Received: 10 February 2020 / Accepted: 1 March 2021 / Published online: 2 April 2021
Ó NAAS (National Academy of Agricultural Sciences) 2021
Abstract Precision agriculture is a management concept, which relies on intensive data collection and data processing for
guiding targeted actions that improve the efficiency, productivity, and sustainability of agricultural operations. Several
studies have assessed the adoption rate of precision agriculture technologies at regional or national scale, but the literature
lacks global evaluations of the development of precision agriculture. For this paper, a review of 17 papers was conducted to
provide an evaluation of the adoption rate of precision agriculture technologies on field crops farms in developed countries.
This review shows a fast development of Global Navigation Satellite System-based technologies (such as guidance system
and automatic section control), and yield monitor on combine harvesters, with a rate of adoption ranging from 60 to 80% in
2016. The adoption rate of these technologies is higher for North American farms than for European farms, with an average
rate of adoption 17% higher in North America than in Europe. The three technologies closely correlated with variable rate
application (soil mapping, variate rate fertilizing, and variable rate seeding) have seen a slower pace of growth, with only a
third of the field crops farms of developed countries using automated methods of managing the spatial crop variability and
spatial soil variability within a field. Three hypotheses to explain this difference are discussed: successive adoption of
technologies, reject of complex technologies and preference for technologies improving working conditions.
Keywords Precision farming Adoption rate Diffusion of innovation Variable rate application Site-specific adaptation
516 Agric Res (December 2021) 10(4):515–522
seeding and variable rate fertilizer application. Such for Germany (3%), 2 for England (3%), 2 for Canada (3%),
diversity needs to be taken into account when assessing the 1 for Finland (1%), and 1 for Denmark (1%).
spread of precision agriculture technologies.
The main goal of this review is to assess the adoption Typology of Precision Agriculture Technologies
rate of precision agriculture technologies by farmers, from
the introduction of these technologies in the 1990’s to the Figure 1 shows the typology proposed in this paper to
present. It focuses on field crops farms in developed define the most commonly precision agriculture technolo-
countries. These farms are among the most likely to adopt gies reviewed in the literature. These technologies can be
precision agriculture technologies because of their capacity divided into three main categories: GNSS use, use of intra-
to invest in relatively expensive tools (compared to farms field diagnosis tools and application of variable rate treat-
in developing countries), and because of their large field ment. Each of these categories may be further subdivided
size which increases the probability of intra-field variabil- into several sub-categories. For instance, GNSS use may
ity and allows for an economy of scale to pay for the refer to use of GNSS for automatic section control or to use
investment in precision agriculture technologies. Special of GNSS for guidance assistance, which in turn may refer
attention has been paid to the characterization of the var- to visual guidance (such as the use of a light bar guidance
ious practices of precision agriculture, to identify the system) or to auto-guidance (sometimes referred to as
fastest-spreading and the slowest-spreading technologies. automated steering system). The goal of the typology of
Fig. 1 is to reflect the interest of the previous studies into
precision farming adoption, not to provide a comprehen-
Materials and Methods sive overview of all precision farming technologies. There
may be some technologies, such as automatic section
Sample and Definition of Observations control for solid fertilizer spreader, which were not inclu-
ded in the reviewed papers.
For this review, after removing papers that relied on the No paper provided an estimation of the adoption rate of
same datasets, such as the National Resource Management all the technologies mentioned in Fig. 1, and no technology
Survey of the US Department of Agriculture or the was studied by all of the reviewed papers. The technology
Southern Cotton Farm Survey, 17 papers that studied the which was most frequently studied is the use of GNSS for
adoption rate of precision agriculture technologies by field autoguidance, with 51 of the 73 observations providing
crops farms in developed countries have been found. In data about its adoption. The adoption rate of GNSS for
order to compare similar figures, only adoption rates autoguidance has been more frequently studied than the
expressed as a percentage of farms have been retained for broader question of the use of GNSS for guidance, for
this study, whereas adoption rates expressed as a percent- which only 14 observations were found (Fig. 1). Since
age of farm area have been rejected. When necessary, the there is substantial heterogeneity in the practices surveyed
original dataset has been consulted to obtain the data by the 17 studies in the sample, a simple aggregation
expressed in the right unit, as it was the case for the method was used to homogenize their results, and to show
Agricultural Resource Management Survey [35] used by the dynamic of precision farming adoption.
Schimmelpfennig and Ebel [29]. The characteristics of the
17 papers are given in Table 1. The data used in these Aggregation of the Results
studies came mainly from surveys which ask farmers (1) if
they use precision agriculture technologies on their farms, To assess the development of precision farming, focus has
(2) if yes, which technologies do they use? been placed on the adoption of six important precision
The 17 papers provided numbers for the adoption rate of agriculture technologies: use of GNSS guidance system,
one or more precision agriculture technologies for 73 use of automatic section control, yield monitoring, soil
observations, each observation being defined by two mapping, variable rate for fertilizing, and variable rate for
parameters: country and year. For instance, Tickner studied seeding. To maximize the number of observations taken
the adoption rate of several precision agriculture tech- into account in the analysis, a simple aggregation method
nologies (GNSS use, yield mapping, soil mapping, and was implemented. For each technology and for each
variable rate application) for two observations: {England, observation, when the adoption rate of a given category
2009} and {England, 2012} [34]. was not available, this value was replaced by the maximum
The 73 observations cover a period of 25 years, from adoption rate of the sub-categories related to this category,
1992 to 2016. They refer to seven countries, and there are if the result of at least of one these sub-categories was
42 observations for USA (57%), 23 for Australia (32%), 2 available. For instance, for the observation {Germany,
2009}, Lawson et al. [17] did not report any estimation for
Agric Res (December 2021) 10(4):515–522 517
soil mapping, but mentioned the adoption rates of the three for variable rate seeding). Automatic section control was
sub-categories: grid sampling (14.47%), conductivity the last technology to emerge, in 2005.
(1.32%) and zone sampling (5.26%). Therefore, the From their emergence, all of these technologies have
aggregation method implemented predicted that at least experienced regular growth, but various growth rates. Two
14.47% of the farmers of the observation {Germany, 2009} groups may be distinguished: fast-spreading technologies
used soil mapping, regardless of the method used. In this (guidance system, automatic section control, and yield
particular case, such method did not allow to account for monitor) and slow-spreading technologies (soil mapping,
farmers using only conductivity or zone sampling. For a variable rate fertilizing, and variable rate seeding). The
given year, the number of adopters of a given technology fast-spreading technology group increased the number of
was calculated as the mean of the adoption rates for all users by approximately ? 4% each year, which is twice as
observations. Data treatments were performed with R much as the annual growth of the slow-spreading tech-
software [24]. nologies group (around ? 2% of users each year).
As a consequence, GNSS guidance system and yield
monitor are now widespread on field crops farms in
Results developed countries (between 70 and 80% of users in
2016). Automatic section control was the last technology to
Figure 2 shows the adoption rate for six precision farming emerge, but since it is the one with the fastest annual
technologies on field crops farms in developed countries. growth (? 5.5% of users per year), its rate of adoption is
According to these results, soil mapping was the first now close to guidance system or yield monitor (60% of
technology to emerge in 1996, followed by guidance sys- users in 2016). As regards the slow-spreading technologies,
tems (assisted guidance or autoguidance) and yield monitor approximately one out of three farms used soil mapping or
(coupled or not to GNSS) in 1997. Variable rate application variable rate fertilizing in 2016 and only one out of five
started around 2000 (1999 for variable rate fertilizing, 2002 farms used variable rate seeding.
518 Agric Res (December 2021) 10(4):515–522
Fig. 1 Typology of precision agriculture technologies surveyed in the literature. The numbers in gray (in brackets), correspond to the number of
observations which provide data for the adoption of each precision agriculture technology
When comparing the adoption rates of different geo- automatic section control, and yield monitor), and slow-
graphical zones for a given year, North American countries spreading technologies (such as soil mapping, variable rate
(USA and Canada) showed a higher percentage of adopters fertilizing, and variable rate seeding). A maximum of one
than European countries (Denmark, England, Finland, and out of three farms reported using one of these slow-
Germany). The difference was big for fast-spreading spreading technologies (Fig. 2). Results are given here as a
technologies, with an average of 17% more adopters in percentage of farm size and adoption rates are generally
North America than in Europe. For instance, we found that, higher when expressed as a percentage of cropland area
on average, 18% more North American farmers adopted because large farms are among the first adopters [23]. Still,
guidance system on their farms, than European farmers. despite the expected economic and environmental gains of
This difference was much smaller for the slow-spreading site-specific adaptation of agricultural practices [4, 26],
technologies (only 2% more adopters in North America). adoption of variable rate treatments by farmers has been
low and slow. Three hypothesis to explain this finding are
discussed below.
Discussion Reasons for non-adoption of a technology by farmers
can be divided into two broad categories: They are either
Difference in Adoption Rates Between Technologies unable (first and second hypothesis) or unwilling (third
hypothesis) to adopt [22]. First, since site-specific adapta-
This review highlighted two different groups of precision tion of agricultural practices generally requires the adop-
agriculture technologies, based on their pace of adoption: tion of other technologies such as GNSS and diagnostic
fast-spreading technologies (such as guidance system, tools for soil or crop mapping, variable rate application is
Agric Res (December 2021) 10(4):515–522 519
Fig. 2 Adoption rate of six precision farming technologies for field crops farms in developed countries. The barplots show the average
percentage of farms using each technology, based on a review of the literature. The error bars represent the standard deviations
expected to be the technology last adopted by farmers. an innovation, relatively few people are aware of it and
Such explanation may be consistent with the observations most people are not likely to adopt it, but when the
presented in Fig. 2. The adoption rate of fast-spreading adoption rate reaches a critical point (usually between 10
technologies, and especially the adoption rate of guidance and 20% of users), its rate of growth accelerates. Based on
system, seems to follow the classical pattern of diffusion of these theoretical arguments, precision agriculture might
innovations [20]. Rogers idea is that at the introduction of appear to have been adopted by field crops farms in
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Proceedings of the 10th international conference of precision Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
agriculture. Denver, Colorado jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.