Bobina Tesla FORTE SSTCusing555timer
Bobina Tesla FORTE SSTCusing555timer
Bobina Tesla FORTE SSTCusing555timer
Abstract: The Solid State Tesla Coil is a The Tesla coil was invented around 1891.
device which is capable of producing The original intention for its invention was
extremely high voltage, high frequency and to create a wireless electrical energy
low amperage alternating current distribution system. Unfortunately, the
electricity. The original device i.e. the design could not send power at even close to
Spark Gap Tesla Coil was designed by reasonable efficiency, as almost all the
Nikola Tesla around 1891. This device has useful power was being wasted on corona
similarities to that of a traditional Spark and arcing. But what makes the Tesla coil
Gap Tesla Coil but has a different circuitry truly magnificent is the voltage it produces.
for operation. This paper documents the A typical spark gap type coil takes (usually)
design, operation and construction of such the voltage from a common wall socket, and
a system. steps it up to a couple thousand volts, where
it then goes through the switching circuit,
Keywords: Tesla Coil; Solid State Tesla through the primary, and is seen on the
Coil; Magnifying Transmitter; 555 Timer secondary side as more than 200,000 volts.
IC; MOSFET; High Voltage; High This type of Tesla Coil requires a high
Frequency; Corona Discharge. voltage supply. A Solid State Tesla Coil does
not require this, as it works with mains
The Solid State Tesla Coil is one of the types
A Tesla coil is an electrical resonant of Tesla coils available. It has several
transformer circuit used to produce advantages over the more common
high-voltage, low-current, and spark-gap Tesla coil. They are less noisy
high frequency alternating current electricity. than conventional Tesla coils, yet they can
Nikola Tesla experimented with a number of still achieve a respectable output. They can
different configurations of resonant electric also be made to play music through its spark,
circuits. Tesla used these coils to conduct which is Audio Modulated. They are also
experiments related to electrical friendlier to nearby electronic apparatus,
lighting, phosphorescence, X-ray though one should still be cautious. Its main
generation, high frequency alternating component, the 555 timer IC is connected to
current phenomena, electrotherapy, the circuit and the supplied power is 12
the transmission of electrical energy without Volts, 500 mili-amperes, the MOSFET used
wires, etc. Tesla coil circuits were is the IRFP460N. The MOSFET (with a 680
commercially used in spark-gap radio picofarad, 2 Kilo-volt capacitor) is
transmitters for wireless telegraphy until the connected to one end of the primary coil and
1920s, and in medical equipment such as the other is connected to one end of the 110
electrotherapy and violet ray devices. Today Volts AC line with a 6 Ampere diode in
their main use is for entertainment and series. The MOSFET is protected using
educational displays, though small coils are several diodes on the Gate, Drain and
still used today as leak detectors for high Source pins. The capacitor which is used in
vacuum systems. parallel with the AC line is a Mylar
capacitor; FKPs and MKPs can also be used.
Such capacitors are used because first, the
ordinary capacitors may not work and
second, due to the load of the device. The
Secondary coil is made using pure copper
wire of 36 American Wire Gauge with
additional spray varnishing insulation
coating to prevent leakage. One end of the
Secondary coil is grounded and the other is
connected to a toroid for top load
capacitance, the expression of which is
given by:
where, F= Resonant Frequency (KHz)
L= Inductance. (mH)
C= Capacitance (microfarads)
The coil is tuned to the best of my Fig.2: Secondary Coil
knowledge and the best configuration which
is used is: C. 555 Timer Circuit:-
A. For Primary Coil:- The 555 timer IC (also known as the “Time
Machine” of an electronic circuitry) is an
2mm insulated wire with 1 mm insulation integrated circuit (chip) having a variety of
and 1 mm wire wound on a PVC pipe of 9 uses as a timer, flip-flop element, pulse
cm diameter with 15 turns. generator or even in oscillator applications.
The 555 can be used to provide time delays,
as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop element.
Certain IC derivatives can provide up to four
timing circuits in one package.
It was designed by an American Company
named Signetics in the year 1971 and is still II. TUNING THE TESLA COIL
in widespread use because of its
affordability and device stability. Proper tuning is essential for achieving good
power output from the SSTC. The resonator
is a high-Q RLC circuit. If it is not driven at
the correct frequency, the driver will see it as
a high-impedance reactive load. More
importantly, proper tuning provides major
efficiency benefits.
The most important is its tuning both the
Primary Coil and Secondary Coils. There are
various ways of tuning the coil but a basic
way of doing it is to make certain that the
Primary Coil’s resonant frequency is tuned
to that of Secondary coil, by using low
Fig.3: NE555 Chip power oscillations and then increasing and
decreasing it accordingly until maximum
D. The MOSFET:- power is obtained.
Fig.4: IRFP460N
Here we can see the Solid State Tesla Coil working in its best configuration. High voltage corona
arching can also be seen on the top of the coil.
Note: Here the coil is working without the placing of a Top Load Capacitance.
(a) (b)
Fig.6: (a), (b) Maximum Power Performance.