Bhr All Pyq {Pran Tehare}

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84 40E9 94D DC3 37F 8BF F1C C48 2C8 89B B0

8 2
40 0E94 4DC C37 7F8 BF1 1C4 482 C89 9BB B05 58C
E D 3 F B C 8 C B 0 8 3C
E9 94D C3 7F8 8BF F1C 482 2C8 89B B05 58C C3C CB
C 7 4 9 B C 8
94 4DC 37F F8B BF1 1C4 82C C89 BB 058 8C3 3CC B8 40E
DC 37 8 F1 C4 82 89 BB 05 C CC B8 40 94
DC 37 F8 BF1 C4 82 C89 BB 05 8C 3CC B8 40 E94 DC
F B 8 C 8 3 E
C3 37F 8BF F1C C48 2C8 89B BB0 058C C3C CCB B84 40E 94D DC3 37F
8 2 5 0 9 8
37 7F8B BF1 1C4 482C C89 9BB B05 8C3 3CC CB8 840 E94 4DC C37 7F8B BF1
F8 F C 82 8 BB 05 8C C B 40 E9 D 37 F8 F C
F8 BF 1C 482 C8 9BB 05 8C 3C CB 840 E9 4D C37 F8 BF 1C 482
1 4 9 C 8 4 C 1 4
8B BF1 C48 82C C89 BB 058 8C3 3CC B8 40E E94 DC 37F F8B BF1 C48 82C C89
F1 C4 2C 89 BB 058 C3 CC B8 40E 94 DC 37 8B F1 C4 2C 89 BB
F1 C4 82C 89 BB 058 C3 CC B8 40E 94 DC 37 F8B F1 C4 82C 89 BB 058
C4 82 89 BB 05 C CC B8 40 94 DC 37 F8 F1 C4 82 89 BB 05 C

c) Land
82 C8 BB 05 8C 3C B 40 E9 D 37 F8 BF C4 82 C8 BB 05 8C 3C

a) Water
b) Forest
C8 9B 0 8C 3C CB 84 E9 4D C3 F8 BF 1C 82 C8 9B 0 8C 3C CB
9B B0 58C 3C CB 84 0E 4D C3 7F BF 1C 48 C8 9B B0 58C 3C CB 84

ii) State


regard with:
B0 58 3C CB 84 0E 94D C3 7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B B0 58 3C CB 84 0E
58 C3 C 84 0E 94D C 7F 8B F1C 48 2C 89B B0 58 C3 C 84 0E 94D

i) Liberty
C3 CC B8 0E 94 C 37 8B F1 4 2C 89 B 58 C3 CC B8 0E 94 C

ii) Equality
Max Marks: 60

ii) Rural poverty

CC B8 40 94 DC 37 F8B F1 C4 82C 89 BB 05 C3 CC B8 40 94 DC 37

iii) Fraternity

i) Unemployment
Course: B. Tech.

people? Elaborate.
B8 40 E94 DC 37 F8B F1 C4 82C 89 BB 05 8C3 CC B8 40 E94 DC 37 F8B

i) Civil society

Q.4 Solve the following

40 E94 DC 37 F8 F1 C4 82 89 BB 05 8C CC B8 40 E94 DC 37 F8 F1

B) Write short notes on:

A) Write short notes on:
E9 D 3 F8 BF C 82 C8 B 05 8C 3C B 40 E9 D 3 F8 BF C
4D C3 7F BF 1C 48 C8 9B B0 8C 3C CB 84 E9 4D C3 7F BF 1C 48
C3 7F 8BF 1C 48 2C8 9B B0 58C 3C CB 84 0E 4D C3 7F 8BF 1C 48 2C8
7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B B0 58 3C CB 84 0E 94D C3 7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B
8B F1 48 2C 89 B 58 C3 C 8 0E 94 C 7F 8B F1 48 2C 89 B
Instructions to the Students:

F1 C4 2C 89 BB 058 C3 CC B8 40E 94 DC 37 8B F1 C4 2C 89 BB 058

C) Elaborate the following terms:

C4 82 89 BB 05 C CC B8 40 94 DC 37 F8 F1 C4 82 89 BB 05 C

B) Explain the following concepts:

82 C8 BB 05 8C 3C B 40 E9 D 37 F8 BF C4 82 C8 BB 05 8C 3C Q. 1 Solve any One of the following

Q. 5 Solve any Two of the following

Q. 3 Solve any Two of the following
Q.2 Solve any Two of the following
C8 9B 0 8C 3C CB 84 E9 4D C3 F8 BF 1C 82 C8 9B 0 8C 3C CB
9B B0 58C 3C CB 84 0E 4D C3 7F BF 1C 48 C8 9B B0 58C 3C CB 84
B0 58 3C CB 84 0E 94D C3 7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B B0 58 3C CB 84 0E
58 C3 C 84 0E 94D C 7F 8B F1C 48 2C 89B B0 58 C3 C 84 0E 94D

ii) Communal riots and social harmony

C3 CC B8 0E 94 C 37 8B F1 4 2C 89 B 58 C3 CC B8 0E 94 C
1. All the questions are compulsory.

CC B8 40 94 DC 37 F8B F1 C4 82C 89 BB 05 C3 CC B8 40 94 DC 37
B8 40 E94 DC 37 F8B F1 C4 82C 89 BB 05 8C3 CC B8 40 E94 DC 37 F8B

C) ‘Freedom is the soul of democracy’. Justify.

40 E94 DC 37 F8 F1 C4 82 89 BB 05 8C CC B8 40 E94 DC 37 F8 F1

A) Throw light on the rights of migrant workers.

E9 D 3 F8 BF C 82 C8 B 05 8C 3C B 40 E9 D 3 F8 BF C
4D C3 7F BF 1C 48 C8 9B B0 8C 3C CB 84 E9 4D C3 7F BF 1C 48

i) Interrelationship between religion and culture

C) What is UDHR, what are its provisions in India?

C3 7F 8BF 1C 48 2C8 9B B0 58C 3C CB 84 0E 4D C3 7F 8BF 1C 48 2C8

iii) Industrialism and the present social system

7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B B0 58 3C CB 84 0E 94D C3 7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B

*** End ***

Date: 20/08/2022

8B F1 48 2C 89 B 58 C3 C 8 0E 94 C 7F 8B F1 48 2C 89 B
F1 C4 2C 89 BB 058 C3 CC B8 40E 94 DC 37 8B F1 C4 2C 89 BB 058
Branch: Multiple Branches

C4 82 89 BB 05 C CC B8 40 94 DC 37 F8 F1 C4 82 89 BB 05 C
82 C8 BB 05 8C 3C B 40 E9 D 37 F8 BF C4 82 C8 BB 05 8C 3C
C8 9B 0 8C 3C CB 84 E9 4D C3 F8 BF 1C 82 C8 9B 0 8C 3C CB
9B B0 58C 3C CB 84 0E 4D C3 7F BF 1C 48 C8 9B B0 58C 3C CB 84

A) Illustrate the fundamental rights in the Constitution of India?

Subject Code & Name: (BTHM403) Basic Human Rights

B0 58 3C CB 84 0E 94D C3 7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B B0 58 3C CB 84 0E
58 C3 C 84 0E 94D C 7F 8B F1C 48 2C 89B B0 58 C3 C 84 0E 94D
C3 CC B8 0E 94 C 37 8B F1 4 2C 89 B 58 C3 CC B8 0E 94 C

B) What duties are suggested by the Constitution of India? Explain.

CC B8 40 94 DC 37 F8B F1 C4 82C 89 BB 05 C3 CC B8 40 94 DC 37
3. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed.

B8 40 E94 DC 37 F8B F1 C4 82C 89 BB 05 8C3 CC B8 40 E94 DC 37 F8B

40 E94 DC 37 F8 F1 C4 82 89 BB 05 8C CC B8 40 E94 DC 37 F8 F1
E9 D 3 F8 BF C 82 C8 B 05 8C 3C B 40 E9 D 3 F8 BF C
4D C3 7F BF 1C 48 C8 9B B0 8C 3C CB 84 E9 4D C3 7F BF 1C 48
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
Regular End Semester Examination – Summer 2022

C3 7F 8BF 1C 48 2C8 9B B0 58C 3C CB 84 0E 4D C3 7F 8BF 1C 48 2C8

7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B B0 58 3C CB 84 0E 94D C3 7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B

A) Elaborate the contribution of NGOs in India to help people get their rights in
8B F1 48 2C 89 B 58 C3 C 8 0E 94 C 7F 8B F1 48 2C 89 B

B) How will you focus on the rights of mentally and physically challenged
A) What is the contribution of the French Revolution to the human rights
which the question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.

F1 C4 2C 89 BB 058 C3 CC B8 40E 94 DC 37 8B F1 C4 2C 89 BB 058

Semester : IV

C4 82 89 BB 05 C CC B8 40 94 DC 37 F8 F1 C4 82 89 BB 05 C
82 C8 BB 05 8C 3C B 40 E9 D 37 F8 BF C4 82 C8 BB 05 8C 3C
C8 9B 0 8C 3C CB 84 E9 4D C3 F8 BF 1C 82 C8 9B 0 8C 3C CB
9B B0 58C 3C CB 84 0E 4D C3 7F BF 1C 48 C8 9B B0 58C 3C CB 84
B0 58 3C CB 84 0E 94D C3 7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B B0 58 3C CB 84
58 C3 C 84 0E 94D C 7F 8B F1C 48 2C 89B B0 58 C3 C 84 0E

C3 CC B8 0E 94 C 37 8B F1 4 2C 89 B 58 C3 CC B8 0E
Duration: 3.45 Hr.


CC B8 40 94 DC 37 F8B F1 C4 82C 89 BB 05 C3 CC B8 40 9
2. The level of question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on

B8 40 E94 DC 37 F8B F1 C4 82C 89 BB 05 8C3 CC B8 40 E94

40 E94 DC 37 F8 F1 C4 82 89 BB 05 8C CC B8 40 E94
E9 D 3 F8 BF C 82 C8 B 05 8C 3C B 40 E9 D
4D C3 7F BF 1C 48 C8 9B B0 8C 3C CB 84 E9 4D C



C3 7F 8BF 1C 48 2C8 9B B0 58C 3C CB 84 0E 4D C3

(Level/CO) Marks

7F 8B 1C 48 2C 9B B0 58 3C CB 84 0E 94D C3
8B F1 48 2C 89 B 58 C3 C 8 0E 94 C 7F
F1 C4 2C 89 BB 058 C3 CC B8 40E 94 DC 37
C4 82 89 BB 05 C CC B8 40 94 DC 37 F8
82 C8 BB 05 8C 3C B 40 E9 D 37 F8
C8 9B 0 8C 3C CB 84 E9 4D C3 F8 B
9B B0 58C 3C CB 84 0E 4D C3 7F BF
B0 58 3C CB 84 0E 94D C3 7F 8B 1
58 C3 C 84 0E 94D C 7F 8B F1C
C3 CC B8 0 94 C 37 8B F1
Regular/Supplementary End Semester Examination – 2023
Course: B. Tech. Branch :CSE(AI&DS)/AI&DS Semester :IV
Subject Code & Name: (BTHM403)Basic Human Rights
Max Marks: 60 Date:18/07/2023 Duration: 3 Hr.
Instructions to the Students:
1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. The level of question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on
which the question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.
3. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
(Level/CO) Marks
Q. 1 Solve Any Two of the following. 12
A) Write short note on American bill of rights. CO1 6
B) Write cause and effects of French revolution CO1 6
C) State interrelationship between society, religion & culture. CO1 6

Q.2 Solve Any Two of the following. 12

A) What is social harmony? How it is maintained in the society CO2 6
B) Explain causes of rural poverty. CO2 6
C) What is social structure? State its impact on human behavior. CO2 6

Q. 3 Solve Any Two of the following. 12

A) Define terms state & individual liberty. CO3 6
B) Describe freedom & democracy in your word with illustration. CO3 6
C) What are the problems faced by migrant worker? CO3 6

Q.4 Solve Any Two of the following. 12

A) What are silent feature of Indian constitution? CO4 6
B) What are the fundamental duties of Indian citizen? CO4 6
C) Illustrate the fundamental rights in the Constitution of India? CO4 6

Q. 5 Solve Any Two of the following. 12

A) Discuss the Directive Principles of State Policy. CO5 6
B) What is difference between constitution and law? CO5 6
C) What is UDHR, what are its provisions in India? CO5 6
*** End ***
Supplementary Winter Examination – 2023
Course: B. Tech.Branch :All branches

Semester : IV
Subject Code & Name: (BTHM403) Basic Human Rights
Max Marks: 60 Date: 20/01/2024 Duration: 3 Hr.

Instructions to the Students:

1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. The level of question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on
which the question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.
3. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
(Level/CO) Marks

Q. 1 Solve Any Two of the following. 12

A) What are human rights? State and explain any 5 human rights CO1 6
B) State the interrelationship between society, religion and culture CO1 6
C) Elaborate the following terms: CO1 6
i) Unemployment
ii) Rural Poverty
Q.2 Solve Any Two of the following. 12
A) Throw light on rights of migrant people CO2 6
B) What are the human rights of mentally and physically challenged people? Explain CO2 6
C) Describe the following terms with illustration CO2 6
i) Freedom
ii) Democracy
Q. 3 Solve Any Two of the following. 12
A) What do you mean by NGO? Explain its different roles / activities with respect to CO3 6
human rights protection
B) What are the different roles of NGOs in protection for the Environment in India? CO3 6
C) What are the different roles of NGOs in water conservation? Explain CO3 6
Q.4 Solve Any Two of the following. 12
A) What are the fundamental rights of Indian citizen in the constitution of India? CO4 6
B) What are the fundamental duties of Indian citizen in the constitution of India? CO4 6
C) Discuss the Directive Principles of State Policy CO4 6
Q. 5 Solve Any Two of the following. 12
A) What is UDHR? What are its provisions in India? CO5 6
B) What are the different functions and powers of National Human Rights Commission? CO5 6
C) What are the limitations of National Human Rights Commission? Explain CO5 6
Supplementary Winter 2023
Course: B. Tech. Branch : Biomedical Engineering
Semester :IV
Subject Code & Name: BTBH406_Y18 Basic Human Rights
Max Marks: 60 Date: 29-01-24 Duration: 3.45 Hr.
Instructions to the Students:
1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. The level of question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on
which the question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.
3. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
(Level/CO) Marks
Q. 1 Solve Any Two of the following.
A) Explain the concepts of Individual, Group and Civil society in Indian Comprehe 6
context? nsion
B) Illustrate the importance of Human values in Human life? Applicatio 6
C) Discuss the contribution of Religious treaties, American bill of rights Comprehe 6
and French revolution in making of Human rights and Human duties? nsion

Q.2 Solve Any Two of the following.

A) Analyse the inter-relationship among society, religion and culture of Analysis 6
B) How do we maintain the social harmony regardless of communal Knowledg 6
conflict, rural poverty and unemployment in Indian context? e
C) Evaluate the impact of social structure (classism) on social problems in Evaluatio 6
India? n

Q. 3 Solve Any Two of the following.

A) Discuss the human rights of Migrant workers and violation of human Comprehe 6
rights? nsion
B) Enumerate the provisions made under the protection of human rights of Remembe 6
disabled persons? r
C) Express the role of NGO’s in fostering the human rights in concern of Comprehe 6
land, water and forest issues? nsion

Q.4 Solve Any Two of the following.

A) Justify the Preamble of Indian constitution in relation to human rights? Evaluate 6
B) Differentiate between Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties in Analysis 6
Indian constitution?
C) Examine the Directive principles of state policy? Analysis 6

Q. 5 Solve Any Two of the following.

A) Illustrate the preamble of Universal Declaration of Human Rights ? Applicatio 6
B) Formulate the characteristics of Universal Declaration of Human Synthesis 6
C) Define the role of Protection of Human Right Act 1993 in Indian Remembe 6
Constitution? r
*** End ***
The grid and the borders of the table will be hidden before final printing.

Regular / Supplementary Examination – Summer 2024

Course: B. Tech. Branch: Common to All Branches Semester: IV

Subject Code & Name: (BTHM403/BTPCC403) Basic Human Rights

Max Marks: 60 Date: 15/07/2024 Duration: 3 Hrs.

Instructions to the Students:

1. All the questions are compulsory.

2. The level of question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on which
the question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.
3. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
(Level/CO) Marks

Q. 1 Solve any TWO of the following:

A) What are the stages of development of Human Rights movement in the world? L2/CO2 6
Explain in detail.

B) What is the contribution of American Bill of Rights to the fundamental rights L3/CO1 6
incorporated in the Constitution of India?

C) ‘Culture is closely associated with the social structure in Bharat’, discuss. L2/CO1 6

Q. 2 Solve any TWO of the following:

A) ‘Social structure is responsible for the human behavior. The emotional and cultural L3/CO1 6
composition of an individual gets impacted by the social structure’, illustrate.

B) Write short notes on any TWO of the following: L3/CO2 6

i) Equity
ii) Liberty
iii) Society

C) Write a note on social evils in the Indian Society. L3/CO1 6

Q. 3 Solve any TWO of the following:

A) What are the steps which can be initiated to rule out the superstitions in the Indian L5/CO4 6
Society ?

B) Write short notes on the following: L5/CO5 6

i) Fundamental Rights
ii) Rights of the working people

C) What do you think about the status of woman in India? Write your views in order L5/CO4 6
achieve the targets which were already set in this regard.

Q. 4 Solve any of the following:

Write a detailed essay on Directive Principles of State Policy. L4/CO5 12

Q. 5 Solve the following:

A) What did you understand by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ? Write a L2/CO3 6
detailed essay.

B) Describe the nature and characteristics of Human Rights. L2/CO3 6

***** End *****

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