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CROCHET KNOTTED BEAR LOVEY Designed by Sarah Zimmerman from Repeat Crafter Me BRC0234-37712M | November 25, 2024

Sarah Zimmerman
from Repeat Crafter Me



Approx = Sc = Single crochet St(s) = Stitch(es)
Approximately Sc2tog = Draw up a WS = Wrong side
Beg = Begin(ning)(s) loop in each of next Yoh = Yarn over hook
Ch = Chain 2 stitches. Yoh and
Rep = Repeat draw through all
Rnd(s) = Round(s) loops on hook.
RS = Right side Sl st = Slip stitch

Approx 20" [51 cm] tall x 10" Notes:
Bernat® Softee® Chunky™ (3.5 oz/100 g; 108 yds/99 m)
[25.5 cm] wide. • You can make both the Polar
Main Color (MC) White (28005) 1 ball Bear and the Brown Bear using
Contrast A Seagreen (28219) 1 ball GAUGE these 6 skeins of Bernat
Contrast B Natural (28008) 1 ball 12 sc and 10 rows = 4" [10 cm]. Softee Chunky.
Contrast C Soft Taupe (28011) 1 ball • Head and body are
worked top down.
Contrast D Berry Red (28705) 1 ball • All rnds beg in first st of rnd.
Contrast E Black (28040) 1 ball • Rnds are joined with sl st to first
Size U.S. K/10½ [6.5 mm] Susan Bates® Silvalume® crochet hook or st of rnd unless otherwise
size needed to obtain gauge. Susan Bates® yarn needle. Polyfill indicated.
Fiber Stuffing.

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CROCHET KNOTTED BEAR LOVEY Designed by Sarah Zimmerman from Repeat Crafter Me BRC0234-37712M | November 25, 2024

Snout Ears (make 2) 3rd rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc EYES: Stitch on a smiling eye as
With B, beg using magic loop With MC for Polar Bear or C for around. Join. 20 sc. shown for Polar Bear or use your
method, demonstrated here. Brown Bear, beg using magic loop 4th rnd: Ch 1. *2 sc in next sc. 1 sc tapestry needle to weave the yarn
1st rnd: (RS). Ch 1. 10 sc in ring. method. in next sc. Rep from * around. Join. around the two stitches between
Join. 10 sc. 1st rnd: (RS). Ch 1. 10 sc in ring. 30 sc. rounds 8 and 9 about 4 times, as
2nd rnd: Ch 1. 2 sc in each sc Join. 10 sc. 5th rnd: Ch 1. *2 sc in next sc. 1 sc shown for Brown Bear.
around. Join. 20 sc. 2nd to 4th rnds: Ch 1. 1 sc in each in each of next 4 sc. Rep from *
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sc around. Join. 10 sc. around. Join. 36 sc. Stitch ears onto either side of head,
attaching. 5th rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in each 6th to 10th rnds: Ch 1. 1 sc in each 3 rounds down from top.
of next 3 sc. Rep from * around. sc around. Join. 36 sc.
With a long strand of E and tapestry Join. 8 sts. 11th rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in Stuff Head lightly with polyfill.
needle, loop yarn approx 6 times Fasten off leaving a long tail for each of next 4 sc. Rep from *
around 3 stitches at top of the attaching. around. Join. 30 sts. 16th rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in
snout as demonstrated in video. 12th rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in each st next sc. Rep from * around. Join.
Tie knot on WS of work to secure. around. Join. 30 sc. 8 sts. Fasten off, leaving a long tail
13th rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in for seaming.
2 1 each of next 3 sc. Rep from * Pinch opening of Head closed.
1 around. Join. 24 sts.
14th rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in Working into 15th rnd, stitch front
each of next 2 sc. Rep from * and back together with the tail and
around. Join. 18 sts. a tapestry needle so the polyfill
EAR 15th rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in stays in the head. Leave sts from
next sc. Rep from * around. Join. 16th rnd untouched so they remain
STITCH KEY Head/Body 12 sts. workable.
= chain (ch) See diagrams on page 4. Attach snout to head between
= slip stitch (sl st) With MC for Polar Bear or C for rnds 8 and 13. Join A for Polar Bear or D for Brown
= single crochet (sc) Brown Bear, beg using magic loop Bear to any st of 16th rnd.
= single crochet 2
method. Using E, stitch eyes above either 17th rnd: Ch 1. 2 sc in each sc
together (sc2tog) 1st rnd: (RS) Ch 1. 10 sc in ring. side of the top of the snout as around. Join. 16 sc.
= magic loop Join. 10 sc. demonstrated in video. 18th rnd: Ch 1. 2 sc in each sc
2nd rnd: Ch 1. 2 sc in each sc around. Join. 32 sc.
around. 20 sc. 19th rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc
around. Join. 32 sc.

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CROCHET KNOTTED BEAR LOVEY Designed by Sarah Zimmerman from Repeat Crafter Me BRC0234-37712M | November 25, 2024

20th rnd: Ch 1. *2 sc in next sc. 1 sc Divide for Legs: 36th rnd: Ch 1. 20th rnd: Ch 1. 2 sc in each sc Second Leg
in each of next 3 sc. Rep from * 1 sc in each of next 6 sc. Skip next around. Join. 12 sc. Join MC for Polar Bear or C for
around. Join. 40 sc. Paw: 21st and 22nd rnds: Ch 1.
12 sc. 1 sc in each of next 6 sc. Join. Brown Bear to any skipped sc along
21st and 22nd rnds: Ch 1. 1 sc in 12 sc. 1 sc in each sc around. Join. 12 sc. the edge of the 36th rnd.
each sc around. Join. 40 sc. Note: Leave skipped stitches 23rd rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in
23rd rnd: *Ch 2. Skip next 10 sts. unworked. each of next 2 sc. Rep from * around. Repeat 1st to 24th rnd of First Leg.
1 sc in each of next 10 sc. Rep from Join. 9 sts.
* around. Join. 20 sc and 2 ch-2 sps. Cut 2 strands of MC approx 50" 24th rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in next Fasten off leaving a long tail. Weave
[ 1 2 7 c m ] f o r S n o w f l a k e sc. Rep from * around. Join. 6 sts. tail tightly through remaining
Do not work into skipped sts or embellishment, and embroider on Fasten off leaving a long tail. Weave stitches to close Paw.
chain - these are the armholes. Bear as demonstrated in video. tail tightly through remaining
stitches to close Paw. Knot Legs just above Paws.
24th rnd: Ch 1. 2 sc in each sc
around. Join. 40 sc. Arms
25th to 28th rnds: Ch 1. 1 sc in Join A for Polar Bear or D for Brown
each sc around. Join. 40 sc. Bear to any skipped sc along the
29th rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in edge of the 23rd rnd.
each of next 3 sc. Rep from * around. 1st rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc and ch
Join. 32 sc. 13–19 around. Join. 12 sc.
30th to 32nd rnds: Ch 1. 1 sc in First Leg 12 Repeat 1st to 19th rnds of First Leg.
each sc around. Join. 32 sc. 1st to 7th rnds: Ch 1. 1 sc in each 9–11 Fasten off A or D. Join B.
33rd rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in sc around. Join. 12 sc. 8 Repeat 20th to 24th rnds of First
each of next 2 sc. Rep from * around. 8th rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in each 1–7 Leg.
Join. 24 sts. of next 2 sc. Rep from * around. Fasten off leaving a long tail. Weave
34th rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc Join. 9 sc. FIRST LEG tail tightly through remaining
around. Join. 24 sc. 9th to 11th rnds: Ch 1. 1 sc in each stitches to close Paw.
Fasten off A or D. Join MC for Polar sc around. Join. 9 sc. STITCH KEY Knot arm right before the Paw.
Bear or C for Brown Bear. 12th rnd: Ch 1. *Sc2tog. 1 sc in next = chain (ch)
35th rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc sc. Rep from * around. Join. 6 sc. = slip stitch (sl st) Repeat for second Arm.
around. Join. 24 sc. 13th to 19th rnds: Ch 1. 1 sc in
= single crochet (sc)
each sc around. Join. 6 sc.
Fasten off MC or C. Join B. = single crochet 2
together (sc2tog)
= magic loop
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CROCHET KNOTTED BEAR LOVEY Designed by Sarah Zimmerman from Repeat Crafter Me BRC0234-37712M | November 25, 2024

6–10 23
5 21–22
4 16 20
3 15 19
2 14
13 18
1 12 17
10 16

11th–16th RNDS

1st–10th RNDS

25–28 BODY
17th–23rd RNDS

36 = chain (ch)
= slip stitch (sl st)
34–35 = single crochet (sc)
= single crochet 2
30–32 together (sc2tog)
29 = magic loop
24th–28th RNDS HEAD/BODY
29th–36th RNDS

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