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Th.1- British and French Stereotypes – Are they true?
First, I will start by giving some examples of
stereotypes about British people before providing you my opinion. The first one is that British people’s favourite food is fish and chips. I think it depends on personal taste. This one is very famous; they love drinking tea. I believe that it’s totally true, most of the British drink tea at 5pm. The next one is about how British people adore queuing. I honestly don’t have an opinion on this stereotype because I don’t know if it’s true. And I can’t understand how they appreciate standing in line and waiting. If this stereotype is true, then British people are definitely patient. Moreover, British people love the Royal Family, this one is true, I mean who doesn’t adore the Royal Family? I think everyone was moved when the Queen passed away. Then, British people speak with a posh accent and are arrogant. They definitely have a different accent and we can tell from the way that they talk that they are British and not American nor Australian, but I wouldn’t say it is posh, it’s just different. The following one is that they have bad hygiene. I think it’s untrue. They are seen as elegant so I don’t know why people would say that they have bad hygiene. Next, British people live in a country with unpredictable weather and mostly bad weather. I think every country, not only the UK, has unpredictable weather. Plus, some people believe all British have a butler. This one is false, maybe some of the rich British families have one or several but not all of them. Finally, British people are polite and well mannered. As for me, everyone should be that way, it’s a question of education and not a question of being British or not. Now, I’m going to talk about stereotypes about the French, and since I am French it will be easier to tell you if it’s true or not. First, French people always wear berets hats and striped tops. Not all the French wear berets and striped tops and we mainly wear it to pose for pictures, or at some rugby matches. Then, we always have a baguette under our arm. You can see a French with a baguette going out of a bakery just like you can see a French with a sandwich or with a cake. Also, French people greet each other with kisses on the cheeks. It’s totally true, it’s called « la bise ». The French love cheese, red wine, snails and frog legs. It’s right that we love red wine and cheese, even foreigners love it. But I don’t think a lot of French eat snails and frog legs often. French people are lazy and rude. I wouldn’t say that we are lazy or rude, it’s just that we enjoy a lot of vacations; and we are just honest when giving out opinions. French people have a bad English accent. I think it’s both true and false, because English is a foreign language so it’s normal to have an accent. A lot of French have bad English accent, but a lot others have great accent as well just less. Next, we are always complaining. This stereotype is true, I mean, I can hear at least two people complaining in a day. And finally, French people are into drinking coffee. It is indeed a common habit for French people to start their day with a cup of coffee. To conclude, stereotypes might not always be true. We need to live in a culture long enough in order to distinguish which ones are stereotypes, and which ones are cultural values or habits. Th.2- The Space Race The Space Race was a competition during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, also known as the USSR. They were competing to be the first to conquer space. First, in 1955, the USA and the USSR both announced the launching of satellites into orbit and the Soviets succeeded first when they launched Sputnik I on October 4th, 1957. 4 months later, the Americans put their first satellite called Explorer I into orbit. Then in April 1961, the Soviets became the first to send a person named Yuri Gargarin into space and 3 weeks later Alan Shepard was the first American to travel in space. But Americans preceded the Soviets with John Glenn becoming the first to Orbit Earth in February 1962. After that, Russian woman Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman ever to travel in space on June 16th 1963. Finally, President John F. Kennedy announced that the Americans will be the first to land on the Moon before 1970, and he was right, because on July 16th 1969, Apollo 11 lifted off and four days later, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were the first to walk on the Moon. To conclude, the USA and the Soviet Union were fighting over the quest to the Moon and space. The Soviet succeeded first in many areas but eventually the United States won the Space Race in 1969. Th.3- The Biography of a Civil Right Leader Many people know Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks, they played an important role in the Civil Right Movement. But today I’m going to tell you the life of another great Civil Right Leader that you might not know: Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman was born in the early 1820’s, as a slave in Dorchester County, Maryland, as Araminta Ross. She changed her name when she married John Tubman, a free black man, in 1844. But to her people Harriet Tubman remains their « Moses ». She has no formal education because she was a slave. She escaped slavery in 1849 with her two brothers, her husband didn’t come to help her and abandoned her. During the Civil War, she was a nurse and a spy by communicating helpful information to the Union. She is considered the first black woman in the military. She was also a « conductor » on the Underground Railroad, a collection of houses and safe places for slaves. She helped dozens of slaves escape from the South, was never caught and never lost a passenger. Slaveowners were even offered 40,000$ for her capture or death. Harriet contributed a lot to the Civil Right Movement by freeing many slaves and helping the Union Army. To conclude, Harriet Tubman was a very courageous, remarkable and incredible woman who put her life in danger to save many lives. Th.4- A Movie Review of Hidden Figures Hidden Figures is a movie and a book based on a true story. It is a film about 3 protagonists: Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson and Katherine Johnson. They were 3 black women who studied mathematics in college. They were very good at arithmetic. They worked as teachers and also “computers” for the NACA which would later become NASA. The movie takes place during the Space Race, a competition between the Soviets and the Americans to conquer space first. In the movie, we can see 3 different fights that the characters had to lead. First, Dorothy Vaughan, did all the work of a supervisor in the West Camp underpaid so she was upset. Later, she was interested by the IBM mainframe machine being built in the tech wing. NASA noticed Dorothy on the IBM and wanted to reassigned her to programming the IBM for John Glenn’s trajectory. But Dorothy required one thing: she demanded that all of the West Computing ladies, the computers, go with her. At the end, she was the new IBM supervisor. Next, Mary Jackson was assigned to work with engineers on the capsule in the beginning of the movie but she was told by her boss that she was not qualified for the engineering program because she needed advanced extension courses from the University of Virginia. To solve this problem, she petitioned the court and plays on the judge’s desire to be the « first » to attend classes at an all-white school and she succeeded. Then, Katherine Johnson integrated a different section to calculate John Glenn’s safe return and more. She got called out for being away from her desk too long because she was running across the campus to use the coloured lady restrooms. Mr. Harrison, Katherine’s boss, removed the segregated facilities in response to the knowledge that NASA has separate bathrooms and coffee pots for black people. To conclude, the movie shed lights on issues that the Black Community faced, including work place discrimination and the experience of having accomplishments diminished in favour of their white counterparts. We can also learn that with determination we can do whatever we want, we just have to be determined to not give up. Dorothy, Mary and Katherine are great examples to look up to. Th.5- All about Australia First, Australia is the 6th biggest country in the world but can also be considered the smallest continent. Australia is in the Southern hemisphere. It’s a big island so it doesn’t have any borders with the other countries and it has a lot of coasts too. It has a big desert in the middle outback. A lot of people live in Sydney and Melbourne but those cities are not the capitals. It’s in fact Canberra. Furthermore, Australia is a former British colony, colonized by James Cook. Indigenous Australians used to live there before and they still do. Natural resources, like gold, made the country wealthy. Plus, Australia is a member of the Commonwealth. There are many landmarks and monuments in Australia like Uluru or Ayers Rock, Waterfalls or The Big Banana, Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harber Bridge, The Big Pawn and The Big Pineapple. Next, Australia has a population of approximatively 22 million, it’s a cosmopolitan country, there are a lot of immigrants. The weather is good, it’s always sunny and often hot. The seasons are reversed from what we have in France. Then, Australian are sporty and have a lot of hobbies. They are into surfing, soap car racing, boomerang, hosting pool parties, doing a slip and slide, having water gun pistol fights. They are also keen on cricket, football, track, netball and rugby with Aussie rules. 80% of Australian plants and animals are typical from Australia and they cannot be found anywhere else in the world, including the kangaroos, koalas, echidnas, dings, platypuses and other exotic animals. Australian eat vegemite, spread made of brewer’s yeast, barbecued sausage, Lamington cake, a coconut cake and a lot of ice scream. They drink plenty of beers as well. There are also many celebrities from Australia that you might know. The most famous for me are Chris Hemsworth, Margot Robbie and Hugh Jackman. To conclude, it seems that Australia is an amazing country with such interesting things to discover and activities to do. Now I want to visit Australia and I hope that my presentation convinces you to go to Australia too so that you can learn a bit more about this country.
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