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of Printed Pages : 8 2133 c) Decreasing pupillary responses to light

Roll No. .................. d) Directly acting on the smooth muscle of the iris
2nd Year / Pharmacy Q.7 Bioassays are carried out to
a) Measure the pharmacological activity of a drug
Subject : Pharmacology and Toxicology b) Avoid clinical trials for new drugs
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 80 c) Detect the impurity in a given drug
SECTION-A d) Screen from pharmacogenetic influences of
Note: Multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory new drug
(20x1=20) Q.8 Science which deals with drug and their Mechanism of
Q.1 Pharmacokinetics is the learning of action is known as
a) Absorption b) Metabolism a) Physiology b) Pathology
c) Excretion d) ADME c) Pharmacology d) Microbiology
Q.2 The energy mandatory for the transportation of drugs by Q.9 Source of drugs include?
a) Facilitated diffusion b) Active transport a) Animals and plants b) Micro-organisms
c) Pinocytosis d) Passive diffusion c) Synthetic origin d) All of the above
Q.3 The antifungal drug fluconazole fits to the class of Q.10 Drugs prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting are termed
a) Pyridine b) Azoles
a) Emetics b) Antiemetics
c) Pyrimidines d) Acridines
c) Anti diarrheals d) Steroids
Q.4 Which hormone is responsible in the secretion and
regulation of milk Q.11 Myotics Drugs
a) TSH b) FSH a) Constrict the pupil of the eye
c) Prolactin d) Thyroxine b) Constrict the blood vessels
Q.5 Antimalarial is obtained from natural source c) Dilate the blood vessels
a) Strychnine b) Brucine d) Dilate the pupil of the eye
c) Reserpine d) Quinine Q.12 Disadvantage of parenteral route is
Q.6 Pharmacological effect of Morphine on eye is a) If excess does once injected, the drug cannot be
a) Producing miosis through an action on the taken back.
oculomotor nerve b) Only trained persons can use this method.
b) Producing mydriasis through an action on the c) Possibility of introduction of infection.
sympathetic system d) All of the above
(1) 2133 (2) 2133
Q.13 Pancreatin is_______ SECTION-B
a) Antacids b) Antitussive Note: Short answer type questions. Attempt any ten questions
c) Antiemetic d) Digestant out of eleven questions. (10x3=30)
Q.21 Describe the Scope of Pharmacology.
Q.14 One of the following is Cholinergic Blocking agent?
Q.22 Differentiate between Disinfectants and anti-septics.
a) Atropine b) Carbachol
Q.23 List the advantages of parenteral route over oral route of
c) Acetylcholine d) Pilocarpine administration.
Q.15 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors includes Q.24 Discuss the chemotherapy of amoebiasis?
a) Acetazolamide b) Mannitol Q.25 Summarize about local anaesthetic?
c) Furosemide d) Spronolactone Q.26 Discuss the term proton pump inhibitors.
Q.16 Animal used to study the effect of miotics? Q.27 Why atropine is used along with neostigmine in
a) Rabbit b) Guinea-pig treatment of myasthenia gravis?
c) Frog d) Rat Q.28 Tabulate the drugs acting on blood and blood forming
Q.17 Adrenergic receptors present in the heart? organs
a) Beta 1 b) Beta 2 Q.29 Differentiate between drug habituation and drug
c) M1 d) M2
Q.30 Describe briefly about Parkinsonism.
Q.18 Clonidine is Q.31 Tell about pharmacokinetic parameters?
a) Alpha-2 receptor selective agonist SECTION-C
b) Alpha-1 receptor selective agonist Note: Long answer type questions. Attempt any six questions
c) beta-1 receptor selective agonist out of seven questions. (6x5=30)
d) beta-2 receptor selective agonist Filtration Q.32 Classify Antihistamine drugs with their mechanism of
Q.19 In Toxicology_______ action?
a) Effect of poisons is studied Q.33 Distinguish between general and local anaesthetics?
b) Effect of drug is studied Q.34 Classify Anti-emetics with their mechanism of action?
c) Effect of additive is studied Q.35 Discuss the Brief note on Anti-Fungal Agents?
Q.36 Classify NSAIDS? Describe briefly about each class of
d) Effect of excipients is studied
Q.20 Heparin belongs to
Q.37 Explain about the chemotherapy of Cancer?
a) Anticoagulants b) Antiamoebic
Q.38 Summarize Anti-tubercular drugs. Explain their
c) Antiplatelet d) Antiviral mechanism of action.
(3) 2133 (1980) (4) 2133
No. of Printed Pages : 8 2133 iz-7 tho&ç;ksx rc fd, tkrs gSa fd
Roll No. .................. d½ fdlh nok dh QkekZdksy ftdy xfrfof/k dks ekik tk lds
2nd Year / Pharmacy [k½ ubZ nokvksa ds fy, fDyfudy ijh{k.k ls cpk tk lds
x½ nh xbZ nok esa v'kq)rk dk irk yxkus ds fy,
Subject : Pharmacology and Toxicology ?k½ ubZ nok ds QkekZdkstsusfVd çHkko dh tk¡p djus ds fy,
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 80 iz-8 nokvksa vkSj muds dk;kZUo;u ds foKku dks D;k dgk tkrk gS\
Hkkx & d d½ HkkSfrdh [k½ iSFkksyksth
uksV%& cgq fodYih; ç'uA lHkh ç'u vfuok;Z gSaA (20x1=20)
x½ QkekZdksyksth ?k½ ekbØksck;ksyksth
iz-9 nokvksa dh lzksr esa D;k 'kkfey gSa\
iz-1 QkekZdksfdusfVDl dk v/;;u D;k gS\ d½ tkuoj vkSj ikS/ks [k½ ekbØks&thok.kq
d½ vo'kks"k.k [k½ ikpu x½ la'ysf"kr ewy ?k½ mijksä lHkh
x½ fuf"Ø;dj.k ?k½ , Mh ,e bZ iz-10 mYVh vkSj mYVh jksdus okyh nokvksa dks D;k dgk tkrk gS\
iz-2 vkS"kf/k;ksa ds ifjogu ds fy, vko';d ÅtkZ D;k gS\ d½ mYVh mÙkstd [k½ ,aVh,esfVDl
d½ lqfo/kktfur folj.k [k½ lfØ; ifjogu x½ ,aVh Mk;fj;Yl ?k½ LVsjks;M~l
x½ fiuksflVksfll ?k½ fuf"Ø; folj.k iz-11 ek;ksfVd nokvksa
iz-3 dkSu lk ,aVhQaxy nok ¶yqdksuktksy fdl oxZ esa vkrk gS\ d½ vk¡[k ds iqfiy dks ladqfpr djrh gSa
d½ ikbfjMhu [k½ ,tksYl [k½ jälaokfgdkvksa dks ladqfpr djrh gSa
x½ ikbfjfefMUl ?k½ ,fØMhUl x½ jälaokfgdkvksa dks foLrkfjr djrh gSa
iz-4 nw/k ds mRltZu vkSj fu;a=k.k ds fy, dkSu lk gkeksZu ftEesnkj gS\ ?k½ vk¡[k ds iqfiy dks foLrkfjr djrh gSa
d½ Vh,l,p [k½ ,Q,l,p iz-12 iSjsaVsjy jkLrs dk uqdlku gS
x½ çksySfDVu ?k½ Fkk;jksDlhu d½ vf/kd ek=kk esa ,d ckj batsDV fd;k tkrk gS] rks nok okil
iz-5 ,aVheysfj;y çkd`frd lzksr ls çkIr gksrk gSA ugha yh tk ldrh gSA
d½ fLVªDukbu [k½ C#lhu [k½ bl fof/k dk mi;ksx dsoy çf'kf{kr O;fä dj ldrk gSA
x½ jsljihu ?k½ fDofuu x½ laHkkouk gS fd laØe.k dk ifjp; gksA
iz-6 eQhZu dk vk¡[k ij vkS"k/kh; çHkko D;k gS\ ?k½ mijksä lHkh
d½ vkaf=kd ul ds dkj.k ekbvksfll mRiUu djuk iz-13 iSaØsfVu D;k gS\
[k½ la;qä ç.kkyh ij dkjZokbZ ds ek/;e ls feMªkbfll mRiUu d½ ,aVkflM~l b½ ,afVVflo
djuk x½ ,aVhesfVd d½ MkbtsLVsaV
x½ çdk'k ds çfrfØ;kvksa dks de djuk
?k½ vk¡[k ds vkbfjl ds ljy ekal ij lh/kk çHkko Mkyuk
(5) 2133 (6) 2133
iz-14 fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk dksfyuftZd vojks/k dkjd gS\ iz-22 fMlbaQsDVsaV~l vkSj ,aVhlsfIVDl ds chp varj dk foospu dhft,A
d½ ,Vªksihu [k½ dkjckdksy\ iz-23 iSjsaVsjy ekxZ ds ykHkksa dh lwph esa vf/kdkfjd ekxZ ds ykHkksa dh lwph
x½ ,sflfVydksfyu ?k½ ikbyksdkfiZu djsaA
iz-15 dkcksZfud ,UgkbMªst vojks/kd esa 'kkfey gSa iz-24 ,eksckb;kfll dh dseksFksjsih ij ppkZ dhft,A
d½ ,lhVktksykekbM [k½ eSfuVksy iz-25 LFkkfud ,usLFksfVd ds ckjs esa la{ksi esa lkjka'k dhft,A
x½ QqjkslsekbM ?k½ fLijksuksySDVksu iz-26 çksVksu iai vojks/kd ds ckjs esa ppkZ dhft,A
iz-16 ek;ksfVDl ds çHkko dk v/;;u djus ds fy, i'kq mi;ksxh gS \ iz-27 ek;LFksfu;k xzsfol ds mipkj esa usvksfLVXehu ds lkFk ,Vªksihu dk
d½ [kjxks'k [k½ fxuh&fix mi;ksx D;ksa fd;k tkrk gS\
x½ esa<+d ?k½ pwgk iz-28 jä vkSj jä fuekZ.k vaxksa ij dk;Z djus okyh nokvksa dh lwph
iz-17 ân; esa ekStwn ,MªsuftZd fjlsIVlZ\ cuk,aA
d½ chVk 1 [k½ chVk 2 iz-29 nok vknr vkSj nok O;lu ds chp varj dk foospu dhft,A
x½ ,e1 ?k½ ,e 2 iz-30 ikfdaZlfut~e ds ckjs esa la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft,A
iz-18 DyksfuMhu gS iz-31 QkekZfdusfVd ekun.M ds ckjs esa laf{kIr esa crkb,A
d½ vYQk&2 fjlsIVj lsysfDVo vkxksfuLV Hkkx & x
[k½ vYQk&1 fjlsIVj lsysfDVo vkxksfuLV uksV%& nh?kZ mÙkjh; ç'uA lkr esa ls fdUgha N% ç'uksa dks gy dhft,A
x½ chVk&1fjlsIVj lsysfDVo vkxksfuLV (6x5=30)
?k½ chVk&2 fjlsIVj lsysfDVo vkxksfuLV iz-32 mfUgLVkehu nokvksa dks muds dk;Z ds vuqlkj oxhZd`r djsa\
iz-19 fo"k'kkL=k esa -------------------------------- iz-33 lkekU; vkSj LFkkfud ,usLFksfVDl ds chp varj djsa\
d½ tgjksa ds çHkko dk v/;;u fd;k tkrk gS iz-34 oeu jks/kh nokvksa dks muds dk;Z ds vuqlkj oxhZd`r djsa\
[k½ nokvksa ds çHkko dk v/;;u fd;k tkrk gS iz-35 ,aVh&Qaxy ,tsaV~l ij la{ksi esa fVIi.kh dhft,\
x½ ;kstdksa ds çHkko dk v/;;u fd;k tkrk gS iz-36 ,u,l,vkbZMh,l dks oxhZd`r dhft,\ çR;sd ,u,l,vkbZMh ds
?k½ ,Dlhfi,aV ds çHkko dk v/;;u fd;k tkrk gS çR;sd oxZ ds ckjs esa la{ksi esa fooj.k dhft,A
iz-20 gsikfju fdl oxZ ls gS\ iz-37 dSalj dh dseksFksjsih ds ckjs esa LokjkLin fooj.k nhft,\
d½ ,aVhdksX;wysaV~l [k½ ,aVhvehfcd iz-38 ,aVh&VîwcjD;wyj nokvksa dks la{ksi esa lkjka'k dhft,A muds dk;Z
x½ ,aVhIysVysV ?k½ ,aVhok;jy ds ckjs esa fooj.k dhft,A
Hkkx & [k
uksV%& y?kq mÙkjh; ç'uA 11 esa ls fdUgha 10 ç'uksa dks gy dhft,A
iz-21 QkekZdksyksth ds dk;Z{ks=k dk o.kZu dhft,A
(7) 2133 (1980) (8) 2133

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