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1. Most common incision type in skull---linear incission
2. Type of laceration when skin separates---split
3. Death during Police investigation, now who will investigate the cause of death-- magistrate
4. The document send to expert witness to appear on court----
5. Cyclophosmamide drug adverse affect-----bone marrow supperesion
6. Which generation of cephalosporin is strictly IV—4th
7. Motile, acidic black--- salmonella
8. Digeorge syndrome defect---22q11.2
9. Digeorge syndrome defect results in which cells---T cells
10. Dengue replicates in which tissue--
11. Black pandamic--Plague
12. Drug for liver plasmodium---primaquine
13. Female working, less birth rate, which stage of demographic---stage 3
14. Female with infection in hospital, develops ...symptoms, which shock---septic shock
15. Which of the following is a phase I cyp independent reaction----oxidation, reduction,
hydrolysis (450)
16. Stab wound with both lungs punctured? Which qisas and diyat
17. Battered baby most common cause of death---knobing fracture
18. Used Syringes are disposed in which bag---black beg
19. Primary health hospitals k bad konsa hospital---secondary hospital
20. Yersinia which temperature----30 to 37
21. Plasmodium in monkey----knowlesi
22. Streptomycin mode of action----protein synthesis inhibitor 30s
23. Alteplase adverse affect----bleeding , cerebral heamorrhage
24. Nystatin belongs to which class of drug---anti fungal (mycotic infrection)
25. Community acquired respiratory infections which drug---augmentin (amoxicillin and
26. Toxoid tetanus which type of immunity----Active and passive immunity
27. Which vaccine is subcutaneous---MMR
28. Aplastic anemia diagnostic test---bone marrow biopsy
29. What is the cause of no malaria in sickle cell patients---no parasite growth with low oxygen
30. What is the mechanisms of rigor mortis—atp depletion
31. Symptom of heat exhaustion----heat stroke sypmtops
32. Bronchial Asthma drug---LABA And SABA (Albutrol)
33. Decongestant drug—oxymetazolion, phenylephrine, (alpha 1 adrenergic agonist )
34. Insulin metabolism through which type of receptor---tryosine kinase
35. B1 receptors in which organ---heart
36. Most common site of liquefactive necrosis--- brain
37. Which cells most common in granulomas? epitheloid cells
38. Prodrug? Levodopa
39. Toxocara definitive host----cat, dog,fox , volves
40. Elephantiasis which organism----W.bancrofti
41. Graft type from one person to another---isograph
42. Southern blotting invented by----adward (DNA)
43. Mantoux test due to which hypersensitivity--- 4Th (T.B)
44. Which is a vector for clone ---- plasmid , cosmid, bacteriophage
45. most common organism causing gastric carcinoma---H.pylori
46. Which drug for tubacurane antidote---neostagmine and tetra ethyl amonium
47. Beta blocked used for which useful affect---hypo thyrodism,
48. In Children joint cartilage growth problem? which drug--- NSAID (asprin)
49. Reed Sternberg cell, sclerosis, which type--- nodular scelerosis
50. Platelet adhesion which molecule? VWF
51. Diff in AML/ ALL by------aure’s rods
52. CML mutation--- (9-22), BCR and ABL fussion
53. Therapeutic Use of atropine---bradycardia
54. RNA integrated, excision, adjacent DNA segment? Specialized transduction, generalized
transduction, transformation?


1. Live Attenuated vaccine- Measles

2. Most common adverse effect of Influenza vaccine ---soreness and redness and sweeling

3. Mechanism of resistance in Vincristine----change in microtubule

4. Social Action Plan - 1992

5. Abrasion with--- serrated border

6. Unfractionated heparin is given and it has adverse effects what will be the next
anticoagulant—low molecular heparin

7. If iron deficiency anemia, which would be given IV----iron dextran

8. Which incision for strangulation----Y-shaped

9. What happens in telefono----

10. Emerging hemorrhagic fever - ebola

11. CML, AML numbers--- 9-22
12. Life expectancy increase, mortality bhi increase so which stage of demographic transition---
stage 1

13. Chronic granulomatous ds mai kiya denge - interferon

14. A girl got renal transplant, hypersensitivity develop after 1 month, biopsy done

What will be seen on biopsy?

CD4 and CD8 infiltration in renal tissue

15. Pain mediation in body - PGs

16. Med negligence of anesthesiologist------ medical superintendent

17. Autopsy protocol necessary------slide sy parhlo

18. What is required essential step followed in pak for doing Exhumation--- ye bhi slide sy parhlo

19. Testimony----evedince or prove

20. 84 ppc – unsound mind or insanse people

21. Caffey syndrome- non- accidental injuries to child by care giver

22. Cardiogenic shock - Dobutamine

23. Edema due to low oncotic --- pre nephrotic syndrome

24. Brain dead person - loss of pupillary reflex loss or pupILORY REFLEX

25. Disinfect utensils by boiling for how many mins---10mints

26. Burn involving full thickness of skin ----type 2

27. BHU ka kuvh tha

28. Yersinia capsule culture temp ---- 25 degree

29. Squaline epoxide inhibitor- Terbinafine

30. Bact with sterol - Mycoplasma

31. Non granulamatous ds- Typhoid

32. Role Of Mg in PCR---acting as cofactor, it enhance the activity of DNA polymerase.

33. Toxoplasma transmission---blood transfusion , mother to child, and organ transplantation

34. Wecheria transmitted by Anopheles

35. Mutation in breast ca- brca 1 and 2 both

36. Lipid peroxidation of membrane disinfectant- H2O2

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