Listening script
Unit 14 from somewhere and it has generally young people. Advertisers know this
come from social life. People spend and arguably target this age group
2.7 less time with others, do fewer sports more aggressively than any other.
and are generally less creative. All
So today I’m going to look at what
of which has held back happiness
is going wrong in society in terms
of factors affecting our happiness.
We know largely which things have Television has also impacted on
an impact so why is our society happiness in society in many other
generally not getting happier? ways. It has certainly increased
the expectations we have of our
So, to begin with, crime levels have
personal life. Previously, society
had an effect on people’s happiness.
was not exposed to such a diverse
While in Britain and America these
range of people and experiences.
have fallen in the last few decades,
No longer are people’s experiences
the overall rise in crime is 500%
solely confined to their immediate
in Britain and 300% in America
surroundings. They have moved
over the last century. Clearly a
beyond this small group or
rise in crime levels affects people’s
community to be exposed to a whole
happiness, but there are other
range of people through the medium
important social changes that
of television. Unfortunately, TV is
have also contributed to low levels of
often quite misrepresentative. For
instance, in social dramas on peak
Firstly, at different points in time time TV in the USA in 1982, fifty
people have been asked the question per cent of the characters were
‘would you say that most people can millionaires. Obviously, there was
be trusted?’ In Britain and America nowhere near this number in real
the number of people who answered life. Is this really important? Surely,
yes to this nearly halved in a 40 everyone knows TV is not reality?
year period. This trend can help to Well, how rich we feel often does
explain why happiness levels have not depend on how much money
not really risen. we have. We feel rich or poor when
Domestic and work roles have also comparing ourselves with others. If
changed a lot due to advances in we are constantly being shown more
technology. Generally, families have affluent lifestyles, we will feel poorer
fewer children and the parents live and less happy. This can actually
much longer. Domestic chores such be seen in changes in purchasing
as cleaning and washing clothes also behaviour of people who watch TV.
became much simpler with changes Research has shown that there is a
in technology. This meant that it direct link between how much TV
was much easier for both parents we watch and how much we spend.
to work. However, this placed Each hour of television someone
increased pressures on the whole watches in the US directly leads to
family. Couples now had to deal with an additional $4 being spent. This
housework, raising children and behaviour happens because people
having two full-time jobs. In many want to maintain their status in
families there was simply a lack of relation to others.
time to be happy! Unfortunately, advertisers tend
With regards to technology, there to target one of the most easily
were no televisions in most homes influenced groups of society. It is
in the 1950s. Now in Britain over part of human nature to fit in or
a person’s lifetime they will spend copy other people. However, the
more time watching TV than doing ones who feel the greatest levels of
paid work. This time has to come pressure to keep up with others is
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