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Prime MerlA

Prime Martt
Pago No,
Date Á12l94

paoda IHaucand aeckatsOuterdons"

-Gime in liÁu Ç(Shuchod Encionaism,
Skoactmal sraná
Souat stáing
bfo nean5 and ercs
Sumbiolic Intenacionisn pie ise to pheponenola
oromie Silude

meOrS ondends.
(auoOA ima eZ0 not tD be saudtt in Re behauiou1
cime ana disteian blo inshbuional goas
and inshbaond meaná indiaduals but in Re proasnaa iotezohon bln ageks
Fochen conam to meguns ends soial conholand individud atozs.

Conkummista illegekmal
obidient Qule- bneaking
1- \nnovoton +
2 buolism
Chengle ina huiaunah matgnat

totbtet oooterat labled as.

3 Relreatien deunant
40 labled
Conlamationis a cused
ts lobe lion
SIceAn and thoir not labled deant
leaiimate means GIaahng
deiant is one to ham Rat label is succealuly applied
E uine delenayanay
aind suakna tho tata denane
meaninaal choicona)stuch bains
achieina qods
Ho cirind as6oiahon
lean cino Rnasah naionalioutuoeahs tRo non- crininal behaunc
-akon and jushfcahan.
Aet hon elinquant Boa
to oiminadldepniuakn
behanou and Ro Sodd caan shuctuxe (aoding
Prine Merlt
Page No.
3124 Prlme Mari
Page No

#Conpaunie hafod
9 knoitudnal shudes
imyshqtes sustenah
made a scenhif ancysis Hata(cis) naking absences uiclbe.
toclmigte enhties a nespel. hata Ro dioncea exIsk
Lat an exdanahco and concluaion has grclauant bpics.
asking antexaabaq quuions
Aoanaing fanalels Xdifexcnes amatgdl fo tases
onparisan allous en eshag af Ranias acna aro Fmic Ehque cxangles
selling and eualuaking Ko Siope t iqniuccce 4
Ceatain ghangimana, arahy tortibuing e uniusall Ranchons tjin.
(oztain culles. omp1ison.
Lapolicaklk Resy-a prDeSs qonanalisat
aining to identi
behauiouS eahe -Iaoks at behaiown fiom
to tRat cube Dutsde a qiluen calhe and
+fascltake n
one cutune con be qenonaleÀ niensal
extenden to -behaiours la Coutside
shoto pone1 argt
denhilaing cas. maruiaae. aliane op union
ampizal cual paloins.

onll delinganay
hdh in qaiin Kntaledae aanut anlamilan
undonsandina Ram and nat dstancna \Ram an uinp
adiskatana He aus lamiiam
goog al enthies in a
quoshon comon Senseimlorn light
|02smions a euouan ife.
Prlme Mart
Page No.
4\3l24 Pago No
Prlone Merit


Tuplogu mpaunison
chanles T CaRD.
g feye paegle in LGLa communibes sl ranped to
ga stuctunes Lamap Pnocesses, Hua Companisona ARar distance Iia [ienban come
4melRod6 CA.
0ndudualising Canmpounl Son
Uriucoiealisina Compaznison, Nrdesine's Rea cemne-perighary
Jaiahon Endinq uthng bictf aztden ot tRa
Fntompassing uoina (nmnon J0sidene

>(onttacts a Small n0 cases in onden lo Socal Roneomch leAuoD, mohode and Rocasn
Q090 n a 4-2 caseA dt may but is indeplh in OInop spt - mitc uieu
-quing inaight to ha case
fuoz daualopmant
pnedichon uneo
aims h entablish Rat ouou instance
phuoianon, eDgenkially fallouas Ro samd lule
miane ambibouS

fatho raiden faczies tRat expais tRa shudiel

Smonno huoods
decpon leuapiocon and causS faom tio
Siugonliciall sumlace lenol analuais"
Roazotica -amaumants
Seaks h entablish a gzinape cf uamiaion in ha
chaoacennenahy efaphencmenth
Sutemahc dA(enanes"h<a instances bu cxaminn4.
’ hno ntense,
places iRe instanceg a. wmious locahons alin fe
e aem on o 0m to explain Rair
Jtelakonships to e sjstem a6a ohole.
Prlrme Mertt
Page No.
Dato. Prima Mertt
Page No
Dato 923|24

o points in Siqniicance conpntue legal aanaanch l

nolouant examples1shuaaa

agf unit corpanison shouldke(onnpaciale
Da Ro concepts unden tfa
Compaisan mapo cozanpond?
(ohonUOe a2) Honis Ro coanponce af Ra
addruas Raae

CxpTOAAedbe ronlued
Same tfing denpite aatinagni)
iia a lunchon of fa chauackenishie f iRs(instumantsson
gups inNolued. tools.
apunpase is to cneake indisidualiha uniquanaaa leuas
4Ro shudied inskamantt qraunds and fo domancake f
phenomenon 9 ulhaes.
his enables making ompanisons nie sienhfe
tRnoug to demancate
dis) Sinilanibes
Fonchional Equinillance,
ia desoibeà as Ra pxoence fa Sinilan nclems tat
Cstaldshab behauium ua similan
it indicates fat compects o compauisan at nom tha sana. zale.
ntRe aysternts
+e cha ole a cashhtiun lagi dile counkies
auoid choosing non- companabe loua cqualihy sampling
laus sytemso
mamts derstarding un
NomseRics abmoacop4 contal soial udeG
iontempsmay *hisbeni
call cqualty UAniwesalisin
and usHe vduek O
lagn-clodisl doctinal lof P kmay
he laa ohond inbes ording adot
sulo-sgstem ansem laqdonjmgos
in ir ncoduron
cnd inehtuhuns, ules,
of ahqctem
c |ihhions
Tie eabcdhnaa
'san cais) aa Ray hoo inas bonmae LOmpaina
es hecthtendtand un
and sle Likt
Erough aueaianaiee
and develpa INDMA
chamacbesishs bakqraund Ra
dhudenbs HeatRUndstardeg heat ea oheane shatae
s mezcai
na t
had and fants Soalle Ino cep coa eGplts pansan coheea
frdusisDimeneiond pauchomehic Ho
auhih Cenelalhon
in pachal Ha
oalgss Semartic
anausis Thges ao leciusly done shaul
heáhanslaton 19
dlence cquu cutud nenpxatakion inearings
and atairna
ohile anoRan qachannaireo tnaabna
cne rg
pararts Conodor om cane chld
lara Prime
Appeal (Grginal eSonl chidoe, oomen, dinga goLi in skandands
likedomains bindinq- fa inton sea-n sustems
textud cpioion disenhna and case ho cf
naha (gal daneshc Omane
message cohononee
Rato Kind Some into bring
wide to
aappied becan tRat meod lerible wem a
cammunicatie onten maifesk tRa of
tae quank Gystematic cajecue, tehiquo
messase Ra Contairad
in isshat
inctibahias bakatud,
alysisf an feanalysis
is ent ont containeà
and 1ohatb
euen Reci Channel
> Messaa SoLnce
Rhat -lshanma
schetule. coding Lcnentinga
odfcaton noad
of a
nndatdaclapmant fantfo no fanaag
natRen al
texts analysis use
ina thanameans fan
ar tarts
o ingenance
om vcdld oakina atechnique
soial melfode
eanch. o manrn-
human naded saud
a tRa
nicaions. pone-detanminad
le austematic eo
ain and cateQni
quanh uisual)
hh priinted
c bemay Ahin ae s
of content
in f
(do ofent cont
andcuments meted aAo
Marit Prime

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