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HAEMOGLOBIN (HB) 10.2 gm/dl 13.00-17.00 Non-
TOTAL LEUCOCYTE COUNT (TLC) 8,450 cell/cmm 4000-10000 Flow cytometry
DLC (by Flow cytometry/Microscopy)
NEUTROPHIL 50.6 % 40-75
LYMPHOCYTE 38.4 % 20-40
EOSINOPHIL 2.0 % 01-07
MONOCYTE 8.7 % 2-10
BASOPHIL 0.3 % 00-02
ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHIL COUNT 4.28 x10^3 Cells/uL 1.5-7.8 Automated Calculated
ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTE COUNT 3.24 x10^3 Cells/uL 2.0-3.9 Automated Calculated
ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHIL COUNT 0.17 x10^3 Cells/uL 0.2-0.5 Automated Calculated
ABSOLUTE MONOCYTE COUNT 0.74 x10^3 Cells/uL 0.2-0.95 Automated Calculated
ABSOLUTE BASOPHIL COUNT 0.03 x10^3 Cells/uL 0.02-0.2 Automated Calculated
RBC COUNT(RED BLOOD CELL COUNT) 4.10 million/cmm 4.50-5.50 Optical Flowcytometry
PCV/HAEMATOCRIT 29.8 % 40-50 RBC pulse height
MCV 72.6 fL 80-100 Automated/Calculated
MCH 23.3 pg 27-32 Automated/Calculated
MCHC 32.1 g/dl 32-36 Automated/Calculated
RDW-CV 17.4 % 11.5-14.5 Automated/Calculated
RDW-SD 42.9 fL 39-46 Calculated
PLATELET COUNT 3.65 lac/mm3 1.50 - 4.50 Optical Flowcytometry
PDW 16.1 fL 8.30-25.00 Calculated
MPV 10.6 fL 8.60-15.50 Calculated
PCT 0.318 % 0.15-0.62
ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE 22 mm/1st hr 1-15 Westergren
A complete blood count (CBC) provides vital insights into the types and quantities of cells circulating in the bloodstream,
particularly red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It aids in assessing symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, or bruising,
and is instrumental in diagnosing various conditions such as anemia, infection, and numerous other disorders.
Hemoglobin (Hb)
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Visit ID : MITD80490 Registration : 20/Sep/2024 06:37PM
UHID/MR No : AITD.0000080396 Collected : 20/Sep/2024 06:40PM
Patient Name : MS.NEHA YADAV Received : 20/Sep/2024 06:44PM
Age/Gender : 21 Y 0 M 0 D /F Reported : 20/Sep/2024 09:07PM
Ref Doctor : Dr.CAMP Status : Final Report
Client Name : BIOCITY HEALTH CARE Client Code : 78
Client Add : DELHI Barcode No : 10218234
Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method
Hemoglobin, found within red blood cells, functions to transport oxygen and lends the characteristic red color to blood cells. The
hemoglobin test quantifies the level of hemoglobin in the blood, serving as an effective gauge of the blood's oxygen-carrying
capacity throughout the body.
Conditions associated with elevated ESR include acute inflammatory processes, acute and chronic infections, tissue damage
(necrosis), rheumatoid arthritis, collagen diseases, malignancies, stress, pregnancy, and more.
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