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Building MySQL python applications

Topic 4 Lesson 8
Python database objects
2 main classes for processing database queries
Connection object
Connection to the database
Object created via the connection (.connection) method
Cursor object
Query statement execution
Method to execute a statement (.execute)
Result to the results
Method to retrieve row of data from the results (variations of fetch)
Cursor object created by the cursor method (.cursor) of the connection
Method to run a MySQL procedure (.callproc)
Process for accessing database
1. Import the MySQL API module
2. Acquire a connection to a specific database
3. Issue SQL statements and stored procedures.
4. Close the connection
Database (API)s
Add a library with database calls (API)
Special standardized interface: procedures/objects
Pass SQL strings from host language, presents result sets in a host
language-friendly way

A “driver” traps the calls and translates them into DBMS

specific code (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server etc.)
database can be across a network

GOAL: applications are independent of database systems

and operating systems
Python connection library
Mysqlclient: a wrapper around the mysql-connector-c C library.
You should have a development C environment set up to
compile C code to use this library.
Pymysql: pure python implementation. It tends to
be available quicker for the newer versions of python.
mysql-connection-python: Developed from the MySQL group at
Oracle. Another pure python implementation.
mysql-connector: Original connector from MySQL
Python mysql.connector example
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Simple MySQL database connection
import flask
import mysql.connector

def main(config):
output = []
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config)
cur = cnx.cursor()
cur2 = cnx.cursor()
reb = 'rebels'
movie_id = 1
stmt_select = "select * from characters order by character_name"
for row in cur.fetchall():
output.append('{0:20s} {1:15s} {2:15s}
{3:15s}'.format(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]))
Python mysql.connector (cont.)
s2 = 'SELECT * FROM movies WHERE movie_id = {}'.format(movie_id)
for row in cur.fetchall():
cur2.callproc('track_planet', args=['Endor'])
for result in cur2.stored_results():
return output

if __name__ == '__main__':
config = {
'host': 'localhost',
'port': 3306,
'database': 'starwarsfinal',
'user': 'root',
'password': 'root',
'charset': 'utf8',
'use_unicode': True,
'get_warnings': True,
out = main(config)
Example pymysql (connect & retrieve data)
import pymysql

cnx = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='root',

db='lotrfinal', charset='utf8mb4',
cur = cnx.cursor()
stmt_select = "select * from lotr_character order by
rows = cur.fetchall()
Pymysql provides different cursors
Pymysql.cursors.SSCursor : an unbuffered cursor, useful for
queries that returns many rows or for connections on remote
servers. Instead of copying every row of data to the buffer,
this will fetch rows as needed
Pymyql.cursors.DictCursor: returns the result as a dictionary,
where the key is the field name, and the value is the field
Pymysql.cursors.SSDictCursor: an unbuffered cursor, which
returns the results as a dictionary {field_name: field_value}
Running a query

Args is a list of values for a prepared

stmt_select = "select * from characters order
by character_name”
Running a Prepared statement
Any SQL statement can be made into a prepared statement
by using the character string %s to specify a value that will
be provided at execution time:

species = ‘elf’
cursor = cnx.cursor()
query = "SELECT character_name FROM lotr_character WHERE species=%s”
cursor.execute(query, (species,))
# ... retrieve data ...
Processing a cursor result
for row in rows:
print(row) # prints each field as a key value pair
print(row["character_name"], row['species'])
#reference field by name
c_name_var = row["character_name"]
# get specific values
Tuples affected by the query
The cursor method, rowcount, returns the number of tuples
affected or returned by the SQL statement. For example, if
cur is the cursor result of a SELECT statement

print("The query returned {} rows".format(cur.rowcount))

Prints the number of rows returned.

The query returned 2 rows

Running a procedure

cursor.callproc(process_name, args)
Args is a list of values

cur2.callproc('track_planet', args=['Endor'])
Python does not support pass-by-reference

For immutable objects like numbers and strings, a copy of the object’s value is
assigned to the function parameter, ensuring that modifications within the
function do not affect the original variable. This behavior resembles “pass-by-

If a DB procedure has OUTPUT parameters, then the calling python code will not
see the modifications made by the database procedure.

If such procedures exist, then we need to create wrapper functions for the
procedure application. The procedure application will call the wrapper function
as opposed to the original function.
Starting Points
For pymysql:
For mysqlclient-python:
For mysql-connection
For a comparison of the approaches
Python Summary
There are many different libraries for connecting a python
application to a MySQL database. Pymysql is written
entirely in python and does not require a C development
environment. It also provides 3 different types of cursor
Handling OUT and INOUT parameters to python from MySQL
requires the use of wrapper parameter that runs on the DB
server. It extracts the values from the session variables into
a cursor.

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