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Om Ganapathaye Namaha

Sri Kalikambal Thunai

Om Nama Bhagavathe Arunachalaya

Maha Saraswathy
Sri Shanmukha Sivacharyar
“Saraswathy Namasthubhyam Varade Kaama Roopini men call the only one truth by many names. This is one the
Vidyarambham karishyaami Siddhir Bhavathu Mey Sadaa” basic tenet of Hinduism. The learned do not get confused by
many forms or names. Person who enters his home is not
May Divine mother Saraswathy, the goddesses who fulfils our confused to go to his room. Likewise, once we are educated
prayers, bless my quest for wisdom with success – This is the about our Sastras, we are clear.
common prayer of any Hindu to the mother of Knowledge.
May She guide the world with knowledge. The clarity of mind is blessed by goddesses Saraswathy. She
is the consort or the Shakthi of the creator Brahma. She is
Introduction: Mother Saraswathy is known to be the believed to reside on the tongue of Lord Brahma. She is
Goddesses of Knowledge. Here knowledge cannot be limited known as Brahma Pathni or Brahmi. In one of her form she
to the knowledge of human beings alone. In fact, it cannot be has fours hands, which symbolises the four Vedas. In one she
limited about the knowledge of the mundane world. Hence, holds a book, which denotes the methodology of learning
I would like to share my understandings and experiences or acquiring the knowledge. In the other hand, she holds
about Goddesses Saraswathy and her grace- the Knowledge, a Japa Mala, which denotes that whatever we have learnt
to the sathsang that I received through my Acharyas. Acharya should be revised. In the other two hands she holds a Veena,
Devo Bhava! Om Vak Devyai Namaha! which signifies the preaching of the knowledge that we have
The Religious texts of Hinduism: acquired. She has a Hamsa – a divine swan, as her vehicle.
Hamsa is known to separate the milk and water. Likewise, a
In the Sanatana Dharma, The eternal truth is worshipped in
person who is blessed with her grace can remove the illusion
many ways. The Vedas talk about the experiences through
and be blessed with the real knowledge of the self. She also
many dialogues. The great Rishis or the Seers who were
has peacock as her vehicle. Peacock represents the letter OM.
able to see the past, present and the future, have found many
This denotes that She is the Universal sound.
mantras that would benefit the world. (“Rushaya: Mantra
Drashtara:”), (“Mananaath Thraayathe Ithi Mantra:”). The In Hinduism, each and every form has significance and does
supreme experience of being with the God or oneness, create energy that is required for the purpose we are praying
that is described in the Vedas (“Raso Vai Sa:”) can be for. Because of invasions and other factors, we have had a
realised following the methodologies of the Agamas. (“Siva big gap of understanding. Now, a great quest for knowledge
Nishvasitham Vedaa: Vag Roopascha Sivagamaa:”) - Lord has begun and we do get the available sources to explain our
Siva’s vital breath is Vedas and His words are the Agamas. The questions.
root or the primary holy texts of the Sanatana Dharma are The Vedas details the importance of knowledge. In the Rig
the Vedas and the secondary texts are the Agamas, Puranas, Veda, Saraswathy Sooktha the Medha Sakthi is described
Ithihasaas and others. as the source for this whole Universe. Only by knowing
The relevance of temples: the self, a soul can attain the Moksha. Sastras declares her
as the mother of the Vedas (“Gayathreem Chandasaam
Just as the Portal connects all the nodes, the Universal
Mathaa”) - Gayathri, the divine mother who protects the
energy in the form of Vigrahas or divine Murthis connect
Universe by chanting her mantra. In Shathapatha Brahmana
all the individual souls in to one. The experience that a great
( “ Atha Saarasvathachcharur Bhavathi” ), Saankhyaayana
saint attains after many decades of penance can be easily
Brahmanam ( “ Atha Yadagnishomao Prathamao”), Ithareya
experienced by the individual soul if they worship the Lord
Brahmana ( “ Rushayao Vaa Saraswathyaam”), Taiteereeya
as prescribed in the Agamas.
Brahmana ( “ Ethe pracharathy”) and many other vedic
Understanding Goddessess Saraswathy: recitations we can see Hymns praising Saraswathy.
“Ekam Sath Vipraa: Bahudhaa Vadanthi” – The learned In Agamas, Goddesses Saraswathy is worshipped in the

2017 Sri Medha Vidyaa Vaaridhi Mahotsavam Souvenir 15

Maha Saraswathy Sri Siva Vishnu Temple

western entrance of Lord Siva. The pooja offered to Lord Siva and others the detailed description of the Goddesses along
is incomplete without invoking Goddesses Saraswathy. In the with the yantras and mantras are explained. Before beginning
Rourava Agama, one of the twenty eight primary Agamas, the Sri Vidya Saparya, the Sadhaka invokes all the Aksharas
the Navarathri Pooja is explained in detail (“Athatha: in his body and then proceeds with the prayers to Para
Sampravakshyaami NavaRathra Poojanam”) in which Bhattarika – The Queen of the Universe. In Sharada Tilakam,
prayers to Saraswathy is specially mentioned as (“Saraswathy a detailed description of sound, formation of language and
Prapoojyatha Dhoopa Deepair Visheshatha:) , by which the its relation to various deities are explained. Prapancha
bhaktha’s desires are fulfilled and attains Moksha. Ajitagama, Sara Sangraha details the following forms of Saraswathy –
to attain all the Siddhis, (“Sthaapayeth Sarva Siddhaye”) Dhaarana Saraswathy, Nakuli Saraswathy, Para Saraswathy,
prescribes the installation of Goddesses Saraswathy. Uthara Mala Saraswathy, Vak Devi, Vageeswari, Rudra Vageeswari,
Karanagama describes in detail about goddesses Saraswathy Vishnu Vageeswari, Vachaspathi Vageeshwari, Chinthamani
along with the description about the Navarathri Pooja. Saraswathy, Vani Saraswathy and Medha Dharana
Saraswathy. Chandi kalpa, Maha Lakshmi Ratna Kosha,
In Mathsya Purana (“ Saraswathyatha Gaayathri Brahmaani
Markandeya Purana, Sri Tatvanidhi, Nrusimha Prasada are
Cha Paramtapa”), Vaayu Purana (“ Praahur Bhootha
some of the texts which records different descriptions about
Mahaa Naadaa Vishwaroopa Saraswathy”), Brahma
the mother of wisdom.
Vaivartha Purana (“ Aavir Babhoova Kanyaikaa Dharmasya
Vaama paarvashatha:”), Vishnu Purana (“ Teshvevam The Devi Mahathmya, explains her as the Shakthi who
Nirapekhsheshu”), Skanda Purana (“ Thath Prabhavam is present in all the beings as knowledge. “Yaa Devi Sarva
Saraswathyaa: Sa Vignyaaya Maheepathi:”), Brahma Bhootheshu Buddhi Rupena Samsthitha”. Who taught an
Purana (“ Tairvimishra Janapada”), Padma Purana (“ ant about a cube of sugar? The birds fly. The trees grow.
Twam Siddhistwam Swadha Swahaa”), Garuda Purana (“ The rivers flow. We speak. Sastras talks about four forms
Aasanaadeen harer Hethair”), Bhagavata Purana( “ Chandra sound, namely Para, Pashyanthi, Madhyama and Vaikhari.
Vasha Tamra Parni”) special mention is recorded about the If we analyse the nature about and around us, we will find
Vak Devi. her presence in each and every action of the Universe. Each
and every atom operates upon her instruction. Saraswathy
In Tantra Sastras, She is worshipped as Raja Matangi. She is
is not confined to our learning at school or university.
also known as Mantrini. She controls the world. “ Devathaam
She should be understood as the factor without which the
Jagathaam Aadhyaam Maathangeem Ishta daayineem
universe cannot operate in a proper way. In the Vaikruthika
Avaapthum Ichchaam Taam Vaacham Bhooshayeth
Rahasyam She is praised as the Sakthi who had come from
Rathna Maalayaa” – Worship the Sakthi as Maathangi or
Gowri with eight hands (“ Gowri Dehaath Samudbhutha Yaa
Shyama with the Rathnamala Stothra , be blessed with all
Sathvaika Gunaashrayaa”)
the desires and be an eloquent speaker. She is also known
as Laghu Shyama. The goddess of wisdom is called by How do mantras operate? We may question about a person
many names based upon the Rishis who gave the mantras. who does not pray but still a topper, but another one who
Mantra Sastra can be appreciated only by the experience the has done all his prayers but unable to reach the level. This
Sadhaka undergoes during his Tapas. Unless and until you is beautifully analysed in our Sastras. We totally believe the
experience it, you will not know it. Here is where the Guru karma theory. The sastras says that if a person in spite being
plays an important role in guiding the disciple towards the a non- believer of god, because of his previous good karmas,
truth by his experience. The Tantras also talk about eight able to achieve and for the person who is yet to achieve the
forms of Saraswathy as Vageeshwari, Chithreshwari, Tulaja, level, has to do more prayers to remove all the obstacles.
Keerthishwari, Anthariksha Saraswathy, Gata Saraswathy, Only by prayers we can achieve the mission. Only if the
Neela Saraswathy and Gini Saraswathy. seed is sown we can think about a plant or tree. Likewise
for any action to be fulfilled we need to think. The sankalpa
In the special ten forms of Vidya, The Tara Vidya who is also
has to be made. It is blessed only by Goddesses Saraswathy’s
praised as Neela Saraswathi, is surrounded by medha and
grace. We may have a diamond and we may also have a
eight sakthis which denote different forms of knowledge. Sri
good eyesight, but if there is dark, we cannot see. Likewise
Bhagavathpada in his Prapancha Sara Tantra details about
our efforts are fruitful only by the grace of the God. Hence,
the prayers for Saraswathy. In many of the tantra texts like
prayers to God are specially given importance in Hinduism.
Mantra Mahaarnava, Rudra Yaamala, Mantra Mahodadhi
Agamas talks about the temples, a place where prayers are

16 2017 Sri Medha Vidyaa Vaaridhi Mahotsavam Souvenir

Sri Siva Vishnu Temple Maha Saraswathy

done for all the beings. When we water at the root, the water the great worshippers of Vak Devi.
is equally transported to all the parts. Prayers at temples are
In different parts of the world people worship the divine
done for the welfare of the whole world. The environmental
mother of Knowledge in many forms. In Jainism, she
equilibrium can be maintained by the prayers.
is described as Agamaswaroopi, Jeenavani, Sruthidevi,
During the Navarathri days (Sharada Navarathri), the last Jinaiswarya, Maha Saraswathy. The Buddhists praise her
three days are specially dedicated to Vak Devi. On the ninth as Maha Saraswathy, Vajra Veena, Vajra Sarada, Arya
day – The Navami, we perform prayers to books and to all Saraswathy, Vajra Saraswathy. Each and every civilizations of
the instruments that we use to invoke the blessings of the the world has a god for knowledge.
divine. On the day of Vijaya Dasami we specially pray to
Prayers to Devi Saraswathy blesses the whole world with
her to be blessed with complete knowledge. It is a tradition
knowledge. Person who is blessed with the grace of Vak
that we do not read or use any of our accessories on the day
Devatha will be victorious in this world in all his activities.
of Navami and it is advised to start our work on the day of
May thy mother Saraswathy guide all the students with
Vijaya Dasami.
excellence. May She guide us towards her.
Brahma, Valmiki, Vyasa, Yagnyavalkya, Kalidasa,
Goddesses Saraswathy should be understood as the vital
Bhavabhuthi, Bharavi, Magha, Sri Harshar, Bhana Bhatta,
energy which keeps the Universe in order. May She bless the
Amara Simha, Bhoja Raja, Kumara Guruparar are some of
world with peace and happiness.

SrI Shanmugam ShivAchAriar, AsthAna AchArya of SSVT, hails from a distinguished family who for generations have served SrI KaalikaambAl temple in Chennai, India. He holds a PhD
in aagama studies and samskritam. He is also the Managing Trustee, Sivasri Sambamurthy Sivachariar Trust, George Town, Chennai, Tamil Nadu , India. In addition to his services to
KaalikAmbaal Temple, Sri Shivaachaariar travels all around the world to guide devotees in conducting Vedic rituals and rejuvenation of temples. Sri Shanmukha was associated with
several earlier SSVT major celebrations such as Skanda shasti mahotsavam, Devi Mahotsavam and Mahaganapathi celebrations.and most recently he was the pradhaana Sivagama
Acharya during Jeernodhdaranam and Kumbhabhishekam celebrations in 2015. IT is under guidance SSVT has started daily Sivagni Homam, Panchasana Pujas and annual Siva
Brahmootsavam and Pavitrotsavam.

Sri Medha Vidyaa Vaaridhi Mahotsavam

The End of Man’s Pursuit for Lust and Ego
Manorama, M. G. Menon & Family

2017 Sri Medha Vidyaa Vaaridhi Mahotsavam Souvenir 17

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