Mutual fund india development - 2006
Mutual fund india development - 2006
Mutual fund india development - 2006
3/4, 2006
S. Mohanan
Department of Business Sciences,
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
Universidad Catolica del Norte,
Antofagasta, Chile
Fax: 56-55-355878
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The Indian mutual fund industry is one of the fastest growing sectors
in the Indian capital and financial markets. The mutual fund industry in India
has seen dramatic improvements in quantity as well as quality of product and
service offerings in recent years. Mutual funds assets under management grew
by 96% between the end of 1997 and June 2003 and as a result it rose from 8%
of GDP to 15%. The industry has grown in size and manages total assets of
more than $30351 million. Of the various sectors, the private sector accounts
for nearly 91% of the resources mobilised showing their overwhelming
dominance in the market. Individuals constitute 98.04% of the total number of
investors and contribute US $12062 million, which is 55.16% of the net assets
under management.
1 Introduction
One of the most interesting financial phenomena of the 1990s was the explosive growth
of mutual funds (Klapper, Sulla and Vittas, 2004). The mutual fund industry is
considered as the most successful recent financial innovations (Khorana, Servaes and
Tufano, 2004). A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and
invests the money in stocks, bonds, short-term money-market instruments, other
securities or assets, or some combination of these investments. The combined holdings
the mutual fund owns are known as its portfolio. Each share represents an investor's
proportionate ownership of the fund's holdings and the income those holdings generate
(Mussi, 2005). Investors who are ignorant of share market or do not want to get involved
in it directly can invest in the mutual funds with the help of mutual fund based stock
market experts who analyse the companies before investing in it. Thus mutual funds play
a very crucial role in an economy by mobilising and investing the savings of the people in
capital and money market.
1.1.2 Diversification
By owning shares in a mutual fund instead of owning individual stocks or bonds, risk is
spread out. The idea behind diversification is to invest in a large number of assets so that
a loss in any particular investment is minimised by gains in others. Large mutual funds
own hundreds of different stocks in many different industries. Using mutual funds can
help an investor diversify their portfolio with a minimum investment. Spreading
investment across a range of securities can help to reduce risk. If a few securities in the
mutual fund lose value or become worthless, the loss may be offset by other securities
that appreciate in value.
1.1.3 Liquidity
Just like an individual stock, a mutual fund allows the investor to request that his shares
be converted into cash at any time. Mutual funds are liquid and orders to buy or sell are
placed during market hours. Fees or commissions may or may not be applicable. Fees and
commissions are determined by the specific fund and the institution that executes the
order. Mutual funds are very liquid financial instruments since they can be easily
purchased or sold with no significant price impact. Redemptions technically have no
direct effect on the net asset value at which they were executed.
The objective of the present article is to examine the origin, development and growth
of mutual fund industry India. For the purpose of the article, data published by Securities
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and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has been used. Data relating to different variables
like total resources mobilised by mutual find industry, sector wise total resources
mobilised, net assets under management of different sectors, scheme-wise growth of
mutual funds and unit holding pattern of mutual funds have been collected and analysed.
transparency, fees and expenses and risk management match with international standards
(Business Recorder, 2004).
2004). The aim is to attract a larger audience through better marketing strategies and
wider penetration. Some of them have tied up with the postal department to foray into the
rural segment, which have remained untouched during the years. The industries have
introduced some new products such as Commodity Linked Funds, Floating Rate Funds,
Fund of Funds and finally the Equity Arbitrage Fund. The Commodity Linked Funds are
new to Indian Mutual Fund Industry.
Year Private sector (%) Public sector (%) UTI (%) Total
1998–1999 1706(34.53) 364(7.37) 2870(58.10) 4940
1999–2000 9505(71.41) 830(6.24) 2975(22.35) 13310
2000–2001 16307(80.69) 1203(5.95) 2700(13.36) 20210
2001–2002 30322(89.84) 2478(7.34) 950(2.82) 33750
2002–2003 59634(90.27) 4936(7.47) 1490(2.26) 66060
2003–2004 116228(90.59) 6857(5.35) 5215(4.06) 128300
Source: Hand Book of Statistics on the Securities Market (2004), Securities and Exchange Board
of India, Mumbai, India.
Table 2 Net assets under management (1998–1999 to 2002–2003) (Amount in million US$)
Year Private sector (%) Public sector (%) UTI (%) Total
1998–1999 1478(09.97) 1794(12.10) 11553(77.93) 14825
1999–2000 5471(23.31) 2271(09.68) 15725(67.00) 23467
2000–2001 5640(28.64) 1441(07.32) 12612(64.04) 19693
2001–2002 9013(41.22) 1674(07.66) 11181(51.12) 21868
2002–2003 12300(51.77) 2037(08.57) 9424(39.66) 23761
Source: Annual Reports (2000–2001 to 2002–2003), Securities and Exchange Board of India,
Mumbai, India.
Source: Annual Reports (2000–2001 to 2003–2004), Securities and Exchange Board of India,
Mumbai, India.
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Source: Annual Report (2001–2002), Securities and Exchange Board of India Mumbai, India.
Individuals constitute 98.04% of the total number of investors and contribute 55.16% of
the net assets. Corporates form only 1.46% of the total number of investors in the
industry and they contribute 43.15% of the total net assets in the mutual funds industry.
The NRIs (Non-resident Indians) constitute a very small percentage of investors (0.50%)
and contribute $304 million (1.39%) of net assets.
2 Conclusion
The Indian mutual fund industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Indian capital
and financial markets. It has made a leap to become an important and dynamic sector of
the Indian capital market. The resources mobilised by the industry increases year after
year. The total resources mobilised through mutual funds increased from $4940 million
in 1988–1999 to $128300 million in 2003–2004 registering a growth of nearly 26 times
higher than 1998–1999. The share of private sector in mutual fund mobilisation increases
year after year and at the same time the share of public sector and UTI decline year after
year. Of the various sectors, the private sector accounted for nearly 91% of the resources
mobilised showing their overwhelming dominance in the market. The net assets under
management increased from $14825 million in 1998–1999 to $23761 million in 2002–
2003 showing an increase of 60.28% during the period under review. Among the various
schemes the share of income/debt scheme increased from 61.05% in 2001–2002 to
71.81% in 2003–2004. There is popularity among the investors for income/debt scheme
and the income/debt scheme dominates the scene. Of the total number of investors,
30,238,065 are individual investors. Individuals constitute 98.04% of the total number of
investors and contribute $12062 million, which is 55.16% of the net assets. Corporates
form only 1.46% of the total number of investors in the industry and they contribute a
sizeable amount of $9502 million, which is 43.15% of the net assets in the mutual funds
industry. The NRIs constitute a very small percentage of investors (0.50%) and contribute
$304 million (1.69%) of net assets.
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