Computer Architecture 08
Computer Architecture 08
Computer Architecture 08
Computer Architecture
Lecture No. 8
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
1) Introduction to the ISA of the FALCON-A
2) Examples for the FALCON-A
We take a look at the notation that we are going to employ when studying the FALCON-
A. We will refer to the contents of a register by enclosing in square brackets the name of
the register, for instance, R [3] refers to the contents of the register 3. Memory contents
are to be referred to in a similar fashion; for instance, M [8] refers to the contents of
memory at location 8 (or the 8th
memory cell).
Since memory is organized into cells
of 1 byte, whereas the memory word
size is 2 bytes, two adjacent memory
cells together make up a memory
word. So, memory word at the
memory address 8 would be defined
as 1 byte at address 8 and 1 byte at
address 9. To refer to 16-bit memory
words, we make use of a special
notation, the concatenation of two memory locations. Therefore, to refer to the 16-bit
memory word at location 8, we would write M[8]©M[9]. As we employ the big-endian
M [8]<15…0>:=M[8]©M[9]
So in our notation © is used to represent concatenation.
Little endian puts the smallest numbered byte at the least-significant position in a word,
whereas in big endian, we place the largest numbered byte at the most significant
position. Note that in our case, we use the big-endian convention of ordering bytes.
However, within each byte itself, the ordering of the bits is little endian.
FALCON-A Features
The FALCON-A processor has fixed-length instructions, each 16 bits (2 bytes) long.
Addressing modes supported are limited, and memory is accessed through the load/store
instructions only.
7. jpl (op-code= 16) In this instruction, the value contained in the register specified
in the field ra is checked, and if it is positive, the jump is taken.
jpl r3, [label] (R[3]≥0): PC ← PC+ (label-PC);
Note that, in all the instructions for jump, the jump can be specified by a constant, a
variable, a label or an address (that holds the value by which the PC is to be advanced).
A variable can be defined through the use of the ‘.equ’ directive. An address (of data) can
be specified using the directive ‘.db’ or ‘.dw’. A label can be specified with any
instruction. In its usage, we follow the label by a colon ‘:’ before the instruction itself.
For example, the following is an instruction that has a label ‘alfa’ attached to it
alfa: movi r3 r4
Labels implement relative jumps, 128 locations backwards or 127 locations forward
(relative to the current position of program control, i.e. the value in the program counter).
The compiler handles the interpretation of the field c2 as a constant/ variable/ label/
address. The machine code just contains an 8-bit constant that is added to the program
counter at run-time.
9. jump (op-code= 20)
This instruction instructs the processor to advance the program counter by the
displacement specified, unconditionally (an unconditional jump). The assembler
allows the displacement (or the jump) to be specified in any of the following ways
jump [ra + constant]
jump [ra + variable]
jump [ra + address]
jump [ra + label]
The types of unconditional jumps that are possible are
• Direct
• Indirect
• PC relative (a ‘near’ jump)
• Register relative (a ‘far’ jump)
The c2 field may be a constant, variable, an address or a label.
A direct jump is specified by a PC-label.
An indirect jump is implemented by using the C2 field as a variable.
In all of the above instructions, if the value of the register ra is zero, then the Program
Counter is incremented (or decremented) by the sign-extended value of the constant
specified in the instruction. This is called the PC-relative jump, or the ‘near’ jump. It is
denoted in RTL as:
(ra=0):PC← PC+(8αC2<7>)©C2<7..0>;
If the register ra field is non-zero, then the Program Counter is assigned the sum of the
sign-extended constant and the value of register specified in the field ra. This is known as
the register-relative, or the ‘far’ jump. In RTL, this is denoted as:
(ra≠0):PC← R[ra]+(8αC2<7>)©C2<7..0>;
Note that C2 is computed by sign extending the constant, variable, address, or (label –
PC). Since we have 8 bits available for the C2 field (which can be a constant, variable,
address or a PC-label), the range for the field is -128 to + 127. Also note that the compiler
does not allow an instruction with a negative sign before the register name, such as ‘jump
[-r2]’. If the C2 field is being used as an address, it should always be an even value for
the jump instruction. This is because our instruction word size is 16 bits, whereas in
instruction memory, the instruction memory cells are of 8 bits each. Two consecutive
cells together make an instruction.
Type III
There are nine instructions of the FALCON-A that belong to Type III. These are:
1. andi (op-code = 9)
The andi instruction bit-wise ‘ands’ the constant specified in the instruction with
the value stored in the register specified in the second operand register and stores
the result in the destination register. An example is:
andi r4, r3, 5
This instruction will bit-wise and the constant 5 and R[3], and assign the value
thus obtained to the register R[4], as given .
R [4] ← R [3] & 5
2. addi (op-code = 1)
This instruction is to add a constant value to a register; the result is stored in a
destination register. An example:
addi r4, r3,4 R [4] ← R [3] + 4
3. subi (op-code = 3)
The subi instruction will subtract the specified constant from the value stored in a
source register, and store to the destination register. An example follows.
subi r5, r7, 9 R [5] ← R [7] – 9
4. ori (op-code= 11)
Similar to the andi instruction, the ori instruction bit-wise ‘ors’ a constant with a
value stored in the source register, and assigns it to the destination register. The
following instruction is an example.
ori r4, r7, 3 R[4] ← R[7] ~ 3
5. shiftl (op-code = 12)
This instruction shifts the value stored in the source register (which is the second
operand), and shifts the bits left as many times as is specified by the third
operand, the constant value. For instance, in the instruction
shiftl r4, r3, 7
The contents of the register are shifted left 7 times, and the resulting number is
assigned to the register r4.
6. shiftr (op-code = 13)
This instruction shifts to the right the value stored in a register. An example is:
shiftr r4, r3,9
7. asr (op-code = 15)
An arithmetic shift right is an operation that shifts a signed binary number
stored in the source register (which is specified by the second operand), to the
right, while leaving the sign-bit unchanged. A single shift has the effect of
dividing the number by 2. As the number is shifted as many times as is specified
in the instruction through the constant value, the binary number of the source
register gets divided by the constant value times 2. An example is
Last Modified: 01-Nov-06 Page 95
Advanced Computer Architecture-CS501
1. add (op-code = 0 )
This instruction adds contents of a register to those of another register, and
assigns to the destination register. An example:
and r4, r3, r5
R[4] ← R[3] +R[5]
2. sub (op-code = 2 )
This instruction subtracts value of a register from another the value stored in
another register, and assigns to the destination register. For example,
sub r4, r3, r5
In RTL, this is denoted by
R[4] ← R[3] – R[5]
3. mul (op-code = 4 )
The multiply instruction will store the product of two register values, and stores in
the destination register. An example is
mul r5, r7, r1
The RTL notation for this instruction will be
R[0] © R[5] ← R[7]*R[1]
4. div (op-code= 5)
This instruction will divide the value of the register that is the second operand, by the
number in the register specified by the third operand, and assign the result to the
destination register.
div r4, r7, r2 R[4]←R[0] ©R[7]/R[2],R[0]←R[0] ©R[7]%R[2]
5. and (op-code= 8)
This ‘and’ instruction will obtain a bit-wise ‘and’ of the values of two registers and
assigns it to a destination register. For instance, in the following example, contents of
register r4 and r5 are bit-wise ‘anded’ and the result is assigned to the register r1.
and r1, r4, r5
In RTL we may write this as
R[1] ← R[4] & R[5]
6. or (op-code= 10)
To bit-wise ‘or’ the contents of two registers, this instruction is used. For instance,
or r6, r7,r2
In RTL this is denoted as
R[6] ← R[7] ~ R[2]
The solution to this problem is quite straightforward. The types of these instructions, as
well as the fields, have already been discussed in the preceding sections.
We can also find the machine code for these instructions. The machine code (in the
hexadecimal representation) is given for these instructions in the given table.
Example 2:
Identify the addressing modes and Register Transfer Language (RTL) description
(meaning) for the given FALCON-A instructions
Addressing modes relate to the way architectures specify the address of the objects they
access. These objects may be constants and registers, in addition to memory locations.
Example 3: Specify the condition for the branch instruction and the status of the PC after
the branch instruction executes with a true branch condition
We have looked at the various jump instructions in our study of the FALCON-A. Using
that knowledge, this problem can be solved easily.
Example 4: Specify the binary encoding of the different fields in the given FALCON-A
We can solve this problem by referring back to our discussion of the instruction format
types. The op-codes for each of the instructions can also be looked up from the tables. ra,
rb and rc (where applicable) registers’ values are obtained from the register encoding
table we looked at. The constants C1 and C2 are there in instruction type III and II
respectively. The immediate constant specified in the instruction can also be simply
converted to binary, as shown.