• What is Chemical Engineering?
• How and why Chemical Engineering develop?
• What do Chemical Engineers contribute to the society?
• How this profession got developed over last century?
Chemical engineers have been improving our well-being for more than a century. From the
development of smaller, faster computer chips to innovations in recycling, treating disease,
cleaning water, and generating energy, the processes and products that chemical engineers have
helped create touch every aspect of our lives. Chemical engineers work in manufacturing,
pharmaceuticals, healthcare, design and construction, pulp and paper, petrochemicals, food
processing, specialty chemicals, microelectronics, electronic and advanced materials,
polymers, business services, biotechnology, and environmental health and safety industries,
among others. Within these industries, chemical engineers rely on their knowledge of
mathematics and science—particularly chemistry— to overcome technical problems safely and
economically. And, of course, they draw upon and apply their engineering knowledge to solve
any technical challenges they encounter.
It is true that chemical engineers are comfortable with chemistry, but they do much more with
this knowledge than just make chemicals. All engineers employ mathematics, physics, and the
engineering art to overcome technical problems in a safe and economical fashion. Yet, it is the
chemical engineer alone that draws upon the vast and powerful science of chemistry to solve a
wide range of problems. The strong technical and social ties that bind chemistry and chemical
engineering are unique in the fields of science and technology. The interconnection of chemists
and chemical engineers has been beneficial to both sides and includes other engineering fields
along with them.
Chemical engineering is based on applications of chemistry, physics, mathematics, economics,
and increasingly, biology and biochemistry. Because of this broad-based foundation the
chemical engineer is considered the universal engineer. Chemical engineering deals with unit
operations. Industrial process requires a chemical engineer who has a complete and quantitative
understanding of the engineering principles as well as the scientific principles on which the
operations rest. ... Because many industries are based on some chemical or physical
transformation of matter, the chemical engineer is much in demand."
• However, this muddled state of affairs was changed in 1888, when Professor Lewis
Norton of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology introduced "Course X" (ten),
thereby uniting chemical engineers through a formal degree.
• Other schools, such as the University of Pennsylvania and Tulane University, quickly
followed suit adding their own four-year chemical engineering programs in 1892 and
1894 respectively.
• William Page Bryant was the first of seven students to graduate from "Course X" and
thereby became the world's first formal chemical engineer in the year 1891.
• The first formal class on chemical engineering, consisting of 12 lectures by George E.
Davis in 1887.
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology offered "Course X" in 1888, the first four-
year chemical engineering degree which was taught by Lewis M. Norton. The program
offered a mixture of mechanical engineering and industrial chemistry.
• Chemical engineers gained a formal education in 1888, this was certainly no guarantee
of success.
• Many prominent people saw no need for this new profession. Additionally, it was
unclear what role chemical engineers would play in industry.
• To survive, chemical engineers had to claim industrial territory by defining themselves
and demonstrating their uniqueness and worth. With this goal in mind, the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) was formed in June of 1908.
• However, AIChE also faced difficult challenges in defining its own territory. The old
(since 1876) and powerful (5000 members) American Chemical Society (ACS) had
already laid claim to all realms of American Chemistry, both pure and applied.
• After the formation of AIChE, the ACS launched its own "Division of Industrial
Chemistry & Chemical Engineering" placing itself in direct competition with AIChE
for the hearts and minds of the new engineers.
➢ It changed in the 1930's when membership requirements were relaxed, and chemical
engineers joined in masses.
➢ Today there are five classes of membership (student, affiliate, associate, member, and
fellow) through which nearly 60,000 chemical engineers have become members (see
➢ The Institute has a yearly budget of around $21 million, which it spends providing
technical education, safety training, career counseling, governmental advising, and
social activities for its members.
1.6 F. W. Atkinson
"Chemical engineering needs to be more sharply defined. Its scope is still in a
somewhat indeterminate state and as yet its position as one of the professions is not clearly
1.7 Milton C. Whitaker
"The chemical engineer works in the organization, operation and management of
existing or proposed processes with a view to building up a successful manufacturing
industry... His fundamental training in chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc., must be thorough
and must be combined with a natural engineering inclination and an acquired knowledge of
engineering methods and appliances."
fortunes where accumulated through his process, Le Blanc died in poverty. In many
ways, his process began the modern chemical industry. While the precise chemistry
involved in the process remained obscure for nearly 100 years, it was later found to
consist of several steps:
a) 2 NaCl (salt) + H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) => Na2SO4 (saltcake, intermediate) + 2 HCl
(hydrochloric acid gas, a horrible waste product)
b) Na2SO4 (saltcake) + Ca2CO3 (calcium carbonate, limestone) + 4 C(s) (coal) =>
Na2CO3 (soda ash extracted from black ash) + CaS (dirty calcium sulfide waste) + 4
CO (carbon monoxide)
Solvay process
It was perfected in 1863 by a Belgian chemist named Ernest Solvay. The
chemistry was based upon a half century old discovery by A. J. Fresnel who in 1811
had shown that Sodium Bicarbonate could be precipitated from a salt solution
containing ammonium bicarbonate. This chemistry was far simpler than that devised
by Le Blanc, however to be used on an industrial scale many engineering obstacles had
to be overcome. Sixty years of attempted scale-up had failed until Solvay finally
succeeded. Solvay's contribution was there for one of chemical engineering. The heart
of his design embodied an 80 foot tall high-efficiency carbonating tower in which
ammoniated brine trickled down from above and carbon dioxide rose from the bottom.
Plates and bubble caps helped create a large surface area over which the two chemicals
could react forming sodium bicarbonate. Solvay's process had several advantages over
the Le Blanc process which it rapidly replaced:
1) Continuous operation
2) A product which was easier to purify
3) No dirty, hazardous, and hard to dispose of bi-products.
Sulfuric Acid (Oil of Vitriol) & "Fuming" Sulfuric Acid (Oleum) (H2SO4)
During the 19th Century sulfuric acid was necessary in the production of alkali
salts and dyestuffs, two giants of the day. Today the largest single use is in the
manufacture of fertilizers. It is also necessary in petroleum purification, steel
production, electroplating, and automobile batteries. The production of TNT
(trinitrotoluene), nitroglycerin, picric acid, and all other mineral and inorganic acids
require sulfuric acid. "Fuming" sulfuric acid contains excess amounts of sulfur trioxide
and fumes when exposed to air; hence its name.
1.13 Petrochemicals
At the birth of our Nation (1776) energy was used primarily to heat houses and
cook food; requiring only timber and coal. Water power was sufficient for the textile
factories and grain mills that existed, while animal power helped till the fields and
provide transportation. However, as the Industrial Revolution (18th Century to today)
rolled along, larger quantities of mechanical energy were soon required. Several
inventions helped meet these needs, but in the process they also consumed vast
quantities of fossil fuels.
Petroleum is so important to our society that it has rightfully earned the title
"black gold." When used to supply energy, petroleum is converted into; gasoline, fuel
oils, lubricants, kerosene, and jet fuels. However, it is also necessary for; plastics,
waxes, asphalt, and all nature of fine organic chemicals. Because of its value as a raw
material, some claim that petroleum is too valuable to burn! About half of all American
chemical engineers are employed by the petroleum industry; and a huge industry it is.
The petroleum industry is one of the main reasons chemical engineers have enjoyed
such success.
• Small amounts of petroleum have been used throughout history.
• The Egyptians coated mummies and sealed their mighty Pyramids with pitch.
• American Indians used petroleum for paint, fuel, and medicine.
• Ancient Persians and Sumatrans also believed petroleum had medicinal value.
• Yet despite its usefulness, for thousands of years petroleum was very scarce.
• For those digging wells to get drinking water the petroleum was seen as a nuisance.
However, some thought the oil might have large scale economic value.
• George Bissell, a lawyer, thought that petroleum might be converted into kerosene for
use in lamps.
Early Refining
• By 1860 there were 15 refineries in operation. Known as "tea kettle" stills, they
consisted of a large iron drum and a long tube which acted as a condenser.
• Capacity of these stills ranged from 1 to 100 barrels a day. A coal fire heated the drum,
and three fractions were obtained during the distillation process.
• The first component to boil off was the highly volatile naphtha. Next came the kerosene,
or "lamp oil", and lastly came the heavy oils and tar which were simply left in the
bottom of the drum.
• These early refineries produced about 75% kerosene, which could be sold for high
profits. (Giddens, p.14) Kerosene was so valuable because of a whale shortage that had
began in 1845 due to heavy hunting.
• This shortage of natural sources meant that kerosene was in great demand. Almost all
the families across the country started using kerosene to light their homes.
• However, the naphtha and tar fractions were seen as valueless and were simply dumped
into Oil Creek.
• Later these waste streams were converted into valuable products.
• In 1869 Robert Chesebrough discovered how to make petroleum jelly and called his
new product Vaseline.
• The heavy components began being used as lubricants, or as waxes in candles and
chewing gum.
• Tar was used as a roofing material. But the more volatile components were still without
much value.
• Limited success came in using gasoline as a local anesthetic and liquid petroleum gas
(LPG) in a compression cycle to make ice.
• The success in refined petroleum products greatly spread the technique.
• By 1865 there were 194 refineries in operation.
pushing crude oil to the surface. The dissolved gases will allow about 20% recovery of oil.
To get better recovery water is often pumped into the well, this forces the lighter oil to the
surface. Water flooding allows recoveries of about 50%. The addition of surfactant allows
even more oil to be recovered by preventing much of it from getting trapped in nooks and
crannies. Yet, it is impossible to get all of the oil out of a well.
Because crude oil is a liquid it is much easier to move than natural gas or coal. Coal is
nice and dense, so it does not require large holding containers, but it cannot be pumped.
Conveyor belts and cranes cannot compete with pipelines for economic efficiency. Natural
gas can be pumped using expensive compressors, but it requires enormous holding tanks.
A recent trick has been to inject huge amounts of water into salt strata. The water dissolves
the salt, leaving truly enormous caverns. The natural gas is then pumped in and stored until
needed. The ease in transporting oil is one of the reasons we have become so dependent
upon it. Pound for pound natural gas and coal just cannot compete.
Oil contains a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. The first step in obtaining something
of value from this muck is to de-salt and de-water it. Then the oil is heated and sent into a
huge distillation column operating at atmospheric pressure. Heat is added at the reboiler,
and removed at the condenser, thereby separating the oil into fractions based upon boiling
point. A typical atmospheric column can separate about 4,000 cubic meters (25,000 barrels)
of oil per day. The bottom fraction is sent to another column operating at a pressure of
about 75 mm Hg (one tenth of an atmosphere). This column can separate the heaviest
fraction without thermally degrading (cracking) it. Whereas atmospheric columns are thin
at tall, vacuum columns are thick and short, to minimize pressure fluctuations along the
column. Vacuum columns can be over 40 feet in diameter.
Catalytic Reforming
Catalytic Reforming produces high octane gasoline for today’s automobiles. Gasoline
and naphtha feedstocks are heated to 500 degrees Celsius and flow through a series of fixed-
bed catalytic reactors. Because the reactions which produce higher octane compounds
(aliphatic in this case) are endothermic (absorb heat) additional heaters are installed
between reactors to keep the reactants at the proper temperature. The catalyst is a platinum
(Pt) metal on an alumina (Al2O3) base. While catalysts are never consumed in chemical
reactions, they can be fouled, making them less effective over time. The series of reactors
used in Catalytic Reforming are therefore designed to be disconnected, and swivelled out
of place, so the catalyst can be regenerated.
Fluidized Catalytic Cracking
Catalytic Cracking takes long molecules and breaks them into much smaller molecules.
The cracking reaction is very endothermic, and requires a large amount of heat. Another
problem is that reaction quickly fouls the Silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) catalyst by
forming coke on its surface. However, by using a fluidized bed to slowly carry the catalyst
upwards, and then sending it to a regenerator where the coke can be burned off, the catalyst
is continuously regenerated. This system has the additional benefit of using the large
amounts of heat liberated in the exothermic regeneration reaction to heat the cracking
reactor. The FCC system is a brilliant reaction scheme, which turns two negatives (heating
and fouling) into a positive, thereby making the process extremely economical.
Hydro processing
Hydro processing includes both hydrocracking and hydro treating techniques. Hydro
treating involves the addition of hydrogen atoms to molecules without actually breaking
the molecule into smaller pieces. Hydro treating involves temperatures of about 325
degrees Celsius and pressures of about 50 atmospheres. Many catalysts will work,
including; nickel, palladium, platinum, cobalt, and iron. Hydrocracking breaks longer
molecules into smaller ones. Hydrocracking involves temperatures over 350 degrees
Celsius and pressures up to 200 atmospheres. In both cases, very long residence times
(about an hour) are required because of the slow nature of the reactions.
this does not proceed indefinitely as the reactants get consumed. Finally, when no
reactants are left, the reaction stops. A sudden rapid increase in the temperature of the
reactor sustaining an exothermic reaction is called a runaway behavior.
y f x1 , x2 , xk
From equation, it should be ensured that the dimensions of the variables on the left
side of the equation are equal to the dimensions of any term on the right side of
equation. Now, it is possible to rearrange the above equation into a set of
dimensionless products (pi terms), so that