CNS Infections
CNS Infections
CNS Infections
8 months old, boy
The causative agent vary with age
Neonatal period:
Group B streptococci, E. coli, Listeria, Klebsiella
Infants-young children:
H.Influenza, N. Meningitis, S. Pnemonia
Older children:
N. Meningitis, S. Pnemonia
Acute bacterial meningitis
Bacterial organism reach the meninges
-direct hematogenous invasion
-passage through the plexus choroideus
-rupture of superficial cortical absesses
-Nearing infections such as otitis,
-Additionally, fractures of the skull or
congenital defects of the spine or skull
Acute bacterial meningitis
Clinical presentation
The symptoms and signs of bacterial meningitis in children;
•fever, •seizures
•headache, •Acute encephalopathy
(ranging from lethargy to
stupor and coma)
•focal neurological signs
•nuchal rigidity,
•meningeal signs (Kernig
and Brudzinski signs)
Acute bacterial meningitis
Acute bacterial meningitis
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome:
Bulging fontanelle
Stiff neck, meningeal signs
Acute encephalopathy associated with fever
Seizure with fever (in selected patients, particularly
younger than 6 months)
Acute bacterial meningitis
W B C (cells/m m 3 ) 1 ,0 0 0 -1 0 ,0 0 0 <3 0 0 2 0 -5 0 0 5 0 -5 0 0
M ed ian : 1 1 9 5 M ed ian : 1 0 0 V ariab le,d ep en d en t M ed ian : 2 0 0
R an g e: <1 0 0 -2 0 ,0 0 0 R an g e: 1 0 0 -1 ,0 0 0 u p o n fu n g u s R an g e: <5 0 -4 ,0 0 0
Cu ltu re (% p o sitive) 7 0 -8 5 50 2 5 -5 0 5 2 -8 3
Acute bacterial meningitis
Intravenous antibiotics should be started as soon as the diagnosis
of septic meningitis is suspected.
Empiric therapy is selected based on the most likely causal agent,
and whether antibiotic resistance is a likely factor.
Empirical antibiotic for children older than 3 months:
Ceftriaxone (100 mg/kg/day)
Acute bacterial meningitis
Supportive care:
-Patients must be monitored carefully (to identify CNS,
cardiovascular and metabolic complications) and neurological
examination should be repeated regularly.
-Fluid and electrolyte imbalance should be monitored
(with attention to the possibility of hyponatremia due to
inappropriate ADH secretion).
Acute bacterial meningitis
Non- infectious
1.postinfectious/after vaccination: measeles, varicella, influenza
2. drugs: NSAD (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs),
Trimetoprim-sulfametaksazol, intratechal metotreksate,..
3.systemic disorders: SLE, CNS vasculitis, Behçet disease,...
Aseptic meningitis
Clinical features:
Meningeal signs,
Pain in the neck
Exanthemas may observed (Echoviruses)
Aseptic meningitis
Color: clear
Cell: There are mild to moderate lymphositosis
Protein: Usually normal
Glucose: Normal
Aseptic meningitis
Antiviral theraphy (acyslovir)- HSV
Until a bacterial cause is excluded by culture of blood and CSF,
antibiotics should be started.
Supportive care
Chronic meningitis
Coccidioides immitis
Histoplasma capsulatum
Human immunodeficiency virus
Taenia solium ova (Cysticercosis)
Tuberculous meningitis
Antituberculous drugs
Supportive care
The stage on hospitalization is the most important
predictor of outcome.
Neurological morbidities include hemiparesis, paraparesis,
quadriparesis, aphasia, mental retardation, dementia,
blindness, deafness, cranial nerve palsies, epilepsy, and
hypothalamic and pituitary dysfunction.
Fungal meningitis
* vasogenic edema: corticosteroids
*cytotosic edema : osmotic agents
Treatment of increased intracranial pressure;
1. step:
*Correction of iatrognic causes (sedation and prevention of hypertermia, hypoxia,
aspiration, hypercarbia)
*CSF drainage if indicated
*transient hyperventilation (PaCO2 35-38mmHg)
2. step
* transient hyperventilation (PaCO2 30-35mmHg )
*%3 salin infusion
*Decompressive craniotonia
CNS infections are neurologic emergencies. Delay in treatment increases mortality and
For newborn period CNS infections should be kept in mind in cases with findings like decrease
in sucking and tendency to sleep,...