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"I wonder how many people proffessing "the science" have
done even done high school level biology or chemistry?
Do they understand that humans did not start Climate Change and that desertification of Australia began through geological changes to the climate millions of yrs ago, not by Aboriginal firestick farming? Do they understand that Gondwana was 150million yrs ago and that the dominant species were reptiles with a few birds and masupials starting to evolve from them? No people in Gondwana, to much CO2 in the atmoshpere then for large mammals but the ancient forests loved it and grew huge. Do they realise that their idea of returning to Gondwana Rainforests is physically impossible due to millions of years of continental drift and many chemical changes in the atmoshpere? Do they understand the ENSO, southern oscilation and how it causes a weather cycle responsible for drought and fire cycles? Do they understand that we are in the late stages of a Glacial period that started 10s of thousand of yrs ago and the earth has been warming since then? Or that during the height of that Glacial period the frozen world lost most of the remains of those ancient forests as well as megafauna from across the globe? Mostly I wonder do they realise that our old people were scientists while still Neandertals dominated Europe?
CO2 is such a tiny part of the exuation even if we are talking
climate science because CO2 is not even the most common carbon pollution created by industrial processes, co2 is what we exhale. Carbon monoxide and methane are much more of a problem when it comes the global warming and it is the Nitrate pollution that causes that acid rain phenomena and the acidification of the oceans. Do they realise that reducing all carbon emmisions tomorrow is not going to reverse the natural Climate Change that has been happening for eons is not going to reverse and cool the planet down any? Humans may be accelerating it but they did not create it, nature did.
When people talk about anthropogenic climate change, there is
a lot to understand and I suspect most people preaching it have very little understanding of the bigger picture of climate and what actually influences it. To isolate any one element is not whole science. Scientific Laws are rare because science is about expanding one's understanding of the natural world not limiting it. Science is supposed to be a tool, not a weapon." Also from donna
Saving the World 1x1: Nature Conservation, Environmental Protection & Climate Protection for Beginners: How to Recognize the Problems of Today’s World and Gradually Improve Them in Small Steps