Tenancy Agreement
Important Notes: #RTB–1
The Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) is of the opinion that this Residential Tenancy Agreement accurately reflects the Residential Tenancy Act (RTA) and
accompanying regulations. The RTB makes no representations or warranties regarding the use of this Agreement. A landlord and tenant may wish to
obtain independent legal advice regarding whether this agreement satisfies their own personal or business needs. For the rental of a manufactured home
and a manufactured home site under a single tenancy agreement, use this Agreement form. For the rental of a manufactured home site use the
Manufactured Home Site Tenancy Agreement (form RTB-5).
The words tenant and landlord in this tenancy agreement have the same meaning as in the RTA, and the singular of these words includes the plural. In
this tenancy agreement, the words residential property have the same meaning as in the RTA. Residential property means a building, a part of a
building or related group of buildings, in which one or more rental units or common areas are located; the parcel or parcels on which the building, related
group of buildings or common areas are located; the rental unit and common areas and any other structure located on the parcel or parcels.
IF ADDITIONAL SPACE IS REQUIRED TO LIST ALL PARTIES, complete and attach Schedule of Parties (form RTB-26) RTB-26 used & attached:
ADDRESS OF PLACE BEING RENTED TO TENANT(s) called the 'rental unit' in this agreement:
unit number street number and street name city province postal code
unit/site # street number and street name city province postal code
2. BEGINNING AND TERM OF THE AGREEMENT (please fill in the dates and times in the spaces provided)
This tenancy created by this agreement starts on:
day month year
Check A) and continues on a month-to-month basis until ended in accordance with the Act.
A, B or C
B) and continues on another periodic basis, as specified below, until ended in accordance with the Act.
weekly bi-weekly other:
The tenant must move out on or before the last day of the tenancy.
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A. Security Deposits
The tenant is required to pay a security deposit of $
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8. RENT INCREASE seek an arbitrator's order under the
1) Once a year the landlord may increase the rent for Residential Tenancy Act for the completion
the existing tenant. The landlord may only increase and costs of the repair.
the rent 12 months after the date that the existing 2) Tenant's obligations:
rent was established with the tenant or 12 months a) The tenant must maintain reasonable health,
after the date of the last legal rent increase for the cleanliness and sanitary standards throughout
tenant, even if there is a new landlord or a new the rental unit and the other residential
tenant by way of an assignment. The landlord must property to which the tenant has access. The
use the approved Notice of Rent Increase form tenant must take the necessary steps to repair
available from any Residential Tenancy Branch damage to the residential property caused by
office or Service BC office. the actions or neglect of the tenant or a person
2) A landlord must give a tenant three whole months permitted on the residential property by the
notice, in writing, of a rent increase. [For example, tenant. The tenant is not responsible for
if the rent is due on the 1st of the month and the reasonable wear and tear to the residential
tenant is given notice any time in January, including property.
January 1st, there must be three whole months b) If the tenant does not comply with the above
before the increase begins. In this example, the obligations within a reasonable time, the
months are February, March and April, so the landlord may discuss the matter with the
increase would begin on May 1st.] tenant and may seek a monetary order
3) The landlord may increase the rent only in the through dispute resolution under the
amount set out by the regulation. If the tenant Residential Tenancy Act for the cost of repairs,
thinks the rent increase is more than is allowed by serve a notice to end a tenancy, or both.
the regulation, the tenant may talk to the landlord or 3) Emergency Repairs:
contact the Residential Tenancy Branch for a) The landlord must post and maintain in a
assistance. conspicuous place on the residential property,
4) Either the landlord or the tenant may obtain the or give to the tenant in writing, the name and
percentage amount prescribed for a rent increase telephone number of the designated contact
from the Residential Tenancy Branch. person for emergency repairs.
b) If emergency repairs are required, the tenant
9. ASSIGN OR SUBLET must make at least two attempts to telephone
1) The tenant may assign or sublet the rental unit to the designated contact person, and then give
another person with the written consent of the the landlord reasonable time to complete the
landlord. If this tenancy agreement is for a fixed repairs.
length and has 6 months or more remaining in the c) If the emergency repairs are still required, the
term, the landlord must not unreasonably withhold tenant may undertake the repairs, and claim
consent. Under an assignment a new tenant must reimbursement from the landlord, provided a
assume all of the rights and obligations under the statement of account and receipts are given to
existing tenancy agreement, at the same rent. The the landlord. If the landlord does not reimburse
landlord must not charge a fee or receive a the tenant as required, the tenant may deduct
benefit, directly or indirectly, for giving this the cost from rent. The landlord may take over
consent. completion of the emergency repairs at any
2) If a landlord unreasonably withholds consent to time.
assign or sublet or charges a fee, the tenant may d) Emergency repairs must be urgent and
apply for dispute resolution under the Residential necessary for the health and safety of persons
Tenancy Act. or preservation or use of the residential
property and are limited to repairing
i) major leaks in pipes or the roof,
1) Landlord's obligations:
ii) damaged or blocked water or sewer
a) The landlord must provide and maintain the
pipes or plumbing fixtures,
residential property in a reasonable state of
iii) the primary heating system,
decoration and repair, suitable for occupation
iv) damaged or defective locks that give
by a tenant. The landlord must comply with
access to a rental unit, or
health, safety and housing standards required
v) the electrical systems.
by law.
b) If the landlord is required to make a repair to 11. OCCUPANTS AND GUESTS
comply with the above obligations, the tenant 1) The landlord must not stop the tenant from having
may discuss it with the landlord. If the landlord guests under reasonable circumstances in the
refuses to make the repair, the tenant may rental unit
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2) The landlord must not impose restrictions on 3) The landlord may inspect the rental unit monthly in
guests and must not require or accept any extra accordance with subsection (2) (a).
charge for daytime visits or overnight 4) If a landlord enters or is likely to enter the rental unit
accommodation of guests. illegally, the tenant may apply for an arbitrator's
2.1) Despite subsection (2) of this section but subject to order under the Residential Tenancy Act, to
section 27 on the Act [terminating or restricting change the locks, keys or other means of access to
the rental unit and prohibit the landlord from obtaining
services or facilities], the landlord may impose
entry into the rental unit. At the end of the tenancy, the
reasonable restrictions on guests' use of common
tenant must give the key to the unit to the landlord.
areas of the residential property.
3) If the number of occupants in the rental unit is 14. ENDING THE TENANCY
unreasonable, the landlord may discuss the issue 1) The tenant may end a monthly, weekly or other
with the tenant and may serve a notice to end a periodic tenancy by giving the landlord at least one
tenancy. Disputes regarding the notice may be month's written notice. A notice given the day before
resolved through dispute resolution under the the rent is due in a given month ends the tenancy at
Residential Tenancy Act. the end of the following month. [For example, if the
tenant wants to move at the end of May, the tenant
must make sure the landlord receives written notice
The landlord must not change locks or other
on or before April 30th.]
means of access to residential property unless
2) This notice must be in writing and must
the landlord provides each tenant with new keys
a) include the address of the rental unit,
or other means of access to the residential property.
b) include the date the tenancy is to end,
The landlord must not change locks or other
c) be signed and dated by the tenant, and
means of access to a rental unit unless the tenant
d) include the specific grounds for ending the
agrees and is given new keys.
tenancy, if the tenant is ending a tenancy
The tenant must not change locks or other means of
because the landlord has breached a material
access to
term of the tenancy.
common areas of residential property, unless the
3) If this is a fixed term tenancy and the agreement
landlord consents to the change, or
does not require the tenant to vacate at the end of
his or her rental unit, unless the landlord consents
the tenancy, the agreement is renewed as a monthly
in writing to, or an arbitrator
tenancy on the same terms until the tenant gives
has ordered, the change.
notice to end a tenancy as required under the
LANDLORD’S ENTRY INTO Residential Tenancy Act.
RENTAL UNIT 4) The landlord may end the tenancy only for the
For the duration of this tenancy agreement, the rental reasons and only in the manner set out in the
unit is the tenant's home and the tenant is entitled to Residential Tenancy Act and the landlord must use
quiet enjoyment, reasonable privacy, freedom from the approved notice to end a tenancy form available
unreasonable disturbance, and exclusive use of the from the Residential Tenancy Branch.
rental unit. 5) The landlord and tenant may mutually agree in
The landlord may enter the rental unit only if one writing to end this tenancy agreement at any time.
of the following applies: 6) The tenant must vacate the residential property by
at least 24 hours and not more than 30 days before 1 p.m. on the day the tenancy ends, unless the
the entry, the landlord gives the tenant a written landlord and tenant otherwise agree.
notice which states 15. LANDLORD TO GIVE TENANCY
the purpose for entering, which must be
reasonable, and
the date and the time of the entry, which must The landlord must give the tenant a copy of this
be between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. unless the agreement promptly, and in any event within 21 days of
tenant agrees otherwise; entering into the agreement.
there is an emergency and the entry is necessary 16.
to protect life or property;
the tenant gives the landlord permission to enter at
the time of entry or not more than 30 days before;
the tenant has abandoned the rental unit;
the landlord has an order of an arbitra or
or court saying the landlord may enter the unit;
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a) Write down any additional terms which the tenant and the landlord agree to. Additional terms may cover matters
such as pets, yard work, smoking and snow removal. Additional pages may be added.
b) Any addition to this tenancy agreement must comply with the Residential Tenancy Act and regulations, and must
clearly communicate the rights and obligations under it. If a term does not meet these requirements, or is
unconscionable, the term is not enforceable.
c) Attached to this tenancy agreement, there is is not an Addendum
If there is an Addendum attached , provide the following information on the Addendum that forms part of this
tenancy agreement:
Number of pages of the Addendum: Number of additional terms in the Addendum:
By signing this tenancy agreement, the landlord and the tenant are bound by its terms.
LANDLORD(S): (if entry for landlord is a business name, use the ’last name’ field box to enter the full legal business name)
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