1. is My Singleness a Gift
1. is My Singleness a Gift
1. is My Singleness a Gift
Is My Singleness a Gift?
Christian commentators continue to note that marriage in the United States is in the midst of a
historic (some say, precipitous) decline. This is most certainly attributable to the self-centered,
pleasure-driven, experience-oriented, commitment-free spirit of our age. The pornification of
culture, the delay of first-time marriage, unchecked materialism, and the carnage of broken
families all serve as prompts for Christians to reinforce a portrait of biblical marriage in both
church and society.
Thus, plenty of ink is spilled encouraging men in their twenties to “get it together.” Men should
get married early, not for the sake of numbers, but to keep them out of porn, make them
responsible, keep them from getting grouchy, get them the help they desperately need through a
wife, and to kick the shins of cultural feminism. All of that is fine, as far as it goes.
Recently, however, I came across an article that questioned whether the Bible considered
singleness a gift at all. The writer asserted that Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 identifies a “gift” of
celibacy not singleness — that the idea of a gift of singleness “is not a Bible thing.”
While the exegetical argument is problematic, I was particularly struck by the counsel provided
to those singles who very much wanted to be married. For those pining away for marital bliss,
singleness should be endured as another of the necessary, various trials in the Christian life. God
is working even this suffering for your good.
But would God have us view (even unwanted) singleness as suffering? Is my singleness a gift or
a grief?
In his response to the Corinthians, Paul counters that sexual temptations are actually a valid
reason to pursue marriage (1 Corinthians 7:2). Against asceticism, he argues that sexual pleasure
itself is not an evil, rather a God-given good when pursued in the context of marriage. Paul
underscores this by arguing that sex is a joyful and right obligation for married couples. Thus,
one is not more holy for depriving a spouse of conjugal rights (1 Corinthians 7:3–5). Paul is even
concerned to say that temporary abstention for the sake of prayer is a concession, since such
abstention could provoke greater temptation (1 Corinthians 7:6). Sex, not celibacy, in marriage is
a holy thing.
But lest the pendulum swing towards the extreme of marriage as the only fulfulling station for
the Christian, Paul argues that there is also great joy and purpose to be found in singleness, with
celibacy. He presents himself as exhibit A: “Yet I wish that all men were even as I myself am.
However, each has his own gift from God, one in this manner, and another in that” (1
Corinthians 7:7). Here, too, Paul is cautious to identify his gift and the benefits he sees in it as
God’s command (7:6).
But Paul is definitely saying something here is a gift. Some want to say that he means the
celibacy he’s just been talking about (1 Corinthians 7:1–5). Others want to say that it's his own
(and others’) unmarried status that he’s about to discuss (7:8). Whatever we decide, given what
he has argued (7:1–5), we cannot separate celibacy from singleness. And if we can’t, it is
legitimate to say that Paul views unmarried celibacy as a gift.
What’s crystal clear is that Paul isn’t some masochistic killjoy wishing that others would join
him in his pain of unrequited sexuality. He doesn’t seem to view singleness or celibacy as any
hindrance to joy. Who, after all, talks more about joy than this (single) apostle? Paul has a friend
in every town. His letters are ebullient; full of the joy of a man whose life in Christ is also is full
of meaningful relationships. He has no wife, but countless (spiritual) children. Despite his
countless sufferings, he’d choose to live another day for the joy of the church than to be in the
presence of Christ (Philippians 1:24–26). His life of singleness is not a bleak winter waiting for
the spring of marriage. Paul not only sees singleness as legitimate but as “beautiful” (kalon, 1
Corinthians 7:8).
Thus, Paul can argue that the gift of singleness is undistracted freedom to please Christ (1
Corinthians 7:32). While this “undistracted devotion to the Lord” (1 Corinthians 7:35) can be
reflected in activities like earnest prayer, it also certainly includes the kind of service Paul
himself offered: preaching, teaching, evangelism, training, correspondence, discipleship,
encouragement, organization, biblical interpretation, and so on. Without the immediate concerns
of providing for a wife and children, Paul could devote his energies to the church with single-
minded attention. And what of those labors (Romans 15:17–19)? Singleness, even for those who
long to be married and aren’t, is not a trial to be endured; it is a positive good. It is a gift to be
cherished and maximized. We ought not waste our singleness by viewing it as a trial to be
That’s because sex, despite every current evidence to the contrary, does not define what it means
to be human. Sexual pleasure is, like any other good gift, a temporary good to be enjoyed in its
proper context. It is neither eternal nor ultimate. We must keep in mind that the same apostle
who gives us some of the deepest reflection on marriage’s end (Ephesians 5:22–33) can also long
for Christians to live “as I myself am” (1 Corinthians 7:8). And Paul is not alone in the matter.
He echoes someone else who seems to think that purposeful singleness and celibacy is a Bible
thing: “Let the one who is able to receive this receive it” (Matthew 19:12).