Course objectives:
To provide an exposure to the broad perspective of Internet of Things with respect to the
characteristics, design, technologies and applications.
To provide a basic understanding of the important aspects of Wireless sensor networks covering
applications, sensor and transmission technology & systems, middleware, performance and traffic
Internet of Things: Introduction, Physical design, Logical design, Enabling technologies, Levels &
deployment templates.
Text 1: Chapter 1
Domain Specific IoTs: Home automation, cities, environment, energy, retail, logistics, agriculture,
industry, health & lifestyle.
Text 1: Chapter 2
Wireless Sensor Networks: Introduction, applications of sensor networks, basic overview of the
technology, basic sensor network architectural elements, present day sensor network research,
challenges and hurdles, examples of Category 2 WSN applications, examples of Category 1 WSN
Wireless sensor technology: Introduction, sensor node technology – overview, hardware and
software, sensor taxonomy, WN operating environment, WN trends.Wireless Transmission
technology and systems: Introduction, Campus applications, MAN/WAN
Text 2: Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.2 – 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 Chapter 4: 4.1, 4.3.1, 4.3.2
Middleware for WSNs: Introduction, principles, architecture, data related functions
Performance and traffic management: background, WSN Design issues, performance modelling of
Text 2: Chapter 8: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.3.1 Chapter 11: 11.2, 11.3, 11.4
1. Internet of Things - A Hands-on Approach, Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti,
Universities Press, 2015, ISBN: 9788173719547
2. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, Matt Richardson & Shawn Wallace, O'Reilly (SPD),
2014, ISBN: 9789350239759.
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
The concept of a network of smart devices was discussed as early as 1982, with a
modified Coke machine at Carnegie Mellon University becoming the first internet-connected
appliance, able to report its inventory and whether newly loaded drinks were cold. Kevin Ashton
(born 1968) is a British technology pioneer who is known for inventing the term "the Internet of
Things" to describe a system where the Internet is connected to the physical world via ubiquitous
sensors. IoT is able to interact without human intervention. Some preliminary IoT applications
have been already developed in healthcare, transportation, and automotive industries. IoT
technologies are at their infant stages; however, many new developments have occurred in the
integration of objects with sensors in the Internet. The development of IoT involves many issues
such as infrastructure, communications, interfaces, protocols, and standards. The objective of this
paper is to give general concept of IoT, the architecture and layers in IoT, some basic terms
associated with it and the services provided. The below fig 1.1 give an example things connected
to internet.
The IOT concept was coined by a member of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
development community in 1999, and it has recently become more relevant to the practical world
largely because of the growth of mobile devices, embedded and ubiquitous communication, cloud
computing and data analytics
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
Definition of IoT:
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects—devices, instruments,
vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with electronics, circuits , software, sensors and
network connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange data. The Internet of
Things allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing networkinfrastructure,
creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based
systems, and resulting in improved efficiency and accuracy.
IoT refers to the interconnection via the internet of computing devices embedded in
everyday objects, enabled them to send and receive the data.
A dynamic global network infrastructure with self- configuring capabilities based on
standard and interoperable communication protocols, where physical and virtual “things” have
identities, physical attributes, and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into
information network that communicate data with users and environments.
Characteristics of IoT :
1. Dynamic & Self-Adapting: IoT device and system may have the capability to dynamically adapt
with the changing contexts and take actions based on their operating conditions, user’s context, or
sensed environment. For example, consider a surveillance adpt their modes based on the weather
it is day or night, cameras could switch from lower resolution to higher resolution modes when
any motion is detected and alert nearby cameras to do the same.
2. Self-Configuring: IoT devices may have self-configuring capability, allowing a large number of
devices to work together to provide certain functionality (such as weather monitoring). These
devices have the ability configure themselves, setup the networking and fetch latest software
upgrades with minimal manual or user intervention.
3. Interoperable Communication Protocols: IoT devices may support a number of interoperable
communication protocols and can communicate with other devices and also with the infrastructure.
4. Unique Identity: Each IoT device has a unique identity and a unique identifier (such as an IP
address). IoT systems may have intelligent interface which adapt based on the context, allow
communicating with user and the environmental contexts, IoT device interfaces allow users to
query the devices, monitor their status and control them remotely.
5. Integrated into Information Network: IoT devices are usually integrated into the information
network that allows them to communicate and exchange data with other devices and systems, IoT
dvices can be dynamically discovered in the network, by other devices and/or the network, and
have the capability to describe themselves to other devices or user applications.
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
The IoT devices are typically connected to the Internet via an IP (Internet Protocol) network.
However, devices such as Bluetooth and RFID allow IoT devices to connect locally. In these cases,
there’s a difference in power, range, and memory used. Connection through IP networks
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
are comparatively complex, requires increased memory and power from the IoT devices while the
range is not a problem. On the other hand, non-IP networks demand comparatively less power
and memory but have a range limitation.
As far as the IoT communication protocols or technologies are concerned, a mix of both IP and
non-IP networks can be considered depending on usage.
and a link protocol is a suite of methods and standards that operate only between adjacent
network nodes of a network segment.
4 Fiber…..10Gbits/s
WiFi Standard
3 4G LTE
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
The above Table 1.1 shows the different method of link layer with different
standards. For Ethernet method Data Rates are provided from 10Gbit/s to 40Gb/s and
higher. Collection of Wireless LAN Data Rates from 1Mb/s to 6.75 Gb/s. Collection of
Wireless Broadband standards Data Rates from 1.5Mb/s to 1 Gb/s. LR-WPAN: Collection
of standards for low-rate wireless personal area networks, Basis for high level
communication protocols such as Zigbee, Data Rates from 40Kb/s to 250Kb/s. 2G/3G/4G
–Mobile Communication: Data Rates from 9.6Kb/s (for 2G) to up to 100Mb/s (for 4G).
2. Network/Internet Layer:
The internet layer is a group of internetworking methods, protocols, and specifications in
the Internet protocol suite that are used to transport network packets from the originating host
across network boundaries; if necessary, to the destination host specified by an IP address. The
internet layer derives its name from its function facilitating internetworking, which is the concept
of connecting multiple networks with each other through gateways.
• Responsible for sending of IP datagrams from source to destination network
• Performs the host addressing and packet routing
• Host identification is done using hierarchical IP addressing schemes such as IPV4 or IPV6
Used to identify the devices on a network using hierarchical addressing scheme
Uses 32-bit address scheme
Uses 128-bit address scheme
6LoWPAN (IPV6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Network)
Used for devices with limited processing capacity, Operates in 2.4 Ghz , Data Rates of
3. Transport Layer:
In computer networking, the transport layer is a conceptual division of methods in the
layered architecture of protocols in the network stack in the Internet protocol suite and the OSI
model. The protocols of this layer provide host-to-host communication services for applications.
It provides services such as connection-oriented communication, reliability, flow control, and
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
The best-known transport protocol of the Internet protocol suite is the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP). It is used for connection-oriented transmissions, whereas the
connectionless User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used for simpler messaging transmissions.
4. Application Layer:
An application layer is an abstraction layer that specifies the shared communications
protocols and interface methods used by hosts in a communications network. The application layer
abstraction is used in both of the standard models of computer networking: the Internet Protocol
Suite (TCP/IP) and the OSI model. Although both models use the same term for their respective
highest level layer, the detailed definitions and purposes are different.
Hyper Transfer Protocol:
• Forms foundation of World Wide Web(WWW)
• Includes commands such as GET,PUT, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE..etc
• Follows a request-response model
• Uses Universal Resource Identifiers(URIs) to identify HTTP resources.
Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP):
• Used for Machine to machine (M2M) applications meant for constrained devices and
• Web transfer protocol for IoT and uses request-response model
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
An IoT system comprises a number of functional blocks that provide the system the
capabilities for identification, sensing, actuation, communication and management.
Fig 1.4 shows the functional block diagram of IoT. Blew are the individual block
1. Device : Devices such as sensing, actuation, monitoring and control functions.
2. Communication : IoT Protocols
3. Services like device monitoring, device control services, data publishing services and
device discovery
4. Management : Functions to govern the system
5. Security : Functions as authentication, authorization, message and content integrity, and
data security Applications
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
• Collection of data whose volume, velocity or variety is too large and difficult to
store, manage, process and analyze the data using traditional databases.
• It involves data cleansing, processing and visualization
• Lots of data is being collected and warehoused
• Web data, e-commerce
purchases at department/ grocery stores
Bank/Credit Card transactions
Social Network
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
4. Embedded Systems:
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
Communication Protocols:
Communication protocols from the backbone of IoT systems and enabled network
connectivity and coupling to applications. Communication protocols allow devices to
exchange data over the network. In internet protocol session we discussed about various
Link, Network, Transport and Application Layer protocols.
IoT Levels and Deployment Templates:
An IoT system comprises the following components:
• Device: An IoT device allows identification, remote sensing, actuating and remote
monitoring capabilities.
• Resource: Resources are software components on the IoT device for accessing, processing
and storing sensor information, or for controlling actuators connected to the device.
Resources also include the software components that enable network access for the device.
• Controller Service: Controller service is a native service that runs on the device and
interacts with the web services. Controller service sends data from the device to the web
service and receives commands from the application (via web services) for controlling the
• Database: Database can be either local or in the cloud and stores the data generated by the
IoT device.
• Web Service: Web services serve as a link between the IoT device, application, database
and analysis components. Web service can be implemented using HTTP and REST
principles (REST service) or using the WebSocket protocol (WebSocket service).
• Analysis Component: This is responsible for analyzing the IoT data and generating results
in a form that is easy for the user to understand.
• Application: IoT applications provide an interface that the users can use to control and
monitor various aspects of the IoT system. Applications also allow users to view the system
status and the processed data.
IoT Level-1:
• A level-1 IoT system has a single node/device that performs sensing and/or actuation,
stores data, performs analysis and hosts the application.
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
• Level-1 IoT systems are suitable for modelling low-cost and low-complexity solutions
where the data involved is not big and the analysis requirements are not computationally
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
IoT Level-2:
• A level-2 IoT system has
a single node that
performs sensing and/or
actuation and local
Example-Smart Irrigation:
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
IoT Level 3:
Level 3 system has a single node . Data is stored and analyzed in the cloud application is
cloud-based. Level 3 IoT system suitable for solutions where the data involved is big and
analysis requirements computationally intensive.
Let us considered example of Level 3 IoT system tracking package handling. The system
consists of a single node that monitors the vibration level for package being shipped.
The device in the system uses accelerometer and gyroscope sensor for monitoring vibration
levels. The controller service send sensor data to the cloud in real time using a website
service. The data is stored in the cloud and also visualized using a cloud based application.
The analysis component in the cloud can Trigger alert the vibration level become greater
than threshold. The benefit of using websocket service instead of the REST service this
example the sensor data can be sent in real-time to the cloud. Cloud based application can
subscribe to the sensor data feeds for you in the real-time data.
IoT Level-4:
• A level-4 IoT system has multiple nodes that perform local analysis. Data is stored in the
cloud and the application is cloud-based.
• Level-4 contains local and cloud-based observer nodes which can subscribe to and
receive information collected in the cloud from IoT devices.
• Level-4 IoT systems are suitable for solutions where multiple nodes are required, the data
involved is big and the analysis requirements are computationally intensive.
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
Example-Noise Monitoring:
IoT Level-5:
• A level-5 IoT system has multiple end nodes and one coordinator node.
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
IoT Level-6:
• A level-6 IoT system has multiple independent end nodes that perform sensing and/or
actuation and send data to the cloud.
• Data is stored in the cloud and the application is cloud-based.
• The analytics component analyzes the data and stores the results in the cloud database.
• The results are visualized with the cloud-based application.
• The centralized controller is aware of the status of all the end nodes and sends control
commands to the nodes.
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
2.1 Introduction:
Internet of things applications span wide range of Dubai including homes, cities environment,
energy systems, retail, logistics, industry, agriculture and health.
2.3 Cities:
2.3.1 Smart Parking
Finding a parking space during rush hours in crowded cities can be time consuming and
frustrating. Further for the more drivers blindly searching for parking spaces create additional
traffic conditions for Star smart parking make the search for parking space easier and convenient
for drivers.
Smart parking for powered by IoT system that detect the number of empty parking slots and send
the information over the internet to smart parking application back ends.These applications can
be accessed by the drivers from smartphones, tablets and in car navigation system .
In smart parking sensors are used for each parking slot, to detect whether the slot is empty or
occupied. This information is aggregated by your local controller and then send over the internet
to the database.
Design and implementation of a prototype smart parking system based on wireless sensor
Network Technology with just like a remote parking monitoring ,automated guidance , and
departing reservations mechanism .
2.3.5 Surveillance
Surveillance of infrastructure, public transport and even in cities is required to ensure safety and
security. City wide surveillance infrastructure comprising of large number of distributed and
internet connected video surveillance cameras can be created. The video feeds from surveillance
cameras can be aggregated in cloud based storage solutions. Cloud-based video analytics
applications can be deployed to search for patterns for specific events from the video feed.
2.4 Environment
2.4.1 Weather Monitoring:
IoT- based weather monitoring system can collect data from a number of sensor attached such as
temperature, humidity, pressure etc. and send the data to cloud based application and storage
back-ends. The data collected in the cloud can then be analyzed and visualized by cloud based
Weather alerts can be sent to the subscribed users from such applications AirPi weather and air
quality monitoring kit capable of recording and uploading information about temperature,
humidity, air pressure light levels, UV levels, carbon monoxide Nitrogen dioxide and smoke
level to the internet .
2.5 Energy
2.5.1 Smart grid is a data communication network integrated with electrical grid that collects and
analyses data captured in real-time about power transmission, distribution and consumption.
Smart grid Technology provides protective information and recommendations to utilities, their
suppliers, and their customers on how best to manage power.
Smart Grids collect data regarding electricity generation (centralized or distributed conceptions
(instantaneous or predictive ) storage(or conversion of the energy into other forms), distributions
and equipment health data.
Smart fleet use high speed, fully integrated two way communication real time information and
power exchange. Smart meters can capture almost real time consumption, remotely control the
conceptions of electricity and remotely switch off supply when required.
power thefts can be prevented using smart metering by analyzing the data on power generation,
transmission and consumption smart grid can improve efficiency throughout the electric system.
Storage collection and analysis of smart grids data in the cloud can help in dynamic smart grids
data can improve energy usage levels via energy feedback to user coupled with real-time pricing
Real time demand response and management strategies can be used for lowering peak demand
and the overall load via appliance control and energy storage mechanism.
Condition monitoring data collected from power generation and transmission system can help in
detecting fault and predicting outage.
2.5.3 Prognostics:
Energy systems (Smart grids, power plants ,wind turbine forms) have a large number of critical
components that must function correctly so that the system can perform their operations
For example a wind turbine has a number of critical components example bearing, turning gears,
for instance that must be monitored carefully as wear and tear in such critical components or
sudden change in operating conditions of the missions can result in failures. In system such as
Power Grids, real time information using specialist electrical sensor is called phasor
measurement unit(PMU) substations.
The information received from PMU must be monitored in real time for estimating the state of a
system and for predicting failures. Energy system have thousands of sensors that gather real time
maintenance data continuously for condition monitoring and failure prediction purposes. IoT
based prognostic real-time health management systems can predict performance of machine or
energy Systems by analyzing the extent of deviations of the system from its normal operating
Analyzing massive amounts of maintenance data collected from sensors in energy systems and
equipment can provide protections for the impending failures (potentially in real time) so that
their reliability and availability can be improved. Prognostic health Management systems have
been developed for different energy systems open PDC set of applications for processing of
streaming time series data collected from phasor measurement units PMU in real time.
2.6 Retail
2.6.1 Inventory Management :
Inventory management for retail has become increasingly important in recent years with the
growing competition. while over stocking of products can result in additional storage expenses
and risk understocking can lead to loss of revenue. IoT system using radio frequency
identification RFID tags can help in inventory management and maintaining the right inventory
levels .
RFID tags attached to the products allow them to be tracked in real time so that the inventory
levels can determined accurately and products which are low on stock can be replenished.
Tracking can be done using RFID readers attached to the retail store shelves or in the warehouse.
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
An RFID database inventory management system for time sensitive materials is described.
2.7 logistics
2.7.1 Route Generation and Scheduling
Modern transportation systems are driven by data collected from multiple sources which is
process to provide a new services to the stockholders. By collecting large amount of data from
various sources and processing the data into Useful information data driven.
Transportation system can provide new services such as advanced route guidance dynamic
vehicle routing anticipating customer demand for pickup and delivery problem, for instance route
generations and scheduling systems candidate end-to-end using combinations of road patterns
and transportation smooth and feasible schedule based on the availability of vehicles.
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
2.7.3 Shipment Monitoring:
Shipment monitoring solutions for Transportation systems allow monitoring the conditions
inside container. For example, containers carrying Fresh Food produce can be monitored to
prevent spoilage of food.
IoT based shipment monitoring system you sensor such as temperature pressure and humidity
for instance to monitor the conditions inside the container and send the data to the cloud where
it can be analyzed to detect food spoilage .
The analysis and interpretation of the data in the environmental conditions in the container and
food truck positioning can enable more effective routing decisions and their time therefore it is
possible to take remedial measures such as the food that has a limited time budget before it get
rotten can be rerouted to a closer destinations, alerts can be raised to the driver and the distributor
about the transit conditions, such as container temperature exceeding the allowed limit, humidity
levels going out of the allowed limit.
For instance, and corrective actions can be taken before the food gets damaged. A Cloud-based
frame work for real time fresh Food Supply tracking and monitoring was proposed . For fragile
products vibrations levels during shipment can be tracked using accelerometer and gyroscope
sensors attached to IoT device.
A system for monitoring container in integrity and operating conditions described. The system
monitors the vibrations patterns on their container and its contents to reveal information related
to its operating environment and integrity during transport handling and storage.
2.8 Agriculture
2.8.1 Smart Irrigation
Smart irrigation systems can improve crop yield while saving water. smart irrigation system
using IoT devices with soil moisture sensors to determine the amount of moisture in the soil and
realize the flow of water through the irrigation pipe only when the moisture level go below a
predefined threshold. Smart irrigation systems also collect Moisture level measurements on a
server or in the cloud where they collected data can be analyzed to plant watering schedule.
IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks