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Mini Statement

A/C Name: BEST PLAASTICS Account Currency: INR

Nick Name: BEST PLAASTICS Available Balance: 126890.23
A/C No: 003305003737 Effective Available Balance: 126890.23
A/C Type: CAA Ledger Balance: 126890.23
Balance Details as on: 07/12/2024 Lien Balance: 0.00

Sl No Transaction Date Transaction Remarks Withdrawal (Dr) Deposit (Cr)

1 07/Dec/2024 NEFT-P342240384299850-J S PLASTICS-- 118670.00
2 06/Dec/2024 ATM/S1CND864/CASH WDL/06-12-24 14000.00
3 05/Dec/2024 ACH/federal bank ltd/ICIC000000001179219 37611.00
4 04/Dec/2024 ATM/S1CNI610/CASH WDL/04-12-24 500.00
5 04/Dec/2024 Dt:30/11/24 ATO S S M AGENCY 3.54
6 03/Dec/2024 VPS/PRICOL 350.00
7 01/Dec/2024 CAM/00332HHR/CASH WDL/01-12-24 1000.00
8 30/Nov/2024 VPS/ATO S S M 300.00
9 29/Nov/2024 VPS/UMA 200.00
10 29/Nov/2024 Mob alrt Chg Sep-24+GST 29.50

Withdrawals: 53994.04
Deposits: 118670.00

Legends Used in Account Statement

1. BBPS - Bharat Bill Payment Service
2. BCTT - Banking Cash Transaction Tax
3. BIL - Internet Bill payment or funds transfer to Third party
4. BPAY - Bill payment
5. CCWD - Cardless Cash Withdrawal
6. DTAX - Direct Tax
7. EBA - Transaction on ICICI Direct
8. IDTX - Indirect Tax
9. IMPS - Immediate Payment Service
10. INF - Internet fund transfer in linked accounts
11. INFT - Internal Fund Transfer (Within ICICI Bank)
12. LCCBRN CMS - Local cheque collection
13. LNPY - Linked loan payment
14. MMT - Mobile Money Transfer (Insta FT - IMPS)
15. N chg - NEFT Charges
16. NEFT - National Electronics Funds Transfer System (Other Bank Fund transfer)
17. ONL - Online Shopping transaction (Payment done on third party website)
18. PAC - Personal Accident cover
19. PAVC - Pay any Visa credit card
20. PAYC - Pay to Contact
21. RCHG - Recharge
22. SMO - Smart Money order
23. T Chg - Travel Charges
24. TOP - Mobile recharge
25. UCCBRN CMS - Upcountry cheque collection
26. VAT / MAT / NFS - Cash withdrawal at other bank ATM
27. VPS / IPS - Debit card transaction
28. GIB - Tax & Statutory payment,EPFO, ESIC
29. CMS - Internet bulk payment fund trf
30. CLG - clearing
31. RTGS - Real Time Gross settlement
32. EBA - Transaction at IDirect
33. CAM - Cash Acceptor Machine

Date And Time : 07/12/2024 08.18 PM

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