Words have different meanings depending on context – this is true when it comes to
the English language, especially when you take into consideration how many words
it has “borrowed” from other languages.
This is why, it is important to address the issue of not only knowing, but recognizing
how some of these words work. The main challenge in this topic is recognizing the
context that surrounds the words or meanings it may take within the context it is
This lesson will help the learner recognize the expanded meaning of a word in which
it may take through the use of adjectives, affixes, and contextual clues.
This module contains a lesson that will lead you to:
Learning Competency: Give the expanded definitions of words.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
State the correct expanded definition of words using adjectives and affixes; and
Use expanded words in sentences.
What I Know
Activity: Fill me
Directions: Read the supplied definition for each item. Your task is to supply the
missing letters in order to complete the word which is defined in each item. The
letters available for each set are given as clues.
Activity 2: Think Me
Directions: Form at least 10 derivations from the source word given below.
Source Word: beautiful
Start here:
Directions: Study the highlighted portion of the word (affixes) as well as the context
of the sentence to help you complete its meaning.
Example: When you exhale, you breathe air outwards.
1. A circumnavigator is someone who has sailed _________ the world.
2. A teacher is someone _________ teaches the learners.
3. John is ________ with generosity. He is a generous person.
4. Submerged cameras allow people to see _________ the water.
5. Please return my pen, Richard. I need it __________.
What’s New
Activity 4
Directions: Read the poem below titled Song of Autumn by French author Charles
Baudelaire and translated to English by William Aggeler. Fill in the table by listing
down five (5) adjectives taken from the poem. Underline the suffix in each word,
then use it in a sentence. An example is provided for your guide.
1. bountiful - We should be thankful with the bountiful blessings from above.
What Is It
Context clues provide further information about a word or phrase that helps readers
understand its meaning. These clues offer insight – either directly or indirectly - into
the portion of text that is difficult to understand.
Word: idyllic
Clues: sunny, warm, and perfect for a walk in the park.
Sentence: It was an idyllic day.
What is an adjective?
Adjectives are words that modify or clearly define the nouns and pronouns to use in
your speaking and writing. You can usually tell whether a word is an adjective if it
answers the questions what kind, how many, or which one.
Adjectives may derive from nouns. Salty, mountainous, and colorful are adjectives
derived from nouns. It may become an adjective simply by being used to describe
another noun as in salty water, mountainous area, and colorful flowers.
Words a, an, and the are special adjectives called articles. The is the definite article.
It points out one specific person, place, thing, or idea. A and an are indefinite
articles. They are less specific.
Affixes are a set of letters/syllables generally added at the beginning or end of a root
word to modify its meaning. The two main types of affixes are prefixes and suffixes.
Prefix is a syllable/word part that may be added at the beginning of a base word or
root word.
Suffix is a syllable/word part that may be added after the base word or root word.
What’s More
The season in “Autumn Song” represents the current physic__ and mental state of
the poet. (Clue:related to)
The warm of summer is represented as happi___ and joy for the poet.
The winter signals coldness and dark____. (Clue: being/with)
Summer mean_ happiness and joy. (Clue: more than one)
Winter usual__ is a period of inactivity. (Clue: a certain way)
4. The only way for you to stop their _________ before it starts is to discourage
them to argue in the first place.
What I Can Do
Directions: Fill in any of the missing base part using the following given suffixes to
form new words. See the example.
1. Which of the following words can either mean a season or the act of rapidly
moving downwards?
7. When a set of letters added at the beginning or end of a base word to modify its
meaning, we call it _________.
10. When a set of letters added at the end of the root word, we call it ________.
Additional Activity
Directions: Give the complete word for each item by studying the highlighted portion
of the sentence as well as its general context. Use all clues available to complete
the word fragment.
Blog Entry
Almonte, Liza R., Flandez, Lerma L., Hermosa, Angelina Lourdes, Nedia Lagustan,
Liberty A. Mangaluz, Elenita R. Miranda, Paul Anthony B. Mendoza, Lito A.
Palomar, Grace B. Annette Barradas-Soriano, and Karen B. Villanueva, Celebrating
Diversity through World Literature. Pasig City: Rex Book Store, Inc. 2015, 273, 297,
299, 371-318, 323, 352, 354, 373, 376, 384,
Glatthorn Allan A and Brenda C Rosen, Littell English, Evanston,III:
McDougal:Littell, 1990.
Online Sources
Derived WordsMeaning
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6.7. 8.9.10.
Root WordPrefixesNew WordMeaning Root WordSuffixes New WordMeaning
socialanti-anti-socialagainstsuit/reverse-able, iblesuitable/reversiblecan be done
cyclebi-bicycletwointern/curt-al, -ailinternal/curtailrelated to, like
railde-derailoppositeinvent-edinventedpast tense
placedis-displacenot, opposite ofmoist-enmoistenmade of
formal/properin, im-informal/improperin/notpaint/far-er, -estpainter/farthestmore, one
schoolinter-interschoolbetweenharm-ful, -yharmful/harmfullyfull of
summermid-midsummermiddlechild-ishchildishsomewhat like or near
swimmernon-non-swimmernotpart-lypartlya certain way
heatpre-pre-heatbeforedanger-ousdangerousfilled with
circlesemi-semi-circlehalfkey/fox-s, -eskeys/foxesmore than one
sequencesub-subsequenceunderact-ionactionact of
settledun-unsettlednotcontent-mentcontentmentcombination of being
Column AColumn B
Expanded definitionA group of letters added the beginning of the root word.
AdjectivesPoints out one specific person, place, thing or idea.
AffixesA set of letters added to the beginning or end of the root word.
Definite articlesThe morphological component of a word that contributes to its most
basic meaning.
Prefixes A word use to modify a noun or a pronoun.
A word that can take different meanings depending on the context.