back

• Look at a spot on the ceiling and imagine pushing the bar up and your body down through the bench
• Take at least 3 seconds to lower the back and pause for a moment before starting the next rep

Exercises to avoid

1.behind the neck press – avoid this exercise due to the risk of rotator cuff/shoulder injuries

2. Sit Ups – Sit ups don't reduce belly fat directly and can create undue stress around the lumbar spine. Avoid if you
are beginning a fitness routine and replace with crunches or plank exercises.

3. Smith Machine Bench Press – The bench press movement is curved when performed with a free weight. The
Smith Machine provides an unnatural linear movement and places more stress on the shoulder joints.

4. Hip Adductor & Abductor Machine – Ineffective, as so little muscle mass is incorporated when performing these
exercises. Do 1 set on each if you have to, but do not replace squats or lunges with these machines.

5. Upright Row – Protect your shoulders at all costs if longevity is a goal, keep upright rows light and perform few if
any sets.

Need a punch bag? Please check out the NWS Website:

Click Here to Visit the Website & Browse METIS Punch Bags

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