Introduction to Shapes
PowerPoint has a gallery of shapes to choose from.
A shape is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline, or external
surface, as opposed to other properties such as color, texture, or material
You can create your own shapes. Additionally, you can duplicate shapes and
merge shapes together to create custom shapes. You can also copy the style
of one shape to another. You can also animate shapes.
Insert tab Select Shapes
Notice when you click on the Shape Fill command, you have several more options to choose from
• There are more standard colors with the option to • You can choose from different variances or gradients of
create custom colors color
• You can also fill the shape with a picture or image • You can fill the shape with different textures
We would follow the same process to change the outline. Notice when you select the Shape Outline
Outline command, in addition to having more colors to choose from, you can change the weight or the
thickness of the outline, and also you can make the outline dotted or dashed.
Finally, we have the Shape Effects. Here you can change the style of the shape by adding effects, such as
shadows and reflections. The best choice here is to use the presets or pre-designed options that
combine different effects together
Select shape right click Format shape Drawing Shape
option Size and properties tab Text box
Select shape Format tab Drawing Text option Text
You may want to group multiple objects into one object so they will
stay together if they are moved or resized. This is often easier than
selecting all of the objects each time you want to move them.
Pictures, shapes, clip art, and text boxes can all be grouped together
Select shapes you want to group together Format tab
Group Group
Select grouped shapes you want to undo Format tab
Group Ungroup
Understanding levels
When objects are inserted into a slide, they
are placed on levels according to the order
in which they were inserted into the slide. In
the image, the Circle is on the top level, but
we can change the level to put it behind the
other objects
To rotate an object
1. Select an object. The Format tab
will appear
2. From the Format tab, click the Rotate
command. A drop-down menu will
3. Select the desired rotation option
4. The object will rotate
Equidistant Alignment
Smart guides aren’t just for direct
alignment, they can also help you have
consistent spacing between shapes. When
trying to align 3 or more shapes to be the
same distance apart, small arrows will
appear to let you know that the spacing is
Merge shapes
1. Select the shapes to merge.
2. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, click
Merge Shapes, and then pick the option
you want
Type of lines: Simple, Double, Thick Thin, Thin Thick, Triple
Dash Type Line Style: Round dot, Square dot, Dash, Etc.
Arrow Type
Arrow Size
Select line Format the shape as needed
Right click Set as default line