Cesim Strategy

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Strategy & International Business Simulation

Cesim Global Challenge improves the learners’ understanding and

capabilities of running global business operations of a firm in a dynamic,
competitive environment.
FOCUS Optionally, they can also manage Adaptability
Strategic management, corporate social responsibility Cesim Global Challenge
international business, business and human resources for international business strategy
policy. research and development. game offers powerful user-level
customizability and modularity
Used In Key learning areas options that allow it to be
Strategy, international business, Technology-based product adjusted for different target
and capstone courses at road maps and global market groups and experience levels.
advanced undergraduate and and production strategies. A In addition, the system permits
graduate levels. Executive range of concepts from various the instructors to create and
MBA programs and in-house management-related disciplines: modify their own cases with
corporate trainings. economic, political, financial, personalized market outlooks
human resources, accounting, and storyline.
Case scenario procurement, production,
Participants manage a global logistics, research and Available languages
technology company through innovation, and marketing. English, French, Hungarian,
technological and market Italian, Lithuanian, Mandarin
evolution. They operate in three Key success factors Chinese, Portuguese, Romanian,
global regions with different Success is measured and Russian, Spanish, Turkish.
customer preferences, growth compared by both operational
rates, currencies, taxes, and and financial key indicators.
tariffs. Four different technology The ultimate indicator in the
generations evolve during the simulation is the return to the
simulation rounds. shareholders, which consolidates
all the key success factors into
Participant tasks one measurable criterion that
Learners plan and implement can be used to compare the
global demand-supply strategy performance of each team.
for three markets and two
production areas, including Expected outcome
in-house and contract Better understanding of the
manufacturing network. complexity of global business
Research and development for operations in a dynamic
new technologies and product competitive environment.
features forms the backbone Comprehension of each of
for their long-term strategy and the management-related
product life-cycle management. disciplines and the financial
They will manage international implications of the strategic and
taxation through transfer pricing operational decisions. Invaluable
and control liquidity and capital experiences in teamwork and
structure. problem solving.

www.cesim.com | [email protected] | +358 9 406 660

The most intuitive business simulations
All Cesim Business Simulations are built on an easy-to-use, scalable and highly automated online platform
that allows instructors to run their courses on any web browser from anywhere, anytime.

Business, Strategy and Management Simulations

When you would like to increase participant engagement and hands-on business learning in your course.

Cesim Global Challenge has been designed to improve the understanding and knowledge of the
complexity of global business operations in a dynamic, competitive environment.

Cesim Service is a service based business simulation that integrates the functional areas of HR
management, capacity management, pricing and marketing.

Cesim Project has been designed to capture the essence of project management in a collaborative
and competitive environment.

Cesim Firm is a product based business simulation that integrates the functional areas of
production, marketing and logistics.

Cesim Marketing develops the understanding and command of the whole marketing decision-
making process.

Industry Specific Simulations

When your course or training requires the setting of a particular industry.

Cesim Hospitality is an interactive and fun learning environment that improves the participants’
business competencies and employability.

Cesim Bank facilitates the understanding of the front and back office operations of a bank, and
their interaction in a competitive environment.

Cesim Power is a browser-based power utility management simulation that combines the
dynamics of power markets, production, and risk management.

Cesim Connect is a telecom operator simulation where teams manage mobile, broadband and
entertainment services for residential customers and communications and IT services for corporate

Cesim Retail includes strategic and tactical pricing decisions, promotion campaigns, procurement and
inventory management, store layout, operating hours, staffing, and cash flow management. Participants
are in charge of one store or a franchise with multiple stores in a seasonal environment.

Custom Business Simulations

When you need a Business Simulation tailored specifically to the needs of your course or training.
Examples: Steel, Packaging, Real Estate Management, Public Broadcasting, Contract Manufacturing.

www.cesim.com | [email protected] | +358 9 406 660

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