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Sub Code: BECZ0 Siolify the Boolean function F m .25,783113.

Printed Pagescn1 Rolt No, sing KeTap and implement the simpiticd espic n NANy
Paper ld:2Ni62
Time: 3 lHours Total Marks; To
Draw and cxplain the working of Centre-Tapod fut wae stifarA
calculate its efficicncy and ripple factoe
Note: choose suitably Y
1. Atlempt all Sections f require any missing data: then grT s ripple factor 7 t
2.The question paper may be answered in Hindi Language, ingiish Language or Bxplain unity gain amplifier. Determine he uotput voltage of etsllow
nixed language of Hindt and tnss s network.
g a t att

100 ko

20 kn
Atemptall # questions in brief. 2x74 14

What do you mean by Varactor diodet Wnie 4 ne application. 20 k :12.30

a 347.12.30

Why FETisa voltage-controlled device
Fy v f vt FET trr -frgft ? SECTIOY c
Write down the chascieristics ofldoul OP-AMP. 3 Attempt any one part ef the follgsjng:

(d The output of particular GPAMP increases 8V in 12us.What is tChe (a Explain the construction, gorkíngand characteristics of n-channel
re ftir oP-AMP TTIZus 8V as aTAT }I slew rate F r MOSFET.

Derive relation between current gain in CB and CE configurat(ön, oTransistor. Hechannel Depletion MOSFET PÍrift tr ftià T
g1fzr CB T CE if # current gain HgeTA T (b Explain the construction, working and characteristics ofnch
Enhanccment MOSFET
Calculato the I'x and 2'scomplement of binary number(10ro101 -channel Enhancement MOSFET frj
Tft TI0101011'sr 2's complement 2 0 2 3

Define mnadulation index for AM wave. 7x-7

4. Attempt any one part of the following:
AM Yir iryr
sfrarfiry n
SECTIONE (a) Determine and draw the voltag network
Attempt any three of the following 7x3-21 otpur

a) Define the various clementy of comnunicationsystern and also draw it's

functional block diagram

(b) and cxplain th

confirunation N transistor in common Emitter
(b) Determi ne the range of input voluge (V) for the Zener diode to renain in ON
hawn in following figure. Given that V20V, I5OmA, R-02
state sl

GP23EP2 0u7 10c.08-20213 o-54 5 I 10347t2 20

fhuifr r rtft V-20V, Le50mA, R,=0s21

R 250J

Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

With the help of the ciucuit diagram, explain the working ofOP-AMP as unon
Invertingg summer.
HET T OPAMP non-Inverting summer
(b) With the help of the circuit diagram, explain the working of OP-AMP as an

Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

0 3 . 4 7 . 1 2 . 3 0

Simplify the folowing Boolean expresiohuaing K-map,

fV.w.X, YZ)-S,22,23,30.31)
Simplify the Boolean exprosioh Lusing K-map and implement the
siplified expression uing NOR GATEs only.

FIABCD-l MU3456.7,11,12.14,15)
7. Attempt any ane part of the following: 7x1=7

An adio requency signal 10Sin2x x 500 amplitude modulate a

carrier of 5OSin 2e 10'L Caleulate
Modulatin indes
Amplitude of ich side
O of2Ko
eal poe

tepitine ther
2KOkrot nt y te
thrie the tanin elliciny ad butal power of anpliude modulated
wave aing essege ant carier wae s iuidal wave
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Total Marks: 70
Time: 3 llewrs

Note: data; then choose suitably.

1.Atempt all Sections If require any missingHindi
in Language, English Language or
2. The question paper may be answeredEnglish, as per convenience.
in the mixed language of Hindi and

Atempt all qoestions in brief.
1 9 8 2 3 4

with examples:
Deserbe briefly the following elcemeritspassive
0 Unilateral & Bilateral (ti) Active &

Descrke foliowiag ejctieni oriciiy: sotufce

cOlndependent ldeal Voltage source (ii) ndependent Ideal Current

complete cycle.
Determine the RMS value of sinusoidal current i- Im sina in one

two-winding transformer in no-load

Draw the phasor diagram of a practical

Describe briefly the different types of DC machines.

Explain briefly the SFU

with suitahle
What is the real power consumed by a pure inductor? Discuss


Attempt any three of the following: 7x3=21


Determine the current by Nodal method, through 2 ohm resistor for the networ
shown below?

V 0.512 V

20 V

RLC circuit.
equation for resonant frequency in the case ofa series
Derive the RLC
resultant Voltage and Current in a series
and draw the phasor diagram of
circuit in resonant condition.

losses and methods to minimize it.

Describe different types of transformer

Derive the EMF equation of the DC generator.

explain anyone with the necessary
Discuss briefly the types of batteries and
d 4 . |3 7

3. Attempt any one part of the

the circuit as shown in below figure,

a) Determine the currents in all branches of
using Mesh current method?


40 57

shown in Figure
the various branches of the circuit
Determine the currents in
(b) by nodal analysis?
GP2IDP2 4921223223 443eei
Affempt any one part of the following:

linc quantities in a 3
(a Derive the mathematical relationship betwcen phase and
phase star configuration with the help of phusor diagram?

power and average

b) Detemine the mathematical expression for instantancous a single phasc
power in the case of R and L clements connected in series across
Also draw the instantaneous power
AC supply of voltage v= V sin or

Attempt any one part of the following:


(a)A 100 kVA, single-phase transformer has an iron loss of 600 W and a copper
loss of 15 kW at full-load current. Calculate the efficiency at
(1) full load and 0.8 lagging pf, and
(iü) half load and unity pf
qu cits á rufa 600 wal iron
Ua 100 dis, yoc- b C0HLSr GI UI
loss 3R 1.5 kW 1 copper loss #l 1 A ferfat

(1 quf eits s08 lagging f, shr

(1 TeT GTE Runity pf circuit model of a practical transformer and
(b Draw the complete equivalent
explain its different parameters

rae (parameters) HHSITSr |

6. Attempt any one part of the following:

a three-phase
a) Describe the working principle and slip-torque characteristics of
Induction motor.

(b) A SIX-pole, 2-cirewave-connected armature of a DC machine has 300
conductors and runs at 1000 rpm. The emf generated on the open circuit is 400
V. Determine the useful flux per pole.
qs Siet (DC) HRÍT six-pole, 2-circwave-connected 4TFr H300 SE

7x1 =7
7. Attempt any one part of the following:

(a) Draw the typical constructional diagram of a four-core armoured XLPE cable
and write down the purpose of its different layers.

(b) Describe the classification of earthing based on the purpose, with the help of

4 9 2 9 9 . 2 3 4

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