The advent of social media has not only revolutionized communication but also
brought significant implications for criminal behavior and gang activity. As these
digital platforms become ubiquitous, their influence extends into the dynamics of
youth interactions and, consequently, the sphere of criminology (Smith, 2021).
The glamorization of gang culture on social media has been identified as a
potentially contributing factor to the rise in youth gang involvement (Doe & Black,
2020). The significance of this issue is underlined by the growing necessity to
comprehend and address the digital dimensions of gang affiliation to inform
prevention and intervention strategies effectively (White & Gorman, 2022).
- Clearly pinpoint the particular challenge or concern that the research intends to
- Please elaborate on the issue's significance outlining why it requires resolution or
exploration. And why there are needs to be solved or investigated.
(3rd paragraph) Discuss the Existing Research and Knowledge Gap in an International
- Identify gaps/ problems in the research study that will aim to fill or explore.
- Describe how your research will expand upon or differ from existing research.
(4th paragraph) Discuss the Existing Research and Knowledge Gap in a National
- Identify gaps/ problems in the research study that will aim to fill or discover.
- Describe how the research will expand upon or differ from existing research.
The discourse around social media's relationship with youth gang involvement
is often subsumed under broader cybercrime and online safety conversations.
Specific national research into the intersection of social media and gang activities
is disproportionately sparse, with a particular dearth of focus on the nuances of
recruitment and the perpetuation of gang identity (Thompson & Grant, 2022).
This study proposes to fill this critical gap, shedding light on the unique features
of this relationship within the national context and offering comparative insights
into international data (Williams & Patel, 2021).
(5th/ closing paragraph) Discuss the Existing Research and Knowledge Gap in
Local Observation Setting
- Identify gaps/ problems in the research study that will aim to fill or investigate.
- Describe how the research topic will expand upon or differ from existing
- Deliberate the Importance and Significance of the study. This might encompass
the real-world concerns of the study, such as how it could be advantageous to
particular communities, shape policies, or offer insights for practical applications,
as well as its scholarly significance, such as its contribution to the existing body
of knowledge or its potential to spark subsequent research endeavors.
The in-depth understanding of how social media intersects with youth gang
involvement within individual communities is often overlooked (Green, 2022).
This study will aim to fill this research gap by examining local case studies to
reveal recruitment tactics, symbolic interactions on social media, and peer
influences that contribute to the youth's entanglement with gang culture (Davis,
2023). The importance of this local focus lies in its potential to inform targeted
community interventions and to enrich prevention strategies, thus bearing
significant real-world implications for policy, law enforcement, and educational
outreach (Brown & Larson, 2023). Scholarly, it promises to contribute a nuanced
perspective to the body of criminological literature and to initiate further research
into the evolving digital dimensions of criminal affiliation and prevention (Murphy
& Gomez, 2021).
(Support Each Paragraph with Citation/s. Use Transitional Devices for the
Coherence of Ideas. Minimum of at least 2 Pages and ½ for Introduction)
- This is where the researchers provide a theory/theories that are relevant to the
investigation of the present study. Discuss the relevance of each variable in the
- Opening prompts will discuss the assumption/s of the study and theory
anchored to the study with the proponent and year of the theory. (One or two
main theories)
- Introduction/1st and 2nd paragraph discusses the main theory/ theories
relevance to the research topic.
- Provide an introduction to the theoretical framework used in the study. Justify the
theory/theories and explain why these theory/theories is/are the most appropriate
for the study.
- Discuss how this theoretical framework can shed new light on the research
- 3rd to 5th paragraphs discusses the variable/s in the study. Discuss the key
principles, and explain how the variables are essential and relatable to the
research problem and its connection to the main theory.
(1 paragraph of discussions for each study variable)
The conceptual bedrock of this study is constructed upon two main theories: the
Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura (1977) and the Routine Activity Theory
proposed by Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson (1979). These theoretical
lenses offer invaluable insights into understanding the nuanced interplay
between social media usage and youth gang involvement, forming the
assumptions that youth behavior is significantly influenced by observed models
and that the convergence of motivated offenders, suitable targets, and the
absence of capable guardianship can predict criminal events.
(Support Each Paragraph with Citation/s. Use Transitional Devices for the
Coherence of Ideas. 3-4 pages and ½ at least)
Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship between the patterns
of social media usage by at-risk youths and the predictive elements of the
Routine Activity Theory concerning their involvement in gang activities.
Schematic Diagram
(Draw two boxes connected by one line at the center. On the left box write the
Independent variable/s and on the right box the dependent variable/s of the
The findings of this study are poised to benefit a spectrum of stakeholders, spanning
from national policy formulators to local community actors:
1. Policy Makers and Law Enforcement Agencies: Insights from this study can
inform the development of comprehensive strategies and legal frameworks
aimed at mitigating youth gang involvement, guiding resource allocation for
prevention and intervention programs.
2. Educational Institutions and Administrators: Educators will be able to
harness the study's findings to tailor school-based programs that raise
awareness and educate students about the risks of social media as it relates to
gang involvement.
3. Social Media Platforms: This research can provide social media companies
with crucial data to refine their content moderation policies and design features
that help detect and prevent the spread of gang-related content.
4. Parents and Guardians: The study will offer valuable information to parents and
guardians regarding the signs of potential gang involvement facilitated through
social media, enabling more effective monitoring and guidance.
5. Youth Organizations: Community and youth organizations may use the
research outcomes to create targeted outreach programs that engage at-risk
6. Researchers and Academics: The study adds to the existing body of
knowledge in criminology and social media studies, paving the way for future
7. General Public: By raising public awareness of the issue, the study indirectly
benefits the community by potentially reducing gang-related activities and
improving public safety.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
- Mention the coverage of the study or the setting of the study.
- Mention the year the study will be conducted/ time frame of the study. Mention who
are the participants of the study and the total no. of the respondents involved.
This study is conducted within the urban settings of Pagadian City, during the calendar
year 2023-2024. It focuses on youths aged between 13 to 18 years, who are active
social media users. The study's participants are selected from local high schools and
community centers, encompassing a sample size of 200 respondents. The research
delimits itself to examining the correlation between social media use and gang
involvement without delving into the socioeconomic factors that may also play a role in
this dynamic.
Definition of Terms
- Write it alphabetically. Write the important words used in the study.
- Give them definitions operationally based on how the terms/words used in the study.
Definition of Terms:
1. Gang Involvement: Operationally defined as the participation or membership in
a group that engages in criminal activities, as identified through self-reporting by
respondents or via social media activity analysis.
2. Social Media Platforms: Refer to digital platforms where users create, share, or
exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
3. Youth: In this study, youth refer to individuals aged 13 to 18 years who are
residents of the study's defined urban setting.
4. Social Learning Theory: Utilized in the study to describe the process by which
individuals observe and imitate behaviors observed on social media.
5. Routine Activity Theory: Applied within the research context as a framework to
analyze the opportunity structure for potential gang involvement as influenced by
everyday use of social media.
(Please take note of this)
Conceptual Definition: The conceptual definition provides the theoretical meaning of a
term as it is rooted in theoretical literature. It's an abstract concept that usually derives
from academic discourse or scholarly consensus within the field of study. A conceptual
definition is broad and sometimes ambiguous because it is subject to interpretation.
Recidivism - refers to a person's relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person
receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime. It is a key indicator of
the efficacy of criminal justice interventions and is often used as a measure of success
in corrections and rehabilitation programs (Maltz, 1984).