Brain Quest Workbook 2

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brain Quest Workbook= . Spelling & A whole year of curriculum-based — wetiiany exercises and activities in one ee fun book! °/ ( Brain Quest \~ I Y wth America’s #1 ‘ Skills educational k bestseller! G, g i, ‘Addition & ew OPTS 5° a Sineacion Shapes & Measurements Time & Money c Social Studies Written by LIANE ONISH & Map Skills Consulting editor: JILL SWANN, Nati e Year al Award-Winner! i A National Teacher of the Year Regional Award-Winner! Selanes Copyright © 2008 by Workman Pubilshing Company, ne, and Groupe Play Bae, 8. By purchasing tis workbook, the buyers permitted to reproduce worksheets and actives for classroom use ony, ‘Dut not for commercial resale. Please contact the publisher for permission to reproduce pages for an entre school ‘or setiool distri. With the exeeption of the above, no portion ofthis book may'be reproduetd—mechanieally, ‘leetronlealy or by any other means, including photocopying —without waite permisson ofthe publisher [BRAIN QUEST isa reglstered trademark of Workinan Publishing Company, Ine, and Groupe Play Hae, 1S Fun w Be Smart! isa registered trademark of Workman Publishing Company, Ine. Libary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data it available ISBN-I8: TEOTOLLABIS Worktook series design hy Raquel Jaramillo Mstrations by Kimble Alead Workman books are available at special discounts when purchased in bul for premiums and sales promotions as ‘well as for fundraising or educational use, Special editions or book excerpts also ean be ereaLed to specification, Pordetails, contac the Special Sales Director atthe address below: ‘Workman Publishing Company; Ine 125 Varlek Street New York, NY 10014-4351 ‘wow workman com Prine inthe United States of Amerie ust printing June 2008 1s579 8642 Brairi-Quest Grade@ Workbook Written by Liane Onish Consulting Editor: Jill Swann WORKMAN PUBLISHING NEW YORK Contents PY LOT CS epeuiewea et ever ieee ier aes eiece me ree 5 Spelling and Vocabulary.............. 33 Language Attss on tiie 8 leo wiers @ vtoeue ¢ 65 Reading ..............2....00.0. 91 SV feu Pacer ee care re Pearer ee eatvs Ree as areca 117 (CUTSIVERE wae nen etn tnaier a na ane 131 Math Sialiss 5 ¥ 5% 2s 2a hon 8 oa ne 161 Addition and Subtraction. ........... 177 Multiplication and Fractions.......... 201 Shapes and Measurement.........+++ 215 Time and Money: «v4 4 #244 5+ +4 044% 227 Ohh pe ES i ee eee greeter ade at 2 eae eel 243 SGICNCE eae neste ane eri 269 ANSWee Key woe oat eet ete Paste 295 Brain Quest Extras................ 309 as Gun Second Gade Wontook Phonics Beginning Letters Say the word for each picture. What beginning sound do you hear? Write the letter. w © & —eaf — ap — arrot r Oo z eae — ite —ie Ending Letters Say the word for each picture. What ending sound do you hear? Write the letter. be _ eigh _ These words end in ss or Il. What ending sound do you hear? Write the two letters. om 8 It Takes Two Say the word for each picture. What beginning sound do you hear? Find the correct blend in the box. Write it on the line. Brain Box —— ing —— ower ——um as Gun Second Gade Wontook Ce: nS) — — asses ——ead —— ool — — oke ab ae ock —— ale a ¥ —— 0g — —ant Brain Box Digraphs are two consonants that are next Pee aes eenoeciiad Geodata otal The digraph in this word Pe anteeNa td Mote nn mn | Peta egel aol hear the new th sound. Shh! Sounds Complete each word with a digraph from the box. Draw a line from the word to its picture. wh eel = _—_« | Sr on ben __ too ___ — —istle — So ——GCSc! \na / Vv It Takes Three Say the word for each picture. Complete each word with a consonant cluster from the box. eo 3 wm St £ awberry ———ee —— — eet ——irrell eb) — — — inkler =i y “ley ong one ay L} Om are ew ead bras Que Second Gre Woetook Lost Letters Complete each word with a consonant cluster from the box. Draw a line from the word to its picture. bank ua es ha___ ja __ ‘2 —— al group of consonants that ee meena) Cnrone! Sku Erne) Bema eee Ra ‘Brain Quest Seaond Grade Workbook Complete each word with a consonant cluster from the box. Draw a line from the word to its picture. pa G eo ee we boa____ game bras Que Second Gre Woetook Kite and Circle Look at the ¢ words in the Word Box. If the word has a hard ¢ sound, like kite, write the word next to the kite. If the word has a soft ¢ sound, like circle, write the word next to the circle. Brain B The letter ¢ has two sounds: a hard ¢ sound, as in cat, and a soft ¢ Rolo Me take ‘Brain Quest Seaond Grade Workbook Goose and Jacket Look at the g words in the Word Box. If the word has a hard g sound, like goose, write the word next to the goose. If the word has a soft g sound, like jacket, write the word next to the jacket. Brain Bo Sie pasa) Pole teil ene a in Gus Sexo de eink ou Picture Cards Complete each word with a short vowel. short a words ! bea ES | as Gun Second Gade Wontook short i words 4 Short Vowel Sort Read the words in the Word Boxes. Write each word next to the picture that has the same short vowel sound. ohoaoy —___ hat short a words } e words short short i words | short 0 words socks short u words | umbrella Ray Takes the Train Write ai or ay to complete the long a words. Ray wakes up to the sound of a bluej 2 Y aN He eats cereal on his breakfast tr —__. He takes the tr____n to the beach. At the beach, Ray puts shells in his p — —_ ‘@ Ray loves to pl — — in the water. He watches a beautiful s —— lboat float by. 5 “Wow!” he says. “What a Brain Box great d____! These letter combinations Come eet Rott Pesca mec this Guerra de Wet

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