Author(s): E. J. Forsdyke
Source: The Journal of Hellenic Studies , 1911, Vol. 31 (1911), pp. 110-118
Published by: The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
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The peculiar design and technique were recognised by Mr. Walters in the
original publication," and numerous parallels have since been found.7
6 Excavations in Cyprus, p. 74, and p. 79 handle of this vase.
(Tomb 50), where the contents of the grave are7 E.g. Gournia, P1. X. 12; B.S.A. ix. p. 318.
given. Catalogue, C 501: the sign - is cut on
S ' Prehistoric Tombs of Knossos,' p. 127, etc. "I E.g. the pseudamphora, the flat three-
9 Gournia, p. 45. handled jar, and the straight-sided filler. See
10 Dawkins in B. S.A. ix. pp. 316 sq.; x. p. 226. below, p. 118.
Mackenzie in J.II.S. xxiii. (1903), p. 199. 12 Furtwangler and Loeschcke, Mykenische
Vasen, p. 75.